The Overprotective Dad

By Angienoodler

510 47 11

Hayley has always done what's she's supposed to with no questions asked. Haden is a new guy in town that has... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Five

70 5 2
By Angienoodler

"Dad be calm about this. You said I could go," Hayley said to her dad from the bathroom as she was getting ready for her night out.

"But I don't even know who Jessica is," her dad said angrily.

"Everything will be fine. I promise," Hayley said while coming out of the bathroom. She was wearing a high waisted neon purple skirt and a black crop top with some black and purple accessories.

"I don't trust this, or that outfit," her dad said while examining her outfit choice. Just then the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Hayley said before rushing to the door before her dad could object. She didn't tell her dad about Haden. Instead she pretended she was out with Jessica from her English to work on a project.

When she opened the door she was shocked. Haden was wearing black jeans with a white collard shirt and black suit jacket. He looked amazing. His dark hair definitely stood out in this outfit and all she wanted was to run her hands through it. "Wow you look amazing," Haden said while admiring her.

He loved that her hair was curled and her legs were shown because her legs were to die for. He couldn't help but stare at her like she was a supermodel talking to him for the first time.

"So do you," Hayley said before heading out the door and closing if behind her. She didn't want her dad to see to him because she knew she would never be able to go out again or do anything for that matter.

"So where are we going?" Hayley asked as they got in Haden's car.

"It's a surprise," Haden said before pulling off.

"My dad thinks I'm doing a project with Jessica," Hayley said feeling guilty.

"Don't think about you're dad, just focus on us tonight. You deserve a break and I can tell you're stressed so hopefully tonight will relieve some of it," Haden said while resting his hand on her leg gently.

Hayley loved that he was comfortable with her enough to share space and rest his hand on her leg. "Okay I'll relax a little. It's just it's hard to when I know I could possibly get in trouble for this," Hayley said in panic.

"Trust me you won't get caught," Haden reassured her while rubbing her leg. It was starting to become harder and harder for her to focus on anything besides where he was rubbing.

As her breathing started to become uneven, she pushed his hand off her leg. "What's wrong?" He asked confused.

"Nothing I was just about to cross my legs," Hayley lied while crossing her legs and pulling down her skirt a little. She needed to breathe again, so she rolled down the window a bit.

"We're here," Haden said while pulling up to a restaurant called Benchi's. It was a five star restaurant that all of the high end celebrities go to.

"Haden I can't afford this," Hayley said terrified because she only had twenty bucks with her.

"You're not paying," Haden said before getting out the car and opening her door.

"Haden I can't let you take me here," Hayley said feeling bad that Haden would spend so much money here.

"Haze I'm rich. Filthy rich. Like unnecessarily rich. You and I are the only ones who know about this side of me. As long as you're with me, you will never have to pay for anything ever again," Haden said while Hayley got out of the car.

"My mom used to call me Haze. Before she died," Hayley said with a smile.

"Sorry," Haden said regretting it.

"No, I like it when you say it. It's cute and reminds me of her," Hayley said as he opened the door to the restaurant for her.

"We have a reservation under the name Haden," Haden told the girl at the front.

"This way," she said while grabbing two menus and leading them to their table.

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