✔Kamisama Hajimemashita: You'...

By PikaMnell

75.3K 1.8K 625

●|COMPLETED|● ¤¤¤¤ "Just when I thought all hope was lost, I heard Tomoe's voice calling my name. It was like... More

♡1♡ One Sunny Day
♡2♡ Lost in the Forest
(A/N) Helloooo
♡4♡ A Kiss and a Promise
♡5♡ Distant Memories
♡6♡ Bound to You
♡7♡ We Met Again
♡8♡ Stuck in the Middle
☆Special☆ April Fools' Day (LIME)
♡9♡ Love and Jealousy
♡10♡ Broken Hope
♡11♡ Fire and Ice
♡12♡ Strange Feelings
♡13♡ Trapped
(A/N) Important Announcement
♡14♡ Awakening
♡End♡ Counting Stars
☆New Book and Face Reveal!☆

♡3♡ The Mikage Shrine

5.5K 135 43
By PikaMnell

This chapter does contain a Japanese word... This is the word with its corresponding definition:
1.) Torii- these are gates that approach the entrance to a shrine.

3rd Person's POV
Slowly, she blinked her eyes open. She wore a puzzled expression as she scanned the view, not knowing where she was.

It was indeed a cold moonless night. The sky was dark and low, the air was so chilled, making her hurt as she breaths. There, she felt forsaken, so scared. This signified the beginning of long periods of harsh loneliness and numb frostbite. She sat alone terrified in the darkness. Gradually, the dark consumed her frail form. Her mother wasn't there to soothe her fears. It was just her, all by herself in a strange place.

She uttered. "I've been lost, living in solitude for so long, mommy. It's not that I desire it, but I just can't find any sign of you, nothing to bring me home. I'll never stop searching for you, never will I let someone extinguish this small spark of hope. I can't wait to find my way back to your arms. Oh mommy, take me with you! He-lp me...."

There she sat helpless. Her body was so heavy as if by anytime, she would sink into the abyss. Ayasha whirled around to at least see the tracks she had made. But there were none. Leaving her with no choice, she walked up towards the stairs as she faced a dilapidated torri.

The derelict torii gates that was once a beacon of its age now resembled a lone structure that was left disregarded. This was supposed to be a mark of entrance to a sacred place. But now, the atmosphere was so dense and heavy, making her nauseated; she had to move out of this sanctuary.

"I don't have any option left. There is no way that I am turning back!" She mustered her strength and continued.

The very sight of an abandoned shrine wasn't making the scenery look any better. Sakura trees that were once blossoming its beauty turned to overgrown branches, covering the whole place as if it was warning her off.

The inside of the shrine was a dark sinister colour, it was dim and uninviting. As she stepped on the old wooden floor, a creaking noise could be heard. Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind her figure.

She tried to convince herself. "It's just the night breeze"

Ayasha felt as if someone, or something, was watching her movements. Hesitantly turning her back, she spotted an approaching shadow of a tall man with fox ears. The tension is getting stronger and stronger. Eventually, her vision blurred, then turned black.





Ayasha's POV
As I regained my conscience, I noticed that my hands and legs were tied together on a chair.

I tried to free myself; the chair fell, hitting my limp body on the ground. The loud bang from that incident caught the attention of the sleeping kitsune.

"You are not going anywhere! Tell me, what the hell are you doing in this shrine?"

"I am sorry for disturbing you, but I accidentally came here without my consent."

"Stop acting innocent! If you won't tell the truth, you won't be able to see the sun rise again!"

"I am serious! There is a man named Mika-"

"Master Tomoe!! That is the new land god!" The little girl interrupted.

"Check this mark on her forehead! Mikage must have given it to her." The little boy chimed in.

"Indeed, that man named Mikage handed me this map. He asked me to take the responsibility of the land god of Mikage Shrine in behalf of him."

"You dare to calmly say that a lame girl like you would be my mistress and take over this shrine? How pathetic!"

"But Master Tomoe! We should celebrate, for the new Land god had arrived!"

"The Great Tomoe has no intent in serving a mundane human girl ! It would indeed be a disgrace! If you want to keep this nasty being, I shall leave and enjoy the nights of my life full of pleasure!!"


In a poof, he left..................

"I am so sorry for causing you guys trouble!"

"No, Lady Land god! You are not a nuisance at all! It is our pleasure to serve you."

"We apologize for Tomoe-dono's misbehavior! Don't blame yourself my lady!"

"By the way, who are you both?"

"I am Kotetsu!"

"And I am Onikiri"

"We are the shrine spirits of the Mikage Shrine!" They synchronized.

"I apologize again, but can you take me in for a night?"

"With pleasure!"

Now I know.... This place is the shrine which I had been searching for, but I  wonder, who brought me here?

I know you guys were waiting for me to introduce the great Tomoe. Anyway, I hope I did good in this chapter. I would definitely love to hear your thoughts 💜 Don't forget to vote and follow 😉

Janell 😘

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