Can You Forgive?

By Lmh1110

69.7K 1.2K 49

Brad broke Lucy's heart 3 months ago and then he left for tour. All of Lucy's friends went with him so she wa... More

3 months ago
Chloe and the big news
How dare she!
Lets talk
Movie night
The next morning
Twisting things
Hey Tris....
Sorting Things Out
Making Up
"Braddy Boy"
The suit
karaoke 2
Stag do
I Miss You
No sympathy
About The Kiss.....
What Are You Going To Do?
I Just Can't
What Are You Doing Here?
I'm Done!
What Shall I Do?
Best Friend
Moving In Day
I Can't Watch Her Get Hurt Again!
The Final Chapter


1.5K 34 1
By Lmh1110

Brad's POV

WHAT? Like literally....... WHAT???????

How the hell could I be so blind and stupid?! Of course she was only using me. Of course she was going to cheat. She was going to get my money and then bugger off. Why could I see it? I'm so stupid. I thought that she loved me. I thought that we had a future together but really I just threw my whole future away when I got with her. She has treated me like a complete mug! Lucy was my future but I broke her heart and now I think she hates me. Not that I blame her. The things I said to her and the way I treat just then was bang out of order. Actually the way I have always treated her is wrong. How could I do that to her? She is so genuine, kind and beautiful and she actually loved me. God I hate myself right now! Anger started build up inside me. How dare she? How dare she use me! Make me look so stupid! Try and use me for my money! What a bitch! I put on my shoes and started to march down the corridor. I need to confront her.

I banged on the door. "One minuet" I heard Chloe's sister, Anastasia, call through the door. "Open up now!" I demanded. She opened the door with a smile on her face but it dropped when she saw me. "Oh brad, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be getter ready" she asked. Trying to sound nice. Trying to be the operative word. I know she has never liked me and to perfectly honest I don't like her. I think that's eh is s a snobby cow who is so far up her own and it's unbelievable but I made nice for Chloe's sake. What was the point? "I need to talk to Chloe" I demanded. "But the groom isn't sup-" "NOW" I ordered witch gritted teeth. She actually looked shocked and a little scared but I don't care. She stepped aside and let me in. "Chloe, brad here" she called through the room. "What" I heard Chloe squeal in her high pitched voice as she came running into the room. "Brad what are you doing here, the groom isn't supposed to see the bride before the wedding" she stated. "We need to talk" I said coldly. All my emotion except anger had vanished. I wanted answers and I wanted them now! "Erm, Anna, you can go sit down, me and brad need to talk" she smiled. "You sure?" she checked. I tuned to her and glared. "I'm sure" Chloe replied. Anna grabbed her stuff and walked out the door. I waited for it to close.

I turned to her. "Brad, baby, what's wrong?" asked as she put her hand in mine, looking at me with her big blue eyes. I pulled away. "Don't touch me" I snapped. I yanked my hand out of her touch. "Ok, what's wrong?" she asked. "You" I simply stated. "Why, what have I done" she asked sweetly. It made me sick. "How long has it been going on?" I asked. "What?" she asked sounding confused. "Oh don't insult my intelligence Chloe, how long have you been cheating on me? And don't even bother denying it! I have seen it with my own eyes" I yelled. Now all my anger was going to come out. She stated to cry. "Oh don't bother with the water works Chloe, I just want to know why!" I snapped. "Was it for my money, is that it? Or was it to make me look stupid, or was it just because deep down you are a lonely evil bitch who was just trying to get someone to make herself feel better? So come on, which one was it?" I know I soundly unbelievably harsh and cruel to say that to her and I would never imagine saying these things to a girl but this is totally different. She deserves these thing!

She stayed silent. "Chloe!" I snapped. My patience was growing short but she still said nothing! "Oh for god sake chloe answer me! Why did you cheat on me? What did you use?" I yelled. She snapped. "I DONT KNOW! She screamed. "I just did! It wasn't on purpose, i just couldn't control myself" what sort of excuses was that! PATHETIC! "Chloe, that isn't a reason, thats an excuse! Do you not understand what i gave up for you? I had a great relationship with lucy. We were happy but then you came along and made me fall for you and now i have lost her and you have made me look like a complete mug! So whatever you set out to do, mission complete" and then i stormed out of the room. Can could i be so stupid! I need to go and fine Lucy. I need to apologise. Not that i think she will ket me. Not that i blame her. If that was me, i wouldn't accept to lame apology but i still need to to try.

I started to head for the way out when u saw tris, James, Connor, laura and olivia all heading my way. "What the hell has happened with you and lucy?" James asked sounding pissed at me. How did they know that something had happened? "What?" I asked. "Lucy text us, saying that she can't do it anymore and she messed everything up, so what's happened, what have you done?" Tris urged. I know he is her best friend and they are super close but why does he always assume that i have done something wrong? Mind you i normally have. "You know what, i can't deal with this! The wedding if off! I need to speak to Lucy" i headed for the door. "What do you mean the wedding is off?" I head Connor yell after me but i didn't reply.

My life is such a mess!
Hey guys, i know i havnt updated in a while but school has been a bitch and gave me loads of homework but i am still trying my bets to update when i can.

Please vote and comment on this chapter 🙏🏻🙏🏻 thanks!

From lucy xxxx

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