Before The Dawn - The Baynes...

Av angelwing218

23.6K 586 90

The Final Installment to the Werewolf Romance Series, The Baynes Legacy. Mer

Before The Dawn (Prologue)
Before the Dawn (Chapter 1)
Before The Dawn (Chapter 2)

Before The Dawn (Chapter 3)

4.4K 184 56
Av angelwing218

Hey everyone!  Sorry for the delay.  I had 4 pages of this chapter done already but just got around to writing the other two to it.  It gives some back ground into Misha, and her situation in which she fled from.  I'm still planning this book out so bear with me!  Since this is the last book I want it to definitely to go out with a BANG!  Whether it something action packed and suspenseful it still unseen.  I'm trying to find time to write, and to have the inspiration at that time can be difficult!!!!  Anyway, I digress, I hope you enjoy the third chapter to Before the Dawn!!!  Please comment, vote, tell me your thoughts!!!  Thanks bunches and bunches,


Before The Dawn

By: Stacy Leonhardt Gravely

© All Rights Reserved -2011


Six thirty in the morning came too early for Kyle, as he peeked over the fluffed part of his pillow to glare at the evil little box that beeped so annoyingly. With a grumble he reached out and flipped the switch instantly silencing the horrible screeching up.

For a second he glanced at his pillow debating laying there for a moment longer but the suddenly knock of a pan in the kitchen was enough to snuff out that idea. Slowly sitting up in bed, Kyle could hear more moving around in the kitchen but it was very quiet even with his more than human senses he could hear.

Surveying the floor, Kyle found his pajama pants where he dropped them the night before. Shoving his legs through the holes, Kyle thought it was best to check on Misha before he tended to his other business. Walking into the kitchen the lights were still dimmed except for a yellow dim bulb that was above the stove.

Misha moved around the kitchen with expertise, and a grace he had never seen before. She was purposely keeping her noise down. The pan on the stove was cooking what looked like an omelet and the skillet next to it was browning sausage links.

“Good morning.” Kyle said quietly causing Misha to jump nearly a foot from the ground.

“You scare me.” She whipped around clutching her chest her eyes wide with worry. “I not wake you?”

“No, you didn't wake me, my alarm clock did.” Kyle walked fully into the kitchen noticing the coffee pot full of steaming coffee. Opening a cabinet he pulled down two mugs and moved to fill them. But Misha held her hand out to stop him.

“I get, you sit.” She instructed as she nudged Kyle out of the small kitchen into the dining area. Reluctantly Kyle sat watching as she plated a large omelet and a few sausage links onto the plate then placing it before him followed by a steaming cup of coffee.

“Thank you, Misha. I rarely get to eat something this nice for breakfast. I usually eat cold pizza.” Kyle dove in to his food but soon realized that she made no move to make her own food. “Aren't you going to eat?”

Misha's eyes widened, “No.”

“Why not?” Placing his fork down, chasing down the food with a large gulp of coffee. “Eat please, there is plenty of food here. My mother ensures that.”

“Women not to eat with man.” Her voice dropped a few levels as she turned away and began to clean up dishes that had gathered in the sink.

“If you can't eat with men, then when would you eat?”

“Woman eat what is left.” She spoke with her eyes down working relentlessly on the dishes.

“You don't have to do that here, Misha. We don't have those rules here. You are free to eat when you want, and trust me if you cook like this with all your other meals I'm not sure how you ever got a bite in.” Even with his words of encouragement, she made no move to change her ways just keeping her hands buried in the soapy water as she scrubbed tirelessly on the skillet.

Glancing down at his plate, he had already gobbled up half of the omelet and ate two of the sausage links only leaving two left. Picking up his coffee he finished it off and got up from the table. He wasn't going to let her starve because of the egotistical males she was with before engraved into her brain she wasn't worth more than table scraps. This was definitely a issue that Kerra would have to work with her on.

Kyle left her in the kitchen to finish what she was doing, and hopefully eating something, so he could shower. Stepping out of the stall he wrapped a towel around his middle then pushed his longish hair out of his eyes as he walked to the mirror. When he was younger it was cool to have extremely long hair and he frequently dyed it black but now it was back to its usual rich brown color and cropped about mid ear length enough to get in his eyes or be gelled back.

Dressed in his usual jeans and black polo, Kyle lightly gelled his hair and combed it back so longer locks would remain out of his eyes through the day. He sometimes wondered if he would have been better off like his brother and Doyle and just keep it buzzed down.

