Opposites Attract (Marcel&Lou...

By Teddertots

1.7M 36.2K 31.3K

Marcel Styles is an intelligent, dorky, school smart, cute goodie two shoes. Louis Tomlinson is a rebellious... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chatper 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
A Message From The Author

Chapter 34

25.2K 486 475
By Teddertots

Marcel's POV- Graduation Day, Friday, 4:28 P.M.

"Awh, gee wiz, I got gel all over my hands!" I scrunched my nose up in disgust as I tried to wash it off.

"I told you not to open it too roughly or else it'll spill," Louis chuckled before walking over to me and adding more soap to my sticky hands.

"Ehh, it's icky!" I whined.

"Stop moving so much you weirdo," Louis took my hands in his and ran it over the warm water. He washed my hands for me as I tried to stay still, "Just leave your hair natural, I like it natural."

"Lou, some of the water splashed on my pants!" I pouted.

"Oh come over here you big baby," Louis sat down on my bed as I stood in between his legs.

He took a towel and dabbed the spots of water on my pants until he became more dry.

"Alright, there," He informed as he threw the towel into the laundry basket.

I scrunched up my shoulders and adjusted my glasses before asking, "Can you help me pick out a shirt?"

"Alright, big baby, sit down," He smiled.

I bounced onto my bed and smiled brightly back at him.

Louis turned to say, "Wait here," before walking out of the room.

Later, he came back with a box and handed it to me.

"What is it?" I asked curiously as I took the box.

"It's a box," He answered.

"Very funny," I gave him a duck face before smiling again.

"Just open it," He chuckled.

I opened the box to see a navy blue dress shirt with little white hearts all over it and a pair of black tight pants.

"Woah, that's a very girly shirt," I giggled.

"For a very girly Marcel," Louis smirked.

"I'm not girly!" I playfully hit his bum.

He stood in front of me and grab the box and threw it onto the bed. He then gently pushed me back onto the bed and hovered over top of me, I could feel his warm breath on my face as he continued to smirk.

"Lo- Louis, what are you doing?"

"You know when I graduated from high school?" He began, "And that night.." He leaned down closer to me and are noses brushed, "That night... we had fun."

I swallowed hard and coughed, "I- I don't really.. recall um what happened."

"Well," He pecked a kiss to my lips, "Maybe I can help you remember tonight since it's your graduation day."

I do remember but I get so flustered whenever we bring up the naughty things we do that I tend to get shy and chicken out of the conversation.

"Y- you don't ha- have to," I said shyly.

"I know," He rested his lips on my neck and kissed it, "But I want to."

"STOP DROP AND ROLL!" I shouted before pushing him off me and jumping to the floor, I prepared myself in a roll position by pulling my legs up and wrapping my arms securely around them before I started rolling back and forth.

"What the hell, Marcy," Louis laughed hysterically.

Goodness, this is like deja vu. When have I said that to him before? Hmmm.

I'm so embarassed right now, I know we have gotten intimate before but we haven't done any of that for a while so I feel so weird. I don't think I'll ever get used to getting intimate with Louis.

"We're engaged, you don't have to feel uncomfortable, babe. Whenever you want me, you can just say so," Louis pulled me up, off the ground and sat me back down on the bed.

"Marcy sowwy," I said innocently.

"Marcy sowwy? Well Marcy better wear this outfit for graduation then," Louis kissed my forehead.

"Okay!" I smiled brightly.

I stood up to head to the bathroom but Louis pulled me back, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Um, to change in the bathroom?"

"Change here."

My heart started to race and I started playing with my feet, "Um, that's okay."

"Marcel," Louis raised an eyebrow, "Stop being shy and change."

I bit my bottom lip before wiggling off my pants. I pulled on the tight, black ones that Lou bought for me and zipped it up then buttoned it.

Louis had a pleased look on his face as he watched me. I don't get why he has to watch me, though.. with that smirk and that look. I feel icky and naughty.

"I feel like such a bad boy whenever I change in front of you," I frowned before taking off my shirt.

"So being naked in bed with me isn't as naughty as just simply changing? Your logic on comfort never seize to amaze me," He laughed.

I slipped on the shirt and buttoned it. Then, I put on some socks and my new brown boots that mum bought me last week.

