Princess and her Country

By katie-ann9316

105K 3.4K 347

After uncovering that she is the last remaining Royal, Princess Alexis Stone is put into hiding. But what ha... More

Chapter 1 - Prom Excitement
Chapter 2 - "I now Pronounce you Man and Wife"
Chapter 3 - An Uninvited Guest
Chapter 4 - I'm Sorry
Chapter 5 - The Council
Chapter 6 - Palace Sweet Palace
Chapter 7 - Meet the People of Monoski
Chapter 8 - The life of a Princess
Chapter 9 - Strike One
Chapter 10 - A very painful day
Chapter 11 - A little piece of my mother
Chapter 12 - The royal family of Ponala
Chapter 13 - Some people love you, some people hate you
Chapter 14 - My first Ball
Chapter 15 - Fix what has been Broken
Chapter 16 - Social Event is code for Date
Chapter 17 - Bachelor Number One
Chapter 18 - Playing Cupid for the Day
Chapter 19 - Cocktails and Dresses
Chapter 20 - Father, Daughter Bonding
Chapter 21 - Love at a Ball
Chapter 22 - Confessions of the heart
Chapter 24 - My One Night of Madness
Chapter 25 - The Beginning of forever
Extra Chapter :D

Chapter 23 - Chaos and Disaster

3.3K 113 16
By katie-ann9316

So here is your Tuesday upload :) hope you like it <3 

This chapter is dedicated to @vampirechick99 for the funny and amazing couple name for nick and Alex - 'Nalex' <3 so cute :D

EDITED 28/06/2015


Chapter 23 – Chaos and Disaster

The next week went by in a blur of press conferences and arrangements. We would be moving out of the Ponala palace and into the Monoski palace at the end of the week. My head was filled with confusion and information as it had also been declared that I would become Queen of Monoski the day after my eighteenth birthday, as is tradition for all heirs of Monoski. This was a worrying thought that I hadn't been prepared for. Princess was one thing but Queen. Sir Posner assured me it would be no different than what I expected before other than a new title. Which was another thing that was being discussed, the council wanted me to change my last name from Stone to Veneziano but I wanted to keep my last name as it was. Everything was happening so fast and I felt like a rag doll being pulled and pushed to do what everyone wanted.

I had hardly seen my family in the last three days, I was constantly dragged along with the Ponala royal family for interviews and public events to introduce me into the public eye. I avoided Nick at all times and he always stayed emotionless and detached from me.

We were currently being interviewed for the Spanish media and we sat before five reporters who asked question after question, most of which were answered for me my Sir Posner.

"Princess Alexis, What is the one thing you are looking forward to after taking the throne and becoming Queen?" asked one reporter and I was snapped out of my thoughts to answer her question,

"I'm excited to return to my country and help my people who have had such a hard seventeen years. I just hope I can make them proud and happy as their Queen" I said the last word sounding strange from my mouth.

"Thank you, no more questions" Sir Posner said much to the reporter's dismay.

"Picture time" Prince Richardo whispered in my ear as he stood beside me, smiling as the camera flashed. I'd gotten use to these interviews and photographs, a few I had taken alone and some with my family but mostly I was coupled with the Prince to show both countries united.

That was the only good thing about the whole ordeal, I had Prince Richardo by my side for most of it, and he was very helpful and encouraging.

We were ushered into a car that would take us home and I let out a sigh as we started driving, taking me closer to my family and away from the judging eyes of the media who wanted to know every little detail about me. The number of offers I had received for a biography or a life story documentary was crazy, obviously I refused all of them not wanting other people knowing every detail about my life.

"That one wasn't as long" Prince Richardo said beside me filling the silence with his voice.

"No but it was still crazy" I said and he chuckled telling me that I had to get used to it.

"How is Jessica?" he asked after a moment of silence, "I haven't had much time to see her lately, with all the commotion" he added looking a little sad.

"She's ... Jessica" I laughed. "What's going on with you two?" I asked wanting to take my mind of everything and focus on something that would make me happy,

"What do you mean?" he asked but I saw a small blush on his cheeks.

"I mean are you dating?" I asked intrigued, Jess had told me that she'd admitted her feelings to the prince and he had told her he felt the same way but other than that, I knew nothing about their relationship.

"Well, It's not official but I would like to make it that way soon" the prince admitted with a smile.

