Finding A Way Back: A 1D FanF...

By ADiffKindofFanGirl

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I'm Liv. I'm a size18 and I love to travel. Liam and I used to be best friends until something happened and I... More

Finding A Way Back: A 1D FanFiction
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

59 0 0
By ADiffKindofFanGirl

Author Note: Hey guys. Stick with me and please let me know what you guys think! I'm really hoping to create a one of a kind fanfiction here!!

Liam POV

I walk into the lobby, surprised that everything was so quiet. We loved this place, because it has a secret tunnel to the arena allowing us to go unseen with body doubles going to the W in Westwood. It might be a little deceiving but the break from the screams was always nice and needed. Especially when we’ve had back-to-back shows. Though, when we do this we always try to do something special to make up for it like a twitcam or spend extra time on stage. I look around the lobby of the hotel and see Zayn talking to two girls while smoking a cigarette outside, shaking my head. One day we will get him to quit. We recently started taking his lighters but it doesn’t seem to be helping. Before I walk out to join Zayn to see if he needed company, I spy Louis sneaking up behind me. “Louis, I can see you in the reflection. Do not even think about it.” I say with a smirk as I turn around to face him.

“Prick.” He says with a smile. “Who is that Zayn is talking to?” he asks me, his eyebrows raised.

“No, clue. It looks like they are all smoking though and there is no screaming or crying so I think he is okay.”

 “What is everyone staring at?” asks Niall, his Irish accent still strong despite hanging out with 4 Brits on a daily bases.

“Zayn” Louis and I say at the same time.

“Guys, I know his jaw line is something but really must we stare?” Harry states as he walks up to rest of us.

We all let out a laugh, when a brute American accent interrupts us. “Okay, guys, off to bed. We have to get going at 5 a.m. to make it to the taping” I turn to look at our new tour manager Randy. Efficient, but very in your face. He gestures to the elevator and the rest of the boys start walking towards it muttering under their breath

“I’ll just go get Zayn,” I say as I walk to the door. “No need Liam, I got.” Randy responds and quickly walks towards the door. I shrug my shoulders and join the boys in the elevator.

A Few Hours Later 

I wake up to my cell phone blaring, thinking it is the alarm before realizing it’s my mom calling. Reaching for my cell, “Whhhaaat,” I say my voice full of sleep. I glance at the clock 4 am. 40 minutes of extra sleep gone, I bring my hand to my eyes rubbing the sleep from them. I look at the bed next to me and hear Zayn snoring lightly.

“Liam, honey. I know it’s early but I just missed the sound of your voice sweetie.” I sigh, feeling my irritation give way.

 “I know mom, I miss you too. I’ll be home soon though, I promise.” I pause waiting for my mom to say something. “Everything okay mom?” I ask quickly as I slide out of bed, putting my feet on the floor as I sit on the edge.

“Yes, of course sweetie, was just over at The Royal School for host family day and was remembering all the kids we have hosted during the years, which of course made me dig out the photo album and well, I’m missing the one of Olivia and the family, so then naturally I had to look through all the albums and it just made me all nostalgic.”

Your eyes open wide as you look at your suitcase, knowing exactly where the photo is as it is nestled in-between pages 14 and 15 of the very worn copy of Harry Potter.

Flashback- 4 Years ago

“Do you think you are going to audition again?” she asks me in her mixed accent of American and British as she places her copy of Harry Potter back into her bag.

“Not sure.” I say as we walk along the street to the grocery store, adverts for X-Factor auditions everywhere.

“You should, Batman. Your voice is killer and you got that Justin Bieber thing going for you.” She nudges into me softly, a smile on her face, I look at her, my smile getting bigger.

“I know.” I respond with a smirk.

“Oh Jesus” she says rolling her brown eyes as I see her bring the cigarette to her lips and lighting it.

“You know if you get caught.” I start to say before she interrupts me as she always does “ I could get expelled. I know, but I’m sorry, I need my fix and hey, you know your mom would totes let me live with you guys and then we could go to school together and be totally and utterly inseparable.” She says in her singsong voice. Laughing, “think of the trouble we would get into” as her left arm hooks around mine as she smokes with the other.

 “That would be ideal, though not sure your parents would approve of you shacking up with some blue collar workers.” As I jibe her in the rib.

“True.” She says her voice no longer singsong and a small frown on her face. She turns to look at me, her hair a bit wild from the wind and her nose a bit red from the cold. “Let’s get the meat for your mom before I have to go back to the dorms.”  I laugh as she drags me into the store.

Current Time

 “Liam, sweetie.” My moms voice says through the phone.

“Yeah, sorry Mum. Was just remembering something.”

“Well sweetie, I’m sure you’re busy so I’ll let you go. Come visit us soon, okay? Maybe in time for the annual welcome dinner at The Royal School?” she asks hopefully, I stretch my arm. “Maybe mum. I have to go though, we have an interview and I need to get ready before Zayn wakes up.” We say our good byes as I press end call and throw my phone down, putting my face in my hands.

Olivia. Man. I stand up and walk to my bag, grabbing the book from my suitcase, pulling the picture from the pages. What happened to you Olivia? I muttered to myself putting the picture down on top of the book as I heard Zayn yawning. I turn to look at him his eyes open full of sleep grow wide as he see’s me awake. We both look at the shower and without even hesitating I make a run for it, locking the door as I do. “Fucker. Come on, you know it is my turn to shower first.” Zayn yells “Sorry, Mate.” As I turn the water on. People say Zayn and I take the longest to get ready, and it’s true, I love the guy but he takes 20 minutes showers for the hell of it. I laugh, as I hear Zayn cursing to himself.

The room phone rings and I walk to answer it. “Boys, be down in 5 minutes.” Randy says in a way to energetic voice for not even 5 a.m. “Yup, we will be there Randy.”

“Good” he responds as he hangs up and I hear the dial tone.

Shaking my head, “Zayn, 3 minutes mate. We got to go.” A series of curses comes out of his mouth.

“Bloody Hell, next time why don’t you take a longer shower, 10 fucking minutes to wash what hair.” He opens the door, “Bet you masturbated to, you sick fuck.” He teases as he walks to my suitcase “I’m using your jacket if you don’t mind.”

I nod, grabbing my wallet and phone. “Zayn?” I call out waiting at the door, seeing Harry, Niall and Louis down the hall from the suite they shared waiting for us. Niall rubbing his stomach motioning for us to hurry. I turn to look back into the room as I hear Zayn curse. 

“Shit, dude.” Is all you can hear Zayn say. “I knew she looked familiar”. Zayn walked into the hallway a strange look on his face. “What dude?”

“Come on guys I refuse to get yelled at by Randy before I've even eaten” says Niall who is now behind us. I glance back at Zayn, who walks past me. “I’ll tell you in a minute” his eyes wide with disbelief going as he walks into the elevator and we push L. I turn to Zayn “what were you talking about?” He opens his mouth as the elevator door opens and we hear Randy “move any slower boys?” as he hands Niall a pop tart knowing if Niall doesn't eat it won't be an easy morning.  We rush through the lobby and as I slide into the car I hear Zayn say, “Liam, Olivia I saw her” I fall into the seat my eyes wide.

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