I Reject My Mate For He Is My...

By NaturallySilly

144K 7K 602

#1 highest rank: in Werewolf since January 27, 2016 for almost two months. The air was thick as I felt him mo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
I love you all!!!
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenth Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty five

Chapter Fourty One

1.6K 83 10
By NaturallySilly

Raven's POV

"Liam wait!" I shout. Rushing in between them I grab Liam's arm, twist it, and throw him.

Liam slams into the wall causing a hole from his body but in an instant he's back on his feet.

"Raven get out of my way! I will destroy this illusion!" Liam hisses. "Liam that is your wife! She's not an illusion. You can feel her presence, you can feel that it's her. That's no illusion darling, that's your wife."

Liam's eyes widen as he realizes I'm speaking the truth. Liam was always the one to kill first then ask questions later.

"Is that really you?" Liam asks walking to us both. I turn around to see her nod her head yes with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Feeling the need to give them space I move from between the two and head up the stairs. Vampire speed was awesome, but then again sometimes it is nice to walk.

Walking to my door I knock. "Only you would knock on your own door," Mia says.

Opening the door I give a slight smile. "What's wrong?" She asks climbing out of the bed wearing a long white shirt. She makes her way over to me and looks deep into my eyes.

"Liam's wife is back," I say. Mia's eyes widen, then they go hard. "Nobody can know about what we did Raven. Nobody."

I pull her body close to me and hug it toght. "I know. Either Liam's wife keeps her mouth closed, or we close it for her. Permanently."

Ava's POV

"Well it's nice to meet you Vincent, but why would you want to talk to me?" I ask looking aside his head.

The crescent moon comes from behind the thick clouds allowing me to get a better look at him. He has long hair and a bit of pale skin. He was wearing a suit but his bow was undone. He was fairly handsome but didn't seem to look like a threat. Then again people can smile in your face and be your number one enemy.

"Because I can tell the truth to a stranger. I'm sure I will never see you again. You see, I want someone, and I can't find them. Bad things are going to happen, very bad things."

I look aside his head like he's crazy. He starts to laugh. "I'm sure I sound like a crazy man to you. Truth is, I'm not. It's complicated. I came here for a vacation and since I'm about to leave I feel stressed out. This world isn't a world people think it is. It's far worse. What would you say if creatures where real such a vampires, wolves, witches, mermaids, and such."

He thinks I'm a human. Good. Question is, is he one too.

"Well Vincent, I would say that is bat out of hell crazy. Nothing like that exist. But who are you looking for and why ask such a question?" I ask out of curiosity doing my best to laugh like I didn't care.

"A woman, I don't know her name. Also a man. He is different. I need them both and when I get home I'm going to find them," He voice was now deep.

Placing my hands on my hip I feel my blade sticking between my pants. "I'm sorry to bother you," he says his voice going back soft. "It was nice to meet you." My hands come from my hip and I smile at bit. "It's okay, maybe one day I can tell you what's on my mind."

Vincent let's out a laugh and stands from the rock. I hear a ruffling noise and turn around, then looking back at Vincent he is gone. "Well that's not creepy."

Checking my surroundings for any other surprises I see that I am alone and make my way back to the hut. "Elijah?" I say walking through the house.

I walk to Lily's room and open the door. Seeing her sleeping a bit wild I frown. Lily wasn't normally a wild sleeper. Dodging toys I make my way to her. Placing the illusion spell over her face she shift in her sleep into a calmer position.

Kissing her forehead I pull the thrown covers on the floor over her after shaking them a bit. Walking to the door I feel something puncture my skin. Quickly bringing my foot up my eyes widen.

With one hop I leave Lily's room and head to our room. Once in the clear I let go of the breath in me.

"Shit, fuck, damn!"

Elijah comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Ava are you okay?"

Do not drool! Ava don't you dare drool!

Pulling my eyes away from him I sit on the bed and pull my left foot up. Reaching for the Barbie doll I wince at the toy in my foot. Like literally.

"Ava are you okay!" Elijah asks by my foot in an instant. "All those damn toys Elijah! And for what huh? Look what it did this shit fucking hurts! Pull the son of a bitch out!"

Elijah looks at me with wide eyes. "Elijah, if I repeat myself you will be sorry."