I turned around for Louis to see the whole look and he nodded, "Very nice. I knew you'd look good in it."

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yes, you look handsome," Louis stood up and pulled me by my waist, "I love you."

I tilted down and kissed his forehead, nose, then lips, "I love you too."

(Picture of Marcel's Look:) http://www.new-magazine.co.uk/dynamic/2/451x567/48253_1.jpg


Graduation- 8:26 P.M.

"And now, I am honored to introduce to you our valedictorian, Marcel Edward Styles!"

I walked onto the stage with a bright smile and looked over to the VIP booth where Zayn, Perrie, mum, Gemma, Jay, and Louis sat. Then suddenly, Niall and Liam walked in and joined them. I gave Niall a funny look and he gave one back. I felt happier with them here though.
I walked up to the podium, "Thank you, sir," I cleared my throath and looked out into the audience, obviously nervous and shaking, "Hello friends, families, staff, teachers, and of course Class of 2014. We've been on quite a journey together. I know that we sure were pretty excited to be seniors and to get to travel and soon get out of high school and start college or pursue careers. But now that the time has come, I see tears, both of sadness and joy. We've just been through so much together, haven't we? It's been a crazy four years for most of you. Myself, I moved here when I was a junior and I didn't think I could really fit in or like the school. I was wrong though. I adjusted and found myself loving this school. It really prepared me for what's to come and where to go. Leading a brighter path for us all and giving us chances to do the things we love. I'd like to thank this school for bringing us all together and building us up to where we are now. So, up to this point we are going to build ourselves up to greater things as we thank the people who stand by us along the way. We'll certainly miss this, most of us experiencing our first experiences through the years, like trying out for the football team, auditioning for theater, joining clubs, creating activities for the student body," I looked at Louis and met his eyes, "Or even falling in love, deeply in love," He smiled at me and I smiled back, the audience cheered at my words and whistled at how Louis and I looked at each other, I looked over at Niall and Liam and they smiled, "Or meeting new people that become you'd never thought would be so important to you," Then I looked at Zayn, "And meeting that one friend that you can depend on through tough times and they'll happily be there for you," He nodded and smiled back at me, "Even if you haven't experienced those things yet, I promise you that you will because from this point on, the only way is up for Class of 2014!"

The audience went wild and cheered and shouted at the top of their lungs, pictures were taken and claps filled the sound.

"Thank you, Marcel," Principle Blake replaced my spot on the podium, "Valedictorian Marcel Edward Styles is receiving a full scholarship to Doncaster University to study the skills of teaching. He'll be studying science and hopefully will teach in our school one day!"

The audience applauded as I sat down on my chair on the stage.


Louis' POV

"Marcel Edward Styles," Principle Blake called him up for his diploma.

Our VIP section shot up and cheered him on.

"THAT'S MY MARCY!" Niall shouted.

"GO BRO GO!" Gemma followed.

"I LOVE YOU, SWEETIE!" Anne smiled.

"WOOO!!!" Mum cheered.

"Niall, stop jumping!" Liam demanded.

"YEAH MARCEL!" Zayn clapped.

"GO MARCEL!" Perrie joined.

"FIANCE!" I shouted loudly.

The whole audience turned around and stared at me as I proudly smiled, "YUP, HE'S MY FIANCE!"

Marcel took hold of his diploma but dropped it when he heard me shout. The audience laughed at his clumsiness and he nervously picked up the diploma and walked off the stage.

"You made him drop that!" Mum nudged me.

I smirked before replying, "Payback for calling me BooBear at my graduation."


Marcel's POV - Home, 11:46 P.M.

Everyone gathered in my living room after graduation. We decided to order pizza and just enjoy each other's company for this special night.

"Louis," Gemma called out, "Wine?"

"Oh, yes please," Louis answered.

She handed him a fancy cup of grape wine. Louis sat on the sofa and I sat on his lap. Niall and Liam both sat on the ground, leaning their backs against our sofa. Gemma, Jay, and mum sat on the other sofa, Zayn and Perrie sat on the other, other sofa. I gave Niall his own box of pizza and he refused to share with Liam. So Liam, Louis, and I shared a box.