"Really?" I asked happy but worried for my sister, "Will she be dragged into all of this with us?" I asked voicing my concern,

"Yes, there will be a few people who disapprove of the relationship. Including my parents but I love her" he said and I smiled at him.

"If you're prepared for the battle you have to face, then I wish you luck" I said truly hopeful that they can find a way to be together.

"I will not let my birth right and title dictate everything that I do. I have sacrificed a lot for my country and I am allowed to have one thing in my life that I truly love" he proclaimed making my thoughts slip to Nick, who was sat in the front seat of the car. Since I told him that I liked him we hadn't discussed anything and a part of me knew that we would have to eventually.

We arrived at the palace and I said goodbye to the prince before practically running to the living room where my family were sat.

"Alex." Jess cried when she saw me running over and pulling me into a hug, "I think I'm getting separation anxiety or something" she told me and I laughed,

"Alright Jess let her breathe" Ashley said and Jess reluctantly let me go and dragged me to the sofa where my dad and Ashley were sat. I noticed a troubled look in my dad's eyes and I could tell there was something on his mind.

"What?" I asked looking at him seriously and he sent a fleeting look over to Mr Hill,

"Nothing" he lied after a slight hesitation and I sighed,

"Dad, I know something's going on so just tell me" I explained and he straightened his back,

"Dad!" I shouted, tired and not in the mood to argue with him.

"Alright," he sighed, "We've been informed that-" he started and Mr Hill stood from his seat,

"You've had an email from one of your friends. He must have seen a picture of you because he's asking questions" Mr Hill explained handing me a file that I took, opening it to revel an email from Carlos.

"Wait. How did you get into Alex's email?" Jess asked and I gave her a pointed look before pointing to the agents sat around the room,

"Secret agents." I said and she blushed,

"Oh yeah" she said before turning her attention back to the email in my hand.

Hi Guy's,

I'm in Spain for the summer visiting family and I just saw something that really confused me.

I think you two have some explaining to do because I just read a newspaper that had both of your pictures in. I don't know how to ask this but... are you a Princess or something?

"Oh no" I gasped after reading the email, "What are we going to do?" I cried, I never thought about people finding out the truth. I was too caught up in whether or not I'd be able to rule a country to think about anything else.

"We have been discussing it and we think that you should email him back telling him the truth" dad said,

"I can't just tell him in an email dad" I sighed knowing it would be difficult to explain through words, I had to see him face to face.

"I agree" Jess said nodding her head, "We have to go and see him to explain everything better." she insisted but my dad shook his head.

"That's not an option." he roared and I saw panic flood his face,

"But dad" I tried being cut off by Mr Hill,

"Your dad is right Alex, you're all over the news it would be crazy if you were to travel right now. Not to mention the questions and the press that would surround your friend. I know you don't want him dragged into all of this as well" he said and I nodded knowing that he was right.

"Why can't she go undercover or something?" Jess asked not giving up as easily as me.

"It's too risky" dad told her and she sighed slumping back in her chair.

"You'll write an email" Mr Hill finished ending all arguments.

"Then I want to write it my way with no editing from the agency." I compromised knowing that if I was going to tell Carlos about me I was going to tell him everything.

"Alright." Mr Hill agreed with a sigh, "I'll organise it" he said leaving the room.

"I'm still not happy with this arrangement" Jess shouted standing from the sofa,

"Jess, please" Ashley begged but Jess was on a rampage, she stomped her foot like a child before turning and storming out of the room.

"Jessica" Ashley shouted after her but she was gone,

"I'll talk to her" I told my family before following Jess, finding her stomping about in her room.

I'd never seen her this upset and it scared me a little as she slammed her hand down on her table.

"Jess?" I asked walking slowly towards her.

"No Alex! Don't try to calm me down. This isn't fair." she screamed and I took a step away. "Don't get me started on the whole issue with your privacy." she cried, "but on top of that we are supposed to talk to one of our best friends through a single email to explain everything that's going on." she added stomping her foot again, "He deserves a face to face explanation at the minimum Alex and you know it!" she shouted stepping towards me. "This whole thing is getting out of hand, we haven't been allowed to speak to Maddie, Carlos or Darren for over a year and I was fine with that. I let it go." she screamed, "I understood that it was for our protection and I didn't mind leaving my life" she said a little calmer seeing the guilt I was feeling.

