Life Isn't Fair

By Savannah_Jamaica

347 38 43

Ashton Maine, a 16 year old girl, has to live her life getting bullied, not only by other people but also her... More

Chapter 2: Home
Chapter 3: I Should Have Known
Chapter 4: It's Over
Chapter 5: Blank
Chapter 6: Why

Chapter 1: My Life Everyday

87 9 13
By Savannah_Jamaica

It's 4:00 in the morning and I can't stop crying. Tears are running down my face and I'm shaking. As I try to catch my breath, I question myself, "Why am I such an outcast? W-why doesn't anyone like me."

As I calm down, I slowly start to fall asleep. My mind finally goes blank. I know nothing bad can happen and no one can hurt me with their harsh words.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I wake up and violently turn off my alarm clock. I sit up, rub my eyes then go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see I forgot to take off my makeup, again. I clean off the smeared eyeliner then brush my teeth. As soon as I finish brushing my teeth, I start brushing my hair. I look in the mirror and stop. "I look so ugly." I thought. I turn to the side and look at my stomach. I was disgusted. I storm out of the bathroom and head to my room. I put on a black long sleeve shirt and skinny jeans. I go back to the bathroom to put on my makeup, trying to avoid my thoughts so I don't start crying and have to start over.

I get finished with my daily morning routine and grab my bags. I go outside and wait for the bus. When the bus finally gets here, I get on. It was dark on the bus and I was happy. No one could see me and call me names, but I knew it would come when I got to school. I let my mind go blank while I look out the window.

I get to school and get my stuff together. I try to get off the bus but no one will let me go in front off them. When the last person gets off I trail behind them. I'm always the last one but I guess I try to see if someone will let me in front of them.

I walk in the building and immediately put my head down so I don't see the faces people give me while I walk by. I here many people whispering and giggling when I pass. I go to my usually spot, by the stairs, where no one else is. Someone throws a price of crumbled paper at me and I read it. It says:
"Ashton Maine, I just wanted you to know your an ugly bitch. No one wants you here so get lost."
I tear up and look at the people who threw it at me.

It was Jacob Lee, his girlfriend, Amanda Sky, and some other people that follow them. They are the most popular people in school and love to pick on me. They were 17 and I was 16. I got bumped up a grade because I was that smart and they didn't like that.

I crumble the paper back up and threw it on the ground. I run to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I start to cry but tried to hold it back so the other girls wouldn't her me. If they did, they would know it was me.

I stay in there until the first bell. I've calmed done enough so I was ready to go to my first class. I was the smartest one there, but also the quietest. I didn't raise my hand at all and only talked when I had to. In all my classes it was the same thing.

The second bell rang and I got my things. As I headed to my next class I hear people calling me ugly, emo, stupid, and fat. I try to ignore it but I know it's true.

I was 130 pounds and I wanted to weigh less. I had black long hair, with bangs that fell in my face. I wore thick black eyeliner. My skin was pale and my eyes where a bright blue. I always wore a dark long sleeve shirt with skinny jeans. I covered as much of my body as I could because I hated it. I also cover my arms because I had secrets on them. My secrets were scars. I try to hide them as much as I could so they wouldn't bring anymore attention then I already have.

Everyday this went on. After every class it was the same thing. At lunch I would sit by the stairs alone, not eating anything so I wouldn't get fatter. This was my life and I had to except it.

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