Discovery - Larry/Ziam/Nosh m...

Par bandhoez9194

16.4K 351 81

One Direction. World famous boy band, idols to thousands of boys and girls across the world. Theyre making it... Plus

Warnings etc + thank you!!
*Telling the fathers*
A day of You and I.
story time and some terrible smut
*Ziam and Nosh time*
*A meeting and more*
*Interview Time!*
*Check Up Time!*
*Summer Solstice and a Surprise*
*A lover's spat*
*kidnapped and a better outcome*
*coming home*
*Drama. Plain Drama.*
*Well, Shit*
5SOS Are Here!!
A Couple Surprises and A Battle
Everything Resolved
Family Time
The (Almost) End pt. 1
The (Almost) End pt. 2
Character Ask
Ziam Wedding
Larry Wedding

Nosh Wedding

143 4 0
Par bandhoez9194

A/N: Well, here's the first special chapter. Nosh are getting married first cos that's what I feel like doing. And they got engaged first so, it makes sense lol. Anyway, hope you all like this, and enjoy!


Niall's POV
"Nialler, calm down love, everything will be okay," Mum said soothingly, her Irish accent still strong. I bit my lip, looking up nervously. It was the morning of my wedding day, December 14th, 2014. The day Josh and I first met three years ago.

"What if Josh changes his mind? What if he decides I'm not good enough for him, or that he doesn't want to be with a guy? What if he-" I fretted and she covered my mouth softly.

"None of that will happen because I've seen the way he looks at you darling. You and the twins are the most important things in his life, there is no way he will ever leave you. I bet you right now he's freaking out right now thinking the exact things you're thinking," she said matter-of-factly and I smiled amused, thinking of his panicked expression.

"Yeah, okay," I said, starting to wind down. I took a deep breath and looked into the mirror, trying to calm down. I was already in my tux, a simple yet elegant gold and white one with a baby blue handkerchief in the pocket. I had my father's silver bracelet clasped around my wrist, my great- granddad's pocket watch in my pants pocket.

Greg moved behind me, an encouraging, proud smile on his face. "My baby brother is getting married today," he said proudly and I flushed. I turned to look at him and smiled nervously. I kept fidgeting and he set his hands on my shoulders.

"You're going to be amazing out there. I understand the feeling, same thing happened when I married Denise. But I got through, because I was marrying the love of my life. Today, you're marrying yours. You and Josh are going to last a lifetime, maybe more. Relax, Ni," he said supportively and I smiled, my shoulders relaxing.

"Thanks Greg, for everything," I said softly and he hugged me tightly. "Of course baby brother. Now, we have about 30 minutes before you're walking down the isle. Why did you want a morning wedding?" he asked and I shrugged.

"All my favourite conversations are made in the a.m. It's where Josh and I always felt the closest, when we could talk about everything and nothing. I just like the morning," I said, smiling faintly. Greg nodded, looking thoughtful.

"It's also the time of Air, so that makes sense," Louis's voice said, startling me. I looked over at him, seeing him dressed nicely in his tux holding the 6 month old Aaron in his arms, also dressed in a cute little tux.

The baby was squirming, wanting to be set down. He had just started to stand, bouncing in place occasionally. Alex and Anna just started to walk, being about 7 months old, about 2 weeks ago. Ana walked first, and whilst Josh would deny it, he got extremely teary eyed as she took her first shaky steps toward him, falling on his feet. Alex walked three days later, walking to me. I won't deny it, I cried.

"Guess that does make sense. Is everything ready?" I asked, my nerves coming back. Louis smiled, setting the baby on the floor and letting him crawl to Mum.

"Everything is perfectly fine, everyone is in place, and you're walking in about 20 minutes. Josh is as anxious as you, pacing back and forth. It wasn't until Harry brought in Alex and Anna that he finally let people talk to him and calm him down," he said amused and I giggled lightly.

"Guess what. In 15 minutes when you're walking down that aisle, everything going through your mind will be gone. Insignificant. And in 2 months when it's my turn to walk down that aisle, you'll be telling me the exact same speech, and I won't believe a damn word," he said off handedly and I laughed for real.

"Probably," I replied happily, feeling better. He grinned and slapped a hand onto my shoulder. "Ni, its time," Mum said, walking over with Aaron held securely on her hip. My nerves made a reappearance as Louis smiled, taking his son into his arms.

"You're going to be fine, Niall. Don't worry," he said softly, pressing a brotherly kiss to my forehead before leaving the room. Don't worry, don't worry, yeah, that'll work brilliantly.