"Hold on then love," he says quickly reacting. He bends down to my foot and quickly pulls the doll out. Once it's out I sigh at the pain gone.

That's when I feel tingles from my feet. Elijah was rubbing them. "Is this your way of saying sorry for the toys?" I ask.

"Yes. I am sorry you got hurt. It was never my intention." His had nothing but apology in his voice.

As he continues to rub my feet I let a moan escape my mouth. It was so relaxing, I didn't mean to enjoy it more than I thought I should.

A growl erupts in the room with Elijah over me. "Trying to tease me are you?"

"No, that's not my intention. But I am thinking about it," I say biting my lip. Elijah's eyes go dark.

I stand up from the bed and walk to the bathrooms doorknob but his hands grab me. "Running so soon?"

"For your information I was going to take a bath," I smile. But I never enjoyed someone thinking of me "running" so I undress to prove I am going to take a shower. Big mistake.

Elijah pulls me close to him, places his hands on my thighs and pulls me up. My legs wrap around his waist to hold myself out.

Walking me to the bed he lays me down and starts to place kisses on my neck. "I am going to enjoy this. I think this honeymoon will feel like forever before we go home."

"Don't say that," I say smacking his arm.

"Ouch. Why not?"

"Ouch. I asked why."

"Ouch damnit Ava," he says a bit harder as I smack his arm again. "You will know why when the time comes. But in the mean time." I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. A grin creeps to my lips as he leans in.

Closing the gap between our lips we kiss until I break away. Breathing heavily Elijah looks deeply into my eyes. "Your eyes are a deep pink love."

"Because I love you," I smile. "I love you too. Now, let's see how many times you moan my name now."

Elijah's POV

"Ouch! Ava if you don't stop pinching me!" I growl.

She turns around with a hanger in her hand and points it at me. Pure rage is across her face.

"I told you, I warned you! Instead you said it will feel like forever for our honeymoon and until we come home! Now I'm going to ask you, why am I home unpacking hm?"

"Ava I'm sorry I didn't think that would work," I plead honestly. Walking to her I grab the hanger from her and laugh. "Did you plan on hurting me with a hanger love?"

Ava let's out a small giggle and throws her hands around my neck. Feeling tingles in my body I shiver a bit. "I only thought about wounding you. Do you really have to go?" Ava asks with plea in her voice.

Since I am back I need to take care of alpha duties and hear everything about what's been going on. I need to know if this Vincent guy has made a move.

"I need to work on the alpha duties that Marcus wasn't able to handle. I won't take long. You should call everyone and let them know your home. Also get the rest of your belongings from over there," I smile and pull her close by her waist. "You live here with me now, Luna."

Leaning her chin up I connect my lips to hers. Feeling the breath in my body leave I break away and inhale.

"Makes me want you to stay even more," Ava purrs. I feel my man hood harden and back away a bit. "Give me a moment love, I will be back. Now, finish unpacking and getting your belongings." Without another word I walk out the room and sigh.

I don't know how many times I'm going to be able to walk away from that woman.

Walking through the halls I am greeted by smiles, nods, and small conversation. "I'm glad you two had fun alpha," a couple says in front of me.

Yes yes can we move this along! I have a hot mate waiting for me to do things only porn would show.

"Thank you," I smile. "Now, if you two would excuse me." I nod my head to them and smile when I see sight of my study. But my smile soon fades away when I catch a smell in the air.

Reaching for the doorknob anger courses through me. "Get out!" I growl once I walk through the door.

"Oh come on. That is not how you start a conversation," she smirks. "Exactly, that is why I just started and ended it, so again get out."

Sophie stands from my chair and smirks more. My eyes look away at her naked body with only a see through robe covering her.

"Oh come on baby, it's nothing you never seen before. One peek. Like old times," she says walking in front of me. She grabs my shirt and pulls me close but it only makes me want to puke on her.

I turn to look her in the eyes with my eyes turning pure gold. "Get your fucking hands off me you filthy cunt before I kill you," I sneer. Sophie flinches but doesn't give in.

She pulls me close, grabs my man hood, and licks my ear. Alright bitch time to die!

Ava's POV

"Ouch," I say holding on to my stomach. Feeling a sharp pain go through me I winch at the pain again.

This is the same pain I felt when the doctor said my mate was dead. Elijah!

