Zootopia: Snowfall (CURRENTLY...

By CrazyAnimationChick

31.5K 1.1K 941

Snow Wilde is an Arctic Fox and is the eldest adopted daughter of Judy and Nick Wilde. She's just a regular f... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

4.8K 125 135
By CrazyAnimationChick

Wilde Children: A Zootopia Series!

AN: Hey guys! I was inspired by a bunch of Zootopia writers to write my own story. This is my first Zootopia story and I haven't seen the movie yet, so Judy and Nick might be out of character. Sorry. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

"Wake up, Snow! It's the last day of school!" My little brother, Thumper, says from outside my door.

Well, at least I think it's Thumper. I have two other brothers, and it's way to early for me to fully think straight. For all I know it could have been my three other sisters.

Yep. Three younger brothers, and three younger sisters. Six younger siblings all together. Counting me makes seven children. Seven adopted children. Five foxes and two rabbits. The other four foxes are quadruplets. They are all from the same litter, which means they are the only ones out of the seven kids that are related. The two bunnies aren't related to each other, and I'm not related to any of the other foxes, and obviously not the bunnies either. The Quadruplets are the only blood related siblings.

I've always known I was adopted. Okay, that's a lie. I was three when my parents adopted the Fox Quadruplets. I didn't understand anything about sexual reproduction, or where babies came from. I was only three for God's sake!

I had thought that my mother, who is a rabbit, had given birth to the four foxes. I had thought that she had given birth to me.

I was too young to realize the differences between us. I was too young to understand that I was an Arctic Fox and she was a rabbit. I was too young to understand that it was impossible for her to be my biological mother.

It wasn't until I was six, and the Quads three that my parents decided to adopt a baby rabbit. My brother, Thumper.

I was still not aware that they had adopted him. I was six years old and had other things going on in my mind. So I thought my mom legitimately given birth to this one too. I mean he looked like mom!

I saw the similarities Thumper shared with my mother, and how he didn't share anything with my dad. He didn't look like my dad AT ALL!

After that I began to notice a lot of things. The Quads were red and looked like my father, but shared no similarities of my mother.

And me? I didn't look like either of them. I was a fox like my dad, but I had white fur and he had red.

A few months after I had come to the realization that I was different from my other family members, an upperclassmen from school, some 2nd grader, made the same realization. After 10 years I can still remember our conversation on the swing set.

"I saw you the other day," he had said, a bear cub I believe he was. All I knew was that he was a big ball of brown fur. Yeah, he was definitely a bear cub.

"You were at the store with that Rabbit lady. Who was she? A family friend or something?"

I remember looking at him in confusion. "Um...no. She's my mom."

The bear cub looked confused too. "Your mother? No she's not! You're a fox and she's a rabbit. And that male fox that was with you is certainly not your father. You're an arctic fox and he's not!"

Before I could reply, I heard a person call out my name from behind.

"Hey, snowball."

I look behind my shoulder and see my dad behind the fence. My four fox siblings were in their 4-seat stroller and Thumper was strapped to his chest. All of them fast asleep.

"Daddy!" I had cheered with joyed and jumped off the swing to greet him.

"What are you doing here?" I had asked as I leaned against the fence that separated us.

"Your mother and I decided to pick you up early today. It is the last day of school after all. Oh, there she is now." He said.

I look behind me again and saw my mom walking toward me. She smiles and I quickly run over to hug her.

"Mommy!" I say as I hugged her tight.

Mom giggled. "Hi, sweetie. I already checked you out and got your stuff. Do want to go get some ice cream?"

My eyes widened and I cheered like crazy. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

She giggles again. "Okay, come on. And where on earth are your shoes?"

"I took them off. Let me go get them," I walked back to the swing where my shoes were.

The bear cub was still there, and when I went to pick my shoes up he said, "They're not your real parents and those aren't your real siblings. All of you are adopted."

"Adopted? What's that?"

"Ask them." He replied as he got off the swing and walk toward the sand pit.

I watched him leave, wondering what it was that he meant.

At that moment my mom spoke up, "Come on Sweetie. We're gonna see grandma, grandpa, and all your aunts, uncles, and cousins too."

I quickly put my shoes on and hurried over to her. I tried to ignore the words the bear had said, but they were already drilled in too deep in my head.

I still enjoyed to rest of the day though. Despite the annoying thought in my head. I had also noticed that my mom look a little distressed too.

It wasn't until hours later when we were doing the dishes for grandma and grandpa that I decided to say something.

"Mommy, are you okay?"

She looked down at me, surprised. "Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be?" She forced a smile, and I saw right through it.

"You just...look upset. Is something bothering you? Something is bothering me." I say, sheepishly.

Mom looks worried. She wipes her paws on her pants, and takes my hand. She sets me on top of the table, in front of her, while she sat in the chair.

