The Shadows That Dwell Within...

By BelleRee

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Three bounty hunters, dubbed The Warrior Queens, must find Erebus, a criminal mastermind who has been unleas... More

Chapter 1 - Adelaide
Chapter 2 - Rosaline
Chapter 3 - Victoria
Chapter 4 - Adelaide
Chapter 5 - Rosaline
Chapter 6 - Victoria
Chapter 7 - Adelaide
Chapter 8 - Rosaline
Chapter 9 - Victoria
Chapter 10 - Adelaide
Chapter 11 - Rosaline
Chapter 12 - Victoria
Chapter 13 - Adelaide
Chapter 14 - Rosaline
Chapter 15 - Victoria
Chapter 17 - Rosaline
Chapter 18 - Victoria
Chapter 19 - Adelaide
Chapter 20 - Kiyan
Chapter 21 - Rosaline
Chapter 22 - Victoria
Chapter 23 - Adelaide
Chapter 24 - Rosaline
Chapter 25 - Victoria
Chapter 26 - Adelaide
Chapter 27 - Rosaline
Chapter 28 - Victoria
Chapter 29 - Adelaide
Chapter 30 - Rosaline
Chapter 31 - Victoria
Chapter 32 - Adelaide
Chapter 33 - Rosaline
Chapter 34 - Victoria
Chapter 35 - Adelaide
Chapter 36 - Rosaline
Chapter 37 - Dominic
Chapter 38 - Victoria
Chapter 39 - Kiyan
Chapter 40 - Rosaline
Chapter 41 - Adelaide

Chapter 16 - Adelaide

131 12 0
By BelleRee

Adelaide lay curled in a ball. She jumped when the door opened. Cadalian stood at the door wearing a faded white t-shirt and jeans. His hair was messy and without that awful cap he almost looked...human.

Adelaide sat up straight and said:

"I'm not apologizing if that's what you think".

"That's not what I came here for" he said.

"Good. Because I'm not sorry" she said.

Cadalian threw his rucksack on the floor and sat on the chair next to the door.

"You should be. You interrupted my eighteenth birthday party" he said.

Adelaide snorted. "Your eighteenth huh? What did you do hire a stripper or get one of the Enchantresses to dance for you at gunpoint?"

Cadalian pulled a disgusted face. "You're sick".

"I was just wondering how someone could celebrates when we're living in hell" Adelaide retorted.

Cadalian narrowed his eyes and ran his hand threw his hair. He took a deep breath and said:

"I heard you were a big shot in Concordia. They call you a Warrior Queen".

"So? Do you want an autograph?"

Adelaide felt her annoyance grow by the second. What did he want with her? If they were going to make her suffer at least let it be in peace. Not with this bumbling fool of a boy to keep her company.

"Look, I don't like this place any more than you do. I want to see it destroyed. I'd hoped you'd be the one to that. Apparently I overestimated you" he shrugged.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, kiddo but I am only one person. In case you haven't noticed this place is locked up tighter than a castle" Adelaide snapped.

"But there are ways out" Cadalian said. He rummaged through his bag and produced a book. The book was a blue hard back with a gold spine. The title read: The Downfall of Winter.

"Anya said it was your favourite" he said.

"It is...but I don't understand" Adelaide said.

Cadalian glanced at the corner of the room. It was a quick glance, Adelaide might have missed it if she blinked.

"Just keep a hold of it" he said and left.

Adelaide ran to the door.

"Wait" Adelaide shouted. "Who am I making this autograph out to?"

He stopped and turned around.

"Kiyan" he said.

Adelaide crept back into the room the door. When she opened the book a piece of paper fell out. She unfolded the paper which had drawings etched on it. White boxes against blue paper. It made Adelaide's head ache. Then she noticed the boxes were labelled. Acheron, Asphodel, Erebus, Elysium, Styx, Phlegethon, Cocytus and Tartarus. These were all places in the underground labyrinth. There were more sections than she realised. What was even more shocking was that Kiyan had just given her a map of the entire camp.

