The Chase Begins (Now Publish...

By SandraCorton

11M 133K 16.6K

They met on a vacation in Hawaii. She was there to try and heal her broken heart while he was trying to escap... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 7

499K 7.9K 866
By SandraCorton

© 2013 Sandra Corton

Chapter 7

She went inside and stared at the wall for the longest time. She had been so persistent in pushing him away that she never realised exactly how much she enjoyed having him around. It’s official, you’re an idiot, she told herself. She felt that she had to tell her stupidity to someone.

She needed some advice and the only person she could think of was Andy. Taking a deep breath she rang her home number. It rang out going to message bank and Brianna let out a grumble before trying her mobile.

“Hey Bree.” Andy said sounding rather distracted.

“I need to talk to you Andy. I stuffed up big time and I don’t know what to do.” Brianna spilled her worries out with no response from her friend. “Are you even listening to me right now?”

“Huh? Oh yeah Bree. Listen I’m kind of in the middle of something right now. How about we talk later?” Was all Andy said before hanging up.

Brianna stared at the handset feeling a bit down that her best friend had basically just hung up on her. Well this had definitely turned into one of the worst evening to date. She dragged herself through to her bedroom and stopped short as she stared at her bed.

Not that long ago he was lounging there, teasing her. Now she stood alone, unsure for the first time if pushing him away had been such a smart move. You got exactly what you wanted, she thought to herself bitterly. She dropped down on her bed cursing herself for being such a fool.

She awoke with a start to find dawn breaking, her eyes crusty from trying not to cry and failing as well as a heart aching for something she had insisted was never hers to start with. With great difficulty she remembered it was Friday. She still had to go to work. She would have to wallow in her loss tomorrow.

Normally the happy, smiling faces of the children made her day that much better. Today she couldn’t see beyond what had happened the night before. Chase driving away without a single protest or kiss. Andy not answering or listening to her. She felt rather devastated and a bit lost.

She had become used to and even begun to believe in what Chase had been insisting was the truth. Now it was gone and she had never felt lonelier in her life than right now.

She was busy changing a nappy when she first heard a commotion in the front room. She assumed it was a parent putting up a fuss so she decided to let the other three deal with it for a change. She smiled at the baby girl as she sang a song to her.

Brianna was frustrated when she walked back into the main room to find the children completely alone. She hated that the other three were so carefree about their responsibility of the children. It reminded her of every foster home she had ever stayed in. All children deserved to be loved and cared for not just used for monetary gain.

“You’re needed in the office Brianna.” Morgan pointed out of the children’s play room.

Brianna couldn’t breathe as she saw Chase’s figure standing in the office talking to Denise. Hope flared and then was crushed as she noticed Denise and Tabitha signing paperwork. He was only here to get everyone to sign his confidentiality agreement. Obviously he needed her silence too, she thought bitterly to herself.

She handed the beautiful, smiling child she was carrying to Morgan who looked aghast as she quickly placed the child on the ground. With a deep breath she opened the office door and walked in while plastering a confident look on her face.

“I’m kind of busy so what do you want?” She said more abruptly than she intended to.

Chase though sent her a long, lingering look complete with the smile that reached his eyes. The hope inside her flared once again. Maybe she hadn’t completely blown it last night. Geez make up your mind idiot, do you want the guy or not? Her minds sarcasm had dimmed none as she continued to stare at him.

“Back with the children Tabitha.” Denise said rather rudely and the blonde girl went out of the office while sending fleeting glances to Chase as he left.

“If you don’t mind Denise I need a minute with Brianna before our discussion.” Chase raised a hand and the older woman just nodded before sending a glare to Brianna and leaving the room.


He never got to say another word as she threw her arms around him and leaned up to kiss him. Immensely surprised by her reaction it took him a second to respond. When he did a little moan escaped her. She had been stupid to deny this attraction to him. Maybe she could survive it. Maybe it would even be worth it.

“Buttercup as much as I want to continue we are at your workplace and you’re about to get mad at me.” Chase said as his lips lingered against her ear.

“Huh? Mad at you why?” She muttered pulling away from him.

“Let’s invite Denise back in.” He told her as he tugged her shirt back down from where his hands had pushed it up.

“Alright.” She grouched a little.

“Later.” He promised with that wicked gleam in his eye.

“Ugh what have I said about later before?” She said sharply which only made him chuckle.

“Does it apply to you just laying that hot kiss on me?” His smile threatened to melt her into a puddle of goo.

“No that was called temporary insanity.” She insisted though her voice sounded rather weak.

“Come on in Denise.”

Chase had gone to open the door; Brianna meanwhile reeled from what she had done. Had she really just thrown herself at him again as though she was some kind of hussy? Her hormones just couldn’t cope with the presence of Chase Montgomery she decided; it was as simple as that.

