
By Macbeth-845

192K 6K 1.8K

Apart, they were corrosive. Together, they were explosive. And somehow, they are forced to navigate the inbet... More

Synopsis ✔️
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A/N: Please Read✔️
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- Authors Note - ✔
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-Epilouge- ✔️

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5.3K 179 49
By Macbeth-845

"MICHAEL?" I WALKED INTO MICHAEL'S bedroom around 11:18 that night.

He rubbed at his eyes and yawned, extrememly tired, yet still awake. Just like him, I couldn't sleep. Not with this creepy stalker—who wanted me dead— somewhere watching me.

"What?" he said tiredly, yawning once more.

"Wanna watch a movie or something?"

He frowned, his green eyes glinting in the low light, "It's almost midnight"

"Is that a 'yes' or a 'no'?"I huffed.

"It's a 'cut the bullshit and tell me the why you're really here'" he snipped, rubbing his eyes again.

"It's just," I sighed, rubbing my arm before I let it drop to my side, "I can't sleep, is all"

"What am I supposed to do about that?" he questioned, his eyebrows lazily furrowing together playfully. Typical asshole.

"Can I sleep with you?" I blurted out, my face instantly going red with the way that must've sounded.

"I'm off the clock, firecracker. Maybe in the morni-"

"You know that's not what I meant," My cheeks flushed most likely a vibrant red as he chuckled lowly, "I meant, can I like, sleep in here. With you?" F*ck, there was no non-embarressing way to put that no matter what.

He gave me a look, "What are you, two years old?"

"You're making me really regret asking you, you know" I simply just rolled his eyes.

I watched as he shifted to one half of his bed, giving me the greenlight to come.

I walked over to the bed and lay down under the sheets, keeping my distance from him as he turned off the bedside lamp, drowning us in complete darkness.

"Can I ask you something?" his voice cut through the growing silence, and I hummed in response before he asked.

"Did you like, date anyone after us?"

The question was so abrupt that I was unsure whether he could see my bewildered expression or not.

"What? No, why?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I was just wondering," A smirk became present on his lips, "Don't sound so defensive"

I scoffed, "I'm not being defensive"


"Can I ask you something too?" I bit my lip, unsure if I was about to go into personal territory or not.

"Go for it"

"How's your insomnia?"

I knew that it was a pretty blunt question for me to ask him, but I wanted to know. It had been bothering me for a long time, but I've lately noticed how much the bags under his eyes were beginning to disappear.

He cleared his throat, "It's fine"

"Is that the honest answer, Michael?"

Sighing, he obliged, "It was a really bad problem for me after the breakup. Getting drunk off my ass till I passed out was one way of dealing with it. And, uh, sleeping with other girls was another way—more of a distraction, than anything else, really.

"I had it under control for a while and tried to take some sleeping pills. About a month ago, the first day of school, that night was when things started going back to how bad they were when we first broke up. I don't really know why things went out of control"

"How about now?" I asked him softly, treading carefully.

He took a while to answer that, and for a moment I was afraid that he had shut down on me. But by the way he was looking into my eyes made me understand that he was smiling alittle.

"Some nights are bad. But more of them have been good lately"

"Are you thanking me?" I gave a smug smile and he rolled his eyes.

"I think it would be best if I said no"

I let a soft chuckle escape before sighing, but my breath stilled as he went to tuck a strand of hair behind me ear.

His head inched closer to mine, and as my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness fully, I saw that he was staring into my eyes.

It seemed as if his forest green orbs shone brightly through the dark and he inched his head closer to mine again, tilting his head down slightly.

His breath fanned over my lips, and my heart was the only thing that I could hear through the pin drop silence.

He was going to kiss me.

I was suddenly aware of his hand resting on my hip, slowly drawing me closer to him until we were so close that his body heat radiated off of him and suffocated me like a heater under the comforter.