A couple of nights later Adelaide was dragged – literally dragged out of bed by a female guard. The guard hadn't said a word to her but didn't seem overly menacing. The guard was the same height and build as Adelaide but she was too tired to fight back. If this guard was going to take her to Tartarus, at least it would be warmer than her current room.

As they hurried down the tunnels, Adelaide caught a glimpse of her name tag from the fading lights. Officer Kerrandra.

"Where are we going?" Adelaide said.

"Somewhere where the cameras can't see what we're doing" Officer Kerrandra said.

"What's going on?" Adelaide said.

"Shh" Kerrandra said as she led Adelaide into a darkened room.

Although the room was low lit, Adelaide could just make out two other guards sitting at a table. One was Kiyan, the other was a pot-bellied middle aged man Adelaide did not recognise. His name tag read Officer Traeviel.

"I'm sorry we had to wake you like that" Officer Traeviel said. "I'm sorry that you're here at all".

Adelaide sat down slowly, tiredness still tugged at her eyes.

"You must think we're despicable" Kerrandra said. "But we're not all like that. Some of us aren't here by choice".

"Indeed. Anyone who choices this life must be truly insane or truly brainwashed" Traeviel said.

"Then why haven't you left yet?" Adelaide said.

"Don't you think we're tried? Do you have an idea how difficult it is to get out of here?" Kerrandra said.

Traeviel held up his hand. "Giselle, please".

Giselle slumped down in the chair next to Adelaide.

"Guards and Enchanters alike have tried many a time. But there is simply too many guards. No one has ever successfully escaped".

"And you think I'll be the one to do it?" Adelaide asked.

Adelaide had pulled off some extraordinary stunts in her time this was something else. This was on the verge of near impossibility.

"The way people look up to you – I've never seen anything like it" Kiyan said. "You give them hope in world of fear. If anyone can free the prisoners – it's you".

The three of them had so much faith in their eyes – faith in her. She couldn't let them down – she couldn't let the Enchanters down.

"Tell me what I need to do" she said.

"Have you still got that map Kiyan gave you?" Traeviel said.

Adelaide nodded.

"Good. Study it. You will need to lead the Enchanters from Lethe to Acheron. That's where the exit is. They'll follow you and no matter what you have to keep going. Understood?"

"I think so but are you sure it's going to work?" Adelaide said.

"We hope so" Traeviel said. "After all, there are quite a few Enchanter sympathisers among the officers. And when the Enchanters get their magic back the other officers won't stand a chance. There are still some things we need to prepare, we're not quite ready yet. But Kiyan will keep you updated".

Adelaide nodded, trying to take it all in. Surely it wouldn't work. Brenda would never allow it. Why would her own son turn against her? There were a number of things that didn't make sense but anything was better than staying here. If Adelaide didn't do something she could be here forever. It was clear no was coming to save her this time. How could they? They didn't even know where she was. For all her friends knew Adelaide could be dead.

As the days trod by, Adelaide felt exhaustion weigh her down. It seeped into her bones, into her blood. How could people spend years here? Brenda didn't torture her anymore but forced Adelaide into the ordinary chores of the Enchanters.

The days were tedious but the nights were what kept Adelaide going. After the disgusting gruel that was dinner Anya came to her room and brought board games. These games which Adelaide usually found a bore she found herself looking forward to. Anya was like the light at the end of the tunnel – her innocence shielded her from reality. It almost felt like Adelaide was hiding behind that protection too. Just for the few hours she spent with Anya.

As Anya babbled about her life it became more evident that her brother raised her more than her mother did. It became more apparent when Anya didn't go back to her own room in time and Kiyan came through. Every time.

"I think it's past your bedtime, missy" Kiyan said.

"But I'm not tired" Anya huffed.

"Yeah, we're not tired" Adelaide chirped in.

Kiyan had a fierce protectiveness about Anya. But there was something else in his expression too. Fear.

"You better do what he says" Adelaide said.

