Sometimes They Win (Female Pe...

By UnmotivatedButTrying

558K 12.7K 8.7K

Monsters are real Demons are too. There always there, Trying to get you. They're not in the woods, Or under y... More

Full Summary
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
new story is up

Chapter 6

20.5K 467 176
By UnmotivatedButTrying

The day went by fast. I'm nervous about meeting Mr. Stark.

I am on my way to meet him now. He said to meet him in Central Park and I am almost there.

I applied makeup, to cover up my bruises and cuts, especially on my face. I didn't want Mr. Stark to judge be because of a thousand cuts and bruises.

I see people all around. I look around for an empty bench and I see one near me so I go and take a seat.

I wait and I wait.

I check the time every five minutes.

It's almost 5 when I give up hope.

He's not coming. I should have known not to get my hopes up.

I start to tear up because deep down I knew he wouldn't show, but I still thought that maybe he would come.

I really wanted someone in my life as a parent figure, even if they weren't my real parent. It felt nice to know that I had a family member out there.

I let my hopes cloud my judgement. I have to stop being the naive child that I have always been. It's time to grow up.

I get up from the bench and start to walk home. I see something red and gold out of the corner of my eye, but I won't look up. I keep walking.

I start running. I run until my lungs burn and I can't breathe. I run until my legs feel like they are on fire then I run faster.

What am I running from?

The person who I used to be. The little girl I left back at that bench. I don't even know where I am, but it feels good to be here.

I'm so angry. Angry at Mr. Stark for not showing up, at Gabe for being an abusive prick, and angry at myself for letting it get to me. How could I be so stupid

I can't take it anymore. I fall to my knees. I scream.

I must've channeled power into my scream because as soon as I stop it starts to rain. Not a slight drizzle. It starts to pour. It also became dark at some point while I was running. )

I can feel the presence of a few people behind me .

I stand up and turn around, to see a group of 8. There's a guy in a metal suit, a guy dressed like the American flag, a girl all dressed in red, Clint wearing sunglasses, Natasha, a person who looks like he wants to be a spider web, Bruce, and a weird blonde guy with long hair and a cape. Some of them look surprised to see me.

Hint: natasha,clint, Bruce, and Mr. American Flag

"Are you alright, Miss" a guy dressed like the American flag says.

"Im okay now" I say calmly

"We heard you scream" clint says

"I'm okay, but thank you for coming to check on me" I say

"Wait...Persephone?" Tin man asks

"Depends on who's asking" I say

"I'm Tony" it says "your uncle Tony. We were supposed to meet about an hour and a half ago, but I was running late"

"Oh well in that case I have something for you" I pretend to reach into my pockets then show him my middle finger.

"C'mon Persephone. I'm sorry" He says



"I was hoping that you were a legit person, but now I see that you arent. You said you wanted to meet me. I wanted to meet my last blood relative too. After ten minutes of waiting I thought 'Oh he's just a little late he'll show up soon' I waited another ten minutes 'Oh I'll give him a little longer' ten more minutes 'he'll be here. He has to come'. At an hour I drew the line. I'm done waiting for a knight in shining armour to come save me from my terrible life. I'm done waiting for something good to happen to me. I've learned that the fates dont give me a break. Ive gotta make my life, even if it means living with my abusive step father until i am 18, because once I'm 18 I can do what I do best. I am going to join the military when I'm 18 because then I can spend the rest of my miserable life doing something productive."

"Percy please" clint stepped forward

"Stop it Clint. Just stop it. I tried. I tried to get my life together, but no matter what I do the fates just throw another challenge at me"

"Wait. Did you say fates, midgardian?" Cape guy asks me


"Are you of Greek origin?"

"Yes. My father is Greek" I say "Hence the name, Persephone Andromedia Jackson"

He gasps "are you-?"

"Yes, but it is not your place to reveal who I am, thunder god"

"Percy just come with us, please" Natasha spoke

"I cant" I say "I'm sorry, but I just cant" I'm full on crying now and I'm soaking wet from the rain

Spider Web guy steps forward "Percy please come with us"

I recognize his voice as Peter's "no"

I look around me

To my left is a forest and to my right is more street. I trick them by starting for the right, then running, at full speed, into the forest

They start to chase me but I think they eventually tire out. No matter how tired I am I can't stop. I run until my body is completely functioning on adrenaline. Soon enough that runs out too and I fall to the ground.

As I lay on my back, covered in dirt, twigs, leaves, and grass, I look up to the sky through a break in the tree branches. I see the moon above me.

"How long can I keep living" I say outloud to no one in particular.

I drift off to sleep at some point while I lay there, questioning my existence.

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