Coming back to...Hell?

By pandabubbles

3.3K 69 7

I, Chloe Twining, have come back to the Twining estate. I came back from traveling to find that we are bankru... More

Then There Were Two Demons
Boo! Surprise~

Coming back to...Hell?

1.4K 36 1
By pandabubbles

I, Chloe Twining, have come back to the Twining estate and... *tumbleweed* Wait where is everyone? 

A carriage stops near the front gates as to where I'm standing. "Chloe is that you?" I heard my dear brother with his deep clear voi- oh let's cut the crap. 

"William! Look, I've brought back great books from-"

I was in the middle of showing him my suitcase when he began to yell at me from the distance. "Have you been traveling, again, all this time?! Did you even carry a clean set of clothing? You're a lady for goodness sake Chloe! Act like one!" 

Before I could utter a word, he stomped off to the front door. "Nice to be back big brother." I mumbled dragging the suitcase of books. "Missed you too."


"Kevin why were you in the fields?" I asked as I finally came to the front door. 

Kevin looked at me astonished. He came closer and said, "Mistress, you shouldn't be carrying that. Here let me." I apparently had no choice since the suitcase was whisked from my hands within seconds. I let out sigh in defeat.

While walking into the house, Kevin began to explain the situation at hand. "Your uncle went bankrupt and the debt collectors came by and took everything." I mostly blocked everything out and caught these tiny bits. We were sadly at the last door.

William turned to Kevin and asked, "What of the other servants?" 

Kevin answered, "Everyone else has left besides me." 

William let out a sigh and with a loose fist, knocked on Kevin's shoulder. "Well I guess I can't pay you so you're free." 

Kevin grabbed his hand and my hand. He then bowed and stated, " The Cecil family has served the Twinings for generations. I have no intention of leaving. I shall remain ever at your side." His hand was on top of ours as he said that. William, embarrassed as he was, thanked him while I gave a warm smile.

Why is this too good to be true?  "No problem! I'm staking everything on that big brain of yours!" Kevin said with a smile. I knew it. 

"Wait! What about me?" My pouty face turned to look at Kevin. 

"How about I split some money with you to buy chocolate cake, hm?" I grinned at him and shook his hand. "You sir, have a deal. William, continue to grow smarter!" 

I knew it was our mini inside joke as we both laughed obnoxiously, William obviously ticked off per usual. 

"What am I, your lottery ticket?!" Something clicked in his head. "That's right, my tuition! If I can't pay, I'll have to quit school!" 

I shook my head at him. "So that's the only reason why you came home."

He ran around the house going room to room. "Damn, is there anything worth some money?" He walked a couple of steps forward. 

Please don't ask me to search. Please don't ask me to search. Please do- "Kevin." I'm safe! "Do you know if there's anything like a hidden safe or a secret room? Maybe a hidden door?" He looked frantic like he was ready to believe something was going to pop out of nowhere. 

Kevin held a disbelieving face. "Come now, this isn't a fairy tale. Such things..."


I finished the thought, " exist." Even Kevin didn't know this door existed. What other surprises did this house have!? 

William broke the door down with force and ended up with a cut wound

"Are you crazy!? You're bleeding!" I had worry etched into my face as I examined William's bleeding hand. How crazy would this kid get to pay off his tuition?  

Suddenly the magic circle lit up with huge gusts of wind and a male with black hair and ruby eyes appeared. "Certainly you haven't forgotten me, have you? I am Dantalion, Grand Duke of 36 Armies of Hell and the most suitable candidate to rule over Hell! Now, elect me!"

I looked at William who was in disbelief. So much for believing tuition money would pop out of nowhere.


"So my ancestor was King Solomon, who subjugated 72 demons called pillars, and sealed them in some vessel, you say?" I was actually surprised at how calm William was taking this in. Did Isaac rub off on William this much? 

Dantalion agreed to those word as William drank tea. "Sorry. I haven't read much of the Bible. Is that from the New Testament?" 

Kevin piped up from behind William. "King Solomon was from the Old Testament." 

