Living with the Cullens (On H...

By Is_That_Batman

109K 1.1K 139

"YOU KNOW I'M NOT ANNA!" I growled. I shoved at his chest. "YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I'M NOT. YOU SAW IT IN EDWARD'... More

Prologue [EDITED 5/8/13]
Chapter 1 [EDITED 30/10/14]
Chapter 2 [EDITED 24/11/12]
Chapter 3 [EDITED 13/2/13]
Chapter 4 [EDITED 13/2/13]
Chapter 5 [EDITED 26/2/13]
Chapter 6 [EDITED 27/2/13]
Chapter 7 [EDITED 28/2/13]
Chapter 8 [EDITED 28/2/13]
Chapter 9 [EDITED 28/2/13]
Chapter 11 [EDITED 15/4/13]
Chapter 12 [EDITED 16/4/13]
Chapter 13 [EDITED 28/6/13]
Chapter 14 [EDITED 12/8/13]
Chapter 15 [EDITED 22/9/13]
Chapter 18 [EDITED 23/9/13]
Chapter 19 [EDITED 10/10/13]
Chapter 20 [EDITED 25/9/13]
Chapter 21 [PARTIALLY EDITED 2/12/13]
Chapter 22 [NOT EDITED... YET]
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 10 [EDITED 15/4/13]

3.5K 36 7
By Is_That_Batman

I woke up to a bright shining sun in my face. I really need to get some curtains... I think I would have to get them custom made considering I have like two walls that are just two panes of glass.

I slowly opened my eyes and my instinct told me to look to my right, so, naturally I did. Matthew was sat there, just watching me. His brown eyes were unmoving, his pupils dialated as if he were a crack addict. Kind of creepy.

"Who and what are you staring at?" I asked, annoyance was clear in my voice.

"You," He answered, a smile playing at his lips.

"Well stopp, it's annoying and rude," I sat up and glared at the immense amount of light in my room. My room is black and red, there shouldn't be this much light!

"How do you feel?"

"Tacos," I replied, hopping off my bed and walking to my closet.

"What?" He asked, confusion laced with amusement.

"I said: tacos," I repeated myself and began to look for my We Came As Romans band shirt.

"That doesn't even make any sense," He frowned.

"Oh, it makes absolute perfect sense, you're just stupid," I retorted and did my little happy dance when I found my shirt.

"We have to goo downstairs..." He mumbled, still frowning.

"Stop frowning, you're going to get even more frown lines than you already have," I rolled my eyes and pulled my dirty shirt up and over my head, causing Matthew to quickly turn around due to the fact that I was just standing there in a bra and trousers.

I chuckled and pulled the We Came As Romans shirt over my head. While he was turned around I quickly changed my trousers, not that there was much of a difference between the ones I had taken off and the ones I had just put on.

"You can turn around now," I informed and took my hair out of my shirt.

"Carlisle is waiting," Matthew said impatiently.

"Whoa bro, don't get your knickers in a twist," I chuckled.

"I don't wear knickers; I'm a guy," He rolled his eyes.

"That makes two of us... not the guy part... but I don't where knickers either, I wear boxers... because I like to think of myself as manly," I puffed out my chest and Matthew failed at holding his laugh. "Stop laughing at me." He stopped and just stood there, staring at me blankly. "Who's Anna?"

Matthew quickly looked away from me and from the side of his face, I could see the pain in one of his brown eyes. He shook his head and shot forward, grabbing me by my waist and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Put me down! I will end you!" I growled. I dug my nails into his side, but he didn't seem very fazed by it.

"There, I put you down," He dropped me on the couch and I shot a harsh glare at him.

"Jenni!" Alice sqeals, "You're awake!" She ran over to me with a large smile and embraced me in a tight, suffocating hug.

"Yes, yes. I'm awake," I patted her back awkwardly and she quickly let me go, but held me by my shoulders, arms' length apart.

"Bella's coming over for the first time!" Alice clapped and stompped her feet happily. I laughed and nodded.

"Carlisle, are you cooking Italian?" I asked, finally being able to smell the feticcini in the air.

"Yeah... how does it smell?" He asked  bit nervous.

"Edible," I gave him a thumbs up and I quickly turned around before Emmet could place his hands on my shoulder, obviously trying to scare me. I laughed.