Bolting out of our room I rush through the halls and follow his scent. Seeing a couple I slow down my paste and stop. "Have you seen my husband?" I ask with worry coursing through me. "Yes Luna he's in his study," the woman answers. "Thank you."

Running to his study I feel anger now. What the hell is going on? Reaching his study I open the door ready for anything.

"Elijah baby are you okay-," my words stop as I see Sophie naked and on top of him. Elijah's eyes are golden with pure rage while Sophie is smirking. I repeat that bitch is smirking.

"Get the hell off of my husband!" I shout placing a fireball in my hand. Sophie immediately backs away but then I put two and two together.

"You slept with her haven't you?" I ask making the fireball disappear. My hands fly to my mouth to hold back the scream I want to unleash.

"Yes," Sophie answers quickly. "Silence!" Elijah growls.

"The pain I felt, it was you having sex or doing something with her," I say mater of fact. My eyes go black. "I felt this pain for years! I felt this pain before I met you! You have been messing around with this slut! And you come back messing with her again! After our fucking honeymoon!"

With rage in me I rush to Sophie and grab her by the neck. Slamming her body into the wall I throw her to the other side of the wall. Catching her before her body falls I slam her into the floor and grab her arm. Twisting her arm I break it with one snap, but I'm not stopping there.

Twisting her arm again I break it in another spot, then another, then another. Hearing her cries of pain I smile in pleasure. "Ava," Elijah calls. My eyes snap to him.

"Ava it is not what you think. She was in here and I was about to kill her before she walked through that door," he says. "I would never cheat on you."

"Oh," I laugh. "So you couldn't wait on me? Is that it? You couldn't wait on me so you had to go mess around with this tramp!"

"I was supposed to be married to her!" He shouts.

"I don't give a damn if she was the bloody Queen of England! You been messing with her! You never once told me! Would you have told me if I wouldn't have caught you?"

"Don't you dare raise your voice to me I am your alpha!" Elijah shouts.

"You aren't shit to me! Your not my alpha! Nor my husband." Sliding the ring off my face finger I throw it to the floor.

Sophie starts to laugh. "What the fuck is funny? Are you asking to die bitch?" I growl.

"I'm only laughing because he can never give you a family. You can never give him an heir to the thrown. Your nothing to him."

Processing her words questions start to swim in my head. "What is she talking about? What can't I bare your kid?"

Elijah walks to Sophie and snaps her neck. She takes a deep breathe and sighs. "I'm a hybrid. We can't make a baby."

My breath gets caught in my chest. "Your a-"

"Yes," Elijah says.

"I can't bare your kids? And you didn't bother to tell me this? Your a hybrid! You have been lying to me from the start!" I cry.

"I have never lied!"

"But you never told the truth!" I wipe my tears but the more I wipe away the more they come. "I hate you! Stay away from me! Stay away from my daughter!"

Pain and anger runs across Elijah's face. His eyes turn a deeper gold and then it registers in my mind. His gold eyes is his hybrid.

"I cannot, I will not do that!" He growls. "I'm not giving you much of a choice. We are enemies now," I say placing a fireball in both hands.

"Ava don't do this!"

Throwing a fireball he quickly dodges it making it connect to his desk. The flames start to go haywire but I don't care.

"Ava don't do this! Your are my mate, my wife," Elijah cries. "I'm sorry I did this to you! I didn't know how you would take it. Please, don't do this. Your my mate."

"Well then I guess there is only one thing to do. I Ava Silver reject," I feel pain course through me. "You Elijah," the pains comes a bit rougher and my eyes start to go out along with my body.

Feeling myself go limp I fall to the ground but my head doesn't connect as Elijah holds it. "Ava hold on! Don't you dare close your eyes! Blaire! Blaire, Marcus! Stay with me Ava. I'm sorry I'm so sorry! Please don't sleep!"

Sleep. That sounds good.

My eyes start to get lower but Elijah shakes me. "Ava please."

I open my mouth and whisper something knowing he will hear it before the darkness takes over me.

Dear readers,

I almost just lost the love of my life in a wreck and I am scared. If anyone has anything bad going on or into it with a loved one stop it now!

When they are gone they are gone. Then you will think was it worth it, and you know it won't be. Make up, apologize, listen to them, just be glad you have them in your arms!

I love you all, and thank you all for supporting me and this book!

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