Denise strode angrily into the room and Brianna prepared herself for anything. She wasn’t a terribly nice woman to deal with when she was calm and rational. An angry Denise was to be avoided at all costs.

“So did you tell her?” Denise asked loudly as she flopped into her desk chair.

“I tried but we got a bit distracted.” Chase said with a grin that Denise just looked down her nose at.

“Then tell her now.” Denise pointed at him.

“Bree I took the liberty of organising your holidays for you.” Chase said as calmly as he could.

“What?” Brianna muttered under her breath.

“I told you that you would be mad at me.” He said on a wince.

“Why exactly are you trying to organise my life?” Brianna asked around the anger that was beginning to brew inside her.

“Isn’t it obvious? I want to spend time with you before I have to go on location.” He explained but she refused to soften even though his reasoning made her feel a tiny bit of happiness. He still wanted to spend time with her and here was her opportunity.

“Tell me what you’ve done.” She demanded as she crossed her arms over her chest and he let out a little anxious breath.

“Well you aren’t working anymore today and you’re off next week as well.” He explained while she seethed inside that he seemed to be trying to control her. Yes she wanted to spend time with him but not with him directing her life like he owned it.

“What exactly gives you the right to walk into my life and take charge?” She asked through gritted teeth as her eyes turned a fiery green.

“Um Andy thought it was a good idea.” Chase told her shifting the blame away from him.

“That little cow! You fell right into her trap Chase. She has wanted me to take next week off because of the wedding.”

“And I said no.” Denise interrupted in her annoying voice.

“So when am I expected to return?” Brianna turned to Denise who in turn glared at Chase.

“The day I fly out.” He said with such an innocent looking shrug that Brianna wanted to slap him upside the head.

“I see, how convenient.” Brianna said dryly. “Well if I’m off today then you’ll have to find someone to cover for me.” Denise just nodded and gestured to the children’s room where one of their part time girls seemed to be just turning up. “Excellent then I’ll see you later.” She gave Denise a wave before storming out of the building.

“Buttercup does this mean you forgive me?” Chase asked as Brianna went to get in her car. She turned around and speared him with a furious glance.

“Like that would be happening!” She replied angrily as she got into her car and drove off.

She went from rage and wanting to smack the idiot to complete joy that he hadn’t ditched her like she thought. With warring emotions inside of her she went to the only place she felt calm, her home. To find Andy standing rather smugly outside her house with a suitcase in her hands just added to the fury.

“Don’t try and tell me you had nothing to do with that pile of baloney that just went down.” Brianna yelled as she jumped out of her car.

“Who me? I’m just the bride to be.” Andy said innocently

“Oh don’t you even try that! I told you I couldn’t get the time off so you send in Chase?” Brianna’s voice went up another notch.

“Glad you’re here. She’s your problem now so enjoy.” Andy said with a grin. Brianna looked behind her to see Chase getting out of his truck. “You will be back here by Sunday lunchtime. I have things to do that require Bree’s help.” Andy insisted while Chase just grinned and nodded.

“I’m not going wherever you want me to go.” Brianna protested as she stood determinedly in her driveway.

“Is the house and car locked up?” Chase asked Andy who grinned, reached for Brianna’s keys and clicked her car locked.

“Yep.” Andy said with a smirk before heading to her own car.

“What sort of friend does this kind of thing?” Brianna asked and Andy turned back to her with a grin.

“One that knows what’s good for you.” Andy answered as she got in her car and drove off.

“Looks like you’re ready to go then.” Chase reached for her suitcase and threw it casually into his truck before turning to Brianna. “Are we making this easy or hard Buttercup?” His grin grew large and ridiculously cheeky. He looked adorable and she almost fell for it.

“I’m not going.” She stated firmly

“You don’t even know where I’m taking you.” Chase replied as he walked towards her. She stepped back just as predicted so he moved closer.

“I don’t need to know as I’m quite obviously not going.” She once again insisted, not realising he had steered her right where he wanted her to be. She felt the heat from the metal of his truck against her back and let out a frustrated grumble.

“You are definitely joining me even if it’s under protest.” Chase leaned into her and she had to catch her breath. He was far too dangerous up close.

“How many times do I have to say no?” She crossed her arms defensively.

“Buttercup you don’t really want to say no. Trust me; I really reckon you will enjoy this.” He told her as his fingers delved into her hair and massaged her scalp until she couldn’t think straight. She bit down on her lip so the moan couldn’t escape.

“You are so stubborn.” She managed to mutter as her eyes drifted closed and she leaned into his hands.

“You have no idea. It is your own fault though.” He whispered into her ear as those large, warm hands of his moved to her shoulders.

“How so?” She asked breathily.

