Suburbia (Troyler AU)

By TheGayAteMySoul

19.7K 1.4K 1.1K

Completed ~ Ever since Tyler moved to Australia from America, he and his neighbour Troye became best friends... More

About This Fic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
A Note From The Author

Chapter 24

599 36 37
By TheGayAteMySoul

DId sOMeboDy sAY 5k woRds?!
Troye's POV
I was currently styling my hair in the mirror, Steele, Sage, Tyler and I were supposed to be going out to town today.

Steele said he wanted to look at different flowers that would match the colour theme of white, gold and baby blue. Jasmine was coming over in two days with her mum, brother and sister. When they did come we -and by we I mean her family, Sage and me- were going to go dress picking, she said she already found the model she wanted so all we needed to do was check it out.

I looked at myself in the slightly steamy mirror. My curls layed across my forehead in an organised mess, just how I liked it.

It's been two days since Steele came back and ever since that day I was stressing over the fact that he invited my ex to his wedding without my knowledge. Whenever I was with Tyler and I thought of that I would press my body against his, rest my chin on his shoulder and close my eyes. Tyler asked me if I was okay and I lied to him every time. I didn't want to talk about anything, especially Connor.

Connor. I haven't said that name in ages. He was the first friend I made when I moved to L.A. He showed me around, he helped me out a lot. He was a photographer and he had his own business called 'Common Culture'. Everything seemed great so when he asked me out I was more than happy. We dated for maybe eight or so months, then it got bad.

A knock on the door woke me up from my dazed state. I noticed tears forming in my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and shouted "nearly done" to the person outside.

"Hurry up! I want to brush my teeth." Sage pounded on the door one more time and then stayed silent.

I splashed some cold water on my face, then I threw on the clothes I brought in here. A pair of skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and a red plaid shirt. I hurried out of the bathroom and rushed downstairs.

Tyler was sat on the couch, Steele was flipping through a magazine with some celebrity on it. I threw myself on the seat next to Tyler. He smiled at me with one of his special smiles, the ones that were reserved for me. I smiled back at him, his smile just grew bigger and his eyes shined like stars.

"Hey Troye boy."

"Hey Tilly."

*Flashback* (Age 13)

"All best friends have nicknames for each other." Tyler was sat on the plank of wood we found earlier today, he said it was quite comfortable although the few rusty nails didn't look like they would be pleasant to sit on.

"So you're saying we aren't friends because we don't have nicknames?"

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Then what are you saying?" I looked at him confused.

"I'm saying that we should give each other nicknames. Sound good?"

"Sure. What do you think of Ty?"

"Don't be stupid! Even my grandmother calls me that. Try harder."


"Are you serious? I've never heard anything more stupid."

"Tilly?" I really didn't know what else I could call him. However I got surprised when I saw a faint blush appear on his face. He looked down and smiled at the ground.

"Tilly. Tilly. It has a ring to it. I like it."

*End of flashback*

Tyler kissed my cheek gently, his touch featherlight. He brushed his fingers against my other cheek, the touch was ghost like. I shuddered slightly, I usually wasn't the type of person that would get the slightest bit of pleasure out of something like that, but here I am, putty in Tyler's hands.

I saw Steele raise one of his eyebrows as he looked at us. He looked confused but there was something else, an emotion I couldn't quite name.

"Okay boys! You ready?" Sage walked through the door into the living room.

"Yeah. Let's go." Steele placed the magazine onto the coffee table and walked out. Tyler pushed himself up in one energetic movement. I on the other hand dragged out my movement, I've gotten too comfy in the short time I spent sitting on the couch.


The car drive wasn't that long but it still was pretty boring. Thankfully we had the radio, I don't know what I would have done if someone stole it or something.

Tyler and I were currently walking around the flower store not really bothering to look for anything. Sage and Steele were in a shop looking at different suits.

"A beautiful rose for a my beautiful boyfriend." I knelt down and offered Tyler a red rose, the blush on his cheeks nearly matched the colour of the rose.

"For me? Oh my Mr Mellet, you sure know how to make a man blush." Tyler took the rose out of my hand and brought it to his face. I stood up, wiped my hands on my jeans and then rested my hands on Tyler's hips. He layed the rose on one of the shelves beside us.

