The Goddess of Mystery

By izzymarie_143

64.3K 1.4K 43

A teenage girl runs to the museum every night for the safety from her parents. It was the same thing every ni... More

Chapter 1- The Egyptian Family
Chapter 2- Choices
Chapter 3- Time Together
Chapter 4- My Decision
Chapter 5- The Queens Garden
Chapter 7- Relaxation
Chapter 8- Bad News
Chapter 9- Ahkmenrahs Departure
Chapter 10- Letters To Mother
Chapter 11- Time Changes
Chapter 12- The Kings Wish
Chapter 13- Death is Inevitable
Chapter 14- The Baby's Here
Chapter 15-Kahmunrah Attacks
Chapter 16- Meeting Once More
Chapter 17-Family Reunion
Chapter 18- Alternative Ending

Chapter 6- The First Kiss

3.4K 85 1
By izzymarie_143

We had eventually left the clearing, with a big struggle on my part. On our way back we were met with two guards we had left behind, and Kahmunrah standing next to them. My face immediately dropped as he met my gaze and winking at me, and I could Ahkmenrah draw a big breath as he had stopped the horse and we both hopped off. "You know," Kahmunrah smirked at us "Mother won't be too pleased to hear about how you left the protection of guards." I could feel my heart go into my throat as I could only think of the worse of what Kahmunrah would do.

Ahkmenrah pulled me up with him as he walked to stand in front of Kahmunrah, but quickly pushed me behind him so I wasn't fully in his older brothers' view. "And mother won't be too pleased to hear that you're snooping around and following me" Ahkmenrah snapped at him, and I could tell that he didn't want to be around his brother any longer. Kahmunrah glared at his younger brother, knowing he was right and that their mother would take Ahkmenrahs side.

As Kahmunrah went to open his mouth to talk, a clear and angry voice rang out from beside the group. We all turned to see Shepseheret walking towards us, the two guards stiffening their posture. "What is going on here?" Her angry voice was startling to me, I had never heard her talk like that. She looked at Kahmunrah, waiting for his answer as to why he was with Ahkmenrah and I. "I was just checking on the safety of Ahkmenrah and the girl, seeing as they left without guards, mother." He glanced over at us, giving us a devilish looking before looking back at his mother. Shepseheret turned to us, looking skeptical "Is what he said true, Ahkmenrah and Amunet?"

I nodded my head, choosing to let Ahkmenrah talk "Yes mother, we just wanted some alone time and we were not far from the palace." She gave the two of us a soft smile "I understand, but please, keep a guard near you next time." We both nodded towards her, me no longer standing behind Ahkmenrah, but next to him "You two are dismissed, bring the guards with you this time."

We had started walking off towards the palace, being followed by the guards. "As for you Kahmunrah, you are in so much trouble" we started chuckling to each other as we heard Shepseheret scold her eldest son in a mother-like manner. We continued our normal routine when we were walking through the palace- our arms wrapped around each other and whispering and laughing too one another.

It felt like we were moving fast at some points, but it also felt natural. It was like there was a natural connection between us. Like we were destined to be together, and that's why I got sent back in time. I thought it was partly because were getting married in 6 months, enough time to get to know each other. To me it wasn't enough time for someone to brace getting married at 18 and ruling a country. Ahkmenrah has been raised all for these events to take place, it was his culture- to get married as soon as you could.

We had made a few turns, not heading towards the bedroom or the library. I had scrunched my eyebrows and looked up at him "Where are we going?" We had made it to a darker hallway with just a few candles here and there to light it up. He looked down at my, meeting my confused gaze "Were going to the seamstress, so she can get your measurements to make you dresses." He paused before pushing back the curtain and leading me inside "And you're going to design your dress for the crowning and the wedding feast."

A huge smile covered my face as I turned to face the room, I didn't think I was going to get to design the dress myself. An older lady looking to be in her 30's had walked over and stood in front of us. She curtsied before looking back up to meet our gaze "My prince, what service can I do you for?" He smiled to her, letting go of waist and having me hold his arm "A dress fitting, and for Amunet to design her crowning and wedding dress."