"You're going to explode one day," Liam teased Niall.

With a mouthful and an annoyed look, Niall replied, "Then you won't have my lovin' anymore."

Gemma put on a comedy for us to enjoy. I sniffed Louis' wine and he quickly set it on the table, "No, uh uh, no wine for you."

"Why not?" I frowned.

"Because last time I couldn't keep you off of me," He smirked, "Wait, that doesn't sound too bad. Never mind, go ahead and drink all you want."

I elbowed his stomach and he chuckled, "Not funny."

After we all finished eating, Gemma quickly turned off the movie and cleaned up the boxes. She then pulled out a binder and stood in front of the living room. We all waited for her to announce whatever it is that she wanted to talk about.

Louis grabbed his cup of wine and took several sips as Gemma spoke,

"Okay! I hope you're all free on Sunday."

"I have work, Gemma." Mum replied.

"I do too," Jay followed.

"I have work as well," Perrie sipped her tea.

"I have to work on my art project," Zayn joined.

"We're free!" Niall smiled brightly, gesturing him and Liam.

"Louis and I are going golfing that day." I spoke.

Gemma playfully rolled her eyes before speaking, "Well, you two kind have to be there for your wedding, silly."

Louis immediately spit out his wine, landing it onto the back of my neck. I don't know what I should be more shocked about, the sudden wedding or the fact that Louis just spit wine on me.

Everyone seemed to be amused and were laughing except for me. I slowly stood up and turned around to look at Louis. He was biting his lip, trying not to laugh.

"Baby," He let out a snort, "I'm so sorry."

I shook my head and headed for the bathroom for a towel. I returned and sat on the ground next to Niall instead of sitting beside Louis.

"Oh come on baby I said I was sorry," Louis said humorously.

"Hush," I said before focusing my attention back on Gemma, "What do you think you're doing you donut."

"I planned your wedding for you, all you two have to do is go get fitted tomorrow and take some wedding pictures," She smiled.

We were all speechless at her words. That donut! We didn't want to marry this early, Louis and I wanted to wait until I'm in my second year of college and he'll be in his last year.

"What-how-no-you-GEMMA!" I spoke.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"Gemma," Louis began, "I'm really thankful that you planned it for us but I don't think this is really the right time to get married, you know?"

Gemma certainly looked hurt but she weakily smiled and nodded, "I understand."

She walked out of the living room afterwards, leaving the binder on the coffee table before she exited.

I grabbed the binder and opened it up, Niall and Liam leaned over to peek at it. Perrie looked down to see what was written. Louis leaned forward and looked down as well.

"What's in there?" Perrie asked.

"Graphs and um pictures of the venue and... the guest list erm and a bunch of paperwork," I replied.

"She must've really planned everything then," Mum said quietly.

"Where did she get the money?" Jay questioned.

That's right. How could Gemma afford all of this? She must've had someone to help her because mum and Jay had nothing to do with this.

"I helped her plan it," Zayn suddenly said loudly.

"What?" Louis asked, confused.

"Me and someone else helped her but I think you guys should talk to her about it," Zayn smiled.

Louis stood up and offered me his hand, I took it and we both went to look for Gemma. We found her in her room, sitting on her bed, legs pulled up to be wrapped by her arms, and silent sobs escaping her lips.

"Gemma," Louis said quietly as we entered.

"Gem, please don't cry," I helped.

"I'm not crying," She wiped her eyes, "I'm just... tearing up, that's all."

"Are you upset at us?" Louis asked as we sat down on her bed, facing her.

"No," She shook her head and swallowed hard, "It's just... it took a lot of planning and stuff so-"

"You should've told us," I sighed, "We would've agreed with everything but we have to choose our own date, you know a more appropriate date to marry."

"I'd love to marry Marcel on Sunday but it's just way too soon," Louis spoke softly.

"I'm sorry, I should've spoken to you guys about it. I just thought you'd be so excited that you couldn't wait," Gemma chuckled.

"We are really excited," I grabbed Louis' hand and smiled.

"Hey, Gemma," Louis said quietly, "Who helped you plan all of this? I know Zayn helped but who's the other person?"

"Oh, um," Gemma went quiet for a second but managed to answer us, "Travis."