Anya slunk off the bed and made her way to the door. Kiyan stopped her just before she carried on down the tunnel. He bent down and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Remember whatever happens, whatever noise you hear, you stay in your room, okay?" he said.

"I know" Anya said.

"You know I love you right?" Kiyan said.

"Uh huh" she said.

Anya looked bored, but then she hugged her brother so tightly, it was as if she knew. After Anya scampered down the tunnel, Kiyan's gaze met Adelaide's.

"Tonight?" she said.

Kiyan nodded. "I'm going to give the Enchanters axes made of sanguis angelorum. That should break the chains. Then you lead them to Acheron. You know the way?"

"Yes. But won't the guards catch us?"

"No they'll be overrun and when you're out, you all burn this to the ground" Kiyan replied.

It was mad. He was mad. This whole plan was mad.

"With still people still in it? Even I'm not that cold" Adelaide said.

"Most people will be out be out then. I'll hopefully be able to get Anya out-"


"I will. I will get Anya out"

"And what about mother dearest?" Adelaide dared to ask.

Kiyan grimaced. "She'll find a way out. Snakes always do".

The Enchantress brought the axe down on the chain, freeing her daughter. The axe shone in sterile lightbulbs. It was made of sanguis angelorum – the strongest metal under heaven's kingdom. It was thought to be what heaven's gates were made of. Adelaide would've liked to have seen proof of that. Well, maybe not yet. Glancing at the shrunken bodies of the dead, the way they curled into foetal position before they died had made Adelaide rethink that statement. That, and the way the guards eyed her suspiciously as she made her way to Lethe. To her relief, the Enchanters were already freeing themselves with the help of Kiyan and some other guards.

Watching all the Enchanters free themselves and their loved ones made Adelaide feel a rush. She led the Enchanters out of Lethe and down the tunnels. Arrows flew across the room but the guards were simply overwhelmed. Enchanters struck out at them. With every Enchanter that fell, Adelaide's heart wrenched. The long tunnel to Asphodel felt endless. More and more guards poured out. The tunnel seemed to grow smaller as more people began to crowd them.

Finally, they were within touching distance of the tunnel exit. Adelaide could smell the reek of the filthy showers. When she stepped over the threshold, she immediately felt the water spray on her. It's only a little bit of water. But as soon as she thought it, the water that covered her face began to burn. Piercing screams filled the air. Adelaide shielded her eyes but it was too late. They stung. What had they put in the water?

Although running blind, Adelaide could feel they were descending into Acheron. Her bare feet connected with not hard lead ground, but rough terrain. She could almost feel the energy seep back into herself when she connected with earth. Her ability to do magic was no longer stifled.

As she climbed the ladder leading out, she could hear the crowd thundering behind her, clambering to get on the ladder. People reached out and grabbed Adelaide's ankles. But they weren't trying to make her fall. They clung onto her as if she was their golden thread of life. Adelaide would've been touched by the gesture if it wasn't preventing her own escape.

When Adelaide reached the door she slammed against it with such force, she was shocked when it didn't open. It was locked. Of course it was. Panic rose up in her throat. There was no stopping the crowd behind her. Hundreds of them would keep coming and crush Adelaide.

Adelaide pressed her palm against the door and concentrated all her anger, sorrow, despair and determination on it. A fiery blast erupted from her fingertips and completely shattered the door. But the fire trail kept going until it was far above in the sky, then exploded in a firework of dazzling colours.

Adelaide hoped the guards on the other side were too entranced by the firework's beauty to notice a hundred Enchanters pouring out the shaft. But there didn't seem to be anyone there. Adelaide was half way across the field when the arrows began whooshing across the sky. Guards stepped out of the shadows and aimed at the Enchanters. Bright light lit up the night sky. The Enchanters are fighting back, Adelaide thought with a rush of giddiness.

The barbed wire fence was just visible in the distance. Had the night not been filled with shouts and screams and the magic of a thousand Enchanters erupting, Adelaide might have heard the low hum emanating from the fence. But she did feel the electric current travel up her arm when she touched the fence. Adelaide gave out one last scream before her heart stopped.

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