Dantalion then began to fight his restraints. "Damn it! If you weren't the Elector, I'd steal your soul this instant!" 

My older brother was so calm that he had the nerve to say, "Silence, unlawful intruder."

The so called 'Demon' tried to explain to William about Hell. "Just listen to me! We demons live in a hierarchical society just like humans! The emperor, Lucifer, rules over Hell. He is served by seven demon kings, who are served by twenty-four demon dukes, and so forth. The only one who can choose a new king to rule in His Highness Lucifer's place is the Elector granted authority by His Highness!"

William's calm aura is expected but to me it's slightly off. "I see. Is that all you wish to say?" That smile is definitely off... 

The police came in and took his ropes. "What's the meaning of this? How dare you treat a demon duke-" 

My brother placed a hand to his hip. "Ridiculous. Did you really expect me to believe all that blather about Hell and Solomon and whatnot? Vile con artist." 

Dantalion was really pissed. "What'd you call me?!" 

Kevin began to explain William's calm nature. "I'm so sorry. The young master is a hard-line realist with a love for modern science." 

William then took over. "There is nothing in this world that can't be explained with a formula. Honestly, I thought I'd find something I could make money off of, and all I get is this useless bum." I snickered to myself but made sure to cover it with coughs before William looked at me unamused at my "non ladylike grace" as he would say.

"The only thing I need right now is tuition for next semester, and that's it." I saw another irk mark on Dantalion as his eyes flickered to mine. 

"Listen to what I'm-" he stopped short since he got hit in the chin with my brother's shoe. The mark is already swelling. Poor guy. Why is he looking at me?  

"Hey, William. What if he is telling the truth?" I turned to look at my sibling and saw his irritated face. "Ok. Never mind." I gave an apologetic look to Dantalion as he was being dragged away.


Here we are back in the secret room with the magic circle. William was feeling the floor looking for anything odd besides the magic circle itself. I decided to walk around the room an explore the tiny space. I hummed to myself as I turned back to William. I tripped over my foot and fell scraping my hands. I looked down and noticed my heel had broken. As if wearing dress all the time wasn't enough. Great. 

Kevin shouted out, "Mistress, young master look out!" I didn't have time to react as this violet fog reached out dragging me and William into the circle. I grabbed onto my brother as we were sucked in.


My head felt foggy and I heard voices talking somewhere. Where are we? 

This goat person started conversing with William. I tried thinking of possible explanations of our location. As if in a daze, I began to speak. "We're in-" I was cut off when I felt a breeze making me look down. Turning to the goat man quickly, I yelled, "Can I have a mirror?" How long was I out for someone to change my clothing? A mirror suddenly materialized in front of me. I didn't even care at the moment how it appeared. 

My body is clean but there's a word written in small cursive just under my collar bone.  "Protector?"

A white dress that reached above my knees with black frills on the edge, small buttons down the middle with large black stitchings to hold the button in place. There was a gem embroidery on the dress where it sat above my cleavage. A thin strap held it up and there was a simple bell on a strap loosely tied on my neck. I went to touch the bell but noticed my hands had black gloves up to my wrist and a silver bracelet where it stops. My feet too were covered in items that weren't mine. Black boots reached my knees, inches from the edge of the dress with white socks poking out a few centimeters. I looked up and noted my hair had changed. My blonde hair was down almost reaching my waist in waves and a white hat sat upon my head.

William reached his own conclusion. "I'm dreaming!" 

The goat butler praised him in a mocking tone, "You have a talent for coming to the easiest conclusion." I blocked them out again judging myself in the mirror. I'm surprised William hasn't wrung my neck for this scandalous dress. Then again I don't understand why I'm in this.


"It's better than my chef's!" William exclaimed as he took a bite of cake. The goat butler was honored and even suggested a slightly sweet drink to go with the cake. This oddly tastes nothing like the tea I've had before. My body slouched back into the chair while my mind floated away.

