Graciously Ginny (Letters Of...


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***COMPLETED*** "I need to talk to you." she said in a small voice shutting the door behind her. Her hair fel... Еще

Prologue- Photo of Ginny
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three- Photo of Thomas
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty- Epilogue

Chapter Eight

10.9K 567 22

Dedicated too @ArabellaFaircloth for her kind words!! Also the side banner on the side, is made by me

Graciously Ginny

Chapter Eight


Thomas sighed as he leaned back in his chair; he was being a coward hiding from his own wife in town. He stood pushing away from his office desk and made his way to the window that overlooked the small main street when he saw her.

Ginny- she looked even more beautiful than when he'd seen her last, He hair fell from her bun in ringlets around her face as she stopped suddenly to let Wilhelmina on her back carrying her in a piggyback fashion across the road and onto the boardwalk. She laughed whole-heartily at something her cousin said as he joined her with Lorelei on his shoulders.

He watched wishing it was him making her laugh, wishing it was him bonding with his daughters. He watched as they walked passed and went towards the mercantile.

He followed almost mindlessly feeling the need to see her, to talk to her even if she got angry at him, he didn't care. He didn't even grab his coat or tie on his way out.

He got to the store just in time. To see Mrs. Roberts corner Ginny. He frowned as he stepped closer to hear what she was saying.

"No hold on just a minute Lady-"Gideon said but was cut off by Mrs. Roberts.

"This is my store and I have the right choose whom I serve and I will not serve harlots like her-"

Thomas stepped forward at that "Mrs. Roberts" he said in a booming voice "Surely you aren't speaking ill of my Wife Virginia Clayton here and in front of our daughters no less."

"Your wife?" Mrs. Roberts asked with wide eyes "But she is the governess, Mrs. Williams said that Ginny- "

"Never mind what Mrs. Williams said! Mrs. Clayton is my wife meaning she is now co-owner of this establishment, you will not address her so rudely nor so informally again or we might have to seek others to run this store, maybe others who are far more professional and don't listen to town gossip..."

Mrs. Roberts turned bright red as she looked from Ginny to Gideon to Thomas.

"I am terribly sorry Mrs. Clayton... I've got to go." she said before leaving them, she ran in the direction of her personal courters.

"Thomas you didn't have too-"

"Of course I had too, you're my wife now Ginny I will not allow anyone to be rude to you."

Gideon smiled brightly and held out a hand "You have officially earned my respect Mr. Clayton."

Thomas smiled and shook his hand. Ginny crossed her arms almost in protest, honestly was there no pleasing this woman?

"Thank you" She said "But I can take care of myself."

Thomas nodded "I have no doubt about that Ginny, but the point is now you don't have too."

~~ ~

Ginny looked up into Thomas's dark brown eyes, she liked how he stood up for her but she didn't need to rely on someone else, she couldn't not after what happened with Fergus. She couldn't let herself go through the heartbreak again, especially not with someone like Thomas. He was unreliable and a complete workaholic who didn't spend time with his daughters.

Not to mention he enjoyed spending his nights in the saloons doing God knows what.

"Um..." Gideon said uncomfortable "Why don't we go look at the candy girls?" He ushered Wilhelmina and Lorelei away before they could even reply.

"Are you angry?" Thomas asked looking at her like he'd never looked at her before, his eyes were warm, and he had a smile curving his lips ever so slightly.

"Are you finding joy in my anger?" Ginny asked crossing her arms even though she wasn't angry with him, she was more angry with herself.

"Maybe" He said lowering his voice for only her ears "You're quiet becoming when you're angry."

Ginny could feel the heat rise to her cheeks, had he just complimented her?

"Mr. Clayton that was awfully forward of you..." She said still stunned. His smile grew and he started to laugh causing her to blush to deepen "What's so funny?" she asked.

"Nothing, I apologize for being so forward Mrs. Clayton." He said with a teasing smile. She knew it was a humorous situation, they were husband and wife and yet she was accusing him of being forward.

Ginny simply nodded not knowing exactly what to say the way he looked at her made her heart do flip-flops.

"Shall we join the others? Perhaps we could get lunch at the restaurant?" Thomas suggested offering her his arm.

She accepted arching her left eye brow in question.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"Why the sudden change? Don't you have work to do?" She questioned

"Weren't you the one who told me to spend time with the girls?"

"Well yes but- "

"I am only doing what you wanted me to." Thomas said still smiling, was he teasing her? She didn't know why but she liked this new side of him. She stopped in her tracts at that she couldn't like him, she wouldn't. She was only married to him for the girls.

"Ginny are you alright?" He questioned.

"Y-Yes I'm fine... I just remembered I need to-to help Agda, why don't you and Gideon take the girls to lunch?"

"Would you like us to take you home?"

"No I can walk, the fresh air will do me well." Ginny said placing a kiss on his cheek before doing the same to the girls and Gideon "You have fun though, and Wilhelmina, Lorelei I expect you both to be on your best behavior for your papa and Uncle Gideon."

"Yes Mama." Wilhelmina spoke for the both of them. Ginny smiled and waved goodbye as she left. She needed to keep a better guard on her heart and her emotions.

~~ ~~

Thomas watched Ginny leave, feeling disappointed she wouldn't have lunch with them. Lorelei held her arm up to him like she had when she was younger to be carried; at least his daughters seemed to be warming up to him once more. He picked up Lorelei while Gideon gave Wilhelmina a piggyback ride and they made their way to the small Café.