His nose just barley touched mine, and I held back the shiver that wanted so badly to run through me like a shock wave.

"Go to sleep, Michael"

And just like that, the intensity began to disappear. Even though my voice came out as just a whisper, I knew that it had effectively stopped whatever was just happening—or rather, what was about to happen—between the two of us.

I faced my back to him once again, signalling the end of the conversation. The tension was awkward in every single way, but I knew that it was just a moment. Only a moment. I only wanted to feel safe and not alone tonight, and pillow talks and goodnight kisses, from my ex of all people, was not what I wanted.

Or was it?

I blinked a couple times to clear my head.

We lay in silence for a really long time, me dozing off as I listened to myself think and Michael's steady breaths, and I could feel myself becoming lulled to sleep.

"Miley?" Michael whispered, breaking the silence and my almost sleep once again.

I yawned, my heart beginning to pound as I rolled over to face him once again, "Mm?"

"Can I hold you?"


"Yeah" I answered instead, my thoughts beginning to spin again.

I felt him shift over closer and his arms wrapped around my waist in a tight embrace, pulling me so my chest was flush against his chest.

"Is this okay?" he whispered.

He raised his hand that wasn't around my waist to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear once again, and he let it linger on my jawline.

"This is perfect" I whispered back simply, closing my eyes and buring my head into Michael's chest. He entangled our legs together and held me tighter, and almost instantly, I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning, enveloped in Michael's arms. I had my head on his chest, his arms wrapped around my waist.

I knew he was awake. He was tracing patterns on the exposed skin of my arm as he lay on his back, me curled into his side, and I involuntarily smiled.

Deciding to make it known that I was awake, I shifted my body slightly away from Michael, but the minute I did that he held me tighter.

I ran my fingers over his chest softly, "Michael, I'm up" I yawned, sitting up. He let go of me and moved to his side of the bed, his head turned to look at me.

"How long have you been up?" I asked, running my hand through my hair and rubbing my eyes.

He shrugged, "About an hour... or three" he sheepishly admitted.

My eyebrows rose, "You've been up for three hours?"

"Not like I had anything else to do"

I sent him a weird look before I thrust the sheets off the lower half of my body.

I moved to get up but Michael caught my wrist, "Where are you going?"

"Back to my room?"

"Can't you just stay here in bed?"

"And do what?"

"I don't know" he looked away, seeming as if he was going to say something more before he looked back, "Just stay here with me"

"Well-" I was about to reconsider Michael's offer when my phone rang from beside the bed.

I reached over to the bedside table and got my phone, answering the call and pressing the phone up to my ear.


"Miley! Hi! It's Karen"

"Oh, hi Karen," Michael's eyebrows furrowed at the mention of his mothers name, "How are you?"

"I'm great dear. How about yourself? Is everything with you and Michael going okay?" I could hear the concern in her voice.

I glanced at Michael, "I'm doing great. So is Michael"

"That's good to hear. Well, as you know, your birthday is in one week, and things for your wedding need to start being arranged" she reminded me.

I bit my lip, "Right, right. The wedding" Michael still held my wrist, and his grip grew stiff and tense.

"Your dress fitting is today, as well as Michael's groom fitting. I have arranged all payments, all you have to do is pick a dress and have it fitted. Oh! And you should probably have a maid of honor picked out. I have a couple neices that will be the flower girls and bridesmaids, if you don't mind"

"No no, I don't mind at all" all this new information felt like it was being shoved down my throat, and I could barely swallow.

"Great. I will text you the details. You may bring whoever you would like to the dress fitting. Could you pass the message onto Michael as well?" she asked.

"Of course"

"Alright. Bye dear"

"Bye Karen" and with that, we both hung up.

"What did mum want?" Michael asked me, and I set my phone back down on the side table before glancing at Michael.

"I have to go and get fitted for a wedding dress today. And you have to go and get fitted for a tux"

Michael groaned, "I forgot about that stupid wedding" he rolled his eyes.

