What Is Love? [UtaPri: Ai Mik...

By Grimoirelle

135K 3.7K 871

"I am human, but I have no feelings. I want to learn how to love, and free myself.. from the darkness in... More

Ai Mikaze Tribute
An A.I's Life
Change For My Dream
Curiosity & Innocence
The Only Thing
The Firework Of My Life
My World, It Revolves Around You
I Adore You
It's My Favorite Day
Distracted or Attracted?
Are You Jealous?
A Lovely Melody
A Lovely Melody [Part II]
You're Special
I Love You
It's A Secret
Say It All
Nothing To Hide
A Promise
Happy Birthday
Merry Christmas!
Over The Limit
For You
Shutting Down
Restarted Life
What Now?
Cyan Star & Crystal Star
Memories & Visions
By My Side
No More Regrets
Are You Jealous? (Again)
It's My Favorite Day II
All I Need Is You
What Is Love?

A Lovely Melody [Part III]

3K 97 31
By Grimoirelle

A Lovely Melody [Final Part]




"Lily is.. in love with.. who?"
Ai questioned himself again.

But in the end, he just couldn't figure it out.
Even if he claims that Lily is in love with
someone he knows, he can't be assured.

Ai went inside Lily's room and saw
her sleeping while holding the
box of cake that Reiji made for them.

He walked over to her and
poked her cheeks, waking her up.

Lily blinked.

"Let's eat" Ai held the box on his
one hand and invited Lily with such
a bright smile.

They sat on the floor while listening
to some songs on the radio.

Lily sliced a tiny piece of the cake
for their cat and fed it.

"A-Are you sure.. Ai-kun? I'm
  kinda nervous.."
Lily said with a shy face.

"Shh, it's going to be okay.
  I'm sure of it."
Ai responded cheerfully.

While the professor who just
happened to pass by.. heard
their conversation unintentionally.

He thought of malicious things
and stormed inside Lily's room.

The professor yelled out so loudly.

"P-Professor?!" Lily was
surprised and also.. clueless.

"Nothing, professor. Why did you ask?"
Ai responded calmly.

Seeing them doing completely nothing,
the professor turned red out of embarrassment.

"I... uh.. I see. Uh.. okay, have fun now. Bye"
He immediately tried to hide his embarrassed face
and walked out of the room right away.

Lily faced Ai and asked "Do you think
the professor is okay?"


Ai nods "Yes." Then tilted his head,
"Why? Do you think he isn't?"

"I, Uh, no! Not really! I was just
  surprised when he stormed in."
Lily faked a laugh.

"I see. Well, shall we eat?"
Ai changed the topic.

Lily nodded.

Ai scooped a little portion of the cake
and was about to eat it but then..

He said.

"What's wrong? Are you unsure?"
Lily wondered.

"No. I'm so sure. It's just that.."
Ai was kind of hesitant to explain.

"Just that.. what..?"
Lily asked again.

Ai gave the spoon to Lily and said,
"I think it's better if you spoon-fed me."



Lily blushed immediately.
"W-What? W-Why do you think so??"
She tried to get away by asking
the reason.

"I don't know. I just do. Ah!"
Ai suddenly snapped his fingers.
"You spoon-feed me, I'll do the
   same to you. Come on."
He grabbed another spoon and
scooped a portion of the cake.
Then pointed the spoon to Lily's face.

"Waaa? O-Okay, okay. Fine...."
Lily was extremely shy. She
also did the same for Ai.

Lily watched carefully as Ai
swallowed the cake with
such a serious expression.

Ai gulped, completely
swallowing the cake..

"H-How was it? Did you feel
  something wrong in your body??"
Lily worriedly asked about Ai.

"Nothing.." Ai shook his head.
"I.. I'm perfectly fine."
He smiled at her, confirming
that he's safe to eat from now on.

Lily sighed in relief. "Thank goodness!
W-Well, how was it? Did it taste good?"
She smiled back at him and asked.

"It was.... delicious. I think."
Ai said as he savored the taste.

"Ah, I'm glad!! Here, eat more!!!"
Lily became hyper and began
feeding him even more.

Ai gladly accepted.

And after eating... Lily showed
him her lyrics. The song she
finally finished composing.

"It's perfect."
Ai said straightly.

"Y-You think so...?
  I really worked hard
  for it... I'm happy.."
Lily said.

"It is. Great job, Lily."
Ai smiled at her.

"T-Thank you..... ah!!!
  Wait, the time!!"
Lily remembered how late it is.

"Oh.. It's already midnight.."
Ai yawned.

