The Blonde Tides

By MoonDog87

4.5K 155 23

Please read. It just came to me. More

Welcome Home Son.
First day at the Academy
Uchiha Massacure
Genin exam

Day One of MY New Life

990 37 4
By MoonDog87

Naruto woke up on his couch. He went up and showered in his new shower. Went and found his room. He found a note on the door.


I put your room together myself. I hope you like it. Love you.


Naruto opened the door and found a room that looked like a swamp. It was beautiful. It had toads everywhere. Naruto ran in and picked up one toad.

There were toys everywhere. His bed was a giant lillypad. It was custom made futon. Naruto laughed.

"I got toys. I've never toys before. And no one can tell me no." said Naruto smiling as he hugged the orange toad, "I love my room daddy thank you so much for it."

Naruto checked the closet and found it full of clothes. He got dressed and saw a scroll. He opened it


The outfit in here is for your first day of Ninja Academy. So don't open it till then ok.


He put it back and said, "Ok Mommy."

He went looking around after he brushed his teeth and hair. He bound his hair in a tail.

He went down the stairs and went to a set of double doors and took the note off.


This is the library. There are Justus that i created or your mom did. Some we've collected from wars we fought, or people we've killed. For right now little man stay to the sections with blue bindings or ribbons. There will be further instructions inside on the desk.

If its warm weather and what i mean is if there is grass outside open the green wax seal. If its winter open the white one alright. They have different instructions for you.


Naruto smiled and decided to check the rest of the house first. He found the kitchen and picked up the paper.


This seal goes to the grocery store. Just write a list and everything else will be done. Just put it on the seal and put a little chakra into it. It will send it to the child seal in the store and they will send a storage scroll. Unseal the food bags and write a note and send it back. Tell them thank you for keeping their promise to your father and tell them keeping the scroll would be stealing.


Naruto wrote up a list and sent it. In the shop a young man was shocked and said, "Grandpa!"

"What?" said a man in back

The customers were listening and the young man said, "Um what is the seal near the register for?"

"Don't worry bout it." said the man

"I asked cause its active." said the man

They heard crashing and the man came out. He was a short balding man. He grabbed the paper and said, "Oh my word. I never thought I'd live to see the day this seal was activated."

"Why grandfather? What is it?" said the young man

"The seal is the child seal to the parent seal sitting in the Namikaze compound." said the man, "Yondaime-sama's child is home. Hurry fill the order. I'll show you what to do with it."

People were shocked and were even more though they were happy. When the man had everything he said, "Thats it Grandfather."

The elder man rang everything up and said, "You fill the order. Ring it up. And print out two receipts. One receipt you staple to the bag. And you seal everything in a storage scroll. You place the scroll on the seal and it is sent to the house. The second is stapled to the payment sheet. Those ones are the red box. That box is only theres as they only have their account number on them."

He filled it out and then said, "These ones aren't sent to the bank like the others. These ones go on the seal here and are sent to the Clan bank run by the Hyúga clan."

Hiashi wasn't shocked when a payment request came in. He was used to it. He took it and went through everything. He found the account and spit his tea across the room.

The others stared and he said, "Get Sarutobi now!"

When he came in he said, "What is wrong Hiashi?"

"Maelstrom is home." said Hiashi

Hiruzen froze wide eyed and said, "Your sure?"

"Grocery reciet for his clan account." said Hiashi, "He's home sir. And he just got there."

Hiruzen said, "Alright I'll go check on him. And make sure it really is him. I'll send one of my men back so you can approve that."

"Very well sir." said Hiashi leaving it in the book so he could find it.

Hiruzen went to the house and said, "Wait out here. I am sorry but i don't want it getting out if it is him."

"Its alright sir." said the Anbu together

When he went into the house the security seals went off. Naruto freaked and ran out. He grabbed the note that appeared on the wall.

He said, "Jus drein jus daun."

The security system shut down. And Naruto saw him and went wide eyed. Hiruzen was shocked and it showed. Naruto took off running. Hiruzen was confused. Naruto fell as he rounded a corner. He hit the back stairs as Hiruzen ran up the main set. He was there at yhe same time as Naruto. Naruto was breathing fast and looked terrified.

