58 Days With Parker

By annageorgiao

111K 5.7K 976

Parker is self destructive and withdrawn. Aspyn is bright-eyed and bubbly. Parker and Aspyn are complete oppo... More

Day 5
Day 1
Day 10
Day 18
Day 26
Day 32
Day 46
Day 50
Day 58
Day 1... Without Parker

Day 24

7K 513 42
By annageorgiao

Day 24

"Just follow me, damn." He muttered in annoyance. 

Aspyn huffed and continued trailing behind Parker. He had just appeared at the coffee shop and demanded that Aspyn come with him immediately. She refused at first, but like always, Parker got his way. Parker, as mysterious and infuriating as always, would not tell her where they were going. "You trust me don't you?" Parker had said mockingly. She had warily nodded. 

As time ticked by, Aspyn got more and more curious. She knew that her question would not be answered- it had not in the past -but she tried anyhow. "Where are we going?" 

Parker turned slightly and she caught sight of his features, illuminated by the moonlight. His skin appeared ghastly pale; his eyes hollow and detached. A look she's grown so used to seeing. 

"Stop, for once. Just stop." Irritation laced through his words. 

Stop, she did. She stopped following him and crossed her arms over her chest defiantly. She stood and waited for him to realize that she was not following him any longer. Parker glanced behind him and scowled once he saw that she was no longer walking. 

"Oh, don't go feeling all hurt. Just follow me." Aspyn wouldn't comply so easily with him, not this time. 

"Why do you have to be so fucking difficult all the time, damn." Parker grumbled quietly. Not quiet enough. 

"I'm sorry that I don't conform to your every command, master." Aspyn retorted sarcastically. 

Parker sighed and ran his scarred hand through his hair. "Fine." 

He turned and sauntered away; the dark of night slowly encompassing him.  Aspyn sighed and cursed under her breath. She ran after him; once again giving into Parker. 


They walked for what seemed like hours. He had her walking down a forest path; moonlight lighting the trail, though, it could hardly make it's way through the canopy of leaves. The forest was eerily silent. There was no noise except the sound of Parker and Aspyn's quiet footfalls. 

Parker was stoic, as usual. Aspyn wished that he would talk. About anything. But more importantly, his past. She craved to know what had gone on, what had made him this way. He had opened up to Aspyn once before, on a night like this one. He hadn't told her much, but it was a start. Maybe tonight Aspyn could delve deeper into his story, his past. 

Finally, Parker stopped walking once they had broken out of the cover of the trees. There was a tiny lake surrounded by trees on every side. A stream of moonlight illuminated the lake in a haunting way. Parker suddenly kicked off his converse and then sat down on the edge of the lake; sticking his feet in the water.

Aspyn kicked off her flip flops and reluctantly dipped her feet in the water as well. The water shocked her senses and she shivered immediately. She wanted to draw her feet out of the water, but there was something that held her in. Soon enough, her feet had adjusted to the frigid temperature of the water. 

The sound of the water lapping up against the shore was lulling Aspyn asleep. It was just all so serene and cozy here. She was on the verge of sleep when Parker suddenly spoke. 

"Thank you." He said ever so quietly, Aspyn almost didn't hear him. 

"For what?" She whispered back while turning to look at him. 

His gaze was unfocused as he stared ahead, not looking at her. A ghost of a smile formed on his face as he answered her. "For being as annoying as you are." 

Aspyn smiled and lightly punched his shoulder. "You're an ass." 

Surprisingly, he didn't tense up at her touch as he had done before. Instead, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. 

Aspyn scowled in disgust and scooted a little bit further away from Parker as he lit the cigarette and slowly took a drag. This didn't faze Parker in the slightest. He knew that she hated his smoking. It's not like he would stop just because she didn't like it. 

"I still don't understand why you do that." Aspyn whispered as she watched him smoke. 

He effortlessly wiped any and all emotion from his face as he spoke. "You don't need to." 

"I don't want you to die, Park." 

"Well, that makes one of us." He laughed, but it wasn't like any laughter Aspyn had ever heard. It was a cold, bitter sound that shook Aspyn to her core.

"Why would you... want to die?" Aspyn choked out. 

Parker didn't answer and Aspyn knew that Parker had already said all he would say. 

So instead of prodding him any more, Aspyn scooted closer to him and took his scarred, pale hand in hers. He tensed at first and Aspyn held her breath, waiting for him to pull away and yell at her.

But, he didn't.


Hello all. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I appreciate it. :) 

Sorry, I feel as if this chapter could've turned out better, but ah well. I hope you enjoy it anyhow.

Vote, comment, and follow me :)

 Btw, I've put a song at the side that some of you might enjoy. Doesn't go with the story much, but that's besides the point ahah x

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