"But now that it's official and your secret is out in the open. We should be able to speak to them and not just through one email" she snapped, "One email! You know that will be all we get. One email to explain everything? It's impossible! And what about Maddie and Darren can we tell them? No! As soon as that email goes out we'll be blocked off from the outside world again" she cried and her words made sense to me. I understood what she was saying and I knew she was right. "It's not fair." she added much calmer than before as tears brimmed her eyes.

"I know Jess, but it's just how our lives are going to be from now on." I admitted, "All the public appearances. Always being judged and watched. One mistake and the world will know. We'll just have to get used to it" I said hugging my best friend, "I'm sorry I dragged you into it and I don't want to drag Carlos, Maddie and Darren into this life as well. They deserve to be free" I whispered a tear escaping my eye,

"But that's what you don't get Alex. I'm glad I was dragged into this life even with all the bad parts." she told me pulling out of our hug and looking at me seriously. "If you'd kept this a secret from me I'd be so angry and upset. I know that's what the others are going to feel like. We have to explain it properly to them" she said, "If we could go back in time I would do one thing different. I would have dragged Maddie, Carlos and Darren outside with us" she told me and I could see she was telling me the truth.

A knock at the door interrupted us and I turned to see Mr Hill walking in with a laptop in his arms.

"You have twenty minutes to write the email. That's all I could get you" he said handing me the computer. "I'm sorry girls, I wish I could give you what you wanted but for once it's out of my hands." He admitted with a sigh, "The agency no longer have a say. You answer to the council and your country now" he told me and I nodded knowing this all along. Mr Hill and my dad couldn't protect me anymore. Not like they used to. With a small smile Mr Hill left the room and I sat on the bed with Jess, ready to write one email to explain everything. In twenty minutes.

As I typed Jess watched with a faraway look in her eyes, I knew she wasn't happy with this but it was the best we got. Those twenty minutes went by so fast, I tried my best to explain myself correctly trying to tell him everything through words. There was another knock on the door and I sighed quickly finishing the email knowing my time was up.

"Can I add a little note to Maddie and Darren at the end?" Jess asked and I nodded passing her the laptop and going to stall Mr Hill who was walking into the room sadly.

"Time's up girls" he told me and I nodded stepping closer and hugging him, "What's this for?" he asked with a small chuckle.

"I never appreciated what you've done for me over the last seventeen years and I just wanted to thank you for everything" I told him truly grateful for his protection, without it I wouldn't have had a normal life and I wouldn't have had a say in anything I did. I had a voice and what I wanted would be taken into consideration by the agency. I wouldn't get that any more. Not like I had when my life was my own and not my countries.

"Sent" Jess said from behind me looking a little happier as she passed the laptop back to Mr Hill.

"Sorry" he whispered before he left the room.

"Come on we have an hour before bed so let's do something" Jess said seeing the sad look in my eyes as the reality of my future settled in. Why hadn't I thought about all of this before? It wouldn't matter if I had. I would still make the same decisions, I wouldn't let my bloodline end and Monoski die with it. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to do the right thing.

"What are we going to do?" I asked feeling deflated and broken,

"Something to cheer you up" she said taking my hand and pulling me behind her.

We spent the rest of that night lying on our backs in the gardens gazing up at the stars and picturing our lives how they were before my true identity was revealed. We laughed and reminisced and for a moment I forgot about my troubles and dramatic life. With Jess lying beside me I was grateful for her and thanked whoever helped us to find each other, because without Jess by my side throughout all of this, I don't think I could have survived. Two years ago I didn't want to make friends, I thought they would make life harder, when really they were the ones who helped me through everything.

The next day I was dragged to another public appearance this time my family were allowed to come with me and I felt much happier with them by my side. We talked to interviewers and took pictures and the whole time I had my mask in place hiding my true feelings. After a morning of interviews we went to visit the town and I got to see and talk to some of my people, who were excited to meet me and made everything I was sacrificing worth it.

Jessica and Mrs Pointon went shopping whilst I was happy to stay talking to a group of children who I met in the market. "Time to go Lex" dad whispered to me and I sadly left the children and let him usher me into a car.

"How was shopping?" I asked Mrs Pointon who had a number of bags piled in with us.

"Very good. Although Jessica was no help at all" she explained and I watched Jess as she stayed quiet beside me. All day she'd been in a different place not focused like she usually was and I had caught her talking to Nick and Agent Gates a number of times. Something in the back of my mind knew she was up to something but before I could waste any more time thinking about it I was dragged away for another interview.

