All for a Memory.. |Creepypas...

By NerdyLacy

18.3K 477 141

You and your friend went camping at the old lake your parents used to take you to during your long summers. N... More

2- Voices
3- Childhood friend
4- Three new boys
5- Another one
6- Rain storm
7- Lake Party (Part 1)
8- Lake Party (Part 2)
9- Flower Patch
10- Argument
11- Fail
12- Dark Link..
13- Great More
14- Heartbrake
15- It's time
Ben Drowned Ending
Bloody Painter Ending
Eyeless Jack Ending
Need to know

1- Arriving

2.1K 51 9
By NerdyLacy

       "We're here!" You heard (Y/Friends/N)'s parents shout excitedly. You look at (Y/Friends/N) pulling out your headphones that you was listening to. You put your iPhone away and jumped out of the car excitedly. Looking around you breathe in the nice, crisp mountain air. You run over to (Y/Friends/N) and take her hands squealing. "You girls go run along. We'll find a good campsite and set up." (Y/Friends/N)'s parents say, already starting to unpack the truck. Your friend grabs your hand and drags you down to the lake. You smiled and looked around. You saw people fishing and swimming. Some where laying on the sand or playing in the forest around the lake. You turned back to (Y/Friends/N).

      "So what do you want to do first, (Y/N)?" (Y/Friends/N) asked you. You paused for a minute thinking hard. You couldn't decide about jumping into the water and swimming or go exploring.

      "Hmm..." You said still deciding. "It's a tie between jumping in the water and going exploring." You finally said giving up trying to decide. Your friend laughed.

      "Let's go explore. I want to save swimming for tomorrow!" She finally decides for you.

      "Alright then." You smiled and headed out into the huge forest. You looked around remembering parts of this huge place. You used to come here when you where little. Your parents even once moved her for a year before selling the house and moving into the one you currently live in. That was three years ago. You turned 16 recently and your friends parents asked if you wanted to join them for the whole summer on a camping trip. Of course you said yes.

      "Earth to (Y/N)! Earth to (Y/N)! Come in (Y/N)" You heard (Y/Friends/N) say waving a hand in front of your face. Shaking your head out of your day dream you looked at her.

      "Sorry I was just thinking." You replied and looked over at a huge tree that seemed to reach the sky. You smirked. "Race you to the top of that tree!" You yelled then started climbing up it.

      "Hey that's not fair!" (Y/Friends/N) pouted and raced after you. It didn't take her long to catch up to you so you picked up the pace. Once at the top you sat down and looked out into the open. It was beautiful for miles! Plus the sun was starting to set which brought the whole thing together. "Wow.. It's so pretty up here." Your friend said catching up to you.

      "Yeah.." You agreed staring at the sun as it set. 'One day I'm gonna live here! You'll be with me and it will always be this beautiful, cause your my best friend..' You heard a voice in your head. I young boy's voice to be exact. Your eyes went slightly wide as you continued to watch the sun set. Once dark you turned to your friend. "We should be getting back before your parents start to worry." Your friend nodded and you both climbed down the tree.  

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