Twisted Love Affair

By StephyBoo

327K 7.2K 491

Lexi Cortez's life hasn't been an easy one. The girlfriend of a biker gang leader, she lives the double life:... More

Twisted Love Affair
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 7

7K 150 9
By StephyBoo


"Alright girls you know the drill I want the guns loaded and ready I don't want any suprises! We get in and get out! Are we clear!?" I yelled loudly so they could all hear "We got it Havoc!" they all said "Good let's get a move on then!" everyone was in there cars.

As we drove off it was my car in front with Rosie riding with me to my left was Cassie & Melissa in there car to my right was Lisa and Sandra we used this formation so we stayed close by just in case. We drove for about 45 minutes before coming up to the meeting place.

Chapter 7

Were meeting with Ernie and Leslie there the owners of VidBit There in the video industry if you catch my drift they work with the porn stars. This was how Abel had meet Shelby before me of course. They give us 40% of what they make to have guards for protection & sometimes help scare off the competition.

They never have a problem with us it's just the porn stars sometimes try to act like badasses or they just get involved with our men. There's always tension between the girlfriends and porn stars. They try to sneak in and weasel there way into your relationship cause they think there better then us.

Every once in a while a big fight breaks out between us when we do these cash pick ups. Other then that its usually a random one on one. So far it's been like how it usually is shit talking an dirty looks. Well have to see what happens though it could go either way.

We pulled up to the gate that block the entrance. You saw about 2 prospects and 2 full members as guards outside. There was bound to be a couple more in side incase they every get pass the gate. As soon as I pulled up and they saw my vest they gave us the clear to go inside. "Go Ahead Havoc" the guard said "Thanks" I said nodding.

We pulled into the actually lot parking the car. I stepped out of the car closing my door with Rosie doing the same. I pulled my shades down to cover my eyes the sun was out already. The other girls were out of there cars just waiting for my orders.

My phone began vibrating I dug into my pocket and pulled it out.

Abel Calling was what showed up on my screen so I answered it.

"Abel what happened?" I asked curiously.

"Just checking on you that's all. You didn't stop by the club like you usually do before you head out." he said

"Yeah I know I had to meet up with the Vixens so we could all head out together we just got here to VidBit." I said

"Okay then, The Sons of Saints just showed up so I'll talk to you when you come back. Becareful!" he said seriously

"I will don't need to tell me twice." I said as the line went dead.

"Who was that?" Rosie asked "It was Abel he wanted to know why I hadnt shown up to the clubhouse first before we took off" I said. All the girls were around me now. "So how do you want to handle this Havoc?" Cassie said

I looked at all of them "You'll follow me lead. I don't need to deal with the porn stars bullshit today. We have things to get done so I better not find any of you starting anything! You guys understand!?" I said loud and clear.

"What if they start it you know there always running there mouth trying to get a rise out us, then what Havoc?" Melissa asked. I raised my eyebrow at her "Same thing don't give them what they want as much as you want to beat the crap out of them" I said she nodded her head.

"If I think that things are going to escalate I'll personally get involved I won't be taking crap from anyone today!" I said "Now let's get in there & I suggest you listen to what I said or else you'll get it just as bad!" I said making my threat clear as day.

"Alright Havoc" they said. They know me well enough to see what I'm capable of. I tell them simply because they let there emotions get the best of them and it causes problems. Simply we just dont have time for this any other day I wouldnt care though.

We walked up a couple of steps and entered the building. As soon as we walked through the door you feel tension in the air. There was about 15 girl porn stars with about 3 males. You could feel the glares on your back. The side comments that we were getting as we passed by making our way to the office.

Melissa, Sandra, Cassie, and Lisa waited outside while me and Rosie went into the office. We were greeted by Ernie "Oh girls it's good to see you" he said giving us each a hand shake. "Ernie how business?" I asked "It's okay kind of slow this month" he said "I see well then do you have the money?" I said getting straight to the point.

"Yes of course, I did have a question or better said a request? He said while standing up walking towards a safe. "A request? Which would be?" I asked raising my eyebrow in curiosity. "Well seeing as it's been slow I wanted to ask if you could give me and extension for the next pick up." he said

"That's not my decision to make." I said "It's there anything that you can do since you come pick up the money?" he asked putting the stacks of money from the safe into the duffel bag. "Like I said it's not my decision I can bring it up in the meeting but that's all." I said

"Of course then I understand I'll wait for your answer then?" he asked "Well get back to you on that." Rosie answered. Ernie finished putting the money in the bag then handed it to Rosie.

