His To Love And Theirs To Pro...

Da aamelia

1.3M 45.4K 1.9K

Alena Brown is half witch, half human but that doesn't mean she isn't as powerful as her mother. Alena just w... Altro

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two.
Chapter Thirty Three.
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five.
(Last) Author's note.


30.8K 1K 52
Da aamelia


Alena woke with a huge smile on her face as she pushed herself up so that she resting on her elbow as her bare chest rested on Samuels. She knew it was creepy to stare at him whilst he slept but she couldn't take her eyes off of his handsome face, he looked so relaxed, so peaceful that she didn't want to wake him.

A lot had happened in the past few months for both Alena and Samuel since they first meet each other in the coffee shop. Although the past few months had been hard for her she knew that if she had the chance she would do it all again as she was happy, happier than she had been in a while, she was content with her new life and she wouldn't change anything as it had only made her stronger.

She had visited the hospital for regular check-ups and after a while they had said that she no longer had to visit them but if something happened, such a constant migraines or glitches in her memory she would have to go straight back. She hadn't had any migraines or glitches in her memory so far and she was hoping that it would stay that way as the smell of the hospital had started to make her feel sick.

She had official moved into the pack house, into Samuel's room that they shared the day after she had regained her memory. She knew that her parents were hesitant on letting her go, especially as she had just recovered but she couldn't bear the thought of being away from Samuel after everything that had happened. She needed him like she needed air to breath. It had taken her a while to persuade them but in the end they had helped her back up the entire contents of her room and move it into Samuel's pack house with the help of many pack members. Samuel had offered her parents a room in the pack house but they had politely declined saying that it was no longer their responsibility to look after her but Samuels, and that they would enjoy the peace and quiet around the house. 

It hadn't taken them long to complete the mating process and Alena had never felt so loved as Samuel had caressed her body as if she was fragile china. She had been nervous but Samuel had soothed all her worries and made it special for the both of them. It was then that they had become a mated pair, the Alpha and Luna of Samuel's pack. Frank had passed it down to them a week after she had moved in claiming that it was the right time, the best time for him to stand down and take a long holiday.

She had been nervous, and often wondered if she would be the Luna the pack wanted, the Luna that the pack needed but Samuel had guided her as well as Marie who had given her a long talk about what being a Luna involved and what she had to do. She was now the Luna and in tune with the pack link with the help of Samuel's mark and the abilities that came with being a half witch. It had taken her a few days to get used to having people in side of her head talking to her whenever they wanted. She had jumped a number of times much to the amusement of those around her and she was beginning to wonder if they were doing it on purpose.

Alena ran his fingers lightly over Samuel's bare chest, her smile turning into a grin as she felt him shudder under her whilst his arm tighten around her bare waist pulling her closer to his side.

"Samuel." She whispered lightly as she continued to tickle his chest with the feathery touch of his fingertips. She could feel him slowly wiggled under her touch, trying to avoid it but he remained sleeping.

She reached up and gently began to trace his face with her fingertips. She could remember waking Samuel up in a similar way the first time that he stayed round and she hoped that it would wake him up again. She was excited, and she wanted to get up washed and dressed before gathering in the living room where everyone would open their Christmas presents. Her stomach rumbled as she thought about the feast that she along with many female pack members had spent the last few days preparing.

"Samuel," she spoke softly as she trailed her fingers over his lips.

She was about to pull them away when Samuel's hand shot out and kept her fingers in place as he peppered kisses all over them, "morning beautiful."

His voice was husky and thick with sleep as it sent a shiver down her spin, "good morning."

"Why are you up so early?" He asked as he laced their fingers together before placing their hands on his chest whilst he looked at her though half closed eyes and a smouldering expression.

"Because it's Christmas." She didn't attempt to hide the squeal that escaped her mouth as she pushed herself up, grabbing the covers around herself so that she wasn't on show to Samuel.

"Why don't we stay up her for a little while longer?" A cheeky grin made it way on his face as he tugged at the covers she was holding against her chest. She felt her cheeks burn a light pink as she gently slapped his hand away and scooted her way over to the edge of the bed, taking all the covers with her.

Ever since the first time that they had made love Samuel seemed to be more possessive but that didn't stop her from being sweet and caring whilst offer his arms to her at all times. She had fallen for her werewolf harder than she thought humanly possible but she wasn't human and neither was Samuel. Their love went deeper than the normal human love; they were soul mates, specifically chosen by the moon goddess herself for one another. Alena knew that Samuel loved her that he loved her with every cell in his body, with his entire being and he had proved it to her on a number of occasions. She still couldn't believe that Samuel was hers but she had accepted it and every day Samuel told her more than once that he loved her, proving to her that he was hers.