"You're lucky you can sleep
  easily, Ai-kun..!"
Lily smiled
at him. "But I can't now, I feel
 so alive, I can barely sleep."
She said as she sighed.

"Do you want me to sing
  you to sleep then?"
Ai said again with a straight face.

"E-Eh?!" Lily didn't know
what to say.

"Come on, lie down. Then
  I'll also practice singing
  this song you wrote for us."
Ai took her hand and lead
her to her own bed.

"A-Ai-kun, i-it's okay, if
  you don't stop.. I..."
Lily wasn't able to finish
her sentence.

Ai had already gently pushed
her, causing her to lie down
completely while Ai already
begun singing the song.

"You are beautiful...~"
Ai sung with a lovely tune.

"(.... I'll fall for you...)"
Lily was so amazed, she
could barely interrupt.

"My love, for you..~"
Ai kept singing.

"(Maybe I've already fallen for you.)"
Lily slowly closed her eyes, trying
to sort out her confused feelings.

After a few minutes, Lily eventually
fell asleep to Ai's singing. His voice
was like an angel singing her to sleep.

He noticed her already sleeping and
smiled at her warmly. "It doesn't
matter to me if you're in love with
someone or not. As long as I see
your smiling face... I believe... I think..
I am the happiest person in the world."
He said as he covered her with blanket
and kissed her cheeks then left the room.

The next day....

Quartet Night along with Lily have
gathered inside Saotome's office.

"Oh, you're ready to perform?"
Saotome asked them.

"Yes sir!! ^w^"
Reiji answered so cheerfully.

"OHOHOHO! May I hear your song?"
Saotome said.

Reiji then turned around and
looked at his groupmates.
Camus, Ranmaru and Ai nodded,
as if saying they're ready.

Camus said.


"What about ya Ran-ran?~"
Reiji asked again.

"ASDGASDK I already nodded,
  haven't I?! >:@"
Ranmaru aggressively answered.

"OOOOOH Ran-ran is ready~!"
Reiji teased him. "Alrighty then,
He faced Ai and asked.

"I'm ready."
Ai answered straightly.

"OOOKAAAAY~! We're good to go! ^w^"
Reiji once again faced Saotome.

"Then begin."
Saotome smiled.

*(Author: Play the audio for better
   reading :'3 Take note! I didn't compose
   the song "Rise Again" by Quartet Night.)


After singing....

Saotome gave them a standing ovation.
He wiped a tiny bit of tear on his eyes.
He clapped to
applause both Quartet Night and Lily.

"A-Arigatou, principal!!!"
Lily bowed to show her gratitude.

"Ohoho, oh no, thank YOU for writing
   such magnificent song. Now I see
   you are indeed ready to perform!"
Saotome said as he spinned his
way to Quartet Night.

"Arigatou, Lily-chan~!! :D"
Reiji thanked Lily.

"That song was indeed brilliant."
Camus commented.

"I agree. It was amazing."
Ranmaru said.

Lily was about to cry
tears of joy.

Everyone smiled at Lily.

After the approval of the song,
Saotome have announced
Quartet Night's next concert.



Their fans became excited
to see them again and Quartet
Night is also still gaining lots
of new fans every single day.

"Hey, hey, did you hear?
  Quartet Night will be
  performing again this Fall!"
A fan excitedly said.

"Really?! WAA! I want to
  see them! I'll definitely
  go and watch them!!~"
Another fan became
excited and happily said.




After discussing things with Saotome,
Quartet Night members went home
to take a rest and prepare for their
upcoming concert.

"Ai-kun, what do you think?
  You're finally getting more
  and more popular and
  more professional!"
Lily happily said while
they're walking together.


"I think I'm happy. But..."
Ai paused for a moment
and faced Lily. "It's all
thanks to you. I am able
to go this far because of you."
He said with a serious face.

"A-Ai-kun....." Lily
instantly went red.

"Your song.. it was such a lovely song.
  Such a lovely melody. As lovely as
  your face, your voice. As lovely as you."
Ai added and was about to move
in closer to her face.

"Ai-kun..?!" Lily's eyes widened
and wondered what Ai was
about to do.

"You're lovely..."
Ai was actually about to kiss her,
then closed his eyes and just
gently whispered to her ear.

  ...Thank you."
Lily's widened eyes slowly
closed. "(My heart is once
 again pounding. He's so
 near me, I want to hug
 him.. I don't know why
 but I know I have to hold back..)"



The two didn't move for a while.

Ai slowly opened his eyes
and didn't move away.
"(What was I about to do..?)"
He wondered and questioned himself.

A Lovely Melody

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