Greg smiled, giving me a quick one armed side hug before leaving to find Denise. As my best man, he would be walking right before Josh and I. Anna would walk with Daisy and Pheobe being the flower girl and right after Fizzy would walk with Alex, him being the ring bearer. Then Oli Green, Josh's best man, would walk with his girlfriend and then Greg and Denise, then Josh and Ben, since his parents didn't want to come, then Mum and I.

We were having a Wiccan handfasting, in the courtyard of the church Greg got married in. We spoke with the pastor there and he agreed, saying he respected all religions and all types of love. We had a High Priest and a High Priestess ready, a circle cast, and the ceremony all planned out.

Mum walked in front of me, smiling softly. "My baby boy is getting married today," she whispered, tears filling her eyes. I smiled softly. "Mama, don't cry you're going to make me cry," I said and she nodded, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"I love you baby, okay?" she said and I smiled, kissing her back. "I love you too Mum," I said and she smiled. "Lets go darling," she said and I smiled, taking her offered arm and following her to the hallway.

I heard the music start and bit my lip. This was actually happening, I was marrying the man I had been in love with since the first time I saw him two years ago. We have two beautiful children. We have some of the best friends in the world. This was actually happening.

I was going to pass out.

"Mama, what if he's not there?" I asked worriedly and she smiled. "He's there Niall. Watch. You'll be fine," she said and I nodded. My cue came and I took a breath, holding tighter to Mum's arm.

I walked slowly with Mum, barely able to feel my legs. Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit. I trembled lightly and right before I walked out the door, Mum pulled me to a stop and made me look down at her.

"Baby, just breathe. Concentrate on something that'll take your mind off of the nerves," she said and an image of Josh two weeks ago came to mind, when he had fallen asleep on the couch with Alex and Anna curled up against him, also asleep.

I relaxed and smiled, feeling better already. She smiled and took my arm again, moving to the beat of the music as she led me down the hallway to the main room. We stopped in front of the thick curtain, waiting for the music to change before I walked.

I licked my lips and tightened my grip on Mum's arm again. Fuck I was nervous. The music changed and I nodded to myself, starting to move forward. It was time.

We stepped past the curtain, the many colours of the flowers we had chosen around us. There were bright red Arbutuses, symbolising "thee only do I love". Yellow daffodils symbolising unrequited love, or "The sun is always shining when I'm with you." Josh picked that one.

There were baby blue forget-me-nots which showed true love, memories. Which we had many. Deep purple myrtles, indicating the Hebrew emblem of marriage.

And finally the primrose. Pink and white ones, one in each bouquet of flowers on every table. Symbolising I can't live without you.

Josh and I each had a unique flower in our pockets, each symbolising something we care about for the other. Josh chose a yellow tulip for me, meaning "sunshine in your smile", saying I was his sunshine, the brightest part of his day.

For him, I chose a scarlet Zinnia. It meant simply constancy. So much change, so much leaving, so much craziness. He was my rock. My one steady point in my life. My one constant.

Everything in the room registered, but I barely noticed it as my eyes met his across the room, hazel eyes bright and happy, seeming to relax as he watched me walk to him. I smiled, my hold on Mum's arm relaxing. Guess Louis was right.

We walked with the beat, my cheeks flushing as I realised everyone was watching us, Alex and Anna being held by Denise and Ed Sheeran. My eyes looked down but immediately went back up to look at Josh.

We reached the bottom of the stairs before the altar. Mum stopped, pulling me down to kiss both my cheeks, smiling lightly. She reached out and took Josh's hand, resting mine in his. "Good luck baby," she said and went to sit next to Dad.

Josh smiled, bowing lightly and kissing my knuckles. He led me up to the altar and the High Priest and Priestess, stopping in our places. They both came to us, the Priestess in front of me, Priest with Josh. Usually the Priestess would be in front of the girl, but since I was the one proposed to, she was in front of me.

The two turned to us and raised their heads. The Priest said loudly and confidently, "Niall Horan and Josh Devine, do you, with your friends and family as witness, present yourselves willingly and of your own accord, to be joined in marriage?"

I said in unison with Josh, "We do."

"Will you promise to care for each other in the boys and sorrows in life, come what may, and to share the responsibility for growth and enrichment of your life together?" the Priestess asked and Josh and I said, "We Will."

"Then please turn to each other and share the vows you have written," they said and unison and I looked up at Josh, a faint blush on my cheeks.

He smiled softly as he pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it. "Niall James Horan. Just the sound of your name brings a smile to my face. I love you Niall, and I am sure I will for the rest of this life and the next. You are my air, my life, and you have blessed me with the two biggest joys of my life, our babies. Adrianna and Alexander. I know you're scared I'll leave, but I swear, I'm here to stay. You'll never lose me, darling, not until you tell me to go," he said softly, brushing my cheek with his thumb and catching the tears that fell there.