Before Hiruzen could say anything Naruto ran for the room. He slid in and shut the door. He went to the bed and was sitting against the bed. He grabbed the cloak off it and was hugging it.


Hiruzen felt his heart breaking and said, "I know it's yours Naruto. It's not an issue. I promise I'm not angry and your not in trouble."

Naruto sniffled and hugged his dad's jacket tightly. And said, "I'm not in trouble?"

"Of course not. Why would you be? I knew you were their child. My wife delivered you buddy." said Hiruzen

Naruto sent a clone to the door. When it unlocked it the clone dispersed. Hiruzen opened it and saw Naruto sitting against the bed in tears clutching Minato's cloak for dear life.

Hiruzen crouched down and said, "May i come in Naruto-kun?"

Naruto merely moved back and Hiruzen merely lowered himself to the ground near the door. And he said, "I'll stay here ok. Now may i ask why you ran away?"

"Cause your the hokage. And i was always told if you ever saw me you would kill me." said Naruto his voice breaking.

Hiruzen said, "Who told you that?"

"The caretakers at the orphanage and the masked nin that were always there." said Naruto

"Which masks Naruto?" said Hiruzen

"All of em. The dog masked man was the only one who never said it. And always got angry when It was said." said Naruto sniffling

"I wouldn't do that ever Naruto. Ok. I care about you as much as i do my sons and my soon to be grandson." said Hiruzen smiling, "You can even call me Grandpa if you wanted to."

Naruto sniffled and got up. He went over to him and put his head in his neck. Hiruzen hugged him and said, "Its alright Naruto. I'm sorry i scared you."

Naruto sniffled and said, "Its ok ."

Hiruzen moved him and said, "Naruto i wanna take you to see a medi-nin ok. Promise they'll be very nice."

Naruto said, "Kay..." he looked down and worried his lip, "Can i take dad with me?"

Hiruzen felt bad for him and said, "Yes but lets see if we can find something of his that others won't recognize. His name carries a large bounty on it ok. If the wrong person found out about you being his son it could get you hurt ok."

Naruto nodded and he looked through Minato's clothes and found a sweater he knew the man adored and pulled it out. He went over and said, "Here this was your daddy's favorite sweater ok."

Naruto traded him and hugged it tightly. Hiruzen put the cloak down and went over and helped Naruto put it on.

They went down and they got hi dressed tightly. He lifted the small child. And they left.

They went to the Hospital and he had his own clan's doctor see to him. He said, "I need a full physical done on him. And i want a full account of any abuse you find. He was at the orphanage the last three years and wasn't taken care of at all."

"How bad are we talking sir?" said the medic

"He's extremely emaciated. I bet if it weren't for his special circumstance he would've starved to death." said Hiruzen, "He looks like a skeleton Ling. So i need you to be extremely through."

"Yes sir." said Ling

He went in and said, "Hello kiddo. I'm Ling Nago."

Naruto merely kept quiet and hugged his dad's sweater tighter. Ling smiled as he looked up and damn near dropped his chart. Naruto whimpered and went to move only to feel the edge of the bed.

"Its alright Naruto-kun. I was informed of how you looked right now but i didn't think it was this bad. Its alright ok. And i am so sorry it got this bad." said Ling as he moved his chair closer, "Its alright ok. Here let me see your hand. I'll show you what I'm gonna do ok."

Naruto did and Ling Used his medical chakra and said, "See it doesn't hurt right?"

"Right." said naruto quietly.

"Ok Naruto-kun i need you to be in your underwear ok. It'll make it easier for me to examin you ok." said Ling

Naruto held tighter to the sweater and Ling smiled and said, "Whose sweater is this huh? Its awfully big to ve yours."

"My daddy's." said Naruto quiely

Ling said, "How bout when we get you un dressed we put it around your shoulders and buttong the top button so it don't fall off but so i can still examin you properly."

Naruto nodded and so that was what they did. Minato's sweater was used as a cloak instead. Once done with the examination Ling had him down to nothing and had checked him out. Then helped him get dressed again.

He left and Hiruzen saw him go into another room and they heard something crash. Hiruzen stopped them from going in knowing the man was pissed off.

When he came out Hiruzen said, "Worse than it looked?"

Ling handed him the file and said, "Sorry Hiruzen if i say this out loud i may go off on someone. And if i do that sir i can guarentee you someone will end up dead."

