
By Beautygem

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"The weight, of a simple, human, emotion, weighs me down" ~Troye Sivan More

Chapter two

Chapter one

394 7 9
By Beautygem

I screamed as he slapped me. I could feel the metalic blood running down my cheek.

My father continued slapping me. The more times he did the more pain it was to sit there. I cant handle this. I wont do this anymore. Im telling someone. I will not and refuse to go unheard. I have a voice and intend on using it as much as i please. I just dont know how.





At school the next day i was in Social Studies. First class of the day. When i got into class, i went strait to the teacher. I asked if i could go down to guidence. She said yes and wrote me a pass. I walked out into the halls, and as i walked toward the stair case i turned a corner and got pushed over.

 I looked up to see Tyler freaking Waters and his group of friends just happend to be walking down the hall.

I have been pushed over plenty of times, but this time was different. It hurt like hell. I cannot even describe this to you .It was like getting stabbed a thousand times in the chest.

But they didnt stop there, they kicked me and yelled horrible things at me. I began screaming and the teacher of the nearest classroom came out first. He yelled at the boys and helped me up. he took me to the nurse and she got me all checked out and then sent me home.

As i walked home though, i was okay. Because my dad would not be home for a very long time. he works almost all day. It is just at night when he goes insane. yes. Insane.

But i guess thats how it goes right? Some people just have it a whole lot easier than others. But i have never and will never know of a world of honesty so how in Gods name will i ever hear of fairness.

Hey sexy muffins! Thank you so much for reading this you guys are the best. If you could give me ideas that would be great. And shout out to this girl @AwkwardPeasant who wrote an amazing book called begin again. And please tell everyone to read my book youy know. Friends, family, random hobos, pets, stuffed animals, everyone/everything! See you later you sexy muffins!

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