Unsent Letters #JustWriteIt #...

By Harrys_deepdimples

787 73 11

My letters to a guy that were never sent. I wrote every day to him, I didn't know where he was or lived, but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not an update/ please read
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Please read!
Update! Important!
I saw him
you know what?

Chapter 11

20 3 0
By Harrys_deepdimples

Dear you,
Hello. I hope your day is going good. I love you. My day is ok, I'm pretty busy. I wrote this letter today just to tell you something. I'm very upset and heartbroken. Since the countdown hit 2016, I haven't gone to school. You haven't gone to school. How do I know? Because my friends tell me if your there or not and they didn't say a word. These two months we both haven't gone to school but this is what I want to talk to you about. I got in trouble with the police because I missed all year, obviously you got in trouble too because we both missed the whole year. I have some problems with me so that's why I didn't go, you are one of the reasons. Why? Because I never see you and I got so freaking depressed that this whole missing school thing happened. I used to always say "if he's not here what's the point of coming?". I know school is important but that's how I felt. Let me get to the point. The police and school staff figured out a way to help me, and then they gave me Independent Studies. But from a different school but in the same town. The school is by where you live. Ok so I went to that school and turned in the application I filled out. The school is like a helping center for kids with problems, I don't like the idea of that but I know I have a problem with me. That school helps you get your lost credits, and you can even graduate faster, no joke. My niece goes to that school, it's her last year there. For the program I'm in, there's only one class and 16 students. It's from 8:30-3:15. It's not boring that's what the whole class said and there's no changing periods, it's the same class all day but your busy. The best part is that they don't give homework. If you want more credits you can take homework. I think it's fun, and I'm looking forward to it. But......I'm also very upset. You started going to the high school again didn't you?..........I know, your going to school now, but I'm not in that school anymore. How do I know? I went to the high school Thursday morning with my mom to pick up the application for the other school. As I walked into the office I saw you sitting down inside the counseling room on the couch. You looked at me right away, and well I got shocked. The first time I saw you this year. It was on 2/25/16 the last time I saw you was in November 24 2015, I believe. I talked to the receptionist and asked her about the papers. I kept staring at your legs and arms and hair. You couldn't see me because you didn't turn around. Your hair is just so curly and long and clean and puffy and brown. Anyways I knew you were going to school because the guy was looking at your schedule. You had your backpack on. I left and kept staring at you but you never looked to see me. I went into the attendance office and stayed there filling out the application. Then I turned and saw you and the office helper walking together. He was walking you to your class I know. So, you started school didn't you? You went on Thursday and Friday. That's TWO days in a row! And that's not like you. So I'm assuming that you had a meeting with the police too and then they made you sign a contract that you have to go to school, because that's what they did to my sister and me, but they sent me to that other school. So I'm sad because right when you started to go to school, I had to move schools. :( I've been WAITNG all freaking year to see you at school because that's the only place I can see you, but no.....you never went, until now....when I'm leaving. On Monday I'll go, but that's it because they will kick me out. Only to see you, if your not there I'm leaving and I'm done. Hey, I know you'll do good in school. Your very smart I know you are, I love you. I'll have fun I guess but not really. I'll be in class 2.6 miles away from you and you'll be in class too. When I go home hopefully I will see you walking home because we will go the opposite direction. That's all for today my friend, hopefully I'll see you on Monday. I love you, do good, take care...please.
All the love,
                                        You know my name X

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