Hiruzen took the file And read it. As he read it they could all tell he was getting pissed off. When he was done he said, "Get Hound now."

When he came in he said, "Sir?"

Hiruzen handed him the file and Hound took it and read it and said, "Where is he?"

Hiruzen merely pointed and said, "You don't even have to ask Hound. You have permission to do with them what you want to."

All those who heard wondered why. When Hound gave the file back he went to the room.

Naruto looked up at the door when it opened and he broke into a huge smile and exclaimed, "PUPPY-NISSAN!"

Hound set his jaw and held up one finger before disappearing in a lightening shunshin. It was how you knew he was pissed.

When Hound came back his arm and uniform was covered in blood. Hell his masm was splattered with it. One Anbu wearing a sparrow mask said, "Captain did you dispose of the bodies?"

"The kid's won't find em. But i can't say the same about the rest of the village." said Hound

Hiruzen knew what that meant and said, "Leave em till their found tomorrow. Then clean em up."

"Yes sir." said the assembled Anbu.

Hound merely removed his uniform and was shirtless when he walked in front of the room.

Naruto looked at him and saw the bloody hand and mask and instead of being scared of him they saw Naruto run out of the room. He went right to him. Hound crouched down and Naruto ran right to him. People saw him and were horrified. Yeah they thought he was a demon but even they were disgusted by what happened to him.

Naruto wrapped his arms around his neck and Hound hugged him back tightly. He moved and touched his face and said, "No worries Koinu i made sure they paid for everything." he made sure Naruto alone heard him, "If you tell me who else touched you i will rip them to pieces personally."

Naruto knew two of them were in the room and flashed three signs and Hound snarled and went after them. Hound got them both and had as promised torn them apart. Hiruzen knew how the young man's mind worked. And knew those two did something to Naruto.

When Hound came back to Naruto they were shocked when Hound lifted him and Naruto put his little hands on either side of his masked face and giggled.

Hound smiled under his mask and sniffed him and growled in a soothing manner.

Naruto smiled and held up his sweatered hand and said, "Daddy."

Hound moved his mask just enough and had pulled his second down. They saw him lick Naruto's cheek. Everyone thought it was an Inuzuka now by that.

Naruto giggled and leaned around him and rubbed his face under his head against his chin. He purred as he nuzzled his neck.

He sounded like a cat actually. One Anbu with a bear mask said, "Sounds like Kushina-chan."

Naruto smiled and Hound said, "Home?"

Hiruzen said, "Yeah Hound. Take him home."

Hound left in a swirl of snow shocking them. And Hiruzen said,"Wow."

"Was that a new Shunshin for the Captain sir?" said Bear

"No Hound is lightening and fire." said Hiruzen, "He can use other elements but not sub elements. Naruto performed that Shunshin."

"Who taught him?" said Bear shocked

"I think he either learned it from a scroll or he reverse engineered it." said Hiruzen shocked, "That means his main two affinities are wind and water. He has ice."

They were shocked and Naruto laughed and said, "I made it snow Nissan."

"I saw that." said Hound smiling

Naruto pulled his hand and they went down to another room once upstairs. Naruto took the note off,


This room is your brother Kakashi's room. He was my student and i loved him very much.

If he's here or you see him tell him i love him and that i am sorry i left him. I didn't mean to anymore than i did you. Tell him that like your room i had this one done myself.


"Kashi-nii this is your room. Daddy says he loves you and he's sorry he left you. Said he made it himself just for you like he did my room." said Naruto looking at him.

Hound pulled his mask off and said, "Figured it had to be me huh?"

"None of the other Anbu call me that or are nice to me. And the nice medic Rin-nee she said you were her genin teammate and you two were taught by my daddy. So who else would you be if daddy said you were his student." said Naruto

Kakashi chuckled and said, "Very true. Lets see what dad left huh?"

They opened the door and Kakashi was shocked. The room looked like a cave system. The bed was a futon but it looked like it was covered in fur. The blankets were fur even. His floor was like a dirt floor with bones lying around. There were beds for his pack too. He actually started crying and Naruto hugged him.

That night Kakashi slept in his room on his fur bed. Naruto in his lillypad. And the pack in their beds. Both boys were home where they belonged all along.

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