"Did Ginny seem upset to you?" Thomas asked her cousin hoping the man had insight into Ginny's mind.

"I'm sure she just wanted you to spend time with your daughters alone... to give them that one on one time. She talks about it often actually."

"About me?" Thomas asked only to receive a laugh from Gideon in return.

"I get it, you like her" He said "But you might want to tread lightly, she's been through a lot lately... she lost her own father three years ago. And then Fergus. I don't think she ever fully let herself grieve for either of them."

"Maybe I'm the one to help her because I've been through a similar loss."

"Maybe" Gideon said with a nod "just give her time."

Thomas nodded slowly Gideon was right but was he ready for such a commitment? He was a father and a husband but the thought of letting himself be close enough to be hurt scared more than anything. What if he lost Ginny? What if he lost Wilhelmina and Lorelei? How would he go on?

He didn't think he could, losing Elsie had been hard enough he had honestly thought he would die from the heart break off it all. And even his daughters were heart broken, Lorelei didn't talk, and Wilhelmina had acted out, before Ginny walked into their life that is. From what he heard as soon as Ginny arrived both girls behaved as angels, which was quite contrary to how they had behaved for Signilda.

Although Signilda didn't have a way with children like Ginny did.

"I think you're right Gideon." He said finally. It was worth a try she was after all his wife, and he couldn't deny his growing attraction for her. She was different than anyone he'd ever met in his life, she was quiet and shy but she was also strong and courageous when she needed to be.

He sighed, he didn't deserve her and he doubted he ever would.

~~ ~~

Ginny leaned against her bedroom door letting her tears fall as she slid down to the floor and wrapped her arms around her knees leaning her head against the door behind her.

She felt like the worst person in the world, how could she have done this to Fergus? He loved her until his last breath, and she vowed to do the same.

But she hadn't, she was forgetting what he looked like and how he sounded when he laughed or talked, she was forgetting the feeling of being in his arms, the way he smelled. She was forgetting him, and she had married another.

What would her Ma think when they got her letter? Would she be as disappointed in her as she was in herself?

She looked at her emerald engagement remembering when he had proposed to her "Virginia," he had said "You are unlike any woman I've ever met and I would die the happiest man in the world if I got to share my life with you. Will you please marry me?"

She naturally shouted 'yes' before jumping into his strong arms, she remembered the happiness and joy she felt in that moment, she felt as though God himself had created Fergus for her and her alone so why had he claimed him before they even got to say 'I do'?

She looked down at her dress it was a light purple she had been wearing a black band of fabric around her forearm to show her mourning, but after six months she still felt as though she should wear all black. She let herself cry feeling the pain of loss all over again.

Would she ever get over this? Would her heart ever stop breaking? She feared the answer would always be no. She had no idea how long she had been crying but the tears never slowed and the pain never stopped.

"I'm so sorry Fergus" She cried "You deserved so much better than Me."

"Ginny," she jumped when she heard a deep voice outside her bedroom door "Ginny its Thomas may I come in?"

She got up and quickly wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her dress she fixed her hair slightly hoping he wouldn't be able to tell she had been crying.

"What are you doing back so soon?" she asked as she opened the door, his deep brown eyes held sympathy in them as he looked at her.

"We were gone for a good hour and a half" He said stepping into her room, he shut the door behind him and looked at her again "I want you to know that what you said was wrong."

Ginny frowned not knowing what he was talking about "What do you mean?"

"You said that Fergus deserved better than you, that's not true Ginny. Fergus was a very lucky man to hold your heart." He said sincerely, his eyes bore into hers and she swore he could see into her soul.

She cried despite herself, her emotions once again getting the better of her. Thomas stepped closer to her pulling her into his arms and rubbing her back in a soothing motion.

"I want you to know that you don't have to go through this alone. Losing someone is the worst thing anyone could possibly go through and I know exactly how you feel... I know I may not be the ideal man to go to for comfort, but I am your husband and I'd like to think I could help."

Ginny nodded into his chest "Thank you Thomas." She said quietly, thankful she could lean on him if only for a few minutes. She snuggled closer needing to feel a sense of closeness when she had been feeling so very lonely. He smelt like fancy soap and new clothing, she was glad he didn't smell like whiskey like he had before.

She wiped at her tears once more before backing away from Thomas.

"Thank you" she said sincerely, before changing the subject "Where are the girls?"

"Taking a nap... Gideon left to check on leaving arrangements."

Her face fell as she heard that, of course he'd want to go be with Ariel, she had hogged enough of his time as it was but none of that helped her feel any less sad that one of her favorite cousins would soon be gone and she'd once again feel alone.

She couldn't count on Thomas, though it was a kind offer she knew that he was always too busy with work and she wouldn't steal any of his time from his daughters whom he barely spent time with as it was.

No she just needed to be stronger. She sent a prayer heavenward for strength.

"I'd like to spend more time with him before he leaves... would you watch the girls Thomas?" she asked looking up at him as she used to do with her parents when she wanted something, her mother had called it 'Puppy-dog eyes' but it never failed her before and she hoped it still wouldn't.

"Alright" he said "I suppose I can take the day off."

She was sure her mouth hung open "Are you capable of doing so?"

He smiled showing deep dimples on either side of his cheeks "Of course I Am." He said confidently.

She smiled back at him before leaving in search of Gideon.

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