I bit my lip. Over this last month, being with Michael reminded me of when we used to be together. And happy. And now? Maybe marrying him wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

"Yeah, stupid wedding" I repeated, brushing it off nonchalantly.

I got out of bed quickly and left to go to my room, where I walked over to my dresser, picking out a pair of light blue short jean shorts and a plain black t-shirt.

Going into my connecting bathroom, I showered quickly and changed into my new set of clothes.

After brushing my teeth and hair, I walked back out of the bathroom and back into Michael's room to grab my phone, only to see Michael still lying in his bed.

"Get up" I smiled as I picked up a pillow and hit it playfully over his head.

"No. I don't want to do this"

"Do what? Get ready?"

"Get married" he said in a duh tone.

"If anything, I'm the one who should be complaining"

"Hey," he chuckled, "I'm not that bad"

"And neither am I," I pointed out and tossed the pillow to the other side of the bed, "Now get up"

"I was wondering," he ignored my pestering and changed the topic, "What do you get out of all this?" he rose his brow as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, now that we're friends again, before that, I was... bad. Worse. Why would you agree to marry me when I was so hurtful to you? It's obvious that my parents bribed you in some way shape or form. So what did they offer you? What do you get?" he asked.

"Is it impossible to believe that I saw the potentential of goodness rekindling in your soul?" I playfully suggested, and he smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Yes, it's very impossible to believe. I'm a lost cause," he saw me about to respond to that and he went back to the question, "So what do you get?"

"My mom's sick. I needed the money to help pay some bills and your parents offered to help. I didn't turn down that offer" I finally admitted to him.

Michael knew my mother, and in a way, she was like his second mother.

"Miley, I didn-"

"I know" a soft, distant smile graced my lips.

"What happened to her—if you don't mind me asking"

"Cancer" I shrugged, feeling my mood dampen.


"A week after we broke up"

Michael's face twisted into one of pain and guilt.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I so sorry, Miley. I wish you would've told me"

"Let's just not dwell on the past anymore," I sighed, not wanting to get into this, "I have to go. You need to get ready. Your mom texted me all the information, so I'll text it to you too" I told him as he got up, walking in the direction of the bathroom.

I bit my lip as the bathroom door closed behind him, and I grabbed my phone before seeing the text from Karen.

'Dress fitting @ Brides Boutique @ 10:30am & groom fitting @ Lux Tux @ 11am. Michael should pick u up & go 2 the dance studio 4 ur first lessons of ballroom dancing @ 12. U can break 4 lunch inbetween 2 & 3. 3:30, go 2 the glass shop on main street 2 pick out silverware & dishes 4 the reception. Theres a flourist next door where u should go once ur done (around 4:30 2 stay on track) 2 decide floral arrangements 4 the flower girls & bridesmaids & maid of honour. Assuming tht will take some time, u'll also hve a break in between. @ 6pm is wen u'll go 4 rings @ the shop in town. More details 2 b made tomorrow. Pass on 2 Michael'

"Holy shit" I ran a hand through my hair as I read the text. There was so much stuff going on today. And probably tomorrow as well. How was I supposed to relax? Or finish my school work, for that matter?

Michael walked out of the bathroom, his hair wet from the quick shower he took. A towel hung around his waist as he used a second towel to dry his hair.

"I thought you left already" he spoke up, and I looked back down at my phone.

"I was reading the text your mom sent me. Here, look" he turned my phone around as he stood infront of me and I showed him the text, blush rising to my cheeks at our close proximity and his lack of clothing.

"Ugh, just the more reason I don't want to do this. Go downstairs and eat something, I'll be down in a sec to drive us"

I nodded my head and we parted ways. I quickly forwarded the text message to Michael and slipped on my ankle white socks and white ankle converse.

Upon waiting in the kitchen for Michael, I decided to skip breakfast and call up Julia, seeing if she wanted to come to the dress fitting with me.

