By Theweirdgurlnextdoor

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What happens when the person who annoys you is the person who can see you for who you really are? What happ... More

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Chapter 1 Memories
A/N ( Must Read)
Author's notes
Author's notes
Author's notes


212 21 11
By Theweirdgurlnextdoor

THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO scarlet_prii. Thanks for your amazing comments sis. I couldn't stop lolling.

I ran away so fast that i completely forgot that andy was also there with me. i was already half away on the way back when i heard honking of a car behind. I look back to find andy chasing me or more precisely driving behind me. i stopped on my tracks and he did the same.

"can i interest you in a ride back?" he asked.

I couldn't help but feel guilty at that moment. i have already ruined his day by making him drive here and on top of that i forget him there. He didn't seem mad and we just rode along silently for ten minutes before he broke the silence

"so i take it that things didn't go well?"

"no, he was fine more than fine actually. He treated me really well and was nice to me and then all of a sudden i over stayed my welcome at least according to him."

" well to be honest i honestly thought it was going to be worse than that. So kudos to him for bring nice for sometime at least." Amdy said in a mocking tone and i playfully punched him in the shoulder making him grin. He drove with one hand and offered his free shoulder to me which i accepted as i rested my head on it on the ride back home.

"can i tell you something and promise not to judge me?"

"when have i ever judged you?"

" you might after i say this."

I looked at him confused before he faced me. we stopped at a red light for a minute giving him a chance to look me in the eye before he announced his absurd idea

"i think that damien taylor is interested in you."

"and i think you need to get your head checked."

"i think you underestimate your allure Rebecca. i mean, this is going to sound creepy and inappropriate coming from a friend but you are hot Rebecca. "

I looked at him dumbfolded and eye brows raised before i replied "that was not inappropriate or creepy. It was a little weird though."

Andy and i both just laughed the rest of the way. We got all the supplies ready for movie night tomorrow. Watching horror movies late at Saturday nights while eating candy and pizza was my favourite tradition with andy and cindy.

When we reached home, we found cindy waiting on the front steps of the building with a sulking look on her face.

"where were you two?" she asked in an annoyed tone.

"i'll explain later but why do you look so upset.?"

"mom is having a summer launch, she is going to be surrounded by the press who will not only be interested in her designs but also her personal life which includes me. she doesn't want me living in the apartment with you for the next month."

"let's go inside and talk about it. The next thirty minutes consisted of the two of us telling everything that happened lately to each other while andy sat in a corner drinking orange juice. in the first ten minutes cindy ranted about how she loathed the idea of pretending to live next door to her parent's mansion and a dozen i Hate her for doing this and i told her everything about the office fire to damien's slip of tongue in the amblance . i told her about my recent developments of feelings towards damien and finally him being nice to me and suddenly verbally kicking me out. by the end of it cindy looked at me with a blank look on her face.

"well why didn't you tell me about this earlier? It's way more important than my mom's press fiasco."

'' i just don't know how to understand this that's all." i said exasperated.

"you know what would help?"andy suggested.

"what?" cindy and i both asked in unision.

"let's go to the mall. Cindy you can shop her troubles away and becca and i can eat pizza and ice cream when you are shopping and food alwys makes becca feel she owes me free food for dragging me out with her."

We both grinned at the plan. Pizza and ice crem did sound good right now. Food can always make me feel better no matter how dire the situation, good food and good company was all you needed sometimes.

For the next hour we did just that, cindy baught a new pair of Gucci shoes which she took forty five minutes to select and something from calvin kliens which i had no interest of knowing as my pizza had already arrived. . i moaned in pleasure as i digged in my slice of pizza. There were four pizza parlous in this mall but for some reason andy specifically wanted to go to this one. I didn't understand why but when i found him flirting with a red headed waitress , i think i got my answer. Cindy soon joined me and took a bite of a slice too.

"so where's andy?" she asked casually.

"making a move on that cute waitress." I replied non chalantly. Cindy however didn't take my response very casually as she silently finished her pizza with a frown on her face. She didn'tt say anything for a while but suddenly blurted out

"he can do better."

Her response startled me and i wondered...was she jealous?

Things were going great after that. We stayed in the mall for an hour or two and when we headed home, cindy and i both expected some peace and quiet and maybe yelling from the neighbours to lower the volume of our stereo but what we didn't expect was damien and a blonde guy sitting on the front steps of our building.

"what are you doing here?" i asked confused.

'' well you see i..." he started but i cut him off.

"correction, how did you get my address?"

"well, what happened was...."

"don't tell me you are lost and was randomly in the neighbour hood."

"will you let me explain?" he yelled.

I huffed and crossed my hands against my chest. I looked at him and found that he looked nervous as if he was going to give a very critical exam in the next minute.

"well umm you see i may have been rude to you and i wanted to appologise and your address was noted in the employee intel and i just had to look in the papers which i had because i have all the files of the human resource department and i couldn't drive alone so Darren offered to be my ride and it's not like i am stalking you now although it seems like it for a minute........." he started to ramble as cindy and i both looked at him dumb folded. Ok calm down Rebecca. it's not amad man standing in front of you. it's a normal man who lost his marbles. Maybe the pain killers started messing with his head after messing with his apetiete. If i didn't know him, this would be the time i made up an excuse and secreatly called for help. His friend must have noticed how he sounded even if he didn't and decided to but in.

"what damien is trying to say is that he regrets what he did and came to appologise which to be honest is a big deal because he hardly apologises to anyone just to let you know. I mean he didn't appologise when he made you and your friend clean that closet and got you suspended for three days.'' Daren explained.

