The Goddess of Mystery

By izzymarie_143

64.4K 1.4K 43

A teenage girl runs to the museum every night for the safety from her parents. It was the same thing every ni... More

Chapter 1- The Egyptian Family
Chapter 2- Choices
Chapter 3- Time Together
Chapter 5- The Queens Garden
Chapter 6- The First Kiss
Chapter 7- Relaxation
Chapter 8- Bad News
Chapter 9- Ahkmenrahs Departure
Chapter 10- Letters To Mother
Chapter 11- Time Changes
Chapter 12- The Kings Wish
Chapter 13- Death is Inevitable
Chapter 14- The Baby's Here
Chapter 15-Kahmunrah Attacks
Chapter 16- Meeting Once More
Chapter 17-Family Reunion
Chapter 18- Alternative Ending

Chapter 4- My Decision

3.8K 89 7
By izzymarie_143


Standing on the balcony watching the sunrise, I couldn't help but feel frightened of what would take place today. I would have to tell Merenkahre and Ahkmenrah my decision on what I would be doing for the rest of my life. I wasn't sure exactly why Merenkahre had given me the choice of marrying his son, I would have guessed there are plenty of girls lining up to marry Ahkmenrah. Why I was given the choice of marrying the soon to be king was beyond me.

            The light breeze swept over me, making my hair slightly flow with it. Watching the sunrise was one of my favorite things to do in the mornings, although it looked prettier here without all of the skyscraper blocking my view. I've been waiting for Ahkmenrah to wake up, so I would know what would be going on for the day. I wasn't complaining though, the serene view gave me a chance to think over everything. I'm assuming Ahkmenrah would want to know my answer before I told his father, it would be easier for me to tell him first anyway. I could most likely get Ahkmenrah to tell his father, instead of me saying it.

            I could hear a slight groan and the rustling of sheets coming from inside the bedroom, which could only be coming from Ahkmenrah. Thinking of him made me realize how young he looked when I had seen him the museum, just a few years older than how he looked now. I never realized until now that in a few short years that Ahkmenrah would die, murdered at the hands of his brother. I had spent hours researching him, and many depictions claim his older brother so he could take the throne. There wasn't a way to change it either, it was dangerous to change fate especially a big of factor as that. Death was inevitable, and there was no way you could beat it.

            I could hear him getting out of bed, his feet hitting the floor as he slowly stood up. I leaned over the stone railing of the balcony, still watching the sun as it slowly rose into the sky. Beautiful hues of yellows, oranges and blues mixed together in the sky. The servants were coming out in the garden, trimming the bushes and plucking different herbs to put in their baskets. Some took notice of me, glancing at me but quickly turning away. There was a little girl, about 10 who was standing in the gardens watching me. I smiled and waved at her, she smiled back but quickly turned and ran into the palace.

            "Good Morning" Ahkmenrahs groggy voice had startled me, I was too caught up in my thoughts to hear the doors opening. He leaned his back against the railing and closed his eyes. "Morning" my voice sounded shaky, I was nervous because I knew what he would he would be asking next. "I was told that my father would come in soon to know your decision." His eyes were now open as he stared back at me. I nodded my head as he finished talking, but then continued to ask me the question I had been so nervous about all morning. "Have you decided what you want to do?"

            I froze, it grew silent for a few seconds, the only sound coming from the workers. I cleared my throat before beginning "I have", I looked down as he grabbed my hand but then meeting his eyes again. "And I've decided that I would like to marry you." My face reddened as he gave me a bright smile, one that could melt a girl's heart in an instant, and it did. "Are you sure this is really what you want? I don't want to push you into anything you don't want to." There was a part of me that thought he didn't want me to do this, but I realized that he was just being kind. He wanted to make sure that I was comfortable with everything that would be happening over the course of the next six months.

