The Year Unforgotten (BOYxBOY)

By CyCurtis

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

152 9 0
By CyCurtis

I wake up with a huge smile on my face. I'm looking at my ceiling spinning thinking about what happened. I shove my head into my pillow because of how much it's making me smile.

I look at Ethan's number wanting to text him. I grab it and put it into my phone:


"Oh shit!" I thought. "I forgot about James!"

I close Ethan's text and spring up and quickly text Jason:

Me: Hey
Me: what's up?
Him: nothing really
Me: same, how was your day yesterday?
Him: It doesn't matter.
Me: why? What happened?
Him: nothing
Me: then why doesn't it matter?
Him: cause it doesn't
Me: can I call you?
Him: no
Me: then just tell me what happened
Him: I might have gotten drunk
Me: that's what you were freaking out about? I don't care about that
Him: well...
Me: well what?
Him: I might have had sex with my best friend.
Me: what the fuck
Him: I'm so sorry I was drunk
Me: you should've known drunk or sober that you had a boyfriend
Him: I was fucking drunk, stop over reacting
Me: we're done, bye

What the fuck is up with him. Whatever I'm over it. Im single, who gives a shit. I'll just text Ethan. Fuck Jason.

I started texting Ethan:

Me: hey
Him: hey you! I thought you weren't going to text me haha!
Me: no! I really loved yesterday!
Him: oh really? Haha!
Me: definitely!
Him: but you have a boyfriend? lol
Me: well he cheated on me last night so we're kind of nothing. We're done.
Him: oh wow. I'm sorry
Me: it's ok. I'm over it.
Him: he's stupid. I'm glad you're over it.
Me: thank you, so do you have any plans tomorrow?
Him: no, why? Haha
Me: well I was thinking maybe we can hang out and do something haha.
Him: oh yea. That totally sounds awesome. What were you thinking?
Me: um. How about we go and watch a movie.
Him: yea, I kind of want to see that Gods of Egypt
Me: yea that looks good, let's go see it.
Him: Yas ok. Haha
Me: ok see you there tomorrow.
Him: ok see ya :)

Yesssssss I literally can't wait. Great movie with a great guy. But I just want to be friends, I don't want a relationship yet. It's gonna be hard to not fall for another kiss.

The day goes by slow because I just can't wait and by the time night comes I can't sleep. I try to keep my eyes clothes but I can't go to sleep because I can't stop thinking about Ethan. Tomorrow is going to be awesome.

It's 12 and I finally fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up at 10 in the morning to the sound of my mom yelling "get up! It's 10 o'clock!"

I wake up and I'm pissed off because my mom woke me up and I have that disgusted look on my face that everyone has in the morning but it was like day and night when I realized what I was going to do today. I got up and went to my bathroom and got in the shower. Whenever I take a shower I focus mostly on my hair because my hair is my pride and joy. I get out of the shower and put on dark blue skinny jeans, a maroon t-shirt, and some white converses.

"Mom! I'm ready to go. Let's go!" I exclaim

"Alright. I'm coming I'm coming." She says

We both get in the car and start going to the theater.

"So, what's this boy's name?" She questions

"Ethan." I respond

"How do you know him?" She says

"Um, he's in our group." I say

"You like him or something?" She laughs out.

"Um no" saying it trying to hide that that's actually what's happening.

We get to the movie theater and my mom drops me off. I walk inside and bye my ticket and concession food and I see him in the corner of my eye. He's sitting by himself on his phone on a bench. I go to him and sit by him.

"Well hi there." I say smiling.

"Hiya" he responds.

"You ready?" I question.

"Yes, let's go." He responds.

we both walk to the theater and sit by each at the perfect spot in the theater. Great movie, great guy, and a great spot. Doing good so far.

The movie starts and the movie is great so far. Amazing graphics and amazing actors.

I look down to locate my popcorn when I see Ethan's hand laying limp over the chair's arm. I grab my popcorn and I continue staring at his hand. I put down my popcorn and wipe my hands off with napkins. I slowly go in to hold his hand trying to keep it low key. I barely touch his hand and he jumps and pulls his hand away.

"Whoa there, this isn't a date." He says

"I'm sorry I thought maybe.. I  don't know." I say

"I mean unless you want it to be a date." He says looking at me

"Would it be bad if I wanted it to be one?" I question

"Nope." He says with a smile.

"Then I really want this to be a date." I respond.

He grabs my hand and kisses it "then let's make it one."

My heart just melted. How am I still alive. There's no way I'm alive.

I pinch myself.

Nope I'm alive. I can't stop smiling. His hand was warm and slim. I felt the love in the way he held my hand. I didn't want to let go.

"Come here." He says pulling up the arm of the chair.

"What?" I say

"Come here." He pulls me in and lays my head on his shoulder.

Oh my god. This is the best day ever. I can't believe I'm with him. I mark this as the best thing that has ever happened to me.

That was until my mom walked in the theater and saw me with my head on his shoulder and and me holding his hand...

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