He Came Back

By DraeaNashai

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After falling to addiction and losing everything and the only person that ever meant something to her basica... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
This Cant Be
Beginning again
Bad With The Good
Her Clyde
Never Ending
Coming Together
Let me live
Moving On
Family pt 1
Family pt 2
More Problems
The Set Up
The Upper Hand
Fun & Games


410 19 5
By DraeaNashai


To this day we still have no clue as to why Marco was killed or who did it. His mom flew him back to Houston where she was living and had a private family service and then he was cremated. Sad to say that night on the ground was my last sight of him.

Everyday after his death got worse for me, I started using drugs with Dre so much til I lost my job, because I couldn't function right. I tried to bandage all my pain with drugs and only ended up making things worse for myself.

I stayed so doped up to the point I didn't even realize Dre was robbing me blind.

Somehow he got my phone and saw the last message where Marco told me about his safe. He took everything that was in the safe leaving me a measly 300 dollars and laughed at me as if this was his plan all along.

Eventually all the utilities in the house was cut off, that and the constant haunting of all my deceased loved ones drove me away from that house. And I've never been back.

I had a few places to go to get off the streets and off drugs but its like it all had a hold on me.

Four months ago I found out that my childhood friend Tara was back, and she's been trying her best to get me off drugs and out the streets, but just like everything else it was a fail.

Out here I don't see dead people. Being high and checked out of life finally gave me the relief I had been looking for, for so long.

But I'm finally tired its been almost two years of me out here on the streets and I'm ready to get better.

Tara and her boyfriend put me up in this hotel room and I've been looking for a center to help me shake my drug habit.

I found a place that I think will work for me, and I have an appointment tomorrow and I guess I'll go see my granny after my appointment. I took a good nice and hot bath ate some soup then I went to bed..

*Next Day*

"Hi, um my name is Paris Morgan I have an appointment with Dr. Rossi at 11."

"She'll be right with you, have a seat. Would you like something to drink?"

"Thank you, and no I'm fine."

I took a seat picking up a magazine to skim through as I waited.

"Good morning Ms. Morgan I'm Dr. Rossi you can come on back."

I followed the lady back to her office and took a seat where she told me to.

"So... It says here that you have an addiction to cocaine and that you've been out on the streets homeless for a while now, almost two years."

"Yes ma'am."

"Give me a little background so I can get some idea of what kinda help you'll be needing."

I gave her the run down and surprisedly I wasn't in tears at the end. We talked long and thoroughly,and we collectively decided this program was for me.

It wasn't that I need help to quit,because its been a month and two weeks since I've done any type of drugs.. I just needed help maintaining my sobriety and talking through my problems and anxiety.

I'll be meeting with her twice a week and doing private NA meetings with her.

I didn't know she would be so helpful especially with me not having any money to pay for this.... I guess there still are still some good people in this world.

I was now on my way to my granny's house to see what she wanted. I didn't go there often but I thought I would let her see that I am at least trying to do better.

After walking for what seemed like forever, I was finally a few blocks from her house. I looked across the street at the crowded park when something caught my eye.

Nah that can't be. I'm just tripping, maybe because we spent a lot of time together at that park.

But what made things even more weird is that the person I saw reacted to seeing me weirdly and hurried to hop in the car he was leaning against and smashed off fast. I looked up confused, like what the hell . I knew I was tripping so I continued on to my granny's.

"Hey thea girl. I thought you had done forgot about me."

"No granny I just been trying to get myself together that's all."

"Aw hush girl, I understand you a grown woman now. How ya been?"

"Im okay. How you been doing?"

"I'm fine baby. Just trying to stay out these doctors offices."

"That's good grandma, you look good."

"You do too baby. Real good."

"Thank you."

What she said made me feel kinda good, because that's the first time I've heard that in a long while.

As we was sitting on her front porch talking that car from earlier came by us driving real slow it only had the tinted windows down half way so I really couldn't see inside.

"Uh granny do you mind if we go inside I'm kinda chilli?"

"Oh yeah baby come on, you hungry?"