“I’m chasing you, just like I told you I would. Wait until I finally catch you Buttercup, that’s going to be a day to remember.” His words slid along her nerve endings driving her slightly mad with wanting.

“Maybe you won’t catch me.” She told him and he just chuckled.

“Maybe but you want to be caught, admit it.”

Her eyes slid open and she realised she had practically wrapped herself around him. She sighed knowing she wasn’t really putting up such a good fight. It was his fault, she decided, all of this was his fault. He was too much of a distraction to her.

“No I really don’t.” She muttered which only made him kiss her lips softly.

“Liar but that only makes the chase more fun. Now get in the truck we have to get a move on.” He told her with another of those smiles that went straight to his eyes.

“Can I at least get out of my work clothes?” She gestured to her rather outlandish outfit covered with fabric paint of different shapes that the kids loved so much.

“Yes but only when we get to the airport.” He insisted as he opened the passenger for her. She frowned at him for a long moment, knowing she was giving in but wanting to none the less.

“I’ve only ever flown to Hawaii.” She told him lamely before she was about to protest about him paying for her.

“I know so this can be your second trip. Now get in the truck before I put you there myself.” He sent her a bit of a leer then as she raised her eyebrows.

“Fine, like you don’t get your way with everything.” She grumbled as she climbed into his truck.

Once seated on the plush leather she admitted to herself that she enjoyed being with him. Their back and forth not quite fights were more fun than she’d ever admit to him. Recalling how horrible she had felt this morning not knowing where they stood she accepted his interference, this time at least.

“I sure hope that smile is for me.” Chase said as he started the engine and looked over at her.

“Now why would you think that?” Brianna replied dryly as they drove off to somewhere unknown. “So where exactly are we going?”

“That is a surprise plus if I tell you too early I’m pretty damn sure you’ll try and run away.” He sent her a scowl and she rolled her eyes.

She went silent for a while as she thought things over. She wasn’t as angry with him as she should be. He had walked in and practically took over her life this morning, yet here she was smiling about it. Truthfully she hated trying to deal with Denise.

The woman had refused her request for holidays nearly every year since she had been working there. Brianna knew that Denise depended on her far too much. The person truly running the centre was Brianna while Denise was just there to rake in the cash. Denise and her daughter only worked there so she didn’t have to pay too much additional help and could keep more money for herself. Denise was a greedy, selfish woman who never thought beyond herself.

‘What are you thinking about Bree?” Chase’s words disrupted her thinking especially when he reached over and placed his hand on her leg.

“How I should be angry at you but I’m not really.” She stated making him grin.

“They take advantage of you. The worst thing is that you let them do it.” He said sternly and she winced.

“Yes I know.” She said as she looked out the window and fell back into silence.

They parked at the airport and Chase pulled her suitcase along with a duffel bag out of the back. He led her into the airport and she couldn’t help but stare. She had been here once or twice to drop Andy off mostly except for when she left for Hawaii.

It seemed kind of ironic that she was at the airport with him. He organised their tickets and bags while they made it through security with ease. She sat in the airport lounge rather anxiously. She wasn’t really the best flyer. She tapped her foot impatiently as they made the first boarding announcements. Chase stood up and Brianna watched him with a frown.

“C’mon Buttercup it’s now or never.”

He held out a hand for her so she got up and followed with uncertainty gripping her. The flight attendants stared between Chase and Brianna curiously as they politely led them to the rather luxurious first class section of the plane. Brianna didn’t know where to look first, everything here seemed too grand to just be an airplane.

“Do you want the window seat Bree?” Chase asked distracting her.

“Could I?” She asked excitedly.

“Of course I’ve done this flight heaps of times.” He gestured for her to sit down.

“So are you going to tell me where we are going yet? Obviously I know our destination but why are we going there?” Brianna questioned as she got comfortable and put her seat belt on.

“I guess it’s safe.” He pulled on her seat belt strap making sure it was tight. “No trying to escape.” He warned and she just sighed.

“Just get on with it Chase.” She grumbled at him.

“I’m going home and I’m taking you with me.” He told her outright and awaited her reaction.

“Fudge! No way. I’m so not doing this.” She protested as she tried to undo her seatbelt. There was no way she was going to see his parents, that was just asking for trouble.

“Brianna stop panicking about this. It’s not the big deal you are making it out to be.” Chase said quietly to her.

“Yes it is! I don’t do meeting the parents very well and they never like me either.” She insisted looking at his calm face.

“Just because Terrence had parents like him doesn’t mean my parents are anything like that.” Chase told her shortly.

“I didn’t mean it that way.” She argued. “It’s me, I’m always the problem. I don’t know how to act around parents and it….I just hate it.” She said around the anxiety that gripped her.

