Guardian of the Destined (As...

By Anonarra_Rorokitake

227K 6.6K 2.1K

The pirates gaped, their Captain grinned, she burst out laughing, the song of wind chimes in her wake. REWRIT... More

Prologue: The Blue Tenshi
One: New Nakama in Yuba
Two: Risks of War
Three: A Master Tactitian's Secrets
Five: Impressions and Evidence
Six: Escaping the Weird Bananas
Seven: Onwards! To Alubarna!
Eight: Round One, Crocie
Eight (pt2): Round Two:"It is not my place."
Nine: 00:00:05
Ten: How to Stop a War
Eleven: End of War and the Ancient Weapon
Twelve: A Promise, Departure, Nico Robin, and the Revelation
Thirteen: Tale of the Guardian Angel; Take Cover!
Fourteen: The Salvage King Masira, and Jaya!
Fifteen: Mock Town, The D in Marshall D. Teach
Sixteen: The White Sea; Knight of the Sky
Seventeen: Knocking on Heaven's Gates; Island-Cloud Ho!
4K Celebration: Sneak Preview One
Eighteen: Upper Yard, Invitiation?
Nineteen: God's Game of Death; A Tactician's Worth
5k Celebration and Fanart!
Minigame Response
Questionaire (I got tagged)
Author's Note
Twenty: Plan in Action
Twenty-One: Guardian Angels can Blackmail, Too~
Twenty-Two: An Army? Please. I've got the Future Pirate KING!
Twenty-Three: They Do More Than Just Glow
Twenty-Four: Falling in--
Twenty-Five: ...A Marine Stronghold
Twenty-Six: Navarone
Twenty-Eight: Cook-off
Twenty-Nine: Cannot Think of a Title. Suggestions?
Thirty: Calm before the Storm
Thirty-One: Storm the Base!
AN: Again?
Finally Broke It...
Thirty-Two: Seahorses don't become Dragons, pt 1
Thirty-Three: Seahorses and Dragons dont Mix pt 2
Mini Break from Strawhats
Thirty-Four: Two Steps Back

Four: Operation: Get Captured

9.6K 311 15
By Anonarra_Rorokitake

The crew settled themselves for a rest before the plan was to proceed. Luffy and Usopp left early for water, and Sylviana found herself going over the plan's details in her head. What if something goes wrong? She tasked herself with thinking up precautions just in case. Sanji began to doubt sending the two idiots (Luffy and Usopp) on the task of getting water was a good idea.

"It's just getting water, Im sure they can do that much." Nami replied.


Sylviana didnt pay attention as she stared at the weird banana on top of Rain Dinners.

Zoro walked up and plopped down beside her.

"Girl, relax. Your plan will work, and if it doesn't, We'll still manage. I mean, we've got Luffy on our side, after all." He cracked a grin, causing a smile to etch its way onto blue-eyed girl.

"I don't know. I just have this feeling that something's going to happen soon." She stood up and dusted off her robe. "I'll go on ahead to Crocie's casino." Zoro ignored the odd nickname. "You guys all know the plan, right?"

"Yup." They replied in unision.

"Okay. I'l meet you at the casino when Master Luffy and Usopp returns with the water."

~5 mins later...

At the entrance of Rain Dinners, a white haired girl stood at the entrance, a calm expression on her face as she strides in, observing the gamblers at the slot machines and poker tables. It was one huge room with pillars for support. She remembered that this was a pyramid-shaped building, and wondered what was upstairs, since this seemed to be the main room.

From walking around a bit, there were three other doors, save for the exit. A V.I.P. door , the kitchen, and a "Restricted Owners Only" door. The latter seemed suspicious. She nonchalantly made her way towards it, and, making sure no on saw her, and then her body dissolved into a sparkling sky-blue mist and slipped underneath the door. On the other side was a staircase.

Making her way up, she eventually reached the top and found herself before hundreds of sacks, crates, and barrels. It was dim, and her eyes glowed a hazy blue in the room, shedding more light as she checked the contents of each container. The the crates held explosives, the barrels contained swords and a variety of guns and pistols. She guessed that the sacks contained gunpowder, and opened one up. Inside there was indeed powder, but not the type she had been expecting.

It was a light green. She let out a small chuckle. It reminded her of a certain swordsman's hair.