I was starved and I could smell she had made some gumbo... It was kinda bitter sweet cause that was one of mine and Marco's favs .

After eating and spending a little time with my granny talking, she told me to bring her a bag that was sitting on the deep freezer, I grabbed it and handed it to her and took a seat by where she was in her wheel chair.

"You been having a lot of mail coming here since you left yo daddy house. You have a few things here from your daddy now and some from the bank."

I took all the letters she was passing me and stuck them in my back pack that I always carry around with me.

"Thank you for holding on to all of this for me. I'll look at it later."

"Make sure you do, I talked to him not to long ago and he was worried cause you ain't been to see him in a while, and he said he sent you something you need to see."

"Yeah I know and now that I'm trying to get myself together I'm gonna go see him."

"That's good baby I'm so proud of ya and you look like you getting back to normal."

"I am really trying. I just wanna be happy again and do better. I got myself in a outpatient program with a drug consoler and all of that."

"Look at god."

I didn't respond to that. I still had my issues with this god stuff, and she was very religious, so I left it alone."

"Well granny imma get going before it get too late. I promise I'll be back to see you soon I promise."

"Where you staying tonight? You know you can stay here Paris."

"I know, but Tara and her boyfriend got me a hotel for a while and I don't wanna waste they money."

"Alright baby, call me when you make it there so I won't be sitting up worried."

I told her I would, kissed her and walked out the house.

Pulling my book bag up on my back and zipping my jacket up I began making my way up the 16 blocks it took for me to get back to the hotel I was staying in..

Finally making it back I locked up and got undressed for a shower. After washing my hair and my body I got out wrapping a dry towel around my wet hair then dried my body off then applied some lotion...

Getting dressed my cell phone that I've kept all this time beeped, at first I thought it was strange because I hadn't paid a bill on that thing in forever, then I realized my phone had connected to the hotels wifi.

I grabbed a orange juice out the mini fridge and a bag of Hot Cheetos sitting on the bed and turning the tv on searching for something to watch.. I settled on watching "Brotherly Love".

I ate my chips not really paying much attention to tv because I was playing candy crush failing the level I was on I decided to check my notification that came through earlier.

It was a facebook message from Tara asking if I would hang with her, tomorrow.

I felt bad for how I had been treating her so I agreed that I would hang.

Sitting my phone down I remembered the mail I had gotten so I went in my bag and got it out.

Reading through some of the letters my dad had sent me I couldn't help but smile, of course I missed him but he had a way of making me feel good even in the situation he was in...

Picking up another letter this time it was one from my bank. I don't know why they would be sending me anything, there was nothing in that account. I opened it and immediately became confused.

It was a bank statement and it said that I had a balance of twenty two point five million dollars in the bank..

I knew that was a mistake so I opened up the other six letters from them and they all said the same. The last one was a deposit letter saying that a check in the above amount was deposited into my account four months ago from the city of New Orleans.

I was completely confused, why would New Orleans give me money.. Had to be some kind of scam. Putting all the letters away I cleared everything out of the bed then turned the lamp off and laid down.

Laying there deep in thought I glanced at the light coming from under the door from the hallway of the hotel. At first I thought it was somebody passing by but the shadow continued to stay in front of my door.

I got up and slowly and walked over to the door they were walking away by the time I made it over putting a chair up to the door so could see out of the peep hole.

It was a tall dude and his walk looked really familiar.

Oh well must have been at the wrong door. I put the chair back and got in the bed trying to fall asleep,but a beep from my phone got me up once again. I grabbed my phone and it was another facebook message,but this time it was from an account with no picture.

Anonymous: "Hey ma, I'm glad you doing better. You looked good today. I love you and in due time you'll understand everything. I miss you."

I reread that message about ten times and was just as confused as I was the first time I read it. I clicked on the view profile option on the message, but got the connection not available icon,which meant whoever it was deactivated the account.

Who could that be and what do I have to understand... And who the hell saw me today that I didn't see... At this point I can't do nothing but sleep this day has been a little too weird for me...

First the weird dude in the park, then the bank account and the person at the door and now this weird as facebook shit....

I can't stress myself about it, that's not good for me.


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