Kyle flopped himself down on the couch as he slipped on his socks and boots, noticing that Misha wasn't making a sound. Her door was again slightly ajar. Peeking in she was in the same position he noticed the night before, she kneeled on the floor praying feverishly crossing herself over and over again.

But as fate would have it, the floor boards creaked just as he peeked in startling Misha. Glancing over at him, her cheeks grew flush. “I sorry.” She stumbled to get up from the floor.

“It's okay, I was just going to see if you are ready to leave.”

“Yes, I am ready.” She now had her curly hair braided over her shoulder wearing a pair of loose fit jeans and plain white shirt. She gathered her clothes from the night before, folding them up and stuffing them back in the bag. Kyle just assumed that was what Kerra asked her to do.

“Alright, I'll drop you off at Kerra's and after work I'll be back to get you.” She didn't answer she simply nodded as she followed him out the door keeping a few feet behind him. Once in the car, Kyle expected her to take the seat beside him but with a quick glance in the rear view mirror he saw her sitting in the back again. A veil of mystery covered the girl's eyes, so much was lost in translation since she spoke little of Kyle's native tongue and he spoke absolutely NONE of her language.

The trip to the pack house wasn't long and a few cars were littering the yard already this early in the morning. One of which was a rental car, he noticed from the rental sticker proudly posted on the bumper of the car.

“I wonder who's here.” He asked out loud not thinking before the words slipped out.

“Oh NO.” Misha shrieked as she cowered into the chair, her knees drawn up to her chest as she clung to herself for dear life.

Kyle threw the car in park swinging around in his seat to see her cringing in fear. “What's wrong, Misha?”

“He here! He going to take me back!” Tears now stained her cheeks as she stared at the pack house. Kyle was clueless as to why she thought her mate was here.

Opening the door of the car, Kyle took a deep breath not catching one scent of anyone new, but definitely ones of the past. “Misha, it's okay, it's not him! I promise. It's my cousin. She must be here for a visit.”

“No, no, I just know he's going to get me!” She whimpered as she huddled in the back seat trying to mesh herself into vinyl of the seat.

'Doyle! Send Kerra out, we may have a problem.' Kyle called out almost certain that everyone in the area was able to hear that distressed call.

Thankfully a moment later, Doyle popped his head out the front door to see Kyle motion him forward. Kerra and Ashling weren't far behind.

As Ashling got closer Kyle noticed the subtle changes to his cousin, her blonde hair was cropped shorter than before and she was sporting a pregnant belly. Kyle again couldn't help to wonder for a brief second when his time would come, when he would finally have his mate by his side.

“What's wrong?” Kerra asked as she walked up, she leaned over a bit to see the cowering Misha in the back of the car. “What happened?”

“I saw Ash's rental, and just spoke aloud. She must of thought 'he' was here to take her back.” Kyle shrugged completely at a lose as of what to do.

“Oh lord, I'm surprised she hadn't shifted to some tiny critter and tried to skit-daddle out of here.” Kerra wore a sad smile on her face, her compassion for others was heart warming, she cared so little for herself and more for others. She was a wonderful Luna, born to lead a pack.

“What should we do?”

“Don't worry I'll handle it.” Kerra smiled as she patted down her t shirt and opened the driver door slipping in, then turning around on her knees to face the girl. “Misha, Misha, it's okay. I promise we will not let anyone from your past come here to hurt you. “ Kerra's voice was soft and soothing like she would use to coddle any hurt or crying child. “Kyle is one of our many security men, he makes certain no one enters our lands with out our knowing. That's how he found you. The car belongs to my sister in law, not to your mate.”

“Mate?” Ashling gasped quietly her eyes turning to Kyle, they were wide much like a dear caught in head lights. “Her mate harmed her?”

“Yes.” Kyle simply answering, not really knowing the full story it was hard for him to divulge more than that.

'But, I thought all mated unions, at least true mated unions were supposed to be full of love. I don't think I've ever heard of a true mate hurting or killing his mate.' Ashling's thoughts suddenly intruded into Kyle's head.

'What are you trying to say, Ash?'

'That male that did that to her, I pretty sure that wasn't her true mate! More than likely a forced mating.' Her brows arched up as she glanced at him with her lips pursed. 'Maybe there is a way out of it?'

