Dream and you will achieve...

By Forever_A_Fangirlxx

760 23 5

Ebony-Jayde and her best friend Karlee have just moved to Sydney and live in an apartment together. They have... More

Chapter one - Six eventful hours
Chapter two - Best Friends finally meet
Chapter three - Thinking about her...
Chapter four - Is this fate?
Chapter five - Recalling the perfect day
Chapter six - Date preparations
Chapter seven - Catch up
Chapter eight - The long awaited date
On hold!!

Chapter nine - Birthday preparations

29 1 0
By Forever_A_Fangirlxx

Ebony's POV

It's been about two months since The Collective followed me down the road and the two months have been absolutely amazing!Trent and I went on a couple of dates and on the third date he asked me to be his girlfriend of course I said yes, Tainesha and Will have been really good since the date I made Will organise, Karlee and Jayden are now dating they are so cute together, Zach and Keeda are going better than ever they have been together for four years now sadly for Julian he hasn't got a girlfriend yet but a close friend of mine Taylah is planning on visiting soon so I might be able to set the two of them up, they would be really cute together!

Apart from all of us getting together I have started my law degree at Uni, Karlee become a back up dancer and is featuring in singers video clips and performing with then at their concerts she has danced for Johnny Ruffo, Timomatic, Keeda, Samantha Jade and soon she will be dancing for The Collective, Tainesha has gone back to school as the holiday's have finished she is in year eleven but she is almost seventeen. The boys have been in the studio recording songs and planning a four week tour in Australia and New Zealand.

Anyway today is Karlee's eighteenth birthday so we have planned a surprise party, today I am taking her out shopping to buy a nice outfit for tonight, I'll tell her we are going out for dinner and then the boys and Keeda will take her clubbing, Tainesha and I can't go because we are only 16 and 17. Time for me to go and tell her about her 'Dinner and the clubs'. I walk to her room and knock on her door, she opens her door and I walk in.

"Hey Karls, Happy Birthday you are now eighteen all the things you can do haha.", "Hey Eb, thank you.", "You're welcome, well we are going shopping today for a nice outfit for you as we are going out for dinner and after Keeda and the boys are taking you clubbing." I said surprising myself by keeping a straight face, "Okay I'll get ready then shops here we come!" She said enthusiastically. "Haha glad to see you are so excited, it's good to see you so happy!"

Karlee's POV

Eb just came and told me that we are going shopping for an outfit as we are going out for dinner and after Keeda, the boys and I are going clubbing. I finished tidying up my room, I went to my ensuite, had a quick shower, straighten my hair and put on a black Gosia pleated bustier dress with a pair of black flats, cute but casual. I walked out to see Ebony in a peach Gosia pleated bustier dress with a pair of peach flats. "OhMyGosh Eb we are nearly wearing the same thing, I love how we have the same style!", "OhMyGosh we are. We think so much alike, it's crazy!"

We left our apartment and started driving to the shops after I took a photo of us wearing the same clothes and uploaded it on Instagram with the caption; @KarleeShae: We walked out of our rooms and realised we are wearing the same clothes :o @EbonyJayde98 #BestFriends. Within seconds of uploading the photo there was so many comments some said "@TheCollectivefanpage: Happy Birthday @KarleeShae, you and @EbonyJayde98 are so pretty! x", "@Katie_Rose: You and @EbonyJayde98 have the cutest style, by the way Happy Birthday!", "@jtsierra: Haha yep that seems like something you two girlies would do! Love you babe, see you soon! x", "@TCaremylife: I wish I had a Bestfriend and our friendship was like you and @EbonyJayde98's! Happy Birthday @KarleeShae x". I laughed at Jayden's comment but the last one brought a tear to my eye, I need to get to know her she seems like a lovey girl!

We arrived at the shops, it was about 10:30am so we said we will go shopping and when we finish we will get something to eat. We were walking in and out of shops I couldn't find an outfit that looked really nice, I hope I do because I don't want to go to dinner and clubbing in something ugly, call my fussy but it's my eighteenth I need to look nice! We were stopped a couple of times by fans asking for photo's and saying happy birthday to me but when you are dating a famous boy band member you have to expect that. We walked into Forever New and I found the most beautiful dress! It was ..., Ebony told me to go and try it on. I walked over to the staff and asked if I could go to the change room, I pulled the curtain across and put it on. I opened the curtain to see Eb on her phone I gather she is texting Trent, I called her name and she looked up her face said it all she loved the dress! I bought the dress and we walked to the food court, we both lined up for subway and sat at the table talking about the past months saying how much it has changed our lives.