I instantly felt Louis tense up and I was quite shocked myself, "Travis? Why would he help plan the wedding? How did he know about it?"

"Well, I called him. We met up at a cafe near by, he's willing to help, and he.. um, well... he chipped in with the money," She grew shy.

"You made him give you money for OUR wedding?!" Louis questioned loudly.

"He wanted to!" Gemma shouted, "And I didn't want our mums to worry about all of this. They already have enough on their plates. I saved up a lot of money and didn't know what to do with it, Travis was willing to help me, and trust me, the wedding isn't much. It wasn't much cost but it's gonna be beautiful and perfect."

Louis and I both let out a heavy breath and I replied, "You donut, you really are something."

"I know," She smiled, "Look, you guys don't have to get married on Sunday. But, I'll be waiting there and our guests will too. If you two decide to show up then great, call Zayn and I'll happily take you, if not then that's it, you can get married whenever you want then."

"You're giving us an option?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, I just really hope you do show. Since, you know, you're the grooms and all."

"Okay, we'll think about it," I nodded.

"Okay," She quickly stood up and hugged us both, "I just want the best for you guys."


Louis' POV - Saturday, 10:44 P.M.

Marcel and I set out a blanket on the roof and some pillows to lay on. I brought some candy and he brought some juice. We lied on the roof, under the stars, legs tangled with another, and I wrapped my arms protectively around him.

"Tomorrow's the wedding," He said quietly.

"Mmhm," I answered.

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know." I sighed.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, babe."

"Would you really marry me tomorrow if we decide to go?"

"Marcel, that's a stupid question. I'd marry you right now if I could."

"You don't think we're too young for this?"

"I've been thinking a lot about the whole age thing. Do you think age really matters when it comes to love? I think what really matters are our feelings. Like genuine, pure feelings towards each other."

"I agree."

We lied in silence for a little bit longer as we held each other close.

"We've come so far," He whispered.

"Yeah, we sure did."

"Truth is, I don't want to wait."

"You don't?" My eyes widened.

"Nope," He shook his head, "I don't want to wait for so long."

"I don't either but we should, for our own good."

"Love shouldn't wait," He looked up at me, "I want to marry you tomorrow."

I sat up and he did as well. We faced each other, cris-crossed, and I took his hands in mine,

"Are you sure?"

"You can say no but yes, I'm sure."

"Babe, I want to. But, the timing is just terrible."

"Well," He stood up, "I'll be there tomorrow. It's up to you if you want to show up and marry me."

Just like that, he walked away and climbed down the ladder.

I lied back down in frustration and breathed out heavily, "In the words of Marcel... 'Gee wiz!'"


Wedding Day, Sunday 4:23 P.M.

I paced back and forth in my room after putting on the suit.

"Are you going or not?" Zayn questioned as he stood by my door.

"I don't know, Zayn," I bit my bottom lip, "It's my wedding day and I don't even know if I'm ready."

Zayn walked closer to me and gripped my shoulders, "You're ready. I know you are. You're just scared."

"I am?"

"Yeah, you're a coward. You've always been a damn coward when it comes to important things like this. Answer me this, do you love him?"

"I do, I really do. Of course I do, that's a stupid question."

"Does he love you?"

"Yeah, well I mean I hope so."

"Stop doubting it, of course he does."

"Okay yes he does."

"Are you ready be his husband?"

"I.. uh-"

"Yes or no."



"Fucking yes, Zayn!"

"Okay, let's go then."



"I'm scared," I pouted.

Zayn pulled me into hug and spoke into my ear, "You're just scared you'll fail him as a husband. But you won't. You're going to be a fantastic husband and an even greater father. What have I always told you?"

"You believe in me."

"That's right, I believe in you more than anyone in the world. Don't fail me now."

"I won't. Let's do this!"


6:36 P.M., Wedding started at 6:00 P.M.

"Where is it anyway?" I asked as Zayn drove.

"Fucking traffic!" He shouted, "Um, you'll see."

"How late are we?"

"Um, 35.. 36 minutes late."

"Oh shit."

Zayn beeped his horn numerous times in frustration.

"You're gonna have to run there," He suddenly stated.

"Ru- run?"

