Ghost of the House (#wattys20...

By Nerdgirl1327

76 11 3

This is the story of Eleanor, or Nel for short, a 13 year old girl who never gets out of the house. This is a... More

Prologue: Nel
Chapter One: Nel
Chapter Two: Willa
Chapter Four: Willa
Chapter Five: Nel
Chapter Six: Willa
Chapter Seven: Nel
Chapter Eight: Willa
Chapter Nine: Nel
Chapter Ten: Nel
Chapter Eleven: Willa
Chapter Twelve: Nel
Epilogue 1: Willie
Epilogue 2: Nel Harriet Diefenmont

Chapter Three: Nel

4 1 0
By Nerdgirl1327

Come on, that old door trick always works for at least a little jump.

Yes, my prayers have been answered and party crashers have arrived for me to scare away. These people seem different from the rest that wander into the house, these people know about their ghosts. This makes them harder to scare away, but not impossible; now the trick is to make them go crazy over time, which takes patience and a slow build in level of scares. 

I decide to listen in our their conversations to get a sense of who these people are and what will make them squirm. "The door was fine and all, but I'd like to see what these spirits are really capable of, perhaps Ethel's old room will show us some more action." The younger one says, Joslyn, if I heard it correctly; she seems more adventurous than the blonde one.
"It may be the heart of the house though, that's definitely not something we want to messing with yet." Point=proven.
"I thought I heard some noises up here, I was hoping it was the spirits though." This is said by a new member of the group, a man this time. He looks like a professor, wool coat with patches on the elbows included; his hair is dark and his Ned Flanders style moustache is a matching colour. The girls laugh at his joke and he takes a moment to shake their hands. "I'm Doctor Marvin Reddington, and just following me up the stairs now is my partner Simon Caswell." Simon is a much younger man with curly brown hair, small round glasses, a matching coat to the Doctor's and a light brown leather book bag.
"But Doctor Reddington I thought your partner was Franklin Clermont." The blonde one says.
"Franklin was my partner, but he unfortunately died of 'mysterious causes' during the last investigation."
"What do 'mysterious causes' mean to you?" Joslyn inquires.
"One very unhappy poltergeist." The others nod knowingly. "Anyways, Mr. Caswell shows great promise as a paranormal investigator." Joslyn takes the young man's hand.
"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Caswell."
"Please, call me Simon." Aw, he likes her, how cute.
"Hello, Simon." The other woman says politely.
"Miss." He nods his head in respect.
"My name is Joslyn Beaumont and this is Willie Diefenbach." The exuberant woman introduces.
"It's Willa actually, but feel free to call me whatever you like."
"I'm glad to see you both showed up." The Doctor says.
"Who else is supposed to arrive?" Willa asks.
"This is the whole group, I like to keep things small as to easily monitor the activities of each guest."
"That's probably for the best, I'm ready to get started if the rest of you are." Joslyn declares.
"Oh no, today we're just touring the house. Tomorrow is when things really get started."
"That's what you say, the tour I understand, but tonight will be when things really get started." She corrects. A house tour, huh? I like the sound of that.

They start with the first floor, going first through the front hall, then the sitting room, then into the parlour- ooh, the parlour. They step inside the warm coloured room and Joslyn marvels at the well kept pool table in the centre of the room. "It still looks brand new." She gushes.
"Mr. Charleston was said to be quite the pool aficionado." Reddington tells her.
"We should play sometime, you'd play with me, wouldn't you Willie?" She asks, sounding hopeful, hmm.
"I would... If I could play."
"Oh, I'll teach you. Mark my words that by the end of this investigation you'll be a regular pool shark."
"I might have to challenge you to a game one of these days." Simon says not nearly as confidently as he meant to, I don't think he's ever even picked up a cue.
"I would love to take you down." Joslyn jokes.
"All right, we can't spend forever here, let's move on." The Doctor insists. The second their backs are turned I slam the cue ball against the racked balls, making as much racket as I can to catch their attention. Willa jumps at the sudden noise and turns around, the rest of the group follows suit a second later. "Like I said, Mr. Charleston loved his pool." Yeah, yeah, Mr. Charleston whatever; I've met Mr. Charleston and he really isn't that great, all mopey and antisocial even though he could easily interact with his wife and daughter at any time. I did that to scare you! God, sometimes party crashers really get on my nerves.

The dining room is another good opportunity to spook them, but I think the maid covers that for me. "Hope you're ready for dinner, if your lucky there won't be an eyeball in your soup." The group actually laughs despite the serious and definitely non-joking tone she used, she joins in on the laughter as well, but hers is just way too loud and maniacal sounding. Willa gives the maid a strange look because of her wild laughter, and she responds with, "Sorry, I was just making a joke." Then she runs off into the kitchen.
"Um... She's fun." Joslyn says slowly.
"Don't mind Martha, she has an odd sense of humour." The Doctor explains.
"I think she's just odd." Simon mutters under his breath."
"Simon, more maturity please." Reddington scolds.
"Sorry, Sir." Joslyn laughs at his comment though, which makes him smile.

They all quietly settle into their seats and wait for food to arrive. The meal is comprised of ham, mashed potatoes, green beans and red wine. "This is lovely, Martha." Joslyn comments.
"I'm glad you like it." Martha responds.
"I agree the food is lovely, but not as lovely as you Miss Beaumont." Oh my god, this Simon guy is too adorable to handle.
"Oh you flirt."

As they eat, I make the decision to take them out one at a time, committing to one person until they're gone. Willa seems like the easiest target, so I'll start with her. You know, that glass of red wine really compliments that flowery blue dress of hers. I knock over her drink, spilling it all over her outfit and she looks immediately embarrassed. "Oh dear." She says, standing the glass back up. 
"Oh, let me help you with that." Joslyn takes her napkin and pats it on the wet spot. "I know how to get that stain out, come, I'll take you to my room." She takes Willa by the arm and leads her out of the room. I stay to listen to how the Doctor and his partner will react.
"I knew this place had a lot of promise." Reddington says, sounding pleased.
"I didn't expect there to be so much activity just on the first day." Simon admits.
"It's unusual, yes, but not impossible."
"Do you think it might be too active?"
"I don't know such a concept, so no."
"Very funny, Doctor."
"That Beaumont girl, you're obviously interested in her." It's clear that the Doctor had wanted to say this for awhile.
"You noticed?"
"It's as obvious as an elephant in an ant farm, Simon."
"Am I in trouble?"
"I can't tell you who to like and not like, just remember that we're professionals, not children."
"Yes Sir." Having watched what I've watched today and heard what I've heard, these people are pretty interesting, I might just have to let these party crashers stay awhile.

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