"Stupid vampire speed," He muttered under his breath.

"Talking about yourself, Emmet? Tsk, tsk, tsk. So rude, we are having company and you're being narcissistic," I shook my head disapprovingly and flicked him behind his ear.  

"Ha ha!" He snapped sarcastically and I gave him a cheeky grin.

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie asked bitterly and I finally noticed she was here.

"Her name is Bella," Emmet informs, as if that was her actual name.

"Here comes the human," Esme chirped happily and straightened out her back, excitement in her eyes.

"Bella, this is my mother, Esme," Edward introduced Esme when him and Bella walked around the corner from the parlour.

"Hello Bella, we're making Italiano for you, I hope you're hungry," Esme smiled.

 "Yes, of course," Bella nodded with a smile.

"She already ate," Edward had a look of annoyance on his face.

"Oh..." Esme frowned.

"It's just that I know you guys don't eat and-"

"That's very considerate of you," Carlisle nodded with a smile.  

"Great! This is just great!" Rosalie growled, crushing the glass bowl she had in her hands that was full of salad. "If this ends badly-"

"Rose," Emmet soothed.

"No! No, she needs to know. If this ends badly, the whole familt will be devistated!" She growled.

"Just ignore Rosalie, I do," Edward chuckled into Bella's ear.   

The rest of the introductions were irrelevent to me. When it came around to Edward introducing Bella to me, I merely just waved at her with a small smile, seeing as how she already knows me.

There was a strange feeling of doubt and pain rippling through me, but I knew it wasn't me. I'm never really doubtful and there was nothing to feel pain from. I was perfectly fine, I wasn't injured.

I quickly looked at Jasper, pain clear in his eyes. I smirked, it was coming from him. Fear was basically radiating off of him. Since when was I an empath?

I should make him happy, shouldn't I? I mean, he does wake me up in the morning and I'd rather have it him than Alice. So I should do him a favour.

I thought of happy things and that happy feeling and I transferred them to him. Allowing my happiness to wash off onto him. It seemed to work cos the fear, doubt, and pain had quickly washed away.

I'm awesome.


"We need music," I mumbled. I was currently sitting on the couch. Edward and Bella were in Edward's room, doing God knows what and I was quite bored.

I hopped up and walked over the iPod doc sitting next below the large flat screen TV that was mounted onto the wall. The song that began to play was Perfect Weapon by Black Veil Brides and I quickly turned it up to full blast.

While Andy Biersack was screaming on the track, I danced around Matthew and Carlisle.

"It's sound like he's growling," Alice said, cocking her head to the side.

"That's because he is," Matthew nodded.

"I thought only vampires and werewolves could do that," Carlisle sounded a bit confused and I wanted to laugh. I've never seen Carlisle confused before!

"The genre of the music that this is, is consisted of screaming and growling. It's actually quite hard and it fucks up your vocal chords after a while, even if you do it right," Matthew informed. "Andy Biersack, the lead singer, is a vampire though. I grew up with him."

"How old are you?" I asked, curiousity settling in.  

"Two hundred, give or take a few years," Matthew shrugged, "I'm the same type of vampire that you are and so is Andy." I felt excitement build up inside of me.  

"I HAVEN'T HEARD THIS SONG IN MONTHS, EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" I yelled when the intro for Knives and Pens began to play, also by Black Veil Brides. "Hey guys, I'm going to go to the park and rock out to screamo music with my head phones in and look like a total weirdo, see you in a couple of hours, bye!" I unhooked my iPod from the doc, grabbed my car keys from the table and ran out the door towards my car.

"I'm coming!" Matthew yelled and followed out after me.

"Okay, come tag along and be a weirdo with me! Whoo!" I pumped my fists in the air.

"Want to meet Andy?" Matthew asked and I gave him a large smile.

"Oh, my god! Yes!" I shouted.  

"Let's go, he actually lives in Forks... but I have to drive though," A smirk formed on Matthew's lips and I smiled at him.

"Okay!" I nodded and tossed him the keys and went around to the passenger side while he got into the driver's and revved up the engine.

I squirmed in my seat with excitement and I quickly put on my safety belt and Matthew drove off into the forest. I was going to meet Andy Biersack! 

 __________________________________________________________________________   The song perfect weopn is on the side for those of you have never heard of Black Veil Brides or just never heard the song . . . anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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