"Mr. Horan, your vows," the Priestess said softly and I cleared my throat, looking down before looking back up and into Josh's eyes.

"Josh Devine. Ever since the day I saw you when our managers introduced us, I knew I was lost. Your eyes, they captured me. Your laugh, the most beautiful thing in the world, better than any music I could ever hear. Your passion as you played the drums, the way you got lost in the beat, I knew I had found the perfect man. And here I am today, with the love of my life, thanking every god and goddess above for twisting our fates and letting us meet. I love you, so much. I can't even begin to explain my love for you, it's better than words. I can't wait to see what the Fates have in store for us," I said softly and he smiled, a tear falling from his eye.

The Priestess and Priest smiled. The Priest said, "For thousands of years, lovers have exchanged rings as a token of their vows. Let these rings be a sign that love has a past, a present, a future through you and within you. The promises you have spoken to each other are forever in your minds and hearts, but words are fleeting so those who marry wear rings as visible, tangible symbols of their love and commitment. These rings announce to the world that you have recognised in each other your soul's mate. That you have entwined together and become one and that is inconceivable that you should ever part.

"Mr. Devine, take Mr. Horan's ring, place it on his finger and repeat after me,

"I give you this ring as a sign that I choose you and as a reminder that I will always love you." Josh repeated the words as he slid the delicate band with a single, small diamond in the centre on my finger, keeping a hold on my hand as he looked into my eyes.

"To be my lover, my partner and my best friend till the end of my days," the Priest said and Josh repeated the words, eyes shining happily.

"Wear it, think of me, and remember that I love you."

"With this ring, I take you to be my trusted confidante and partner for life," The Priest concluded and once Josh had repeated the words, the Priestess stepped forward and I knew it was my turn.

"Mr. Horan, take Mr. Devine's ring, place it on his finger and repeat after me,

"I give you this ring as a sign that I choose you and as a reminder that I will always love you." I took the small ring off the pillow in Alex's arms, a small silver band matching mine, just with a ruby in the centre rather than a diamond. I slid the band onto his finger, repeating the words slightly choked. I was currently trying not to cry.

"To be my lover, my partner and my best friend till the end of my days," she said and I mimicked her words, Josh's hazel eyes locked on mine and blocking out everything except the Priestess's words and his warm smile.

"Wear it, think of me, and remember that I love you." I said the words, actually crying this time as I said the three special words, ones I had never said to anyone except to my mother and father, Greg and my babies.

"With this ring, I take you to be my trusted confidante and partner for life," she said and I said the finalising words as Josh lifted his hand and wiped my cheeks clear of tears.

The Priest and Priestess stepped forward, saying in unison, "No one but you can declare yourselves married. You have begun it here today by speaking your vows in front of family and friends, and you will do it again in the days and years to come, standing by each other, sharing all the sweet and bitter of life. Each tender act, each loving word, will be the declaration of what was made here today.

In the honesty and sincerity of what you have said and done here today,

And in accordance to the laws of Ireland,

It is our honour and delight to declare you

As husband and husband. You may seal your vows with a kiss."

Josh's smile was breathtaking as he moved closer to me and cradled my cheeks in his palms. "I love you," he whispered softly. I smiled through my tears and replied softly, "I love you too."

He kissed me softly, the warmth of every kiss we've shared filling me. I became aware of the crowd cheering and we broke apart, turning around with wide smiled on faces.

He looked down at me and said softly, "Shall we go meet the group, my husband." My smile couldn't be bigger as I nodded, taking his hand in mine tightly and letting him lead me down to the crowd.


The rest of the night was a blur. I remember our boys enveloping us into a giant group hug, Mum's tear streaked smile as she hugged me tightly, some of my old friends teasing me for settling down but being supportive anyway.

And Josh. He never left my side except for a short 20 minute period, but during that time I danced with Mum and Dad, Louis and Zayn, and Alex and Anna.

Then it was time for the toasts. Louis's was sweet yet playful, Harry's shy and adorable, Liam and Zayn did one together, Mum's made me cry, Greg embarrassed me as an older brother, but Josh's stuck out the most.

"Good evening everyone, everyone enjoying themselves?" he asked as he stood up nervously in front of the 60 people who had shown up. "I, um, don't really have a speech to give, but I, ah, wrote something for Niall with Oli? Oli, can you come up here?" he asked and his best man walked up there and stood next to him, two guitars in his hands.