“Tell you what if you don’t like my parents I’ll bring you straight home. We don’t have to spend the night there or even have dinner.” Chase declared definitively.

“You promise?” She asked hopefully.

“I swear.” He replied simply and she relaxed a bit.

The flight attendants began coming through locking compartments and checking seat belts. Brianna tried not to fidget or twitch as the plane began taxiing down the runway. With great difficulty Chase unfolded her tightly clenched fingers and held her hand in his. She was surprised how much better that simple gesture made her feel. She closed her eyes tightly as the plane rose into the sky. She knew she was probably crushing Chase’s fingers but she couldn’t help it.

“Relax Buttercup we’re in the air already.” He said as he pushed her hair back off her cheek.

“I really don’t like that part.” She mumbled under her breath.

She cautiously opened her eyes. Chase pointed out the window and she followed his gaze. She watched the land beneath her begin to look like a large stitched quilt. She was amazed how different the land looked from this height. Before long they were in the clouds and Brianna watched the white puffiness surrounding them.

“I guess you didn’t get a window seat on either of your Hawaii flights?” Chase asked as she finally took her eyes from the window back to him.

“No not that it really mattered.” She replied with a shrug. “I had bigger things on my mind then.”

“What me?” Chase teased as his fingers ran up and down her arm.

“No Terrence actually.” She told him and he stopped moving his fingers.

“Buttercup what actually happened with that jerk? I know he really hurt you.” This time he drew tiny circles against her skin and it took everything she had in her to focus on what he said.

“I think it’s more important that you tell me what you did to him last night. He rung me up to abuse me for him being in pain about an hour after you left.” Brianna diverted the topic not really in the mood to talk about Terrence.

“He sent you away from me so that bastard got everything he deserved.” He ground out.

“Watch your language. So what did you do?” She asked again and this time he looked beyond smug.

“Just an old martial arts trick.” He said trying to shrug it off as nothing.

“Right that caused him immense pain?” Brianna looked at him doubtfully.

“Yes it can be known to do that.” He answered vaguely.

“Alright I won’t ask anymore.” She raised her hand up. “So how long have we got left until we land?”

“A few hours I guess why?”

“I need a nap and I guess this gives me plenty of time.” She told him before closing her eyes and settling back into the seat.

He watched her as she slept. She looked so innocent and beautiful all at the same time. After the dinner debacle of last night he had been left with a lot to mull over. He had gone to see Leo first thing to ask for his advice. Andy being who she was though butted in and told him to take Brianna away for the weekend.

He’d thought about all they said and knew where he wanted to take her the most. He wanted her to see where he grew up. He wanted her to meet his parents and siblings. He wanted to show her a family that loved each other, knowing she had never had that. Brianna mumbled to herself and rolled towards him as the plane began its descent.

He stroked her soft cheek and she swatted at him in irritation. He leaned down to kiss her lips and she let out a small moan. Finally those startling changeable eyes of hers opened showing a hazy blue colour and he couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Time to wake up Buttercup.” He said cheerily.

“I was having such a good dream and you spoilt it.” She grouched as she pushed up in her chair and glared at him.

“Hope I was in it.” He said with a wink.

“Bother!” She muttered and he couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him. “I hate landing too.”

“How about I distract you so you don’t even think about it?” He asked with a sly little grin.

“What exactly do you mean?” She sent him a suspicious look.

He didn’t answer; instead he slid a hand under her blouse until his fingers were stroking the soft skin at her waist. He captured her lips in a searing kiss that she never wanted to end. Long before she wanted him to stop he started pulling away from her.

“No.” She protested.

“We’ve landed already.” He told her wryly.

“What? No way.” She said in amazement as she glanced out the window.

Sure enough the plane was on the ground and heading towards a small but bustling looking terminal. Country side surrounded them. Farms dotted the area and the terminal seemed to be right in the middle of where crops were being grown.

“Welcome to my home.” Chase told her with a grin and she stiffened.

She finally remembered why she was on a plane in the first place. She now felt sick to the stomach. In all her life only one parent had ever liked her and that was Andy’s Mum. Even Andy’s Dad found it awkward to be around her and he tried to avoid her a lot of the time.

“Breathe Buttercup this really won’t be as bad as what you’re anticipating.” Chase told her with a reassuring grin.

“It won’t be as good as you think either.” She muttered as she tried to tidy her hair up.

“Stop worrying so much.” He said as he picked up her hand. “Listen my parents will be over the moon to meet you.”

Brianna kept quiet. She knew there was no way she could convince him that this would be a bad move. Might as well go in there, mess this up and get out as quickly as she could, she told herself. The plane officially stopped moving and people began scurrying for their things. Brianna dragged her handbag out from under the seat in front of her, sucked in a huge breath and prepared to meet her fate.

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