Suddenly a large explosion destroyed the house with a very large gust of wind blowing away debris. Even I, with some stupidity potion in my system, knew something serious was going on. A man named Gilles de Rais, the goat butler said, walked in all childlike, totally unfazed with the mess he caused. He noticed William and inspected him talking about humans and Nephilim. "Well if he's not here, he's not here then. I'll just take this boy instead." He turned in my direction and snapped his fingers.

"Oh and who is she? Hmm." I noticed William floating. 

"A-ah! William!" The 'tea' has some weird side affects. You see, I tried to run but I ended up tripping over my two feet, face planting myself, and then shot up straight into the sky. 

"Well I'll take her too. Tell Dantalion if he wants the girl and the boy unharmed, to meet me at Cocytus." I had this feeling that my brother was freaking out but I was internally beating myself up for not being able to do anything. Damn it! I'm useless!

"Take your hands off of them!"

Next thing I knew a large ball of fire was aimed at us separating my brother and me from our captor. I was caught by the goat butler who I have yet to ask for his name. 

"He belongs to me!" Dantalion declared gripping William in his arms. 

The two had a little squabble and the house was fixed by the snap of his fingers. Rectangular pieces stretched and fitted over each other in multiple layers until everything looked solid like there wasn't an explosion just a few seconds ago. 

I stomped my foot pointing an accusing finger at the demon. "Hey Dantalion! Do you not care if I'm kidnapped?!"

"Oh yea, you're here." 

"Whats that supposed to mean?!"  

Gilles de Rais crashed in through the ceiling creating yet another mess. "I couldn't fathom why you'd invite a human to your abode. Then it hit me. He's the Elector." He paused for dramatic effect. "A descendant of Solomon himself."  

Dantalion turned and yelled, "Silence!" 

Gilles cheerfully added, "Once I figured that out, I simply had to have him for myself! Duke Baalberith will be thrilled if I bring him back. He wants the replacement to be one of his followers, after all. Might be hard with the Protector here too but even she may be useful." His fist produced electric blue sparks letting them wildly dance for a few seconds. 

Dantalion shielded William with his cape and replied, "You blue-faced clown. Fine, I'll roast you again, if that's what you want." 

I whispered to the butler. "Who's the protector?" 


"What? What does it me--"

Dantalion cut me off to yell at Gilles de Rais, "Just like your beloved virgin!"

Gilles did not look amused. In fact he growled, "Don't you dare speak of her with that filthy mouth!" The two demons shared several blows forcing William to run to the other side.

"That man..."

"He serves Grand Duke Baalberith, another faction leader who is vying for the emperor's throne. Basically, they are political rivals." The butler explained as we continued to watch the fight.

"That's a pretty intense rivalry." William added.

"The fastest way to raise one's status is announce candidacy by killing a demon of greater power. That is how Hell operates." 

"So like survival of the fittest?" I asked.

"In a way, yes."

Dantalion was thrown creating a crater in the wall. "Done already? I don't want to believe that." The ombre of blue and lilac head teased first. I mean you did slam him into a wall.

"Rest easy then!" Dantalion pushed him back with a strong burst of flames. Blood dribbled out of Giles's mouth as he was clearly shocked at the overwhelming amount of power. "I'll take extra special care of you now." 

"I think that cleared my head a little. You really are strong." Giles struggled pushing himself off the pillar. "I see why Lucifer holds you in his favor. But how many human souls did you send him to gain such power, Your Excellency Dantalion?" I forget these are demons we're talking about. Should I invest in holy water and a bible? Maybe I should ask Isaac for some charms.

"We're the same, after all,  aren't we?" Giles had no intention of shutting up. "We're both Nephilim, demons who were once human. Humans who were mass murders."

A shiver ran up my spine unsure how to handle this newfound information. These are demons. Stop forgetting that.

A dark shadow covered Dantalion's eyes. "Shut up."

"Enough victims to color the ocean red."

"Shut up!" 

Dantalion then went berserk fighting a crazy Gilles de Rais. 

Today is such a great day. Woo. Stuck in a weird mansion with a goat butler, a large estate that must constantly be in ruins, and, how lovely, two demons going at each other. Note the sarcasm.