(Facing off with some Baroque Works Agents, the aforementioned moss-head sneezed)

She knew the substance immediately. Wasn't this banned? She grabbed a handful and tucked it into a small navy-blue sack, tightening its opening and fastening it on her belt. Who knows? Dance Powder may come in handy~

But why would an evil Shibukai in this desert country have so much Dance Powder...wait a minute. The gears in the tactitian's mind clicked into place as part of Crocodile's intentions was revealed to her. A mischevious grin graced her lips.

"Crocie you sneaky, sneaky dog... you've become better at planning. But not enough to trick me..."

Sylviana made her way back down the stairs and slid underneath the doorframe as mist once more, making sure she wasn't caught. She began to make her way to the entrance. She leaned on the doorway when she spotted Nami-nee and Usopp being held at gunpoint. She was about to save them until Zoro-nii took care of it by giving the two's attackers a boot to the face. Huh. Wasn't that Mr. Prince's thing? Whatever. Speaking of...

Where were Vivi-san and Master Luffy, anyway?

"Hey guys!" She waved to them.

"Oh, you were already here, Syl?" Usopp asked. The girl nodded with a sly smile.

"Just investigating~ I found out some part of what Crocie's been up to." Nami arched a brow.

"Crocie? You mean Crocodile? What do you m--"

Nami was cut off when a cry of "AAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEE~!" echoed behind them.

The four pirates turned around to greet the sight of their captain in a mad dash heading towards them. A marine with a smoke logia-type Devil Fruit hot on his heels.

"OI! LET'S GO! EVERYONE INSIDE!" He orderd. Nami, Zoro, and Usopp quickly complied. Luffy took notice of Sylviana at the entrance.

"Where's Vivi?" He asked, still running. Sylviana shrugged.

"Wasn't she with you guys?" Zoro, Nami, and Usopp turned to her.

"You mean she didnt come here yet?" Zoro asked.

"Not that I know of, no." she replied. They entered the Casino. Luffy threw his arms up.

"CROCODILE!! COME OUT! I'LL KICK YOUR ASS FROM HERE TO ALUBARNA!!" The customers gave him a glance then returned to their activities. Sylviana whacked Luffy on the head lightly, still not forgetting what happened before.

"He's not gonna come out just cuz you called him, idiot captain." She rolled her eyes. Nami hadn't heard the exchange between Zoro and Sylvie, as she asked Luffy where Vivi was. Then together they cried:

"VIVI! CROCODILE! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" The tactican opted to just sigh and pull them forwards as the Smoke Logia gained ground and was getting nearer.

Security tried to stop them one or two times, but failed. Suddenly, they were invited to the V.I.P. room in a grand style. The marine--Smoker, she learned--had caught up to them and was chasing them from behind since they entered.

"Right this way, please." said a female employee who was dressed in a rosy pink dress, identical to a woman opposit of the red carpet.

"This way, if you would." Said a gentelman beside the woman.

"So, he's telling us to bring it on, eh?" Nami asked, frowning. Zoro smirked.

"Oh?" A grin on his face. "There's a guy who speaks my language!" Sylviana smiled.

'Crocie's Never changed'

"YOSH! LET'S GOOOO!" Luffy was the first one sprinting down the hallway. The marine captain behind them was confused.

"V.I.P.? What kind of connection do they have with Crocodile?" He wondered to himself. Sylviana heard him mutter something about "executions" and what not under his breath shortly after, but paid it no mind. She followed her other crew mates down the corridor.

"Hey! the hallway splits up!" Luffy cried out.

"It says... V.I.P.'s go left...pirates the other way!" Nami read from the sign. Usopp looked back at the blue-eyed girl.

"Which way?"

"Pirates, duh."

"YOSH! PIRATES IT IS!" Luffy cried and turned right.

Dead end. Sylviana crashed into Zoro's back. Before he could send her a witty remark however, the floor gave way sending the five pirates and lone marine into a deep pit leading who knows where.

'Well. Here's the trap. Where does it lead?'

~3 mins of falling later...

Luffy stared blankly with Usopp beside him wearing the same monotone expression. He was holding the bars. Zoro stood off to the side, Nami sat on the floor, Smoker and Sylviana sat on the cushioned benches. They were caught. So far so good.

Well, to the little tactician that is.

Now to get Crocodile to reveal all his intentions...

||A grand seat spun around to face the pirates. (And one marine)||

...and wipe that smug grin off his face.



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