"I only want to make one man blush." I smiled as Tyler wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me closer.

"Yeah? Who is that man?" His voice was husky and low. His words sent shivers up my spine.

"He's very beautiful. He's funny, kind, handsome, charming, caring, and did I mention that he's sexy as fuck?" I replied in a similar husky voice. Tyler hummed and pulled my face slowly closer towards his.

"Oh really? I just realised that you remind me of my boyfriend." His hot breath mixed with mine, I didn't know how I managed to restrain myself from kissing him. If we weren't in public I would have probably been making out with him and touching him and-

Not in public Troye!

"Do I? That's so funny because you also remind me of my beautiful boyfriend."

Tyler's lips were now so close to mine that I could feel them twitch up into a soft smile.

"I never want to stop looking at you." He whispered and looked me in the eye.

"Then don't." I connected our lips together, it was gentle yet strong, soft yet needy, slow yet passionate. It felt like we were dancing the waltz in an empty, spacious ballroom. Only us. Us against the world. Us together.

Tyler licked my bottom lip, asking for permission to kiss me deeper. I allowed him entrance without a second thought. I let him take control of the kiss, I loved the way he makes me feel when he's in charge -especially in charge of the kisses- because he always makes me feel special. Now that I think about it, it doesn't really make that much sense but I have no other way how to explain it.

My hands moved up and down slowly on Tyler's waist. Tyler's hands moved to my jaw. His thumb ran across my cheek making my legs quiver like they were going to give out soon.

Surprising Tyler was the first one to pull away. His hands dropped to my chest and he drew circles on my shirt.

"As much as I'm enjoying this, I don't think that we can do much in public." Tyler whispered in my ear.

"What if we weren't in public?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." He breathed against my neck, his lips pressed against my skin to form a few short kisses. When he completely pulled away he reached for the rose I picked up earlier. He was about to put put it back where I got it from until I held his wrist.

"It's for you. I'll pay." I let go and Tyler smiled like a little child who just received what they always wanted for Christmas.

"Is that Troye Sivan!? Omg! It is!" A female voice sounded in the distance. Another female squealed.

"You know, this is the first time since you've been back that someone has recognised you." Tyler said as he looked at some of the flowers that were on display.

Soon after Tyler said that two girls ran up to us. One was wearing a white TRXYE jumper and the other was wearing a plain blue jumper.

"I can't believe it! You're Troye Sivan! We are your biggest fans!" The girl in the blue jumper said.

"That's awesome! I'm glad that I could meet my biggest fans. Do you want to take some pictures?"

Both of the girls squealed and nodded. They got their phones out and each took a few selfies with me.

"Ty? Could you take a picture of with us three in it?" Tyler walked over and took the phones to take the pictures with. I laughed as he fumbled with two phones and a rose.

"Troye, I really appreciate the gift but would you mind holding it?" I nodded as he handed me the flower. The two girls looked confused as Tyler whispered "thanks babe".

"Are you taking photos on each phone?" The girl with the white jumper asked. Tyler nodded as the sound of a picture being taken came from his direction.

"Come on Lucy, let's do another pose." The girl in the blue jumper said. At least now I know one of their names.


We took a few more pictures after that. They hugged me and thanked me for 'being so nice and talented and just being perfect'. They waved goodbye as they walked away, whispering to one another.

"Well that was fun." Tyler took the flower out of my hand.

"It sure was. Now let's go find my siblings."

"Do you mind if I get a drink and some crisps? I had a small breakfast this morning."

"No, I don't mind. I'll pay for everything babe."

We walked to the cash register. Tyler picked up a bottle of water and a pack of crisps from the small fridge near the counter.

"Just the one rose? A bouquet wouldn't cost you much." The lady behind the counter offered us a different set of flowers.

"Just the-" Tyler started speaking before I interrupted him.

"-That bouquet looks nice. We'll take it with the rose." The lady smiled as she put the single rose into the variety of white, pink and yellow flowers.

"The rose is for free." She smiled at us and looked down at mine and Tyler's linked hands.

"Thank you."

"The pleasure is all mine." She told us the total which wasn't really that much and I payed.

"You didn't have to buy that." Tyler said as we walked out of the shop.

