Forever and Always

By 6people6equal6sh1t

3.3K 114 16

Ricky and Devin start developing feelings for each other, but how is this possible? Ricky is straight and Dev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

239 7 2
By 6people6equal6sh1t

Ricky's POV

I woke up two hours later and after I stretched and got up I realized the bus was stopped, so I walked out into the main area and saw Jordan in the drivers seat.

"Are we here already?" I ask

"No we still have another hour ahead of us I just needed to get gas."

"Oh okay, do I have time to step out and have a quick smoke?"

"Yeah I just pulled in so you have a few minutes."

"Okay I'll be back in a bit," I say as I put my shoes on and grab my cigarettes and lighter.

I step outside and walk a ways away from the gas pumps so I don't risk starting a fire. When I'm a reasonable distance away from the gas I light up a smoke and lean against a tree and inhale slowly then let the smoke roll out of my mouth. After a few minutes I was done so I went back to the bus and just as I was walking up Jordan was closing the gas cap on the bus, so I hurried up and got in so he wouldn't have to wait for me. Once I was on, I went back to my bunk and decided to watch a movie on my laptop.

"Ricky wake up we're here!" I hear someone call.

I sit up, put my laptop away, and tidy up the other things that are out of place. As I'm doing this my curtain is pulled back, revealing a tired looking Chris.

"Oh, good you're up I thought I was gonna have to drag you out." He laughs and walks away to finish getting ready.

I head to the back lounge to get my stage costume and makeup out and start changing.  Once I'm changed, I turn on some music and start doing my makeup in the mirror that's mounted on the wall.

An hour later we're backstage getting pumped up for the show, a few minutes later somebody walks back and tells us that there's only two minutes left before we go on. We do our usual pre-show huddle and run on stage to our positions as the crowd screams our name.

At the end of the show Chris thanks the crowd and we head backstage.

"Great job guys!" Chris says excitedly and we all high-five and hug each other.

Once we've taken a couple minutes to celebrate we all head back to the bus so we can shower quickly and go to the meet and greet. When we get there we see hundreds of people lined up by the tent. Once we're all set up and ready to go, security opens the gate on the barrier and people start flowing through. This is my favorite  part of being in a band meeting the fans who love and support us, and being able to show them how much we appreciate them in return.

After about three hours we meet the last fan and head back to the bus.

Devin's POV

When we get back to the bus my phone rings, I pull it out and smile when I see Kylie's name across the screen.

"Hey babe, how's it going?" I answer.

"We need to talk Dev, are you alone?"

"Uh no, but I'll go outside." I say and walk outside the bus. "What's wrong?"

"Well I've been thinking, and I'm not sure if I can live like this anymore."

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused.

"I'm tired of you being gone for months on end and I'm stuck here alone wondering when I'll get a call or even a text from you. And when you are here, you're in the studio or doing an interview or writing, and I hardly get to be with you."

"Are.. Are you ... Breaking up with me?" I choke out.

"Yes Ghost, I'm sorry. I'll keep Lucifer until you get back and you can pick him up, but after that I would rather not see you anymore. I love you, but I don't love your life style."

"Okay, if this is what you want I'm not going to force myself on you," I say quietly.

"Thank you for understanding Dev." And at that she hangs up on me.

I slowly put my phone in my pocket as I feel the tears coming, I sit on the ground and pull my knees up to my chest and start sobbing. I sit there for a few minutes then I hear the bus door open and close, so I jump up and try my best to pull myself together. When I turn around to face the bus I see Ricky walking towards me.

"Are you alright Ghost?"He asks softly "You've been out here for a while."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say and paint on a smile.

He rolls his eyes "Don't bullshit me I can see the tears on your cheeks. What's wrong?"

"Um... Kylie... Broke up with me." I whisper and feel tears start falling as I say this words.

He looks at me sympathetically "Aw Ghost I'm sorry," he says as he pulls me into a hug.

I hug him back and lean down resting my head on his shoulder and start sobbing.

He gently stroked my hair "Hey, it's gonna be okay Devin," he said softly.

"I-I w-was a gonna... Propose th-though," I sob out.

He doesn't say anything in response, and he doesn't need to. He just holds me tighter and let's me cry on him. After a few minutes my crying slowed down and i wasn't sobbing anymore.

"Are you ready to go in now?" Ricky asks me gently.

I stand up and nod, "Yeah, we should probably go in before the guys start worrying."

Ricky reaches up and wipes my tears away, "It really will be okay Dev, I promise."

I smile sadly,"Thanks Ricky."

"Anytime," and at that we head towards the bus and he walks in first and heads towards his bunk, and I follow.

"Would it be alright if I hung out in there with you?" I ask after he's in his bunk.

"Of course," he says and makes room for me.

"Thanks," I say as I climb in with him and close the curtain. Ricky and I sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes scrolling through our phones. I was looking at pictures of me and Kylie together and let out an involuntary sigh.

"You good?" Ricky asks.


He gives me a skeptical look but thankfully drops the subject, sensing I didn't want to talk about it.

"Ricky, Ghost, we're gonna go out and eat, wanna come?" Ryan calls from the front of the bus

Ricky gives me a questioning look and I shake my head no.

"No we'll hang here, thanks though," Ricky calls back

"You sure?" Vinny asks

"Yeah, we aren't hungry."

"Suit yourselves," Chris calls back and we hear them leave.

Ricky looks over at me, " Wanna watch a movie or something?"

I nod, "Yeah, do you have Ouija?"

He smiles "Yeah."

He pulls his out his laptop and puts the movie in. Once the movie is playing he puts the laptop at the foot of the bunk then sits next to me with his chin resting on his knees, and I can't help but admire how adorable he looks. I know I Kylie just broke up with me, but I've been attracted to Ricky for a while now. As the movie goes on I occasionally glance at him from the corner of my eye, and at one point I realize he's fallen asleep. As I'm watching the movie Ricky leans over onto me in his sleep and I wrap my arm around him so it doesn't fall asleep. When the movie is over I gently shake Ricky awake.

"Ricky, wake up," I whisper in his ear.

I watch as his eyes flutter open then he looks up at me, "Damn I can't even stay awake for a movie anymore," he says as he laughs sleepily.

I laugh softly, " It's pretty late, but are you hungry? We could go out to eat."

He thinks for a moment, "Yeah I could go for some food, what do you want to get?"

"Well, there's a Pizza Hut across the street, wanna go there?"

"Yeah that sounds good."

Once we get our shoes on we head through the lounge and tell the guys where we're going on our way out. Once we get in and order our food we laugh, talk about random shit, and just enjoy each other's company. This is exactly what I needed to forget about Kylie.

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