Valleri | M. N. [COMPLETE]

By beatleism

6.9K 420 227

- she can make you slow while making your mind move fast - ... More

They call her Valleri
Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Oh, what can it mean..
Listen To The Band
She Took Me To The Garden Just For A Little Walk.
Sometimes Love, is Only Sleeping
Dont Call On Me
I Can't Get Her Off My Mind
I Think We're Alone Now
I'll Be Back Up on My Feet
Tear Drop City
Daily Nightly
The Girl I Knew Somewhere

Sometime In The Morning

464 27 14
By beatleism

        The next morning was quiet, Micky, Davy and Peter all went out for breakfast using some of the money they earned last night. I was too tired to go and Mike said he wanted to stay back in order to work on a song he had started earlier in the week. I was glad to have him stick around, I'd rather his company over anyone else's right now.

       From the bedroom, I heard the strum of his guitar as he sang along to it quietly. His voice carried so smoothly across the air, almost as if it was caressing everything it passed. This went on for a while, he'd be singing and all of a sudden he would mess up and I'd hear him curse in a low tone to himself. I found it quite amusing.

        When I had finally mustered up the strength to get out of bed, I got myself dressed and walked out into the gloomy room. It was raining, but it was a peaceful kind of rain. Mike didn't bother looking up from what he was doing, but he somehow made it clear to me that he acknowledged my presents. I grabbed a glass of water and sauntered over to the mumbling Texan sitting on the sofa.

"Do you have to watch me?" He asked muting the strings on his guitar

"I'm admiring you, there's a difference," I chuckled

"Ever heard of admiring from a distance?"

"Why are you so grumpy?" I asked in a slight mocking tone

"I can't get anywhere with this stupid song," He huffed finally making eye contact with me.

"What's it about?"

"Same old stuff," He shrugged.

I sat down across from him, placing my glass of water on the floor. He watched me with a curious expression, and opened his mouth to say something but closed it before any words surfaced. I smiled at him, inching a bit closer.

"Will you play it for me?"

"Does your life depend on it?"

"Michael, stop being stubborn and just play the damn song."

"Fine," He sighed to himself, soon beginning to strum away.

         His voice was much more powerful then I expected it to be, from the bedroom I only heard a soft tender melody but now it seemed to resemble some kind of big ballad. He refused to make eye contact, most likely out of the fact he was either to focused or to stubborn. Never the less, it was a beautiful song. When he finished, my face still had the same smile printed as before. He looked at me, waiting for me to say something but I couldn't help staring into his big doey eyes.

"So?" He asked finally

"I think it was beautiful."

"Great, beautiful," He mocked rolling his eyes

"What's wrong with beautiful? It was, honestly," I chuckled stroking his cheek softly.

"We need to settle something," He said abruptly

"What would that be?"

"What's happening between us, is this leading into something or is it already something?" He questioned, sitting back against the couch

"I don't know, maybe it's leading into something? I think we should just be patient with whatever it is and see where it goes, yeah?"

"Sounds like a plan," He shrugged as the phone suddenly rang

        I looked to Michael, who was looking at the little red rotary phone sitting on the table, "I wasn't expecting a call," He said turning his attention back to his guitar, I laughed softly and got up to answer the phone.


"Valleri! Just the woman I was looking for."


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