Don't Look Back (Sequel to Th...

By MermaidPearl

44K 1.7K 90

The sequel to The Alpha's Mate. You might have to read the first book to really understand, but if you don't... More

Don't Look Back (Sequel to The Alpha's Mate)
Chapter two
Happy Fathers Day!!!!!
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
*Little Rant*
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not another chapter
Chapter 14!
Chapter 15
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Obviously, not another chapter.
The Truth

Chapter Nine

1.4K 71 6
By MermaidPearl

Hola senior and senioreta's! I probably spelled that wrong but oh well.. Anyways! I just REALLY wanted to write this next chapter. But first I have something very important to ask you all..

You see, my daddy (yes I call him daddy) has been in the hospital since Tuesday. Something is wrong with his lower intestine, but that's all i've been told about it.

Would you just please keep him in your prayers? It would really mean a lot.

Now thank you for waiting and here is the next chapter.



"Chrissy." A voice mumbled. "Chrissy Hun, open your eyes."

          I groaned sleepily and slowly opened my eyes. Everywhere I looked, there was white. It was like a giant white box with nothing in it. I stood up slowly, and looked side to side. Maybe I was just hearing things.


          I yipped in shock, yes I actually yipped. I spun around as quickly as I could and there was a man standing right there, very hard to miss. But what I didn't understand is, why was he here? More importantly, HOW was he here? Where were we?

"Dad? Where are we?"

"Hun, where we are they don't have a name for. But, I can explain it."

"......Okay then can you?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Yes, yes. Your asleep. That bracelet I gave you, has some powers I didn't mention. And you, my dear, have some powers of your own."

          My eyes were probably as wide as saucers. Me? With powers? Ha, as if!

"No, no, no. Dad you've got this all wrong. I can't have powers.I mean, look at me!" I laughed, motioning to myself up and down. "I look like any other normal teenage girl. I'm plain. There is nothing special about me."

"Chrissy, there's more to you than what you can see right now. You just turned 16, and up until then you've been human. I assume your mother hasn't told you much about her side of the family?"

          I shook my head. "She told me that she used to be a mermaid, that your a werewolf. But you two couldn't be together. So the only way you two could be together was if she became human. She said she did that so you and her could be together. Because she was already nine moths pregnant with me and Claire."

"Then when I asked her if Chase Mitchell meant anything she didn't reply. Then when I showed her the bracelet she told me to tell her where you were. She got mad I wouldn't tell her. Then one thing lead to another, and she ended up on the floor gasping for air. And that's it." I shrugged.

          He sighed and shook his head. Apparently disappointed in mom. And I didn't blame him.

"Chrissy, she never gave up being a mermaid. After she had you and Claire, she took you and left. Her dad had some guys come and.. visit me. My pack took care of them, and then we ran. If she were to find out where we were, I'd probably be dead by now."

          I cocked my head to the side in confusion. Why would he be dead? I mean, I know dad's are serious about their daughters, but I'm sure my grandpa wouldn't kill him. Would he?

"What are you talking about?"

"Have you ever met your grandfather, Chris?"

"No, why?"

"Because he's a vampire, Chris. And not just any vampire, he's the king of vampires. He's a cruel man, he's had vampires after me for years. Luckily, my pack knows how to cover their scent. We haven't been found. Where are you Chrissy, you need to come hope. Your safe here."

"No dad, I'm not."

"Yes you are! Chris-"

"No I am not! Look, things have changed. Now before I wake up, please tell me what powers the bracelet has. And me."

"I will talk to you more about you coming home later missy. For now I'll tell you what you want to know. The bracelet has powers, as you already know. One of them is we can get in each others dreams. Well.. we can come here for dreams. I can feel your emotions and if your hurt. You, I'm not sure  what powers you have. All I know is that at the least you have two powers, one for each mythical creature you are, that was passed down to you. Besides turning into them, some of your characteristics change over time. Your mermaid power is controlling peoples minds.. but I'm not sure what your werewolf power is. We don't really have powers.."

"Okay well dad I-"

I was cut off by some loud voice yelling, echoing throughout the box.

"Chris, Chris wake up!" It yelled frantically. "We have to go!"

Slowly my mind started going fuzzy.

"Chris, who is that! Where are-"

I woke up to Stacie shaking me violently, whispering loudly and harshly in my ear.

"Stacie what-"

"Scarlett!" She spat. "And someone's outside! I heard them talking! Listen!" 

I listened quietly and perked up my hearing. Then, I heard them.

"Someone's here, I smell them." One voice whispered.

"Hey, look." The other whispered back. "There's a boxcar. Let's go check it out."

Footsteps came closer and closer.

"Scarlett, get back. This could get bad."

She nodded and hugged me tight before letting go, and hiding in the back corner of the boxcar. The footsteps came closer, until they were right outside the door.

"You ready?" The second one whispered.

"Open it."


Hey, how was it? I worked really hard on it so I hope its good. Please keep my daddy in your prayers, I'm not really sure whats wrong with his intestine but I hope it gets better.

Thank you everyone.

God Bless you all, and I hope you all sleep well. Goodnight!


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