Battle Cry (Emmett Cullen) {1}

By Directioner4everrrrr

763K 16.6K 2.1K

"It's not just someone to hold you under, it needs to be someone who can pull you back, someone who has a str... More

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28.1K 781 74
By Directioner4everrrrr

This is more on Emmett and Arielle, Bella and Edwards worrying and guilt. And just plain Emmett worrying for Arielle and staying by her side


Emmett was pissed at Edward, he'd never been so angry in his entire life
"You said you'd help her not just Bella." Emmett snapped, Edward stayed silent , he felt guilty and disappionted with himself and the words Emmett spoke were only making Edward feel even worse

"I can't believe I actually trusted you." Emmett snapped at Edward "Emmett you can go see her if you-" Carlisle was cut off, Emmett rushed into Arielle's bedroom seeing her in that hospital again only made remember when he'd save her it made him angry knowing he didn't save her, he didn't save his mate from getting hurt, Rosalie walked over to Carlisle and Edward,

"Just let him calm down, Edward." Rosalie told Edward with a sigh as she seen the look of guilt on his face, "I told Emmett I would protect her instead I was selfish and saved Bella and forgot about Arielle." Edward said angry at himself he walked away from Rosalie and Carlisle.

Bella sat on the hospital bed she didn't care about herself right now she knew Arielle had it much worse than her and all Bella wanted to do is go see her

"Bella. You okay?" Charlie asked rushing in "You and I are going to talk." Charlie said to Tyler, Tyler tried to apologize while Bella would shrug it off, Charlie was getting tired of Tyler lame excuse "Shut up. You may not have hurt Bella bad, but I can't say the same for Arielle." Charlie snapped at the teenager

Dr. Cullen walked in taking in Bella as his patient "Isabelle." Dr. Cullen said "Bella." She corrected him "Well how do you feel?" Carlisle asked Bella "Good." Carlisle continued to do small test to make sure she was okay 

"I think you'll be just fine." Dr. Cullen said to her, Bella started to explain how his son Edward saved her life she stopped "And Arielle is she okay?" Bella asked concerned and afraid of the answer,

"Were still running several test, on Arielle but from what I've heard she's a fighter." Dr. Cullen said with a smile.


Bella walked to Arielle's hospital room when she saw Rosalie, Edward and Dr Cullen having a quiet arguement "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Bella asked Edward, Rosalie was pulled away with Carlisle leading her into Arielle's room.

Emmett held Arielle's hand in his "Come on Arielle, you got to wake for your brother, Bella, you got to wake up...for me." Emmett pleaded holding Arielle's hand, "Arielle!" Derek ran in his eyes blood shot from his tears, Derek stared at his baby sister in sadness and pain, she is the only person in his life right now he couldn't lose her

Carlisle walked in with Rosalie "How is she? how is my sister?" Derek asked"I'm so sorry to say this." Carlisle said to Drew but also to Emmett

"She suffered a massive blow to the head, causing her brain to slowly shut down she will be gone by tomorrow morning. " Carlisle said, Emmett felt his whole world being destroyed, Arielle his world was going to be dead by the morning and there wasn't anything they could do

Emmett didn't want her to be a vampire, no matter how much he is so in love with her, he wouldn't force her into something she wouldn't want to be.

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