Evil Bad Luck~ Setosolace

By Dragonovia

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A Dream Is Not Just A Dream. It May Be A Vision, Or Your Fait. You Can't Deny On What You See, Knowing That I... More

Evil Bad Luck(SetoSolace) Completed
Evil Bad Luck(SetoSolace)Continue
Guys i need help
Chapter 3:The Beginning of Deadlox
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:I will never hurt you...
Chapter 6:War Plan
Chapter 7: Meet my friends
Chapter 8: NightFlur
Chapter 9: Nightflur Pt 2
Chapter 10:The escape fail?
Chapter 11:Taco Potion P.1
Chapter 13:I fu**ed up
Chapter 14: Breaking Apart
Chapter 14:Continue
Chapter 15
Novia & Norah... Seto
Chapter 16
Chapter 16: Continue
Chapter 17:.......
Chapter 18:
Chapter 18: BIG SURPRISE!!!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: WAR
Chapter 25

Chapter 12: Taco Potion P.2

141 5 8
By Dragonovia

*WARNING* I don't hate lesbians or gay people. Its just a book, didn't mean to offend people. *WARNING*(I actually love reading gay fan fiction...don't hate)

---Novia POV---
I stood frozen in the air and brice statement just kept replying non stop. I started to tear up and gave a death glare to brice. He was brave enough to death glare me back.

Nobody knew what to do so I spoke,"Am going inside." And with that, I flew away. I felt a thousand stares was at me, but I didn't care. Right before I went inside sky house, a loud slap was heard.

I ignore it and went inside a bathroom and slightly cried. Am very sensitive and can get mad or sad quick. Its horrible, life is just pain in the neck sometimes, or sometimes literally.

Someone knocked on the door of the bathroom am in but I ignore it. "Novia, I know your in there."

I groan knowing 'seto' would teleport, I stood up, unlock the door, open and sat down once again. Seto sat down besides me and comfort me. It worked, and I was happy I had him. I stood up, wiping my tears and walked out of the bathroom. I stopped and looked back at seto who is sitting in the floor. "So, are you coming?" I ask.

He nodded and stood up and followed me. I walked out of sky house and saw everything normal, everybody practicing, except the fact that birce has a hand mark on his cheek. I giggled and brice looked at me and gave me a death glare. I then showed him my fangs and he got frighten and went back to practicing a sword swinging on a mummy dummy rubber man.

Seto went back to potion and I walked towards to Ashley who is with Bodil, picking up a blue worm. "Cool, I never knew there was a blue worms." Bodil suddenly laugh Ashley told me they put blue paint on the worm. I feel dum know. "Haha-You thought-haha-it was an-hahaha-actual blue-hahaha-worm!-hahaha."

I smiled and smack bodil head in behind, but he still continue to laugh. My stomach started to growl, almsot sounded like a lion roar. "Woah, somebody hungry." I blished in embarrassment, I turn to only thought on a crazy dum potion. I ran towards seto and ask him if he can make a taco potion. "Hmmm, I can make a chicken soup potion with vegetables on it, maybe....ok I will."

I yelped in happiness as seto started putting water on a botel and put weird objects on it and swirling is makeing a mixture of brown and green color. Seto gave it to me and I chug it down and it actually tasted like a taco but smoosh. I thank him and grabbed a wood sword and challenge sky.

In the muddle of war sky and I, I burped like a mad man-woman. Sky laugh giving me an advantage and kicked his knees making him fall and pointed the sword in his neck and yelled, "Fatality!" He laughed more as I put my sword down on the floor.

"Hey Novia, during war, you should burp like Godzilla and giving us a advantage!"Mitch said. Everyone laugh at his comment and I face palm myself and shaking my head no. Mitch aw and I yay!It was getting late night dark at night and all of us went inside sky house.

"Hey sky, can we watch a scary horror movie?" basher ask. Sky open his mouth to reply but I groan and spoke, "Why a horror movie!? Its like a book, a character saying, 'Yo dude, lets watch ya horror 9000+ age movie!' Its no fun!" I shouted. Sky snickered as he went to a movie shelf and took out "Dawn on a Deep Foest." I squealed running away but it seems as time stopped but my legs are moving .

"Your noy going anywhere!" I turn around and realized seto use his magic on me for not running away. I huff in defeat and let seto take me to hell-I mean living room! Hehe, totally not said hell, hehe. I sat down and jerome put on the movie and Ty turn on the tv with the tv remote. I sat between Ashley on my left and seto on my right. I like th-"WATCH OUT AM COMING!!"
(White gue wad everywhere!JK LOL)

I looked up to see sky jumping in between seto and I and his butt landed on the couch between seto and I. I yelped and smacked sky behind his head and he laughed. I groan and bodil shuush us because the movie started. I looked around to see a couch fill with bodil and simon and Ashley, wait, wasnt ashley sitting next to me? Oh wait nevermind, only three people each couch and sky rudly sat down and I accidentally push Ashley out, oops.

I was in the middle couch of the living. Me sky and seto. Another couch were mitch and jerome and ty was sitting on the right. I thought of the merome couple and I blushed, luckily the lights were off, nobody saw me, MUHAHA- ......wut!?
Jumpscare #1Bloody face=yelled
Jumpscare #2Three kids laughing =sqeal
Jumpscare #3Creepy house =shiver down my spine
Jumpscare #4Spookay hallway=closed my eyes.

Open my eyes,...Of course, a dog head turning around with creepy saring eyes and the screen at us and next to him was a dirty creepy doll girl who scream and was started running towards us...I scream with her"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"I jumped so high I felt like I was flying.I flop down in the couch shaking like crazy and somethin wet was on my face and realized I started to cry.

I don't and can't make any crying or sobbing noice but my friends laughed at me and I stood up, ignoreing the creepy dark kitchen, and sat next to seto and hug his shoulder for dear life!Seto started petting me and my ears and I purred and smiled. I cuddle towards his and slowly went to sleep.

---Brice POV---
My 'friends' walked in to sky house and they put on a horror movie. I didn't join because I didn't felt like being scared at the moment. Everybody sat on the three couch and sky sat between seto and...Novia....while shouting"WATCH OUT AM COMING!!" I gighled at my dirty thought. I turn off the light and told them I'll be at the back yard, but nobody seem to notice. I sigh and walked out to the back yard.

I lay down on the grass,watching the stars as a shooting start catches my eye. I took a deep breath, "I wish I can start all over of my life so I won't do horrible mistakes." Just then, I heard a rufgle neard by as I stood up.Being the smart a** human, "Is anybody there?" I thought I wouldn't get a reply but,

"You want a re-do life? Then your wish is granted my friend."

Black dots started to form as my vision blur and I fell into darkness of nothing. Now what just happen?

Hey there Dragonovia here, Sorry for the long....LONG time but I got my lazy a** up and started typing.

I hope you enjoy or atleast smile and my mom just shouted at me becausr it was time for me to sleep, its 10:07PM, i have school tomorrow. Anyways! Bai bye meh cookies, see ya in the next chapter, bye bai!

-Dragonovia Out!

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