"I did. And if you don't want them I'm sure Jackie will appreciate them."

"You're too good to be true."


After we dropped off some bags at the car we decided to find Sage and Steele. I was getting pretty hungry so I wanted to find them as soon as possible.

We met up with Sage and Steele at some tacky shop that sold little porcelain figures. After Tyler nearly knocked one of them off its shelf we decided to leave and get something to eat.

We -well, more like Steele- found a small restaurant that looked pretty good. We took a booth and looked thought the menu.

"Hello, I'm Korey and I'll be your waiter today. Have you chosen what you would like?" The man looked around Tyler's age, maybe slightly older. He had a scruffy beard and dark hair styled into a messy quiff.

"Umm, yeah. I would like a plate of the 'American BBQ Ribs' With the chips and corn on the cob." Steele was the first to order, then Sage, Tyler, and finally me. I order whatever seemed the most normal, and if it wasn't good I could always share with Tyler.

"Okay. Your order shouldn't take long. I'll go get your drinks." The man smiled and walked away.

"Now if you would excuse me, I need a pee brake." Steele awkwardly got up and climbed out of the booth.

"I'll go too." I said as I tried to get out. I tried climbing over Tyler, my leg got caught on his and I nearly fell over, luckily he caught me in time.

"Careful Troye." I blushed as I picked myself up, his hands unwrapped themselves from around my torso.

I walked to the toilet and did my business, washed my hands, dried off, then walked out again. When I was walking back I was surprised to see that our waiter -Korey- was leaning over the table, laughing, and making heart eyes to my boyfriend. Sage and Tyler seemed oblivious to it but I knew what he was doing, I've seen this happen before.

I walked over to my seat and on the way I 'accidently' bumped into Korey. The man jumped away from the table, the dim lighting masked his expression but I could see a faint blush across his face.

"Tyler, babe, move your legs a bit, I need to get through." He did as I asked very quickly.

"Did you know that Korey actually is friends with Joe?" Tyler asked cheerfully.

"I would have never guessed. That's so interesting." I glared at Korey, he was still looking at Tyler, he didn't even notice my existence.

"The drinks arrived, good. I'm really thirsty." Steele walked back from the toilet.

"Troye? Earth to Troye?" I shook my head bringing me back into the real world.

"Oh. Sorry. I just dozed off."

"Was it because of the dreamy waiter?" Sage giggled.

"No." It wasn't really true. I did kind of think if him, but only because he was looking at Tyler with those lovey dovey eyes.


The food arrived thirty minutes later. My dish looked the best out of all of the ones of the table. Tyler's also looked good but the shellfish put me off.

"They're good." He said whilst I stared at them.

"I'm sure they are, but I'm al-"

"You're allergic. I know Troye boy. Just don't look at me like I've just killed a puppy or something."

"I'm not looking at you like that."

"Oh yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"You are." Sage and Steele both said at the same time. The three of them laughed and I just crossed my arms.

"Troyeeeeee." Tyler dragged out my name as he shuffled closer to me.

"Stay away you mean puppy killing person." Sage was giggling under her breath, so was Steele.

"Troye, I'm sorry for being a mean not puppy killer person. Can you forgive me for eating that shellfish? I don't want to lose you. My life will be miserable." I forced a laugh back.

"I don't know. I don't know if I can forgive you. You knew how much this would hurt me, I don't think I can do this anymore."

Sage snorted and Steele coughed and took a deep breath from laughing.

"Troye. I. I... Don't leave. I'm begging you. What about our family?" I heard the laugh in Tyler's voice, he was going to laugh soon.

"Our children will understand." I was now trying hard not to break the act.

"All ten of them?"


"Even little Dickens?" This was it for me. I burst into laughter. Tyler gave up as well and laughed. Sage and Steele started clapping as we bowed down like actors do after the play finishes.

"You two are the best at improv." Steele announced, his applause dying out.

"I try." Tyler answered him in a cocky manner.


"So for the wedding do you have the music planned?" I asked as I was putting my nearly empty glass down.

"We have a play list of our favourite songs but we do really want a live band as well. Would you know someone?" I knew what Steele was asking me, he wanted to know if I would sing at his wedding.

"I might. Do you have any songs that you'd want to performed?"

"Suprise me."

