Satan's Wrath

By XXrogueXlucyXX

107K 5.2K 426

Defeating a shtriga. There's one thing off the bucket list. Now the hybrids. Isabella Knight is now shtriga f... More

:Chapter 1:
:Chapter 2:
:Chapter 3:
:Chapter 4:
:Chapter 5:
:Chapter 6:
:Chapter 7:
:Chapter 8:
:Chapter 9:
:Chapter 10:
:Chapter 11:
:Chapter 12:
:Chapter 13:
:Chapter 14:
:Chapter 15:
:Chapter 16:
:Chapter 17:
:Chapter 18:
:Chapter 19:
:Chapter 20:
:Chapter 21:
:Chapter 22:
:Chapter 24:
:Chapter 25:
:Chapter 26:
:Chapter 27:
:Chapter 28:
:Chapter 29:
:Chapter 30:
:Chapter 31:
:Chapter 32:
:Chapter 33:
:Chapter 34:
:Chapter 35:
:Chapter 36:
:Chapter 37:
:Chapter 38:
:Chapter 39:
:Chapter 40:
:Chapter 41:
:Chapter 42:
:Chapter 43:
:Chapter 44:

:Chapter 23:

2.3K 108 5
By XXrogueXlucyXX


"Punch up not down." I said to Alex. "Why am I the dummy?" Rodney asked as he stood there. "Cause your the most muscle." Rory commented as he took a bite of his apple. "I'm muscle." Angel said as she popped her head up. Angel had warmed up to us. She still had a long way to go. "Yeah but Nico insisted on him being the first to fight you." I said as I stood beside Alex.

"Ok up not down." Alex said pushing black locks back. With that Alex swung his fist up into a Rodney's stomach. Rodney winced slightly but didn't say anything. I swear he was made of stone sometimes. "You pack quite the punch for someone your size." Rodney added pushing his brown-black hair from his face. Alex smiled at him.

"Is that all for today, because I'm tired." Alex said yawning. "Yeah, you can go nap." I said patting him on the back. "Yay, Rory let's go." Alex said tugging on Rory's hand. Ever since the shtriga, Alex doesn't like going to sleep alone. Hades sleeps with him a lot or he sleeps in our parents room.

Angel looked up at me for a moment. She offered a small smile before going back to her new iPhone Nico bought her. Let's just say Angel barely even knew how to operate a flip phone when she first came here. The rogues were extremely harsh and lived in the old times. Sometimes I wish we did live in the old times. But I like my electronics just not when your glued to them you don't spend time with anyone.

Andrew strutted up to me. "Orchid is training with Isabella, so your stuck with me." Andrew said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Aren't I always." I commented sticking out my tongue. "Hey, I've been spending a lot of time with Orchid now." Andrew said defending myself. "I know and it makes me happy seeing you happy with your mate." I said with a smile.

"What about Isabella and you, aren't you disappointed that she doesn't want to be your mate, yet?" Andrew asked looking at me. "Yes it makes me sad sometimes, but there's a reason why Artemis paired me with her and Ash let the pair happen." I said as we walked to a bench.

Werewolves were spread out across the indoor training area. They were all divided into groups. The kids learning basic self-defense, teens learning advanced fighting skills, and warriors learning too. Kadan was training a teen currently. Alana was sitting down watching. The pregnant hormones did effect her, it started with her always wanting to be near Kadan.

Right then a man walked up to us. His blonde hair was in a buzz cut as he wore a suit. "Dalton, Angel, and Nico, the Alpha has requested to see you immediately." The man spoke in a low baritone voice. "I'll see you later Andrew." I said hugging him before running after Nico and Angel. "Do you think we're in trouble?" Angel asked nervously as she twiddled with her fingers.

"I doubt it." Nico said in a reassuring tone as he walked closer to Angel. "If we were, Dad would of come here himself." I said as we followed the man to the office. Angel nodded as she pushed a pink highlight from her face. The man opened the door to the office and motioned us in. I went in first then Angel and Nico.

"Alpha I brought them to you just like you asked." The man said as he stood in a typical guard position. "Thank you Christian, you can go back to guard duty for my mate now." My Dad said peeping his head out from some papers. Mom was currently spending time in bed. Lots of she-wolves did this when pregnant.

They also took pills for they don't shift. If they do shift the baby is usually destroyed. Some of the babies live if their lucky. My Mom takes the pills crafted by the best witches not wanting to risk a lost baby. Christian bowed his head before walking off to my Mom's room.

"Dalton, we came up with more news on the rogues." Dad said as he pushed his papers to the side. 'More info on the damn bastards so we can taunt them.' Talk about violent. "Can we hear it?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest. "It has to do with you Angel." Dad said looking at Angel's tallish yet frail form.

Angel shifted nervously as she pushed herself into Nico. "It seems the Alpha wants Angel to be his mate, willingly or unwillingly." Dad said looking up at us. A growl rumbled from Nico's chest as he pulled Angel into him. "I marked her, therefore she is mine." Nico said as his eyes began flashing gold showing his wolf Jason was ready to take her over.

"Nico we are aware of that and plan on keeping Angel away from him." Dad said. Nico calmed down a little but still held a nervous Angel against him. "Angel, we're not gonna have you participate in the war, your gonna stay with the hunters, only attacking if death threatening." Dad said. "What!" Angel said angrily.

"I'm sorry Angel it's too dangerous, you could be captured, the safest place for you is with the hunters and other she-wolves and children." Dad said. Angel huffed but surprisingly kept quiet. "Fine but I want to see him in his dying moments." Angel said pushing brown locks back. Dad nodded before going back to sit in his chair.

"Is that all Dad?" I asked shifting to my right leg. "Oh yeah, these are layouts of how the war is going down, pass it out and make sure everyone gets one, there's a bunch of copies, ask the hunters if they can help get it to the other supernatural." Dad said as he scooted in towards his paperwork. I nodded as I grabbed a huge stack of paper.

"You guys can go while I sign a treaty between Iron Blood and Shadows Wolf so they don't kill each other." My Dad said. With that we left. "The war is my fault." Angel said the moment we walked out. "No it's not." Nico and I said in sync. "Yes it is, if I never left, if I wasn't selfish this wouldn't be happening." Angel said as tears began brimming in her eyes.

Nico stopped. "No, it's the Alpha's fault, he planned this attack because he's selfish and greedy, he may want you but it's not your fault." Nico said as he grabbed her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. Tears began streaming down Angel's face. "Thank you." Angel said leaning into to Nico. "No problem, your my mate no one will get you except me." Nico said.

"I'm gonna leave before too much PDA happens." I said in a joking tone. Angel cracked a smile as Nico laughed. "Mind-link us when dinner's ready!" Nico yelled out. I nodded. I couldn't wait till the day I got to be like that with Isabella. 'Me either.'.

BAM! 1177 words in this chapter. I hope you enjoyed. NEXT answers to the previous question will be answered. I hope you guys had a loved day(or night). Until next time my nighttime marshmallows.

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