God, I miss her so much! (On...

By Aussie6641

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Alison has put up walls. She lt's nobody in, but either way, nobody talks to her. She used to have it all. Un... More

Chapter 2~ Sobs of Love
GIMHSM, Chapter 4

God, I miss her so much!

788 2 0
By Aussie6641

~Alisons POV~

I wake up to my alarm clock ringing. Why!? Why does God keep my breathing? Why is my heart still beating? I just don't understand. I don't deserve to have my heart beating inside my chest. I don't deserve life any longer. I should be dead, not her.

I drag myself out of bed and walk to my closest and pull out my jeans and t-shirt. I drag my feet into the bathroom and pull my dull hair into a messy ponytail. My hair used to be shiny and beautiful. I used to be beautiful. I was beautiful on the outside, but ugly on the inside. Now I am ugly inside and out. I even used to be loved. Now I am hated by every living person except my mom and brother. I am surprised they haven't given up on me just like everybody else has.

I walk out of my room with my ipod and go down stairs. I put my shoes on, grab my bookbag, and leave the house without a word, with out my brother. As usual. I pull myelf across the gravel drive way and get in my car and drive towards the torchure chamber I call school.

~Masons POV~

I walk around the school building. I was able to find the main office to get my schedule, but I can't seem to find my locker. I giv and wak outside to find someone to help me.

I think I see someone to help and am about to walk up when everybody goes silent as a girl walks up the steps to the school and I don't think it is because she is pretty or something. She is starring at the ground, but when she looks up, her eyes look dead. I watched her. She enters the building, and ten seconds later everybody starts whispring then they all start talking. I follow her into the building. I follow her until he reaches a locker and opens it. I just watch from there.

When she opens her locker, a piece of paper falls out. She looks down at it and picks it up. She starts starring at it in her hands. Then I realize it is a photo. She stands for a few more seconds before falling to her knees and crying.

There are only six other kids in the hall way at the moment, other than me and her. But the ones in the hall way are all either looking at her with pity, or a mixed look of hatred and sorrow. But she pays no attention to her surroundings, she just sits there, crying with her finger dug deep into her hair. I watch her for a moment longer before I approach her.

She must feel my presense because she says.

"If you are going to give your sorrow or pity, I don't need it. So just fuck off." Her voice sounds like an angel even if she is sobbing, but her choice of words are those of a demon.

I am about to say something to hr when the bell rings and she takes a deep breath ans stands up, slams her locker and walks away wiping her eyes. I think about following her, but a boy comes up to me.

"Hi, I'm Alex. You must be new here. But here are some words of advice. Stay away from her, she is only bad news. Anyway, whats your name?" he asks.

"Umm, I'm Mason. But what did she do that is so bad?"

He thinks for a small moment, then answers.

"Lets just say it wasn't good." he says. I nod.

~Alisons POV~

Don't they understand I don't need their pity!? I don't need to be reminded that she is dead beause of me! No, that is already stuck in my mind. I don't need to be reminded that nobody likes me. I live with that everyday!

I walk into my first period class and go to me seat in the back corner. The classroom starts to fill up and the bell rings. The teacher stands up.

"Class, we have a new student today. His name is Mason. Treat him with respect." She says. I don't even know the ladys name. I never bothered the remember it. It's pointless, all the teacher ignore me anyway. "Mason, go and have a seat next to Alison in the back."

The class murmurs things but I don't wait to find out what they are. I pull out my ipod and ears phones as usual and just listen to my music. The teachers never care what I do anymore, considering I have just given up on the concept of life.

I can feel a pair of eyes on me but I don't care enough to see who is watching me. I listen to her favorite songs until the bell rings. I gather my things and make my way out of the classroom, but someone catches up with me. I look to see it's the new kid

"Hey, are you okay? I saw you crying earlier." He says. I am struck with the rememberece of the photo falling from my locker this morning. My favorite picture of her and I.

"I'm fine." I say and walk faster to get away. And I do. I am not going to concern myself to get a new friend. I know that by the end of the day he will be ignoring me like everybody else does.

The kid ends up in most of my classes but doesn't try to talk to me again and I am thankful. But when lunch rolls around, I am no longer thankful.

I am sitting at my usual spot outside, when the kid comes up to me with a tray and sit down with me.

"Hi." He says. I look at him and nod.

"Sooo...." He says, obviously unsure of himself.

"You know, you should listen to them." I say.

"Listen to who?" He asks.

"Don't pull that crap. I know people have told you to stay away from me. And you should." I say.

"What did you do that is so bad?" He asks. I am about to tell him to just go away when a girl comes up. Ruler of the school girl.

"Mason, stay away from her. You don't want to have anything to do with her. She got her last friend killed. You don't want to die like little Sarah now do you?" She says. I can't help but crack at the mention of her name. I can't hold it any longer. I start sobbing and run off. I know people are watching and I know someone is following me. But I don't care. I run until I reach the place that makes me feel safe. The place I have a connection to. It was our special place.

I lie down in the grass underneath the tree and cry. I hear footsteps approach me, but I don't look up. I keep my face in the ground and cry.


Hmm, what's wrong with Alison? Who is Sarah? The only way to find out is to stay for the next chapter. :D

Sooo, tell what you think!!!!


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