You're my hero.

By rileysfarkles

22.3K 395 263

Izzy has been acting really strange lately, but nobody knows why. Suddenly Neverland gets news that the evil... More

Izzy is everything ok?
The Fight.
Friendship is the key!
A Series of Bad Dreams Part 1
A Series Of Bad Dreams Part 2
A Series Of Bad Dreams Finale
The Voice On the Ship
Announcement :D

Strange waves

2.2K 42 26
By rileysfarkles

Skully's POV:

"Ugh, what time is it? And why is nobody here? Where are my maties?"

I flew downstairs to see them all eating breakfast, about to finish really. 

"Morning maties! Have a good night's sleep?" 

They all exchanged a weird look. What is up with them?

"Uh morning Skully. Um, not really." said Jake as he put his plate into the sink.

"Well that sucks. What about you, Izzy? Cubby?"

"Well, better than the previous nights." Said Izzy with a hollow smile.

"I've had better ones."Murmured Cubby while picking at his food.

"Well that sucks too." I said. They all look a bit down. Poor maties. What can I do to cheer them up? I know! " It's awfully hot today don't ya think?"

"Uh yeah it is kinda too warm." Said Jake.

"Well how about we go to.. I don't know really. You guys always make the plans for the day."

They give me small, warm smiles.

"Well, we could go to Pirate's Plunge. If you maties want to." said Cubby a little too quick at the end.

"Good idea Cubby!" said Jake.

"Yeah, it'd be such a great way to cool off." said Izzy. 

"Well then, what are we waiting for maties? Yo ho let's go!" said Jake and they all ran to Bucky who was patiently waiting for us downstairs. I didn't think I should tell them I didn't eat, I'll just grab a cracker. I noticed Izzy moving a bit slow, she hasn't even gone down the slide.

"You okay Izzy?" I asked cautiously. She turned and gave me a small smile.

"Of course Skully. Just a little bit dizzy from moving too fast." she said and I gave her a smile back.

"Well if there's anything wrong, you'd tell us won't you matie?" 


"Okay then come on."

"Um Skully wait."

"Yeah Izzy?" she held out two crackers and smiled.

"Don't forget your breakfast." I laughed and took the crackers from her.

"Thanks Izzy!" she smiled and then slid down the slide.

"What took you maties so long?" asked Cubby as we boarded Bucky.

"Skully forgot his breakfast." said Izzy as she walked to the front of the ship.

"Well, did anyone foreget anything maties?" asked us Jakeas he climbed down to Bucky's deck.

"Nope, everything's here  Jake." said Izzy in her first matie tone. He gave her a big smile.

"Well then, let's go Bucky!" said Jake and we started sailing. Izzy was standing at the front with Jake and Cubby was in the map room I was perched up high on my look-out post. Few minutes later we're here.

"Finally! It's getting hotter by the minute!" I said as I went to plunge in the water.

"You're telling me!" said Cubby as he jumped in after me. Crackers! We started splashing each other and soon Jake joined us. Only one matie was unaccounted for.

"Hey, where's Izzy?' said Jake before Cubby could splash him again. 

"I think she'll be out in a sec. C'mon don't worry." said Cubby and splashed both Jake and I. We laughed and started splashing each other. Jake was about to splash me when we heard Izzy say something while still aboard Bucky. We all turned toward Bucky and saw.. no one. 

"You know, I think I'm gonna go check on Izzy. I have this really unsettling feeling inside my chest and I don't like it." said Jake as he climbed on to Bucky with Cubby and I after him. Izzy wasn't on the deck so she could only be in the map room. Jake tried opening the door but it was locked. So he decided to knock.

"Izzy? We're kinda getting worried. You okay?" asked Jake and you could hear the worry in his voice loud and clear. No answer. We exchange worried looks. Jake knocks again but still no answer. Finally Cubby screams loudly,


"I'm up here!" We all look up and see Izzy standing on the look-out post. She was just standing there.

"Izzy? How'd you get up there?" asked Jake as he started to climb up the mast.

