Shes Mine.... And will always...

By fvckufo

510K 9.7K 3K

Is he insane, or just in love? More

Shes Mine.... And will always be mine.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
A/N About Sequel! Please Read(:

Chapter 12

23.2K 463 71
By fvckufo

Hello my lovely fans!(: See i didnt take that long to upload. lol A lot of people have been asking me why are my chapters so short, and telling me to make them longer. I make them short on purpose because thats how i planned it. The story isnt meant to be a long story, so there isnt many chapters left in the story, the next chapter could be that last you never know. lol anyways i hope you guys like it!(:

I held Nicole’s body in my arms as she silently sobbed against my chest, her body shaking slightly. I didn’t mean to shoot the sheriff in front of Nicole. I thought she was still asleep, I know she shouldn’t be seeing these things it’s too much for her, but if one sheriff came here, I know soon others will eventually come also. I need to find a new place for us to stay again. I’ll give it a few weeks first.

“I’m sorry my love” she slowly picked her head up to look at me as I spoke. “I didn’t know you were there, I wouldn’t of shot him in front of him if I known.”

“It’s okay, ace.” She said softly as she grabbed my hand to intertwine our fingers together. “You don’t have to apologize.” I pressed my lips softly to hers, our lips moving together slowly. I pulled away slightly to look into her beautiful eyes.

“I love you Nicole”

“I love you more, ace.”

I smiled and brought my lips against her neck, kissing her gently. Laying her down on her back and climbing on top of her, never breaking the soft kisses against her neck. If she loves me as much as she claims she does, she should want to make love to me.

“Please stop, ace. I’m not ready” I pulled away and looked at her. She’s still not ready, but she said she loves me so she should be ready, unless she’s just lying to me, and she doesn’t really love me. Would she really lie to me? If she didn’t really love me, I don’t know what I would do, but she would pay for not lying to me.

“Do you really love me Nicole?” I questioned sternly.

“Of course I do ace, you should know that.” She said, her eyes watering slightly.

I felt bad instantly, because I do know that she loves me. “Then why don’t you want me to make love to you.”

“I’m just not ready” she whispered, looking away as if she was ashamed. I turned her face back, to look at me. Tears were silently rolling down her cheeks.

“It’s okay my love, I can wait.” I said while I was kissing her tears away. “I promise I won’t rush you again.” She smiled slightly, and kissed my cheek tenderly.

“You won’t have to wait that much longer.” She whispered into my ears, sending shivers down my back. I instantly smiled, at what she just told me.

I looked over at the time to see that it’s still early, only 8:17.

“Are you still tired my love” I asked, she nodded her head gently, against my neck. “Then go back to sleep my love, I’ll wake you up later”

“Okay” she whispered softly. I slowly got off of her, and covered her small frame. I kissed her cheek, and walked out of the room.

I sat down on the love seat in the living room. I love Nicole so much, I’m so glad that I have her, but the cops are still after us. I need to find some way to get the cops off my trail. I know another will come here also, and that’s the last thing I need. Just thinking about more cops coming over here, is pissing me off. There never going to take Nicole away from me, and if they try there going to die. I will kill anybody who gets in my way.

I don’t feel bad for killing that sheriff yesterday, he deserved it. He wanted to take Nicole away from me, he was a threat. Now he is six feet underground. I took his car and parked it in the back behind, some trees. Hopefully no one will see it there.

I sat there for an hour just thinking about everything that has happened, and that might happen. I thought about Nicole, if she misses her family back home. I feel slightly bad for taking her away from her family, but it had to be done. She was mine, and no one else’s, just mine. I know she can’t ever see her family again, but someday me and Nicole will start are own family together, and she will forget her past, and focus on her future with me.

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