“There is, and you know it.” Kyle whispered out loud tired of the voices ringing in his head. “She'd have to do the same thing Doyle did, and you and I both know that one.”

“But with abjurement she'd have to say it to his face, and we can't let that happen.” Ashling whined slightly.

“I don't know what to tell you then Ash.” Kyle shrugged as he glanced at his wrist watch. “Yo, Doyle, I'm going to be late for work. How about you just drive me to work and I'll run over here after to pick up Misha and the car.”

“Yeah, that's fine.” Doyle stated from the porch, he quickly whipped around retreating inside to fetch his keys.

“Your going to have dinner here tonight, right?” Ashling asked as Kyle started to walk away.

“Wasn't planning on it, why?”

“Have dinner with the family, please. Carlin and Keiran miss you, and I'm sure they'll want to catch up.” Ashling smiled, knowing her sweet smile would eventually get her everything she wanted.

“Fine. I'll see y'all later.” Kyle called from behind him as he jumped in the passenger seat of Doyle's truck, which quickly pulled away from the pack house heading toward the security command center.


After nearly twenty of coaxing, Misha finally crawled out of the back of the car. Her cheeks were flamed red as realized all her fears and worries were over nothing. Kerra introduced her to a very pregnant Ashling, who was the Alpha's twin sister.

“How was your night? Did Kyle clean that room out for you?” Kerra smiled as she placed a hot cup of coffee in front of Misha.

“Yes, it was fine.”

“You know there is no reason to be embarrassed. We all have seen some people having a rough go at life, you just need some help.” Kerra smiled as she placed her hand on Misha's, “And what better way to move on than going shopping!” Her grin grew twice it's normal size as she bounced happily in her seat.

“I can't.”


“I have no money, no job.” Misha once again bowed her head as she felt the shame of her life settle on her shoulders.

“Not to worry, there has been a fund set up for refugee shifters that will help you get the basics you need. Trust me, shopping will be good for your soul.”

“Yeah, who doesn't like shopping?” Ashling beamed as she idly ran her hand across her stomach rubbing circles into the round skin. “I know I got plenty I need to buy, so maybe we can pick up a few things while we are there?”

“Oh Lord woman, are you talking about shopping again?” Kieran walked in with Carlin hanging off his back. Leaning down, Kieran dropped a kiss onto his wife's lips.

“Yes, I am. This baby will need some clothes, Kier.” Ashling's eyes were full of devotion as she looked upon her mate.

“Clothes? Are you forgetting the twenty bags of clothes that you and my mother have bought in the past three months?” Kieran's dark hair fell in front of his eyes as he looked down at his wife with a knowing grin on his lips.

“Yeah, well, you never know. Maybe a new blanket, shoes, or something, the baby can always use something else.”

Misha watched the exchange with intrigue. She had never seen mates so devoted to each other, even growing up she never witnessed it since her father passed away before she was born. Though her mother had spoke so often of the love she had for her father, it was that love that eventually caused her to take her own life. Misha was teenager when her mother couldn't take the pain of separation any longer, and soon after she was forced with Demetri. At first he swore to her that she was his mate, that her young age prevented her from feeling the pull. But by the time she got to the proper age, well, she was already mated with the Devil himself.

For years Misha prayed to God to save her from him, but day after day, year after year, her faith in God began to lessen. Until one day she heard another female speak of a pack of shifter forming. Knowing better than most, Misha knew she would be safer in numbers. That night she planned her get away.

For a week she prepared herself, and ensured everything was in place just right so Demetri wouldn't know she was gone until it was too late. It had taken her a few days to secure enough medication to sedate him, then when the night came she set her plan into motion.

Misha had made his evening tea like he normally took it, with a extra dash of sedatives masked by the flavor of vodka that he often added to his evening drink. It took mere minutes for the effects to kick in and once she was certain he was out for the night Misha dashed out of the house. There were other shifters in the area, though there was no organize hierarchy of it, it was much like a pack. She dashed through the woods taking care to keep away from those she was certain would report back to Demetri at a moments notice.

Even running for three days non stop except to drink or eat, Misha could only pray she got there in time, before He could catch her. And now in the safety of the pack, she wondered if what her mother told her about finding her mate was true. Could she find that everlasting love? The devotion the ones around her had was enough to make her green with envy. But still being tied to Demetri was a bigger issue at the moment. Misha wanted nothing more than for her life to be freed of that hate monger she fled from.

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