All of a sudden you hear loud yelling & just about every curse word that you could think of. Rosie looked out of the office to see what was causing the commotion. I looked at Ernie and was about to say something when Rosie came back in. "There about to go to blows Havoc!" she said.

I gave Ernie a look that made him take a step back "Shit!" I said walking out of the office and took in the scene it was Sandra & Melissa holding back Cassie & Lisa. The porn stars that go by Fawn & Cherry were being loud and trying to get in there faces. There were trying to be held back by Leslie the owner and a girl named Daisy.

I walked towards them I was pissed. Melissa saw me coming towards them "Havoc I can't hold her" she said when all of a sudden Cherry got loose and jumped on Lisa. All hell was about to break loose. Me and Rosie gave each other a look then muttered "Shit" we ran towards the girls.

As soon as Cherry had jumped on Lisa Fawn tried for Cassie. Other porn stars were gathering around if it didn't stop soon they would try getting involved. I saw Melissa and Sandra trying to break it up they were trying to pull them off each other.

Lisa had just gotten slapped with a right hand by Cherry and in return she took a swing and dived slamming her into the ground. She was on top now. I then saw A porn star named Abby pulled Melissa's hair from behind her.

I grabbed the girl named Abby and punched her in the face she let go of Melissa's hair as she hit the floor. Rosie was grabbing Cassie of the porn star it was working though. I grabbed my gun from my back I pointed in the air then fired.

Bang! Bang! Bang! I shoot off three shots. Everybody went still. "Everybody back the fuck off now! Ernie, Leslie get control of these Fucken pornstars!!" I roared I was pissed and you could hear it. They weren't moving "Now!" I yelled again.

Cassie and Lisa got off and began walking backwards as Melissa, Sandra, & Rosie were in grabbing them by there arms. Cherry, Fawn, Abby were slowly getting off the floor. I stood in between the two groups my gun still in hand. "Somebody want to explain what the fuck just happened?" I said

"Havoc they kept pushing out buttons they should learn by now to leave our men out of this." Cassie said "What the Fuck did I say outside was I not Fucken clear!!!" I roared at her. I heard a laughter I whipped my head to see Abby & Cherry laughing.

"I wouldn't be laughing Abby unless you want to knocked out cold you got bitch!" I said and she shut up. Cherry was glaring at me when she took a step forward to me. "What you going to do about it Havoc" she said putting her finger in my face. I slapped her hand out of my face then punched her in the face.

She fell back landing in her ass I gave Rosie my gun "Here hold this" I said and she took it. I turned my attention to Cherry. I grabbed her hair and pulled her up walking while she was dragging. I pulled her head up and smacked it straight into the wall her nose began to bleed from the impact.

I did it again then let her hair go as her body slumped down against the wall. "Ernie & Leslie I suggest you keep your pornstars in line because the next time I won't be so lenient!" I said "As for you fucken pornstars look at her and take it as a message this is what happens when you mess with The Viper Vixens" I said looking them all over.

"When you hear the name Havoc you better remember her face! Cause like I did it to her I will as easily do it you!" I said "Rosie do you have the duffel bag?" I asked "Yeah I do oh here" she said picking the bag up and handing me my gun back. I put the safety back on an put it in my back again.

"You can be sure Abel will here of this event!" I said "Let's go" the girls began walking out I stayed behind them to make sure they all went out. As soon as we got outside Rosie put the bag in the trunk of my car. I grabbed Lisa and Cassie by there arms and turned them around. So they were facing me now.

I grabbed Cassie by her shirt and slammed her back against her car. "I tell you not to do something and you have the nerve to go against my word!" I said slamming her against the again. "I-I-I couldn't h-e-e-l-l-p-p-p it" she stuttered I slammed her once more then let her go then I turned to Lisa.

I was so angry I slapped her and it was hard. Lisa fell to the ground grabbing her cheek where I had hit her. "Havoc stop" Rosie said trying to calm me down. "You off all people should know when I say something you follow it, you started it have more self control!! I don't have time for your emotions getting the best of you!!" I yelled at her

"If either of you every go against my order again I'm going to take you out myself!! Now Everybody get in there cars!! We have another job to do!!!" I said turning away getting in the car. I saw Rosie pick up Lisa and then she was in the car.

"Lexi I know your mad but you took it to far, you shouldn't have hit Lisa!" she said "I gave them clear instructions we spent a damn hour here wasting time that we don't have!" I said "I know but still just calm down Havoc!" she said. I stepped on the gas speeding as the girls tried to keep up.