Zayn leaned over and opened my door for me, "Go! Lovers' Park, just go!"

"Lovers' Park?" I smiled.

"Yes, your fucking favorite place, the place of the contest back then, the place you asked him to be your boyfriend, that damn place, NOW GO!"

I leaned over and hugged him, "Thanks Zayn."

"Go get married, you fool. Go!"

I unbuckled my seat belt and climbed out the car. I closed the door and started running. It was quite warm outside so the more I ran, the more I sweat. I decided it would be safer if I ran on the side walk until it runs out. I kept going with all of my energy and speed.
I accidentally bumped into a random man.

"What the hell dude?!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry! I um I have to go!"

"You made me spill my coffee!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Be careful you dick! Whatever you're in a rush for can wait, buy me a new coffee!"

I raised my eyebrows at him and knocked the coffee cup out of his hand before pushing him down to be sat on the bench behind him, "I'm in a rush to marry the best fucking person in the entire world so don't you dare talk to me like that you shithead!"

He was stunned and speechless.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm about to become a husband."


Marcel's POV - 7:09 P.M.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I apologized to the guests at the park and shook their hands as they left.

"No worries, I hope everything's okay," Mum's friend smiled.

"Me too," I nodded.

I turned to look at the decorated venue. White chairs were laid out in rows, a red carpet down the aisle leading up to the flower decorated stand where Louis and I were supposed to stand, and of course, the famous white piano sat near it. There was a portrait of Louis and I. The portrait was a picture of him kissing my forehead as I sat on the piano bench from when we took pictures of the contest. Everything looked perfect. The place is perfect, the people looked perfect, the piano looked perfect, the flowers looked perfect, but Louis didn't show up, that was the imperfect part of today.

A sudden arm nudged mine.

He smiled before saying, "You look absolutely breathtaking."

(Picture of Marcel:) http://i0.wp.com/www.becauseiamfabulous.com/wp-content/uploads/Harry-Styles-Burberry-Suit-2013-Brit-Awards-3.png?resize=500%2C600

"Oh, thanks Travis," I said quietly.

"Guess he wasn't ready for all of this," He said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Guess so," I sighed.

"I never got to congratulate you, on the proposal and all," His voice cracked.

We were down the aisle and I turned to face him,

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah," He looked down at me and smiled, "I'm really happy that you're with him."

"Thank you, Travis, but right now... he wouldn't even show up to his own wedding so I don't really know if we are still... you know."

Travis took my hands in his. I didn't move away it, I guess I just need comfort right. Not gonna lie, my heart is sort of broken that Louis didn't come.

"You are so incredible," He smiled, "And you deserve all the happiness in the world. Louis obviously gives you that happiness so don't stop having faith in him. I'm sure there's an explanation, yeh? Believe in him, Marcel."

"LOUIS!" We heard Gemma shout.

We both turned to look at a sweaty, red faced Louis standing at the end of the aisle with his blazer in his hand, his dress shirt a mess, and his tie loose, staring at us.
Travis quickly let go of my hands and patted my shoulder, "Told you so."
He walked off and waved at Louis.

I stood there, staring back at Lou, letting the tears I held back go.Gemma handed him a paper towel and he wiped his face with it before throwing it to the ground. He slowly made his way up to me, not losing the sight of my eyes.

As he approached me, he tripped over his own foot and I caught a grip of his arms.

"Oops!" He chuckled.

I looked at him and smiled, "Hi."

He fixed his posture and we stood facing each other. The people who remained were mum, Jay, Gemma, Perrie, Travis, Niall, and Liam.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Louis whispered.

"I'm just glad you even showed up," I whispered back.

Louis smiled before putting his blazer back on and I fixed his tie for him. His hair remained perfect though.

(Picture of Louis:) http://medias.gifboom.com/medias/t_4001195432114865835ea1d0c864ef63.jpg

Louis turned to face the audience, "Hello everyone. I'm sorry that I'm late um Zayn and I were stuck in traffic so I had to run here. I bumped into an idiot on the way and he wasted a lot of my time but I'm here now and I apologize for the wait and I hope," He turned back to face me, "I hope I have another chance."

I smiled down at him and nodded.