She turned to look at me, giving me a smile "You are Lady Amunet?" I nodded my head, smiling back at her. "I will take good care of her my prince." He nodded his head, he took his right arm, and placed it on top of my hands that were holding onto his left arm. "Good, thank you." He placed a kiss on my forehead as I turned to look at him "I will be back once you are done, I will have Masika bring you to our bedroom." My face reddened as he mentioned 'our bedroom', "Ok, I'll see then." I gave him a wide smile before kissing his cheek and whispering in his ear "sweetheart." He was about to say something but I had already started walking off and following the seamstress. I had never caught her name, but I couldn't muster up the courage to ask her.

She had led us into a small private area, curtains hung from the ceiling in a square, blocking the view of people watching us. She had me take off the dress I was currently wearing, and put me in a plain white dress. She proceeded to take out a measuring tape, telling a young girl at about 7 the measurements to write. She looked like the older woman, so I had assumed she was the little girls' mother. Once the woman had finished, she had wrapped a piece of red cloth around me, tying it in different spots to make a dress.

I was led over to another area of the large sewing room, going through a small doorway with a long piece of silk instead of a door. She had led me to a desk with two chairs across from each other. She had sat on one side, and I sat on the other and we began talking about the dress I would be wearing for the crowning and marriage feast. She had shown me multiple dresses, and on each one I had liked different parts of it, and hated others. Eventually, we had come up with a design together, which had looked beautiful once we were done. It had taken two hours, but it was worth it.

Following Masika towards the library, the smile never left my face as I kept thinking how the dress would turn out. We had reached the double doors for the library, I gave Masika a soft 'Thank you' before turning to open the doors. Ahkmenrah was sitting on one of the red couches, his crown and collar sitting on the desk. The short curls on his head were messy, caused by him running his hand through his hair several times, like he did now.

He looked stressed, reading over the piece of paper that he held clenched in his hand. I walked over to the couch, sitting next to him and resting my hand on top of his that was holding the paper. "Is everything ok?" I looked up at him a worried expression crossed my face, and I moved my hand to caress his cheek to try and get him to look at me. He wouldn't budge, but he seemed to relax slightly "The Libyans are planning on attacking soon. Our informant has told us it will be in the upcoming months." I tensed, my hand slightly moving down his face as my gaze focused on the letter. I couldn't read what it said, Ahkmenrah had quickly averted my gaze to look at him. "You don't have to worry about anything, everything will be ok, I promise." I cracked a small smile, showing him I was slightly better. "I will have to go with my father, and we should only be gone a month. But this will not happen for another two months."

My eyes widened, I was scared that he wouldn't return, and I would be stuck by myself without him. "But what if you don't come back? You can't promise me that Ahk." My bottom lip quivered, and tears threatened to spill from my eyes. I had developed strong feelings for the prince, but I wasn't quite ready to call it 'love'. I had only known him for 2 weeks, but the feelings were there, and he never failed to make me feel at home. He pulled me against him, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around his torso.

He rubbed my back, slightly rocking us as he whispered in my ear. "I will be fine, I promise I'll come back to you. There's no getting rid of me sunshine." I knew he was smirking, his chin resting on my head, his jaw moving slightly. I sniffled slightly and pulled my head back, still keeping my arms around his torso. He moved his left hand to my lower back, the other wiping a few stray tears hat had spilled over. A silence surrounded us as we got lost into each other's gaze.

I moved my head forward, getting closer to his face. He did the same, moving towards me but pausing for a fraction of a second before pressing his lips onto mine. My eyes fluttered closed as our lips began moving in sync. His hands gripped onto my waist as mine held onto his biceps. We heard the door opening each of us quickly letting go and grabbing a book to read, but our arms still pressed together. Masika had walked in, informing us that dinner was ready to be served. Ahkmenrah placed a quick kiss in my lips before pulling me up and having me help him put back on his wide collar and crown. He led me to the dining hall, me still blushing furiously the whole way.

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