I was hoping I would write a song for Steele and Jasmine, so far I had no idea. Actually, I kind of do. I came up with a cool beat recently, I just needed some words.

"That can be done."


We finished our meals shortly after. I was so full I felt like I couldn't move, the portion wasn't that big although I still felt like I've ate a horse.

The waiter from earlier came to collected our empty plates, then he came with the bill. Steele offered to pay but the three of us stopped him and said we would split the cost.

After thanking for the food we left the restaurant. Tyler practicality had to drag me out, that's how much I didn't want to walk.

"Where to now?"

"I don't feel like walking." I groaned whilst rubbing my stomach.

"Same here." Sage stretched her arms out and a few bones clicked.

"Let's go home then." Everyone agreed with Steele. The three walked to the car park and I trailed behind them.

"Hurry up!" Steele turned around and waved his hand at me as if that would make me move faster.

"I can't. Leave me alone. I'll make it on my own."

"Whatever you say princess."

Tyler turned round, he placed his hand on his hip and tapped his foot impatiently.

"How do I put up with you?"

"Because I'm fantastic?"

"Something like that." He walked to me, his arm moved to wrap around my waist.

"Carry me!" I threw my hands in the air and then wrapped them around his neck.

"Not today Troye boy." He unwrapped my fingers from his neck and I groaned. He chuckled and pulled me closer. My stomach made a strange a weird noise and we both stared at it.

"Let's get home before the alien is born."

"Good idea. Very good idea."


The drive home seemed longer than the one we took to get here, the reason for that could be the fact that the traffic was horrible. The drive shouldn't have taken longer than twenty minutes, however it was already nearing fifty before we got out of the terrible traffic.

"So did you find anything nice?" Tyler leaned forward to look I'm between the two front seats.

"I got measured and I'll come alone in a few days to pick the suit up." Steele tapped against the wheel as he spoke, he usually taps when he's excited or just very happy.

"That's awesome!"

"And I found this really cute porcelain thingy that I'll give Jasmine. I know she'll love it." Sage excitedly explained the gift. Supposedly it's an elephant that gives good luck to the owner.

"Did you find anything?" Steele asked, his voice still full of joy.

"Well we have some flowers, water and a pack of crisps."

"Sounds wonderful!" Sage chirped.


Steele pulled up to the driveway. It was around five o'clock when we got back. I noticed that one of our cars was gone, the one my dad drives.

"Strange... they would have called if they wanted from the shops." Sage said more to herself than to anyone in the car.

"Maybe mum and dad decided to have a date night?"


When the car finally stood still I pushed the door open. Four loud door slams, one after the other, came from the car, apart from that and the shuffling of feet against the pavement it was quiet.

It so strange how so many people lived here but you wouldn't even hear a dog bark. This place felt like nobody apart from us lived in this area yet we still saw our neighbours everyday.

"Are you done thinking?" Tyler playfully nudged my arm. I looked at him blankly.


"Never mind." Tyler held my hand and led me up to the doors. He opened the door and a strong scent wrapped itself around my nose.

"Smells so good." I breathed the air in and then out. I had no idea what my mum was making but it sure did smell delicious. I knew I wasn't going to eat it (or at least not much) since I had a massive meal not long before.

"Mum! We're home!" Steele walked past me and Tyler, Sage followed behind him with a small cardboard box wrapped in fancy paper. She closed the door with her hips and smiled as she walked past me and Tyler.

"Get me anything?" Tyde emerged from the living room with his phone in his hand.

"Do you like a half eaten pack of cheese and onion crisps?" Tyler looked through the plastic bag with the flowers in. He pulled the crisps out and offered them to Tyde.

"I'll pass. Hey? What are those flowers for?" Tyde pointed towards the bag.

"For Jackie."

"What? I bought them for you." My voice sounded slightly hurt.

"You bought the rose for me, the other flowers are for my mum. Plus she'll probably appreciate them more than I could."

"Whatever." Why was I even taking this so personally?

"Stop making a fuss Troye. Do you know the last time your father even bought me a flower? It was for my birthday two years ago. I'm sure Jackie will be very happy to receive the flowers." My mum wiped her hands on her apron that said 'kiss the cook' in a red cursive font.

"She better like them."