            I nodded my head, still looking at him "I'm sure- this is want I want." There was a knock at the bedroom door, before a young girl made her way inside. Ahkmenrah went back into the room to talk to her, and I could faintly hear her say that the king would be in soon, and that she was also assigned to be my slave. Slave, it was a derogatory term that would be used for ages. These people were not someone's property, but I knew I couldn't change it- I simply just had to deal with it. Yes, there are many people from my time who ended slavery, but I couldn't disrupt the way history was.

            Quickly smoothing down my hair and tightening my robe, I made my way into the bedroom and stood next to Ahkmenrah. He grabbed my hand, and interlaced his fingers with mine. The young girl began talking, looking at me face but not quite meeting my eyes. "Good Morning Lady Amunet, I'm Masika and I will be taking care of you." I gave her a soft smile before greeting her back and her telling me that the king is coming.

            There was a loud knock on the door, before a guard walked in followed my Merenkahre. Masika quickly made her way behind me, and Merenkahre coming to stand in front me. "Good Morning Ahkmenrah and Amunet" we both nodded our head as he continued to talk "I infer that you have made your decision Amunet." He looked down at our conjoined hands before looking at me. "I did," He nodded as he waited for me to continue "and I would like to marry Ahkmenrah." I wasn't exactly sure what else to say, but Merenkahre had started to talk.

            A smile covered his face "Shepseheret will be happy to hear this. We will start planning in the upcoming week for the wedding and for you both to become the future Pharaoh and Queen. I trust I will see you both at breakfast." He raised an eyebrow at us, silently referring to us skipping dinner last. I blushed, and thankfully Ahkmenrah talked for us "you will father" slightly chuckling as he talked. As Merenkahre walked out of the room with guard following him, Ahkmenrah turned to me "Masika will take you to the bathing room and help you get ready, there are already clothes there for you." He kissed my forehead and I smiled softly at him before following Masika to the bathing room down the hall.

            As she filled the bath up with water, constantly reheating it on the stove, I undressed and left my clothes sitting next to the new ones. The hot steaming bath looked welcoming, I slowly climbed into the bath, almost wanting to jump in. My muscles instantly relaxed as she began to wash my hair, working various oils and soaps into it. All of the oils rubbed into my hair and body were a mixture of different scents, but smelled like lavender all together. A white dress was pulled over my head soon after, and then being tied in different directions. A green and gold belt was clipped around my waist, and a necklace with the matching colors was placed on me. My eyes were lined with kohl, small lines going out from the sides and a design under my left eye.

            Masika walked me back to Ahkmenrahs room, and I thanked her as she left. Contemplating whether I should knock first or just enter, I decided to knock softly and then walk in. He had just finished getting ready, the woman that was helping him leaving as I walked in. His eyes widened as he seen me, "you look beautiful, sunshine" I thanked him as he walked over to me. "Are you ever going to stop calling me sunshine?" I started laughing, and he did the same right along with me. "It'll never get old" he wrapped his arms around my waist as ii wrapped mine around his torso. "Oh trust me, it will" I smirked at him, and he just kissed my forehead and went to grab something out of the chest on his dresser. I'll get him back someday for that nickname, maybe I'll come up with one of my own to call him.

            I could see him take a small golden circlet out of the drawer, and I made my way over to him to see what it was. "This belonged to my mother before she became queen, and she told me to give it to the woman that I'm going to be marrying." He placed the golden crown on my head, pushing it slightly to make sure it would stay on. "So, I am giving it to you now to wear until we are married. It will also show other men that you mine." He gave me a boyish smirk, before wrapping his arms around my torso as I placed my hands on his biceps "Thank you, but you don't trust me?" I raised my eyebrow in a playful many. He leaned down to my ear before talking "It's not you I don't trust, its other men. Have you seen how beautiful you are? I can't let anyone take you from me."

            It was safe to say that I was blushing hard, almost the color of a tomato. "Mhm and who said I'll leave you for anybody else?" We both started laughing, and when Ahkmenrah said it was almost time for breakfast, we left the room with our hands intertwined again. Just like the first time going to a meal with his family, I was barefoot again but I'm sure no one payed mind to it- or even noticed it for that manner.

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