"That was a long day" Mrs Pointon sighed once we'd finally returned to the palace and I wanted to point out that I had been doing that for the past week, but I held my tongue and smiled. I was getting good at that.

"Alex and I are going to have an early night. We're tired." Jess piped up suddenly making me jump,

"Really?" Ashley asked obviously knowing that we'd be sat up all night talking like always.

"Yes, goodnight family" she called dragging me out the room and into my bedroom before I could catch my breath and realise what was happening.

"Jess?" I asked as she closed the door and propped a chair behind it as a form of a lock.

"No time to talk, we don't have long to get ready" she said emptying a bag that I'd only just realised she was holding.

"What's that?" I asked but she just shushed me, telling me she'd got them earlier while shopping.

"Now where are your hidden Jeans? I know you have them so don't try to lie to me" she cried and I walked over to my bed and pulled out a pair of worn out jeans that I had managed to hide from Mrs Pointon.

"Right. Go put them on" she ordered handing me a long sleeved black top and pushing me towards the bathroom.

"What? Why?" I asked,

"Just do it Alex and stop asking questions" she snapped closing the door. For some reason I let my questions fade away and changed quickly leaving the bathroom feeling more like myself.

"Right now for your hair" Jess thought holding up two wigs one with long brown hair and one with red.

"I'm thinking the red is too noticeable" she said more to herself than to me, before she sat me down on a chair tying my blonde hair up and replacing it with the brown wig. "No, I can still recognise you" she thought looking at me for a moment,

"Here" she said handing me a black trilby hat and a scarf. "I was going to use them for myself but you need it more that I do" she explained, I noticed that she was also dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a white top with a black leather jacket over the top.

"Is that my Jacket?" I asked recognising it and she smile innocently,

"I saved it from Mrs Pointon" she admitted and I giggled as she passed me a pair of black boots while she put on some brown ones.

"Right I think we're ready" she said giving us both one last check, before nodding happy with our outfits.

"Are you going to tell me why we're dressed like this yet?" I asked and she smiled,

"We're going to solve three problems" was her cryptic clue and I just sighed knowing it was the best I was getting.

Grabbing a large brown bag that she slung over her shoulder she took my hand and we left my room sneaking out of the palace into the gardens without anyone noticing.

"I have a bad feeling about this Jess" I admitted as we continued to walk deeper and deeper into the maze of plants and bushes until we emerged by a large wall.

"Over we go" she said and my eyes widened,

"We're sneaking out?" I questioned part of me excited but another worried about our safety.

"Don't worry I have a plan" She said and I groaned,

"Your plans always get us into trouble" I told her and she scowled,

"Just climb over the wall" she ordered giving me a boost until I was sat on top of the brick wall, I looked over and saw a few trees and then a dock with boats lined up beside it.

"Jess?" I questioned,

"Just help me up" She called and I leaned over and pulled her over the wall with me. "Thanks," she said jumping down the other side and I followed suit a few seconds later.

"Please tell me we're not heading to those boats" I said and she shrugged,

"Can't say that" she giggled walking off through the forest causing me to chase after her.

When we reached the dock she slowed down to a walk so I was beside her once again. "Now don't worry Alex, I have this whole thing planed. Just go with it" she said as we approached two figures who were standing on a speedboat. As we got closer I froze recognising the two people looking at Jess who smiled widely. "Don't kill me" She begged.

"What are the problems we're fixing?" I asked holding her in front of me needing answers.

"Well number one is for you to escape from all this craziness for the night, which is why we have a boat" she explained, "Number two is we need to see Carlos so we can explain everything to him properly, which is why we're going to Spain" she added my eyes widening.

"And number three?" I asked glancing back up at the two figures behind us.

"Number three is you and Nick need some time together so you can talk, which is why he's coming with us" she said, "As well as for protection" she added as an afterthought.

"And I supplied the boat" Prince Richardo called stepping over to us and taking Jess's hand in his.

"Let's go." Jess said turning and boarding the boat with the Prince while I stayed frozen on the dock. Nick stood with his hand outstretched for me, so many emotions showing in his eyes.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" I said taking Nick's hand and boarding the boat. Something about the action silenced all my worried and fears. The roar of the ending coming to life sent an excited chill though my body.


Alex is sneaking off. Do you think Jess's plan will work out? what about Carlos? are you happy he is back? 

Please leave a comment and vote <3

Katie-ann xxx

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