"Well some seagulls flew by and whisked me up here. I was about to come down but then I saw that and..." she trailed off as Jake reached her. She pointed out onto something far out in the NeverSea. That thing had her worried because you could see her shaking her head a lot, a thing she did whenever she got worried. Jake shook his head and gave her what looked like a reassuring smile. He said something and then drew his sword and brought it down to where Izzy's feet should be. She then climbed down first, he took one last glance at where she pointed before coming down himself. When they reached the deck Izzy said,

"Sorry about that, c'mon let's go it's really hot." Cubby and Jake race to plunge in and Izzy giggles behind them. I notice both feet are where they should be so Jake didn't slice her foot. We spend the entire day there and when it gets chillier in the night we go back. Izzy doesn't put it into pigtails and keeps it open. 'It dries faster' she said when Cubby asked why she had it open. A cool breeze was blowing and everything was sailing smoothly. When we reached the island Izzy silenced everyone. 

"Ssshhh it's the song!" She said excitedly. We all exchanged a small smile before joining her at the front.

"You struggle inside,

Losing your mind,

Trying and fighting to be yourself,

Then somebody lets you,

Out in the cold,

With nowhere to go,

Feeling like no one could understand,

Then somebody gets you,

So take a breath and let it go,

And try to have a little hope,

Cause someone's gonna be there when you don't,

When you don't,

If you wanna cry,

I'll be your shoulder,

If you wanna laugh,

I'll be your smile,

If you wanna fly,

I will be your sky,

Anything you need that's what I'll be,

You can come to me,


You can come to me."

We stay quiet fro a moment, then Izzy sighs.

"That gets more enchanting everyday." 

"That was beautiful. But I think someone thought it was the perfect song to sleep to." said Jake in a whisper. Izzy and I turn to see a sleeping Cubby. Aww! Izzy and I giggle and Jake lifts Cubby up to take him to bed. We walk up the stairs and they get changed into their pajamas. Izzy comes back down for a glass of water and I just have to ask,

"Hey Izzy?"

"Yeah Skully?" she said as she pours herself a glass of water.

"What exactly did you see up there?" I don't have to say where, she knows where I mean. She sighs.

"I saw these huge waves, really huge waves, and they were carrying this ship and tossing it around. I thought I heard a crew member scream for help but when Jake saw he said that the NeverSea's waves always acted funny when Never land overheated and that maybe the heat was making be see things because there was no ship. He told me not to be scared. But I heard that voice Skully. It sent shivers down my spine." Her hand was shaking by the time she finished. She stood there for a minute before shaking her head and smiling. "Jake was probably right. Nothing to be scared of. Just some silly waves." 

"Yeah, probably." I said not sure of how I should reply. She says goodnight and goes upstairs while I stay where I am. Ship? Screaming? Huge waves? Izzy must've been hallucinating. Those all lead to one thing and that thing hasn't happened in 300 years. No way. Besides, why would seagulls carry her up there anyways? Nah, she must've been daze walking without noticing and ended up up there. I go upstairs after a few minutes of thinking and find my maties already asleep. I get cozy in my nest and try to drift off... but Izzy's story just kept replaying in my head. 'I saw these huge waves, really huge waves, and they were carrying this ship and tossing it around.' 'Well some seagulls flew by and whisked me up here.' Wait a minute.. seagulls? In this weather?! Whenever it's hot the seagulls on Neverland hide out in their nests built into the cracks of cliffs. What were they doing out flying? Unless.. No. I woke Izzy up.

"Skully? Are you okay?" She said the sleep heavy in her voice. 

"I'm okay matie, but I want to ask you a question." I said whispering in fear of waking the others.

"Sure *yawns* go ahead." She whispered back.

"Izzy those seagulls that took you up to the look-out post, what color were their eyes?" I whispered making sure she registered the question. She opened her eyes wide and her eyebrows knitted together.

"I don't know Skully, I think they were green." she whispered and rubbed her eyes. Oh no.. I thanked her and told her to go back to sleep. She was snoring in seconds. I flew back to my nest risking a quick glance at Izzy. Green eyes. They had green eyes. Perfect. I don't know how or when but I started drifting off to sleep. 

Yes, that was the end of this short chapter! Sorry for being really late! But OMG thank you all for the views!! I love you all so much thank you!! I promise to update as soon as I can and let me tell you the draft has been started. So keep reading guys! ❤️

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