"She'll love them." Tyler said as he kissed my cheek.

Tyde walked into the kitchen with mum, Sage placed the box on the table in the hallway and Steele took his shoes and jacket off.

"Where's dad?" Steele asked as Ty and I took off our outerwear.

"He'll be back soon. Now help me out with dinner. Get the cutlery out! Oh, and make the table larger, we're having guests!"

"I don't think we'll be eating, we ate out in town." I said.

"At least stay for the company!"

I took care of the table, Tyler helped my mum out with the food, Sage cleaned up the dining room and Steele... did something

I walked into the kitchen to get the remaining cutlery. Tyler was tasting some sort of sauce, probably spaghetti sauce.

"Delicious. I'm glad I could help."

"Oh aren't you staying?" My mum said as she washed out a pan.

"I don't want to the person that over stays. Plus it's your guests."

"You're more than welcome to stay over. There is enough room, our table is massive!"

"Yeah Ty. You'd be alone if you went home, you said Jackie is hardly in." I stepped closer to him, holding his hands in between our bodies.

"Okay. But only because you made a very good point." I smiled and placed a kiss at the top of his nose.

The sound of the front door being forcefully swung open caused me to jump in shock. My dad's laugh and someone else's came for the hallway.

"Honey! We're home and we have guests!"

I walked out the kitchen. Infront of me stood: my dad, a boy a bit younger than me with dirty blonde hair, a girl that looked my age with short brown hair, a woman my mum's age with really short greyish-brown hair, and then there was a girl about Steele's age. She had wavy blonde hair, her bright green eyes shined in the light, she looked beautiful. I looked down at her hands, she was wearing a shimmering engagement ring. Jasmine.

"Jasmine!? What are you doing here so early? I thought your flight was in three days." Steele rushed over to Jasmine, he embraced her and then lifted her up from the ground, he spun her and they both laughed. She tightened her arms around his neck, they looked so happy.

"We were able to get an earlier one. I hope we don't cause any trouble by coming earlier."

"Are you kidding me? How would you ever cause me any trouble?"

Aww! Aren't they the best?

Steele placed her back on the ground. Jasmine looked at me and smiled. I felt Tyler put his hand on the small of my back.

"Troye! It's been so long since I last saw you! How long has it been?"

"Three years? Maybe four."

"Has it really been that long? I can't believe it."

"Neither can I." Her smile widened. I liked her. I remember when we first met, at first didn't really like her, I though she was a bit of a -how can I put it nicely- bitch. However the longer I spent time with her she just seemed like a genuinely interesting person.

"Who's that?" Her eyes wandered over to Tyler.

"That's Tyler, my boyfriend."

"Lovely to meet you." They both shook hands. The smiles on their faces were equally as wide and toothy.

"You must be hungry! Come come, sit down, dinner will be served in ten." My mum showed everyone to the dinning room.

"Wanna go up to my room?" I leaned in to whisper in Tyler's ear. He nodded and we both ran up the stairs.

"Jasmine seems nice. I don't think I've seen her before." Tyler collapsed on my bed, I did the same, laying next to him.

"I don't think you would have. We usually saw her when we went to visit Steele in Sydney. And even if you did, she looks really different than before, I hardly recognised her."

I rolled over on my chest, my hands were placed beside Tyler's head. He was smiling softly and staring at me with his greeny-blue eyes.

"What was that about in the shop?" I said whilst leaning closer.

"I have no idea what you are saying."

"Yeah yeah, right." My lips bearly touched Tyler's when a knock on the door distrusted us.

"I would open the door but I'm too scared of what I'm going to see." Sage said in a disturbed tone.

"Yeah, you wouldn't want to see this. You are way too innocent!" Tyler laughed in between his words.

"Just get out here! Mum doesn't care how much you've all ready ate, she wants you to come down. Now come on!"

"Okay! Tell mum we'll be down soon."

Tyler and I went downstairs after a few more minutes of laying on the bed.

The table was so packed that everyone's arms were touching. There were pots and pans and a variety of colourful dishes on the table.

"Troye sweetie, put some quiet music on in the background." My mum pointed towards the stereo in the corner of the room.


I put the stereo on, the CD that was already inside started playing. The first notes started playing and I knew what song it was.

