Chapter five - Recalling the perfect day

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Ebony's POV

I couldn't help myself yesterday I had to mention Tainesha, Will's reaction was exactly as I expected! It is so cute that Tainesha has such an impact on him, what can I say I guess it was love at first sight. Karlee and I came home talking about our amazing encounter we had with The Collective. Karlee was so overwhelmed that she had spent time with Jayden, "Eb he is perfect! I thought he was amazing seeing him through a tv or laptop screen but he is a thousand times more amazing in person! He kept looking at me, we spoke and he hugged me goodbye, argh he is perfect!" I was watching her and laughing while she was fangirling I had to interrupt before I went deaf, "Karlee, yes he is amazing, you two looked very cute together, I am sorry we had to leave but would you mind stopping I am nearly deaf!" Karlee gave me an apologetic look and we sat there laughing for a couple of minutes.

Karlee's POV

I woke up and remembered what happened yesterday by far the best day of my life! I started laughing remembering how much I was fangirling when Ebony and I got home, "Eb he is perfect! I thought he was amazing seeing him on a tv or laptop screen but he is a thousand times more amazing in person! He kept looking at me, we spoke and he hugged me goodbye, argh he is perfect!" I could feel Eb watching me and laughing while I was fangirling She interrupted me, "Karlee, yes he is amazing, you two looked very cute together, I am sorry we had to leave but would you mind stopping I am nearly deaf! I gave her an apologetic look and we sat there laughing for a couple of minutes. I have to admit Eb and Trent would be really cute together you can tell they like each other, I will tell her what I think but I want force them to be together!

Will's POV

Yesterday was a really good day, one of the beat days I've had in a while! Firstly, the boys and I spent all morning in the studio recording our fifth album. Secondly, we went at Maccas to have lunch when Ebony and her friend walked in Trent invited them to sit with us. Thirdly, the boys and I got to know Ebony and her friend Karlee really well. Forthly, the most exciting in my eyes, Ebony brought up our 2013 Valentines day performance and told me she knows the beautiful girl I have my rose to, I was so shocked it was the most exciting news I have been told apart from being told I was put in a boy band, coming third on X factor 2012 and all the albums we have sold! Ebony told me her name was Tainesha and that she never stopped talking about me, that put the biggest smile on my face, I am in love with Tainesha it is love at first sight!

Jayden's POV

Remembering the events from yesterday was great! While the boys and I were at Maccas having lunch Ebony and her beautiful friend walked in. Trent invited the two guys to have lunch with us, they accepted his request and joined us for lunch. We sat their talking I found out her friends name was Karlee, you can say Karlee and I got along quite well! She is amazing, you could tell she made the perfect body by the way her shorts fitted perfectly and the way her shirt fell, her hair was in a messy bun wow she looked so attractive I mean she is attractive but what she was wearing made her more attractive. I was texting her all night last night, every time she relied I would smile at her texts, is that normal? I hope you can catch up soon and she feels for me the way I feel for her!

Trent's POV

Yesterday was amazing, all motioning in the studio with the boys, Maccas for lunch with the girl I adore and her Bestfriend! Ebony and I had little conversations which I made her blush. I was a bit upset that she spoke to Will so long, jealously that was all it was! I was really jealous that it is obvious I like Ebony and Will was taking our getting to know each other time away. Will was talking to Ebony I noticed he wasn't trying to take her away they were talking about one if Ebony's friend, if I heard properly it was the girl Will gave his rose to at our 2013 Valentines day performance, how cute is that! I was enjoying staring at her until I got interrupted by Julian "Bro, stop staring at lover girl, you have been staring at her nonstop for the last ten minutes!" It was time to go know so I walked Ebony out the door, gave her a hug and kissed her cheek and said goodbye to her and Karlee.

Julian's POV

Yesterday was quite awkward for Zach and I, we were involved in the conversation at first but the Karlee and Jayden started talking to each other and started getting very very close, Ebony was talking to Will about some girl from our 2013 Valentines day performance apparently Will gave that girl his rose then there was Trent just staring at Ebony, I let it go and started taking to Zach. "Zach, I am going to be the only single one soon I can tell! Karlee and Jayden are getting very close it won't be long until they are together, look at Trent staring at Ebony he is jealous of Will you can tell and it is obvious Trent likes her, Will well he seemed really excited when Ebony said she knows the girl he gave his rose to and you and Kat are engaged, I will be forever alone no one likes me!"

Zach's POV

Yesterday made me want to be in bed snuggled up with Kat, Jayden and Karlee were get along a bit to well, Trent was jealous of Will talking to Ebony you can tell Trent likes her, by the sounds of Ebony and Wills conversation he won't be single for much longer the girl they were talking about received Will's rose from our 2013 Valentines day performance. I felt so sorry for Julian because he is left out he has no one to talk to as I was about to say something to him he looks at, "Zach, I am going to be the only single one soon I can tell! Karlee and Jayden are getting very close it won't be long until they are together, look at Trent staring at Ebony he is jealous of Will you can tell and it is obvious Trent likes her, Will well he seemed really excited when Ebony said she knows the girl he gave his rose to and you and Kat are engaged, I will be forever alone no one likes me!" he said that with sadness in his eyes. "Aww Julz, chin up little bro it will be fine! You will find your Mrs Right, it just takes time you are only 20 I will guarantee that by your big 21st birthday this year you would have met your Mrs Right!" He looked up, smiled and thanked me.

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