After about 15 minutes of driving we ended up by our 2nd pick up. I took a deep breath and looked at Rosie she just patted my shoulder. "Call them" I said she pulled out her phone and did a three-way call with Sandra & Melissa. They answered "What?" they said at the same time.

"Follow my lead and stay close I want guns ready were meeting at a warehouse. So be alert and ready for anything!!" I said "Alright Havoc!" they said and the line ended. We pulled into the dirt road the warehouse was straight ahead.

"You sure this is the place?" Rosie asked "Yeah this the address Abel gave me" I said opening the car door leaving it open. The girls all looked at me "Guns ready I don't like the looks of this." just as I said that sound of bullets being fired rang in my ear.

I felt my left shoulder being hit I fell backwards. "Ahh Shit!!" I touched my shoulder blood was on my hand. "Havoc you got hit!!" it was Rosie "Take cover and fire!!!" I grabbed my gun & took the safety off. I stuck my head around the car door and saw her!

Widow she's been my enemy since the longest. "Widow you got alot of nerve to shoot at me in a surprise ambush at that!" I yelled "Havoc you should have know sooner or later I was going to get you!" she yelled right back "Thats what you think Bitch! Now Girls!" I said and got up shooting my whole clip at her the girls followed.

There was at least 10 people shooting us that I could see we didn't have a chance like this. I put another clip into my gun. "We need to get the Hell out of here now" I said jumping in the car I started the car when bullets went flying towards us. I ducked and a bullet hit my head seat.

The girls had already started reversing out I put the car in reverse and pushed the gas. I shot about half of the clip before finally turning the car around and putting it in drive. The girls were up ahead I caught up to them with ease.

I signaled for then to pull over once we has driven for about 15 minutes. I stepped out and looked at my it was shot to hell! "What the hell was that Havoc?" it was Sandra "It was ambush what do think! Abel gave me the address it must have been interceppted!" I yelled back.

I gripped my shoulder "Fuck! We go straight to the clubhouse I'm gonna kill him I swear.!" I said "Shit Havoc your shoulder!" Rosie said "We should take care of it we don't know how bad it is." she continued. "I'll deal with it later" I said looking down I couldn't even see where the bullet was there was blood covering it.

We got in the cars and we were at the club house in a record 25 minutes. I didn't bother parking the car right I just turned it off and jumped out the car. I walked fast ignoring the calls "Havoc Wait!" I could hear footsteps. I saw Tito at the bar "Where the Hell is he Tito!?" I yelled.

"Lexi your arm shit your bleeding!" he said as he was trying to walk around the bar. "Where's Abel now Tito!!" I yelled "He's in the meeting with The Sons of Saints, let me check your arm." he said trying to grab my arm I moved it away "Abel!!!" I slammed open the doors.

There he was sitting down he looked at me he looked like he was about to say something but I cut him off. "Abel what the fuck!! You send me straight into a damn ambush my car is shot to hell & I almost got my fucken head blown off by Widow!!!" I yelled at him I was pissed.

"What you mean an ambush? Shit look at your arm you got hit!" he said getting up. "An ambush you idiot what else would I mean. You can thank widow for that what the hell they were waiting for us we were caught of guard!!" I yelled at him again.

"What the Fuck!!" I head a voice yell then "Lexi?!" it was different voice this time I whipped my head around "What!?" I yelled my jaw dropped. There was Matt & Jace each in The Sons of Saints cut. "Mattie? I-I-I what are you doing here?" I stuttered oh shit.

"What the hell are you doing here Lexi! Why do you have a Cut! Answer Me!!" Matt yelled at me. I took a step back I backed up into Abel. "Who the fuck are you to talk to my lady like that!" Abel yelled at Matt stepping in front of me.

"You Lady!?" Jace yelled "You better be out of your damn mind!" Matt yelled taking a step towards Abel. "Abel stop please stop!" I said going in front of him & holding him with my good arm. "Abel listen to me he's my brother!" I turned towards Matt "Abels my boyfriend Matt." I said

Matt's face full of anger he punched the wall. "Matt don't hit the wall your going to hurt you hand. Why are you wearing The Sons of Saints cut!?!" I said seriously. "You don't get to question me!" he yelled me now I was mad. "The hell I do what the fuck is my big brother doing here. Huh? Jace?" I asked.

Oh I know it's a cliffy whats Matt going to say what new drama will unfold now!

Here's Chapter 7 enjoy guys Im already writing the next chapter so you'll see it really soon.

Tell me what you guys think don't forget to Vote, Comment, & Fan Me!

Thanks for ready my story :) Love Ya

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