Real Friends (OHSHC)

By Dezcalibur

1.7K 22 6

Mika Celiana is a transfer student from Canada. She was accepted for her outstanding intelligence, and got a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Five

114 1 0
By Dezcalibur

"Hey Mika. Let's go wwimming. We're bored." The twins whined, pulling on Mika's arm. She pulled her arm back, and pushed Kouru away by his face. "Go away, I'm busy." But they didn't give up. They gave their evil smirk, and both reached out for her arm, pulling it practically out of its socket. But that's not what bothered her. What bothered her was that there was now a line running across the picture she had been working on for about an hour. Her face went red, and her eyes seemed to glint with anger. She looked over to twins, who just smiled at her like nothing happened. "Oops." They chimed. She closed the sketchbook, and pushed herself off the ground, dusting herself off. She was turned slightly, her right shoulder was back. Then faster than they could comprehend, her fist went straight into Hikaru's stomach. His eyes widened in shock, same with Kouru's. "Go away." She growled. "But we just wanted to go swimming with you." Hikaru coughed. Mika shook her head, and put her hand on her right shoulder, where a scar lay. That's why she was wearing the sweater in the first place. She didn't want to. It was really hot, but she felt really self-conscious about it. Hikaru seemed to have recovered, because he was pulling her arm again. "Please." He asked. She shook her head again. "No thanks. I don't want to go swimming." Now Honey was near them. He was on Mori's back, and smiling happily as he approached them. "Are you guys going swimming? I wanna' come!" He said excitedly. Now the entire host club was gathering around Mika. "Come on Mika! Let's go swimming!" Honey pulled her towards the water. She pulled back on his arm, but her feet were slipping in the hot sand. "Fine I'll come!" She yelled angrily. But they ignored that emotion and cheered, running towards the water. Except Haruhi, who stayed back with Mika. Why are they so pushy?" She asked. Haruhi shrugged, "I don't know, but we should probably go out there." Mika nodded, and removed the sweater,folding it up neatly and placing it on her towel. She looked over to her shoulder. The burn mark that rested there reached all the way down to her elbow, and her hip, but that part was hidden by her bathing suit. Haruhi looked at her with curious eyes, but she returned them with a smile. "I got it in a car crash." She answered the unasked question. Haruhi nodded, and smiled back, walking over to the water. Mika followed, and looked at everyone. They didn't seem to notice it yet, but she hoped that when they did, the didn't mention it. Tamaki looked over to her, and his smile faded, which of coarse got the rest of the host's attention. She sort of stepped behind Haruhi, hiding her shoulder. "What happened to your arm?" He asked, walking up and placing a hand on it. She shrugged it off and replaced it with her own. "It got burned." She stated. He got that he didn't want to talk about it, and left it alone. But it stayed on his mind for a while after. Even when they ate dinner he couldn't get it out of her mind. So as she sat on her bed in her room, he knocked on her door. "Come in." She called. He walked in, and saw Mika sitting on her bed in a tank top and jeans. So he sat beside her, pulling her into a hug. "Are you going to tell me what happened to your shoulder? " He asked. She looked up at his face, his purple eyes were reflecting the moon coming through the window. "I was trapped in a burning car. That's what killed my mom." She said sadly, tears gathering at the corner of her eyes. He wiped them off with his thumb, and pulled her back into his chest. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, and held onto him for dear life. "Why didn't you tell me? That's why you were scared of being in the car isn't it?" He asked. She nodded, her eyes were now closed, and her breathing had slowed. She was falling asleep. She tried not to, she wanted to stay away, to stay conscious in his arms, but she couldn't help it. The last thing she heard was Tamaki saying "You know you can talk to us. The host club will always be there for you." And she slipped into a dream less sleep. Hopefully one not filled with nightmares of when her mother died. Or when her father died, which she couldn't decide if it was worse or not. But it still haunted her memory, and probably wouldn't stop doing so.

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