"What's bothering you, snowflake?" She asked.

I had always liked that she called me Snowflake and my dad always called me Snowball.

"I'll tell you if you tell me," I said, stubbornly.

Mom nods. "I promise. Would you like me to tell you now?"

I nodded and she continued.

"Do you remember that bear cub you were swinging with? Well, with my super rabbit hearing, I heard him say something to you and it upset me."

My ears perked at that. "Whoa! He's what I wanted to talk about too!"

Mom's ears lowered. "Really? Was it something he said? We're probably upset about the same thing."

"He said something about how...how you and daddy aren't my parents, and how Thumper and the Quads aren't my real siblings. He said something about...adaptation?"

"Adoption." She corrected.

"Yeah! That! What is it?"

And then, with much hesitation, she explained everything to me. I didn't know what to feel. How could I feel sad when I was happy with the family I had? How could I miss my real parents when I've never met them?

I didn't miss them. I wasn't sad. Honestly, I didn't even care. I shrugged it off like it was no big deal. To be honest, it really isn't.

My dad had tucked me in that same night, and confronted me about the conversation I had with mom.

"I overheard you and your mother talking," he had said. "I knew she was upset, but I couldn't get her to speak. Good job, snowball. You cracked her."

"That's because I have the magic touch," I had wiggled my fingers in his face and giggled when he tried to bite them.

"That you do." He said. "Your mother came to me afterwards and we talked about it. We want you to know that if you ever want to meet your real parents..." He looked at his paws, ears flat, and hesitated with his words. "We won't stop you."

My ears went flat too, and I quickly hugged him. "I told mommy this, so I guess I'll tell you too: you guys are my real family. No one else."

I've never seen my father cry in my entire 6 years of life, and while he didn't shed any tears he did get teary eyed, a little choked up.

When I was 9, they decided to adopt one last kid. They wanted another rabbit, preferably a female. Few months later we welcomed Lola to the family. The youngest Wilde child and definitely the most spoiled.

Luckily for us she's a complete angel. She might be spoiled rotten, but she doesn't act like it. No offense to my other siblings, but she's definitely my favorite sibling. Maybe it's the bond of the oldest and youngest sibling.

So no I haven't always known about me being adopted, but somewhere deep in my mind, before the bear even said anything, I was always aware of how different I was from my parents. I had a feeling, I just never really sought out an answer, if that makes sense.

But I did find my answer, and so did my siblings. Mom and dad decided to tell each of them when they turned 6, like how I was. I know it's something you should wait to tell your kids for when they're older, but if you tell them when they're younger they'll be less complications. Revealing something like that to a teenager, who's emotions are always whack, is not a good idea.

Now, years later, here we are. School is out after today and in 3 months I'm going to be a junior.

"Snow! We're gonna be late!" Yeah, that's Thumper. He always has to be on time.

"You'll be fine, Mr. Time!" I yelled, snuggling with my pillow. "It's the last day of school. They're not going to take attendance."

Out of all of us, Thumper is the smartest most intellect 10 year old rabbit the world has ever seen. Already at the top of his class. Mom is thinking about asking the school of it will be possible to skip a few grades.

Todd, Robin, Marian, and Vixie are the quadruplets.

Todd is a professional at cooking and has been cooking dinner for us since he's been 10. He's 13 now, as well as the other 3 kits. He's also gay, and the only one who knows is me.

He's not ready to tell mom and dad. He doesn't trust his blood siblings to keep a secret this big, and of course Thumper and Lola are too young.

However, he does trust his older sister, who isn't technically related to him, to keep his secret. Honestly I was honored and really touched that he trusts me so much.

Now, onto the others.

Robin is the athletic child. His favorite sport, which he is the absolute best at, is archery. I personally don't consider it a sport, but whatever. It's a very skillful thing though that, obviously, takes a lot of skill.

He's also rebellious, which I'm pretty sure he got from me, and is my most trusted partner in crime. We get in tons of trouble together. He's a pretty good thief too. You would not believe how many Pawpsicles he has stolen.

Vixie is the girly girl, and is a total diva fashionista. She loves pink and sparkles and basically anything that looks like unicorn vomit. She designs her own clothes, and even makes them. However, clothes are the only thing she can really draw. Nothing else. She's not artistic let our little sister Lola.

For only being 7, Lola is a master artist. She painted a portrait of our family, that is now hanging above our fireplace. And she only made it in a week!

Marian is our dancer, and lastly I'm the musician and writer. I write whatever comes to mind really. Music, poetry, a few novel ideas here and there.

Let's just say that when our parents adopted us they really got talented kids. They had no idea what raw talented we possessed. Or at least that's what I like to believe.