"We have to be down in the living room with the rest of the pack by ten and it's already nine." She told him sternly as she gathered the covers around her a tucked it under her arms.

"We won't be too long." He had spoken in a low, husky voice knowing that it would spike fire within her stomach as she shuddered. She looked over her shoulder to see that he was reaching out to her with a seductive smile on his face whilst he made no efforts to hide his naked body from her view. She could understand why Samuel was proud of his bode, her was tall, he had broad shoulders, he was muscly and he was beautiful.

"We have to get ready." She told him as she stood up and pulled the end of the covers out of reach from his searching hand that now clutched the bed sheets instead.

"Is that an order Luna?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as she made her way to the bathroom.

"Now." She ordered him, she had tried to sound stern but the giggle that escaped her lips gave her away as she slipped into the bathroom and turned the shower on before dropping the covers and stepping in as the glass window began to fog.

She jumped when she felt arms wrapped around her waist pulling her against as muscular chest as a purring sound could be heard. She relaxed her tense form as she felt tingles erupt all over her skin as Samuel turned her around so that she was facing him, the water hitting the back of his head as it dripped onto them both.

"What did I say?" She asked with a raised eyebrow causing Samuel's lips to fall into a slight pout.

"Let me at least help you washed." He flashed a smile, his dimple on show knowing that she couldn't resist that smile. She sighed while closing her eyes and gently nodded causing Samuel to quickly press his rubbery lips to hers before he got to work.


Alena had stood in the shower as Samuel washed her head and body before she returned the favour. She was now stood in the middle of the closer she shared with Samuel who was fully dressed and waiting for her on the bed. She had allowed him to get changed first while she dried her hair and applied a small amount of make-up.

She quickly changed into a fresh pair on underwear before sliding on a jumper and a pair of dark skinny jeans. The jumper was an ugly Christmas one. It was a light blue with a huge Santa's face on the front. A grin slipped on her face as she pulled out her hair from where it had been tucked into the back.

"I'm ready." She announced as she walked back into the bedroom. Samuel got off of the bed with an amused grin on his face whilst his chocolate eyes danced with laughter at the sight of her hideous Christmas jumper.

"Even in that ugly jumper you're still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He told her as he placed both of his hands on her small waist while she blushed and buried her face into his now jumper covered chest, breathing in his scent as snuggled herself closer.

"I love you." She told him, her voice muffled by his jumper.

"I love you to." He told her as he placed a kiss to the top of her head before unwrapped his arms from around her and taking her hand in his whilst pulling her towards the door.

The smell of cooked turkey and roasted vegetables greeted them behind the door as they both breathed in deeply. She knew that the table was set and the meat and vegetables were almost done as a few women from the pack had volunteered to start cooking early so that it would be ready by noon. Her stomach growled at the smell as she placed her hand over it, a light giggle escaping her lips as Samuel laughed at her side.

They walked down the stairs to see that the pack members who had accepted the invitation to have Christmas dinner at the pack house were all gathered in the living room surrounded the huge Christmas tree with masses of presents underneath.

"Good morning, Alpha, Luna." Rang out throughout the crowd as they stood in the door way.

"I'll be right back," she told Samuel without further explanation.

She dashed off down the corridor and into the cupboard under the stairs where she had hidden a bag full of wrapped gifts for the pack members. It was tradition for the Alpha or Luna to present pack members with a gift on Christmas but she had thought it would be a nice gesture, and a thank you for saving her. It wasn't anything big and it hadn't been too expensive as she dragged the heavy bag back the way she came.

"What have you got there?" Samuel asked as he hurried to her side and took the bag of her and continued to drag it to the centre of the living room. She was no longer shy of being in front of the back as she grinned at the all to see that they were eyeing the huge bag with open curiosity.

"It's only small and you can do whatever you want with it." She smiled as she began to hand out the little parcels to everyone in the room before folding away the bag and putting it behind the tree with the rest of the pack members presents.

She walked over to Samuel who wrapped his arms around her waist, his eyebrow raised, "what is it?"

He asked through the pack link causing her to jump a little while she looked up at him, "a small gift."

"You didn't have to." He told her as he brought her closer to his side.

"I wanted to." She smiled.

She had gotten them all stone in the shape of a crescent moon after the packs name- Crescent Pack. She knew that it was a small gesture that would be appreciated as she grinned at the many pack members that came forward to thank her, cradling the small stone to their chests.

"Right, let's open the rest of the presents." Samuel grinned.

The rest of the morning was spent with each other exchanging gift and watching others opening them, the atmosphere was light as every smiled and laughed. Her parents had arrived with their own gifts along with the oracles and their mates. She had been surprised when Dean turned up as she had thought he would have wanted to spend the day with his family and pack. She was happy to see her protectors.