"Niall, I heard you all those months ago talking to our babies, the night I proposed," Josh said and my mind flashed back to that night, when I have voiced my concerns to my baby bump that he would leave me, since that was what everyone always did eventually.

"I wrote this, as a promise. I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck with me now baby. And I'm Here to Stay," he said as he and Oli started strumming the strings on the guitars in unison.

"Darling, tell me where are you going? I'm falling didn't you notice? Didn't you notice?" Oli started and I stared at my husband as he started singing, eyes watching me and a soft smile on his lips.

"We've been talking, but you can't feel my emotions. I've been trying so hard to show them, but I'm frozen."

Oli now, "but the words in my mouth are said in my mind, but never out loud, they're locked up in side

Speak up now, gotta speak up now."

"I've been writing it down, with my heart on the line, so you'll never doubt the mountains I climbed,

For us now. Its all about us now," Josh sang, bringing tears to my eyes.

Josh sang alone, Oli bringing up the background vocals. Josh jumped off the stage to stand by me, kneeling next to my chair.

"I fooled my heart, let it break, I know this time we won't fade

Because all my love's here to stay, all my love, here to stay.

Through the dark, I'll find our way, I know this time, I can't change cos all my love's here to stay, all my love, here to stay."

Josh paused for a second in his singing and continued strumming as he kissed me quickly and softly, smiling and moving back to the stage.

"Heartless, please don't tell me I'm heartless, it's just I don't have all the answers, all the answers," Oli sang as Josh readjusted himself on stage, taking the microphone to sing next.

"It's not because I'm thoughtless, I'm giving up everything for this, I'll figure it out, I promise,

And that's a promise!" he sang, eyes closing as he got into the music. Louis moved to sit next to me, setting an arm around my shoulders as Oli sang bridge. Harry moved to Louis's side, Liam and Zayn settling to my other.

"And the words in my mouth are said in my mind, but never out loud, they're locked up inside

Speak up now, gotta speak up now."

"I've been writing it down, my heart on the line, so you'll never doubt the mountains I climbed, for us now. Its all about us now," Josh sang, a wide happy smile on his face.

"I fooled my heart, let it break, I know this time, we won't fade, cos all my love's here to stay, all my love, here to stay.

Through the dark, I'll find our way, I know this time, I can't change cos all my love's here to stay, all my love, here to stay.

Woah, oh oh,
Woah oh, oh,

All my love's here to stay, all my love, here to stay," Josh sang and moved back as Oli sang the reprieve, a soft sweet part.

"You're invaded, all my mind, all my mind. Heart is racing, over time, over time. Gotta shout it, out tonight out tonight. My love is here to stay."

"I fooled my heart, let it break, I know this time we won't fade cos all my love's here to stay, all my love, here to stay.

Through the dark, I'll find our way, I know this time I can't change cos all my love's here to stay, all my love, here to stay.

Woah oh oh,
Woah oh oh,

All my love here to stay, all my love, here to stay," Josh finished, breathing heavily yet with a wide smile. I stood up quickly and rushed to him, hugging him tightly. Thankfully, he moved the guitar quickly enough so it didn't slam between us.

I pressed my mouth to his, whispering over and over, "I love you I love you I love you." He chuckled, holding me tightly and kissing me back. "I love you too darling," he said and I smiled, pulling away.

Everyone around us was cheering and Josh flushed, a proud and shy smile gracing his features. I moved aside and Oli and I used our arms to show my beautiful fiance- I mean, husband now- off.

The night sped by quickly. So much laughing, so much dancing, so many smiles, so much food. It was such a good night. Especially when Anna had toddled up to Josh and threw cake at him, the drummer laughing and picking her up. He swiped some frosting onto her nose, spinning her around to the beat of the music.

We flew that night to the Caribbean, one of the few places we'd never been. Josh carried me into the small cabin we had rented, bringing a laugh from my throat. I was so happy, even if a bit tired from jet lag.

We spent two weeks there, calling every other night to check on Alex and Anna, who were staying with Michael and Calum for the entire time. Even though Michael was about 7 months along with his own daughter.

I had never thought my life would end up like this, with the love of my life by my side and two absolutely beautiful children. And of course some of the best friends I could ever hope for in Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn.

But I sure am glad that it did.

A/N: so... Idk. Hope you enjoyed the wedding, I put so much thought into it. Even if the ending was crap. I was thinking of writing Nosh smut, but then was like nah. Rather not. But yeah, hope you enjoyed the first special chapter, there's two more, and the epilogue. Love you all 😘😘 and will you read Angel Breath or any of my one shots please? I worked hard on them too... 😘 kisses my loves!


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