'I've been depending on the overgrown
Too many lovers that I'll be very know
Counting my losses as I let them go
Heavy the water as I sink below.'

"Oh I love that song!" Jasmine said as she pulled out a chair for me to sit on.

Steele was sat next to Jasmine. Infront of him was Sage, she was sat beside Tyde and Jasmine's sister. Beside Tyde was Jasmine's brother. Mum and dad were sitting at the ends of the table. The seat next to me was reserved for Tyler.

Speaking of Tyler, where is he? And where is Jasmine's mum?

"Oh this looks nice." Tyler said, he walked in with a jug in his hands, Jasmine's mum carried another one.

"Emma you didn't have to carry that in, same as you Tyler, Shaun should have done it." So Jasmine's mum is called Emma, good to know that.

"Don't be silly Laurelle, you've done so much, the least I could do is at least carry a jug."

"With my help." Tyler laughed. He placed the jug on the table and walked over to sit down in the chair beside me.

"Shush Tyler, let me shine." Emma swayed her hips and flipped her hair.

Emma and Tyler were acting like they knew each other for a really long time. They almost seemed like they were a family.

Throughout the meal everyone was talking about something, there was no moment nobody spoke or laughed.

"So Tyler, what do you do for a living?" Jasmine kept asking Tyler random questions during the meal, she asked what his opinions on dogs were, whether he likes sports (haha) and other things.

"I'm actually unemployed, although I've been looking at jobs recently. I'm having an interview later this week."

"Really? You haven't told me anything about that." I looked over at Tyler. I was quite surprised that he hasn't said anything about getting a job.

"I didn't think you would find it interesting. All I would be doing is sitting at a desk and doing stuff on a computer."

"Customer service?" Emma asked.

"Not really. It's an editing job for the newspaper."

"You have to start somewhere." Jasmine said, she smiled at Tyler and continued finishing of her food.

"You're right. What about you? What's your job?"

"I'm a photographer. I take photos at birthdays, concerts, weddings, I also take photos for magazines."

"That's awesome!"

"It sure is." Steele said then placed a kiss on Jasmine's cheek.


"That was wonderful, Laurelle!" Jasmine's brother -I think he was called Simon- said.

"Yeah it was delicious! I want you to make me meals for the rest of my life!" Cath -Jasmine's sister- said. She giggled as she helped collect the empty dishes.

"Maybe not for the rest of your life but from time to time." Mum laughed, picking up the dirty plates.

"I'll take what I can get." Cath walked into the kitchen, mum shortly followed after.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked everyone as we entered the living room. Tyler hurried over to the couch to get us a seat, I sat down next to him and he layed his head on my shoulder.

"Sounds great." He said.

"Go on Netflix. There has to be a good movie on there." Steele sat down on the couch with Jasmine. There was only one more space left. Tyde and Sage were going to fight for it since nobody really likes the armchairs.

I was right. Tyde ran to the seat but Sage pounced on him and fought for the place. In the end Sage won. She always wins things like this.


In the end, no one really payed attention to the movie. Everyone had conversations with one another, they weren't loud enough to silence out the movie so that you could still understand what was going on. For me and Tyler, the movie was more of an excuse to cuddle and snuggle and whatever else you could do on a couch with people surrounding.

Tyler ended up laying in between my legs, his back pressed against my front, head under my chin and his hands locked with mine.

"I'm tired." He whispered in my ear, the need for sleep was clear in his voice.

"Want to go sleep up in my room?"

"Are you gonna cuddle with me?"

"If you want to."

"I'd love to."

"Let's go then." I pressed a few kisses into his hair and then dragged him up to my room.

Helllllloooooo! 5206 words! Longest chapter yet! God I feel so tired... I also feel like this is the beat chapter I have written.
Okay I really need to go to sleep. I have an RE test tomorrow. Pray for me plzzz.

I would like to thank you all for all the support and love that you are giving this story! It has reached 2k reads! Thank you all so much!

I hate these. I always have out my AN's planned but when I come to write them I always forget what I wanna say.

Maybe I'll remember it later and tweet it *cough cough* follow me on Twitter *cough cough* #shamelessselfpromo I learn from the best!

I love y'all!

Stalk me on Twitter

Have a fantastic day my lovelies

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