"Hey Jules"

"Hey Miles. What's up?"

"Kare—Mrs.Clifford, just texted me with a bunch of things that I have to do today in preperation for the wedding. I'm about to head off to my dress fitting, wanna come?" I asked, hope filling my voice.

"Yeah, sure! Love too. What's the place and time?" she asked.

"I'll text it to you. I'm about to head off now but I'll see you there"

"Sure. Later"

We both hung up and I texted her the address and the time. Once I was finished, Michael walked into the kitchen, grabbing his keys.

"Ready?" he asked.


We walked out of the house and we got into Michael's car and he started it, pulling out of the driveway and merging onto the road. A couple turns later, we were out of the neighbourhood and onto the main street.

"You doing okay?" Michael glanced at me briefly before his attention turned back to the road, noticing my grip on the arm rests.

"Yea" I sighed, and I felt Michael's hand placed on mine.

And although it was a sweet gesture, I jerked away from his touch immediatly.

"Both hands on the steering wheel, you f*cking dipshit!" I scolded him, my eyes wide and my tone a mixture of panic and demand.

Amused by my panic, he f*cking laughed, "Chill! I was just making sure that you were okay!"

"Look at the road!" I cautioned, noticing him looking at me way more than the road.

"I can't help it. You're just so beautiful" he mocked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Look at the f*cking road!"

"Does it freak you out?" he teased.


"Does this freak you out?" he asked, and my eyes snapped to his to watch him take his hands off the steering wheel, the car still in motion.


"What?" He sent me a lopsided grin.

"Red light!" I screamed, and Michael's foot went to the break pedal, one if his hands gripping the steering wheel and the other shooting out infront of me, protectivly stopping me from lurching too far forward.

The street was sort of empty except for our car and the four or five cars that drove on the green light opposite of us, since we were still in the richer, quieter part of the city.

My hands were wrapped around his arm, and we both sat there, wide eyed and breathing way too heavily.

Flashes of the last three car accidents that I've ever been in—all with Michael where I was more victim to it than he was—came to my memory, and I knew then that I was trembling more than I should've been.

So much, apparently, that I didn't notice Michael staring straight at me, his face closer to mine than nessesary.

"Hey. Are you...-tell me that you're okay" Michael's soft voice rung through my ears and I looked at him, slowly nodding my head, and he sat back in his seat.

"I'm okay," I sighed slowly, glancing at him, "Are you?"

He nodded as a small smile began to make its way to his face.

"Is it bad that I think we should do that again-"

"Michael!" I scolded, and he let out a light chuckle.






I walked inside the dress shop, meeting Julia by the door, and the clerk greeted us. Once I told her who I was, she dragged me to a section of beautiful white wedding dresses, and Julia helped me look through them.

"This is ridiclous. I can't even afford this stuff" I spoke, amazment laced within my words as I skimmed over the variety of silky white dresses.

"Damn. Me niether. You're so lucky. Ever since my parents found out that they couldn't get me to marry their boss' son, they've been so hard on me"

"I'm sorry about that" I told her honestly, and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Not even your fault" I noticed the clench of her fists around the fabric of a dress, and I turned the other way, the hairs on the back of my neck bristling.

"Are you ready to try some on now Ms.Clifford?" the clerk adressed me as she came back over.

"Um, it's still Morgan. Not yet Clifford" I corrected her, and she sent me a small smile.

"I know, but I usually adress the future brides as their surname instead of maiden. Gets them alittle used to hearing it before it becomes permanent" she explained, and I only nodded.

Julia and I grabbed the few dresses that caught our eye and we put them on a rack.

"Let's get started"


I just really want to thank everyone for reading my story, I really do appreciate all of you and all of the comments and votes that it's been getting.

I've entered this book into the watty's this year, and with your support, I'm having some fairly high hopes.

Another updated coming in a few hours, my lovelies.


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