"This is bad. If the master uses his true power now, the dimensional space will distort." 

My brother and I both turned. "What?" 

The goat man calmly stated, "You'll both be stuck here." 

I thought about being stuck here. Will I wear these clothes? How much of this 'tea' do they have? Where does the 'tea' come from? Where will I live? Will there be a crazy man blowing up the house everyday?

William shook the goat and then decided to take matters into his own hands. "William! What are you doing?" 

He looked at the battle with a determined face. "I don't wanna be stuck in an incomprehensible place. We're going home!"

We looked at the two fighting. Dantalion was going to hit his opponent with some major force of power until William yelled, "Stop, Dantalion!" Immediately his massive flame extinguished until it was no more.

I looked at William. "How did you do that?" 

He turned to me. "I don't know but why is there a staff next you?"

 When I turned, I indeed saw a staff. "Wait, when did this-"

 William began to yell at Dantalion. "Hey! If you have to go on a rampage, send me home first! I need to find a way to pay my tuition. I've got no time to watch you two fight!" 

Veins and tick marks popped all over my face. "Brother dear, did you forget that I'm here again?!" I took the staff and whacked him in the head with it but not so bad to harm him, promise.

"Are you trying to give me a concussion woman?!"

"Nope just jogging your memory of my existence."

Gilles de Rais floated down and said, "Interesting. I see the Elector is more than a normal human. I must inform Sir Baalberith. The girl is a fiesty one. I'll take my leave for today, but we'll meet again soon." In a split second, he disappeared in hot pink flames.

Dantalion then grabbed William claiming he's Solomon. "Huh? my name is William Twining." He said trying to pull his hand from Dantalion's grip. 

The black haired demon turned to me. "Avery is that you?" 

"Hah?" Is this guy a lunatic?


So we somehow get out of that hellhole to come straight into another. I don't even have the energy to laugh at myself. Just pitiful. There was an odd attachment to the dress I wore in Hell but I enjoyed wearing William's clothing and arranging my hair to fit in as a boy as we went to school. 

"Why are you here? There's no money to even cover my tuition." 

"Well dear brother, Kevin suggested I come along rather than waste away at home." I explained turning around to face him and walk backwards. "Besides with my baking skills I could raise money through bake sales."

William sighed in defeat in front of the principal's office. "Let's hope it's not too late."

Isaac ran down the hall as the bell rung somewhere. "Hey William! Oh! Hey Chloe you're back! How was your break?"

"It was the worst experience of my life."

"That's awful!" Isaac opposite to what he said looked extremely happy. Should I be concerned? "You must be haunted by a malevolent spirit! Should I use white magic? A talisman? Which do you prefer?" 

"I've been summoned by the principal. I don't have time for your occult nonsense."

We walked in expecting to meet the end of William's education. The principal held a smile on his face as he told us the tuition was paid in full. "And you too, young man, can register. What is your name?

I looked around confused until I realized he meant me. "Oh! Thank you sir. My name is, um," I dragged off glancing at my brother for help.

"This is Cole Twinning. A very close cousin of mine. You might even say we're twins." That is kinda true. We do get confused as twins to the point we end up saying so though we're not cousins...

"Excellent!" The principal cheered signing off papers. "I should have expected as much from England's most prestigious family! From your generous donation to another enrolled student. Your lineage is only matched by your net worth!"


We sat in class. My head was focused on my lap where a book laid. Isaac gave me this book to help me understand things better. The door opened and the professor walked in. "Quiet down, everyone. I'd like to introduce our new transfer student."

At this time of year? Well I am a new student so I shouldn't really complain. "Come in, Huber." I have a weird feeling about this. Then he walked in. 

"Hello, my name is Dantalion Huber. Please to meet you all." My eye twitched. So much charisma. Too sparkly. He's too peppy. William was just shocked. I already have a feeling this won't be the only thing we encounter. I thought as I looked out the window feeling deflated. Will this day ever end?

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