I shrieked when my blankets were thrown off of me, exposing me to the cold morning air. That only lasted 2 seconds. I'm an Arctic Fox. I'm able to live in below freezing temperatures. Which means I can go ice skating naked if I wanted to. But I won't. That would be weird...hehehe.

However, while I'm not cold, that blanket was comfortable and soft! What the hell! I want it back!

"What the hell?!" I groaned, opening my eyes and making eye contact with my dad.

"Good morning to you too. Hurry and get dressed. Your mom and Todd made breakfast." He said.

I looked at my clock and saw that I had a complete hour left of sleep.

"Are you kidding? School doesn't start for another hour! I could be sleeping!" I whined.

Dad smirks. "You think I want to be up too? This is all your mother's idea."

I nodded. "Ah. That explains it. There's no way you'd be up this early on your day off, you lazy bum."

"That's Mr. Lazy Bum to you, young lady." Dad says as he ruffles the fur on top of my head. "Now are you coming or what?"

I pretended to think about it and curled back into a ball, snuggling my pillow. "I think I'll stay here."

Dad sighs. "I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice."

Before I could ask him what he meant I was suddenly lifted up and thrown over his shoulder.

"What the–Dad! Put me down!"

There were giggles coming from the doorway.

"Aww, looks like Snow has to be carried like a baby. Shall we set up her highchair, dad?" Says Robin.

"That's funny!" Says Lola.

I growled as I tried to look at them, but couldn't. "Shut up, Robin! Dad, put me down!"

Dad shook his head as he began to head downstairs. "Nope, you asked for it."

"All I asked for was more sleep!"

Dad laughs so I flicked my tail in his face. He started to sputter, and this time I started to laugh.

"Will you quit that? Who knows where that tail has been!" Dad grumbled, as he brought me into the dining room.

"It was probably up Cole Blackthorn's a–"

"Robin!" Mom shouted. "Don't even dare finish that sentence,"

"Oh no," I say, still hanging from dad's shoulder, propped up on my right elbow. "Let him finish his sentence. I'm just dying to see what the consequences will be." I let out a low growl to prove my point.

"My money goes to your mother beating the crap out of both of you," dad says and finally sets me down. I smoothed down my fur while my mom handed me my plate.

"It's true," she says, "I am perfectly able of taking down two teenage foxes. I took down your father many times."

"Honey, let's keep our play time private, please," dad teased and her fur began to become pink.

"Nick!" She scolded, and smack him hard on his chest. Dad just laughs.

"Oh my god," I groaned, "I think I just threw up."

"That's nasty," Marian and Robin say at the same time.

They look at each other and shout,"Jinx!" Then again. "Double jinx! Triple jinx! Quadruple jinx–"

Vixie came over with a really long scarf and wrapped it around both of the muzzles.

"Oh, I would kill you right now if our parents weren't cops. I could get away with it too, ya know?"

Robin yanks the scarf off, making it fall the the floor. "I swear one of these days I'm gonna strangle you with your own fabric!"

"I'd like to see you try," Vixie taunted, a smirk plastered on her face.

"Okay, kids," mom says, "hurry and eat your breakfast. It's the last day of school and grandma and grandpa want to spend the first weekend of Summer with you guys."

"We're gonna spend the weekend at the farm?" Asked Thumper.

Mom nods.

"Awesome!" He cheers. "I can have the barn all to myself as I do my experiments."

"Not if I use it for dance practice," Marian comments.

"Well, what about me and my target practice?" Asked Robin.

"You're already a pro at shooting an arrow. What more do you need to learn?" Asked Todd, as he chowed down on his food he made.

"Um, I don't want to forget everything I had learned over the years! You like to cook and I like to shoot. Don't question me and my passion." Robin replies.

"You know," I speak up again, "there's this thing called sharing? I had to learn how to share with you monsters and after all these years I'm surprised you haven't. The barn is large enough for us to do whatever we want. Chill out."

Todd laughed. "Hahaha an Arctic Fox telling us to chill out. Classic."

I kicked him under the table.

"Ow! What the heck?"

"Hehehe," I snickered. "Classic." I smirk as I repeated his words.

Mom and dad were quite as they watched with loving faces as we continued to bicker on and on. Suddenly, out of the blue, Lola speaks up.

"Daddy, what did you mean by play time with mommy?"

There was a painfully long awkward silence. Mom and dad were flustered, and as if on cue the other fox kits and I burst into laughter.

Thumper looked confused. "Yeah, I agree with Lola."

I ruffled his fur. "For being at the top of your class, you really don't know everything, do you? Well, it all begins with the birds and the bees–"

"Snow Wilde, don't you dare!" Scolds Mom.

I started to laugh again.

Stay tuned for more! In the next chapter I will explain name choices, and appearances. Although, if you know your famous foxes and bunnies, I think you'll know where I got the names from. Thanks for reading!

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