Damien looked annoyed by his friend and i could make out he pinched him in his arms even though he tried to hide it when he mentioned the suspension. I had almost forgotten about those days, Key word being almost.

"you came here to appologise for that?" i asked in disbelief.

"well to be honest Edward pushed me into it." He admitted blantly.

"right. So is that all.?" i asked.


They were both about to leave when andy came rushing up to me as soon he parked his car. his smile soon turned into a frown and he pulled me close to him as he wrapped an arm around me. damien now froze on his tracks and kept glaring at andy. If looks could kill, he would have been swallowed by the ground by now.

"so anyway, guys i know we got off on the wrong foot but why don't we try to get along." He suggested.

"i am sorry but do i know you?" i asked confused. Darren did look a little familiar but i couldn't put my finger on it. He was hot though, his spiky blonde hair matched his well defined physique, his baggy jeans and dress shirt screamed player and he would have bben intimidating if he wasn't so nice.

"you don't recognise me?" Darren asked sounding offended but damien olnly smirked at this.

"i am sorry i don't."

"well, i used to colour my hair red if that helps." He said sounding hopeful and then it clicked.

"so yeah i was hoping that we could you know hang out and try to get along. So why not we all go out tomorrow night or something?" he said stealing a second look at cindy.

"i am sorry but we already have plans."

"yeah Saturday nights, we usually just hang out, watch scary movies and get pizza." Cindy told politely.

"well mind if we join in?" Darren asked polite

"let's not intrude Darren." Damien tried to intervene but Darren paid no attention to him.

"come on, we just want to get along with you guys and we'll get the pizza as a peace offering." He asked with a grin on his face. He looked so cute that it was impossible to say no to him right now.

"ok." I said smiing. Darren frinned widely and engulfed me in a big hug. damien pulled him back and gave me a polite smile before they waled away.

The next day, things were going pretty normal except that cindy was going to meet us later and andy was keeping me company after breakfast. we were currently watching tv and i thought it was a good time to ask him about that waitress. Andy only told that she was an art student who was doing apart time job there and she gave him her number once. They went on a date and she wanted to see andy again. I could make out that he was enjoying the fact that a pretty girl wanted his attention.

"every girl loves a sensitive guy."

"i am not sensitive." Andy said defensively

"you are and it's a compliement."

"doesn't sound like it." Andy said frowning. He reminded me of a little kid who lost his toy. I looked at him with a playful glint and andy's eyes widened in realisation as if he guessed what i was upto. I started tickeling his sides as he started laughing uncontrollably. He tried to escape but i tackled him to the ground preventing from doing so.

"admit that's a compliment." I demanded.

"never." He resisted.

"wrong move andy boy." I said as i continued to tickle him further.

His laughing became louder until he finally surrendered unable to take it for longer.

"good boy." I said smirking. Dear god damien's habbits are catching up to me.

"and what a good show." I heard damien's voice say menacingly.

I get off andy only to notice that cindy, damien and dareen was staring at me. Darren had a neutral look while cindy had a pained expression on her face where as damien looked like he was ready to go in for the kill. We watched the first half of the movie silently until cindy broke the awkward silence by randomly saying that 'the conjurig' was not as scary as 'incidious series' which opened a debate among us. Cindy who was sitting on my right rigoursly argued with Darren who begged to differ on the topic where as andy just stuffed himself with pizza. Damien who was on my left didn't say anything as he blankly watched the woman being possessed by the witch's spirit. I gently tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped in his seat.

"what?" he asked panting.

I looked at him for a minute before bursting into laughter, the others soon joining me. damien frowned at this and yelled us to shut up.

"damn damien, you sure you didn't piss your seat man?" Darren said laughing.

"i was sure he was going to fall off the couch." Cindy said joining in.

"conjuring isn't for everybody you know." Andy teased as damien glared at him.

"all right all right." Damien said not looking at us either of us. I guess he was embaressed now. I couldn't help myself as i hugged him in an attempt to comfort him

"it's ok to be scared you know." I teased. I heard damien huff but soon found him leaning into my hug before he realised what he was doing and then he pulled away.

We went back to watching the movie but i couldn't help a chuckle or two. I could see damien rolling his eyes but he remained quiet. We were currently watching scream 2 and i could no longer keep my eyes open. This was the third movie of the night after conjuring and scream and i had to struugle to keep my eyes open. Maybe if i closed my eyes for a minute, it would make me feel better. I leaned in to cindy's shoulder to rest for a minute. I put one hand around her shoulder while ise the other to rest my head on it. I don't remember her shoulder being this broad or muscular though. It was hard so hard that i could almost hurt myself restiong on it.

"cindy exactly what do you do in the gym?"

"becca." Cindy called out.

"yeah?" i responded but was too lazy to open my eyes.

"i am over here." she said breaking each word.

I frowned for a minute before my eyes shot wide open as i realise whose shoulders i was resting on. None other than damien taylor! He froze at my touch, his eyes wwere a darker shade of blue than the usual icey grey blue i always liked. He didn't say anything but his breathing became louder but he didn't look at me. upon realisation of what actually happened, i quickly got off but lost my balance in the process and fell on the floor. I fell on my back luckily but i could see that other than damien, the eyes of everyone in the room was on me. And that ladies and gentlemen was i managed to make a spectacle of myself yet again.

The night went pretty smoothly after that, Darren hitting on me and cindy, Andy  getting pissed off and for some reason so was damien . and currently damien i ignoring each other. When the night was over and everyone had left, i went up to my room to get some sleep. I was sure that i could sleep in tomorrow morning but when i checked my texts, i had to save that plan for another day. a text message from sam which said "text me ASAP." Flashed brightly on my sreen.

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