The gift unwrapping and exchanging finished just in time as the table was set and the lunch had been spread out in the large dining room. A huge table in centre with masses of chairs around it for all the pack members to sit down.

Samuel stood from his chair at the head of the table with a glass in his head, "merry Christmas."

A chorus of Merry Christmas could be heard before every dug into their food as conversation started around the tables whilst they ate. Alena sat in between Samuel and Reece who was constantly making horrible Christmas jokes whilst they ate.

"Why does Santa have three gardens?" He asked her as they all helped clear away the plates from dessert.

"I don't know." She told him.

"So he can ho ho ho!" He deepened his voice for the 'ho' causing her to laugh despite how bad the joke was as he cracked a grin.

"Nice jumper." A familiar voice said from behind her causing her to squeal as she turned to face Lucy who was also wearing a horrible Christmas jumper but hers was a dark green with a reindeer on the front.

"I could say the same for you." She said as she embraced Lucy in a tight hug, as David stood awkwardly at her side.

Alena had gotten in touch with Lucy via her mum after she had regained her memory and found out that she and David had become members of his old pack a few hours away. Lucy had broken down apologising over and over again whilst she explained that Tabitha had threatened to heart her family if she didn't do as they were told. She had forgiven her but Samuel and the rest of the pack were still on edge. Alena had begged for Samuel to allow Lucy to come for Christmas day and he had slowly given in.

She had found out that Tabitha had died whilst the remained dark ones and rogues were sent off to the council of all mythical beings to be punished not that she had known of the council. She was told that it was a secret and very few knew of it. She was happy that she hadn't chosen wrongly as she was surrounded by her family and friends, those that she loved.

"I've missed you." She told her best friend as they hugged again.

"Me to." Lucy whispered.

Lucy helped clear up after lunch ignoring the looks casted by pack members whilst Samuel spoke to David. She knew that Samuel didn't like David but he was trying to get along with him for her sack which she appreciated. Although Lucy had only visited once it was still important for every to forgive her best friend and she knew that it would take time for everyone to get over her betrayal.

"Alena would you like to go for a walk?" Samuel asked as they sat in the living room. Everyone had slowly gone home or to their rooms and it was now just her and Samuel lying on the sofa in the living room with the Christmas tree lights casting a colourful glow around the room.

"That would be nice." She agreed as she sat up. She had eaten a lot and a walk would help her stomach settle as she stood to her feet and stretched. Samuel must have known that she would say yes as he appeared in front of them with her coat, hat, scarf and gloves in his hand while he dumped her shoes on the floor.

"What would you have done if I had said no?" She asked as she pulled on her coat and placed her hair on top of her.

"I knew you would say yes, soul-mates," he said in a duh tone causing her to smile as she pulled on her shoes and gloves.

"Ready?" He asked as he wrapped the scarf around her neck and kissed her nose.

"Let's go." She smiled.

Samuel took her hand in his before leading them though the kitchen and out of the back door. The air was chilly as she pressed herself closer to Samuel who wrapped his arm around her.

A small sigh of content left her mouth as Samuel led them through the forest. She was pleased that she could now move on with her life and not have to worry about any witches or rogues wanting to kill her. She had gained a new family, a pack of werewolves that had protected her with their lives even when they had only met a few times. She was proud of her pack and she would do everything she could to protect them and keep them safe in the future just like they had protected her.

"What are you thinking about?" Samuel asked her as he tugged on her hand to pulled her through some bushed.

"How much everything had changed." She told him softly as they entered a clearing. She looked up at the dark grey clouds in the sky; she could see a yellow glow behind them that told her the sin was there.

"Do you like it?" Samuel asked causing her to look at him as she saw worry evident in his eyes.

She could never get enough of her werewolf mate who was always worrying about her safety and happiness. She was safe in his arms and happy when she was around him. She walked to where he stood and stood on her tip toes as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his face down so that his forehead was resting against her own, his minty breath fanning her face. She looked up so that she was looking into his eyes, his chocolate pools swirled with such intensity she could feel her cheeks flushing despite the cold.

"I love you more than anything, I love being with you," she told him truthfully, "I love it."

"I love you," he told her with a smile as his kissed the tip of her bright red nose.

Something wet hit her cheek causing her to pull away and look up to see small snow flakes elegantly falling from the sky asthey gently rocked in the light breeze. She breathed in deeply briefly closing her eyes before opening them again to look at Samuel's who was watching her closely.  Christmas day and been perfect and she knew that the rest of her life would be perfect as long as she had Samuel at her side.

"Merry Christmas Alpha," she teased.

"Merry Christmas, my beautiful little mate."

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