Narrators POV

While Ebony and Karlee went shopping Jayden, Trent, Will, Tainesha, Zach, Keeda and Julian went over to Jayden's parents house setting up Karlee's surprise party. It was at Kerrie and John's house because the have everything you need for a party, a massive yard, pool, veranda, bar, pool table and just a lot of space. Keeda, Tainesha and the boys were putting up decorations, sweeping the veranda, cleaning the pool and mowing the lawn. The Sierra's tried coming outside to help but were told it's ok they have down enough letting the party be held at their house with all guest that are coming.

Karlee and Ebony got home and were just hanging around the house until Ebony said Jayden is coming over in about ten minutes so she will go and get her outfit and accessories for the party and take them to Trent's to get ready there. Karlee agreed and said she couldn't wait for dinner and that she is so excited! Ebony went and got her stuff from her room and as she was walking out the door Jayden arrived they said a quick hi and bye as they both know what they are organising.

Ebony's POV

I just left our apartment and am now heading off to the airport, yes I told Karlee I was going to Trent's but I am actually going to the airport to pick up Karlee's mum and dad...., her little sister Sophie and her Bestfriend from Perth Michael aka Micky. This is the first time that I have meet ......., Sophie and Micky, I have spoke to them on Facebook and on the phone via call and text but haven't stood in front of them I hope they like me when they see me in person! The traffic isn't that bad considering it is Saturday and about 3pm.

I just got to the airport with about 30 minutes until their flight lands so I walk and sit down near the carousel and what for Karlee's family to arrive. I grab my phone out of my purse and checked my Facebook nothing that interesting I went to my mum's profile and posted on her wall saying how much I miss everyone up in Queensland and hopefully when I have Uni holidays I will come up and see everyone! I went to my twitter and followed a few fans, checked my DM's and notifications, nothing other than fans saying thanks for the follow or asking for a follow, I replied to a couple before going on Instagram. I saw the photo Karlee uploaded, I read the comments and saw one that brought back memories of me when I was younger it said "@TCaremylife: I wish I had a Bestfriend and our friendship was like you and @EbonyJayde98's! Happy Birthday @KarleeShae x" I instantly replied saying @EbonyJayde98: @ honey you will one day! If you ever need someone to talk to I am always here! Tell me your twitter name and I will follow you so you can DM me whenever you need someone to talk to. Stay strong and keep your head held high x"

I heard flight 243A from Perth to Sydney is now landing, I stood up and walked over to the carousel. I stood there waiting until I saw a man and women in their late 30's walking out holding a little girls hand with a guy around my age walking towards the carousel. I walked over and said Hi I'm Ebony, all of a sudden I was pulled into three different hugs and then the little girl I know as Sophie was asking for a hug. They were all so happy to see me and they were thanking me for looking after Karlee. I said it was ok. I helped them grab their luggage and carry it to my car, lucky Karlee's parents bought Sophie's car seat! I told then that we will go straight to Kerrie and John's house to get ready for the party.

Jayden's POV

I got to Karlee and Ebony's apartment just as Ebony was leaving l said bye and walked inside. Karlee literally ran and hugged me as soon as she saw me. I hugged her back and gave her a quick kiss, she looked upset. "Babe, have you been crying? It's your birthday you are meant to be happy!", "Jayden I miss my family and it's my eighteenth birthday and they aren't here to celebrate it with me!" She replied and started crying, I pulled her close and walked over to the lounge then pulled her on my lap and just held her close letting her cry on my shoulder wetting my shirt. If only she knew her parents were coming tonight, I hate seeing her upset! Ebony texted me earlier and told me she was so excited and really happy. I could hear faint peaceful snores when I looked down I saw that she was asleep, she just cried herself to sleep I hope tonight when she sees her family she will be happy again!

Karlee had been sleeping for an hour when she starting to wake up she looked so cute when she was waking up! "Hey babe are you ok now?", "Yes thank you and sorry about before!", "It's ok babe, I know you miss you family!", "You are so understanding, I love you!", "Glad I'm useful *laughs* I think we should start getting ready for dinner.", "Sure do you want the shower first?", "No it's ok you have to first I will have a shower when you get out." She gets off my lap kisses me and walks into the bathroom to have a shower, I walk into the kitchen and get something to drink. I walked to the car got my bag out and walked to Karlee's room, as I put my bag on the floor she walked in her room and told me to go have a shower while she puts her clothes on. I have a shower and put my clothes on and styled my hair, I walked into Karlee's room and saw her finishing curling her hair before she puts make up on. I walk up behind her put my hands in her hip and whisper in her ear "You look beautiful without makeup but it's up to you." She didn't say anything she just turned around kissed me and went back to looking in her mirror putting her make up on. We walked hand in hand to my car where I put the blindfold over her eyes, she asked why and I said the location is a surprise!

Hi everyone,

I finally have the smallest amount of Internet so I thought I would post another chapter for all! Hope you enjoy it, I tried to make it long.

~Ebony-Jayde xo

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