Zayn showed up and sat beside Perrie. Many random people strolling around the park stopped to watch us.

"Um, well, the person that was supposed to marry you left so-" Gemma began.

"That's perfectly fine," I didn't disconnect my eyes with Louis'.

"Yeah, we got this," Louis grinned.

The piano man that owned the piano smiled at us before sitting down and playing a familiar tune using the music sheets.
(Listen To The Piano Song While Reading:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95AFEmJLG4w

Louis took a hold of my hands and looked up at me, "I, Louis William Tomlinson, take you, Marcel Edward Styles, to be my husband. Marcel, I promise to care for you and love you no matter what," He stepped closer to me, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life, you know that right? I'm sorry I don't have a speech prepared but I rather speak from the heart. This is the place I asked you to be mine and this is the place I take you as my husband and this is the place where everything just falls into place. Thank you for accepting my heart, Marcel. I love you."

Pictures and videos were being taken of us as everyone broke out in awe's and tears.I smiled down at Louis and his genuine words.

"I, Marcel Edward Styles, take you, Louis William Tomlinson, to be my husband. I'm so thankful for you Louis. Everything we've been through together made us stronger than ever. I'm so happy and excited to be able to be with you for the rest of our lives. I can't believe we're getting married," I giggled through my tears, "But I'm so glad that you're my one and only. Thank you for your love and support, I promise to do the same for you. I love you, Louis."

I leaned down as Louis stood on his tippy toes so our lips will meet.

The crowd clapped and cheered as we did so.

"Thank you," Louis said into my lips before pecking another kiss.

"Thank YOU," I smiled before we both pulled away.

Travis' little sister, Annabelle, approached us, carrying the rings.

"Louis, do you take Marcel as your husband now?" She said with a cute, small voice.

"I do," Louis took the ring from her hand and place it on my finger.

"Marcel, do you take Louis as your husband too?"

"I do," I smiled at her before taking the ring.

The atmosphere was quiet and peaceful.

I place the ringer near his finger but suddenly dropped it. My heart raced with embarassment as people began to laugh.

"You dork," Louis whispered.

"It's slippery!" I replied.

Travis found the ring and picked it up. He walked over and handed it to me. Louis smiled and nodded at him and he did the same back.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Mmhm," He replied before sitting back on his seat.

"Sorry everyone," I innocently smiled.

"Good luck with Marcel, Louis!" Zayn shouted.

Everyone laughed again and I grew red.

"Try again, Marcy," Louis giggled.

"Marcel, do you take Louis as your husband too?" Annabelle repeated.

"I do," I carefully slipped the ring onto his finger, "I do I do I do."

Louis laughed and nodded, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"You may now do the gross thing," She giggled.

"Gross thing?" Travis raised an eyebrow, "Try again, Annabelle."

She rolled her eyes and smiled at up at us, "You may now kiss."

Louis and I turned to look at each other before sharing and innocent kiss.


Louis' POV - 9:42 P.M.

We stayed at the park to sit around the campfire. After roasting marshmellows and eating smore's. Everyone engaged in their own conversations and strolled around.

Marcel and I walked hand in hand around the park and stopped at the piano. We sat down on the bench and played songs together.

"So," I began, "Would you like to go on a honeymoon with me?"

Marcel stopped playing and smiled, "I'd like that."


Marcel's POV - 12:45 A.M.

We got back to Louis' house. Everyone else either went home or out to the club since mum and Jay were in a party mood.

Louis and I went back to his house alone. He stopped at the front door and carried me up, bridal style, before opening the door and locking it. He carried me upstairs and into his room. He locked his door as well before laying me down on his bed.

"Where are we gonna honeymoon, Lou?"

He took off his blazer and threw it to the ground before hovering over top of me, "I'll let you pick."

"Really?" I smiled up at him.

"Yes," He nodded.

"When are we going?" I asked.

"Whenever you want," He answered.

"You're letting me choose everything?"

"Not everything."

"Then what do not I get to choose?"

"Who tops. Because that's gonna be up to me," Louis smirked.

"Lou... stop," I blushed, "What happens now, husband?"

Louis continued to smirk and gave me an eskimo kiss before moving his hand down my body, "Let's start our honeymoon a little early, tonight."

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