If We Were A Movie. (on hold)

By Cassidy22

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Miranda and Gavin, Friends Forever literally. They had been friends for as long as they could remember and Mi... More

Chapt. One
Chapt. 2
Chapt. 4
Chapt. 5
Chapt. 6

Chapt. 3

384 8 4
By Cassidy22

[A/N] I know everyone hates these things but anyways.. here's chapter three. I'm not sure what i think of this chapter but my oppinion doesn't matter yours does. Let me now anything you think about it even if its bad. Tips alwasy help. Please vote, like on facebook, and all that. Enjoy.]

“Stop humming.” Gavin Shouted. I laughed; this stupid song had been stuck in my head all day. I didn’t blame it for bothering him; I was getting ready for Ricky’s party tonight, and humming it the whole time. Of course his yelling at made me only made me hum louder. He banged loudly on his wall, to make me shut up. A playful smirk crept onto my face. I breathed in through my diaphragm and began to belt out the chorus to You Belong with Me.

“You force my hand!” He managed to holler over my amazing singing. Wait what did I force. I screamed as something cold fell down the back of my dress. The melting ice sent shivers throughout me and left a tinkling freeze where ever it slithered.

“OH MY GOD GAVIN, OH MY, OH JESUS, SAVE ME, GAVIN!” I couldn’t keep a sentence going as I freaked out. When the creeping cold reached the edges of my body and ended, I glared at him, my hand moving into position to slap him real hard. That adorable million dollar smile flashed my way; his deep blue eyes sparkled at mine, as he turned to walk out of my room.

“Time to leave” He laughed, as I stood there mouth opened in utter dis-belief.

“Gavin, you just put an ice cube down my dress, the only clean thing I have thanks to someone washing machine being broken, how the hell do I go to Ricky’s party with a shirt with water all over it.” Anger blared through the speakers of my voice.

“The car leaves now, beside guys will love it, they will all think you were wet!” He winked at me before walking upstairs. I followed my feet dragging on the carpet like an upset two year old. His car waited for us in the same place a usual, its snug parking spot within the clutter of the garage. I plopped in after a few rude grumbles such as---stupid boys---and----boys are dumb. Gavin of course though it was the most hilarious thing ever to see me go to the party of the year wet! Hmph. When we got home he was being yelled at.

The party was already packed by the time we arrived. Rick was waiting outside for Gavin, two beach blonde skanks at his side---wait what no—Teah was at his side, clinging to him like he was a macho, macho superman. Yeah, uhm, Rick sure isn’t any macho man, and he especially is no superman. I rolled my eyes because as soon as Gavin walked up to them, grabbed his bear out of Rick’s hand and walked inside—Teah switched to cling onto him. The thing a girl would do for the guy she adores. I sigh; guess I was parting alone tonight.

I lightly pulled the sleeves of my cardigan as I entered the house, making it fall off just as I was in the doorway. I left it there—maybe Gave would see it and remember I was here too—you know his best friend. Why is this kid in my mind, I was here to have fun, that’s what I need to do.

“Nice dress.” Justin mumbled as he came to meet up with me near the bar. I glanced down, rolling my eyes as I remembered today. I had gone to a shoot with fellow model, Callie who somehow convinced our fashion directors to let me take home the bronze and silver mini dress I had been wearing. Then of course she forced me to wear it since she knew I had nothing else to wear. It was strapless with a big bow in the front the top was a glittery bronze then it faded into glittery silver about mid-length. Justin seemed startled by my reaction, so I threw him my one of a kind award winning smile and slight grateful thanks.

We made very awkward small talk, party’s aren’t always the ones seen on TV I mean lots are actually completely bores---somehow this includes Rick’s party of the year, this year. I gulped down my drink as he continued talking about how his parents didn’t care about him. I got out of a life like that; I don’t need to hear about his at a party. My lips parted and I somehow managed to excuse myself from the conversations.

How many drinks have I had? My inside’s twisted and I could feel the barf urge it’s way slowly up my throat—I tried to gulp it down I didn’t need to be that girl, the one puking in the middle of the dance floor. The only thought I processed was find Gavin; he’ll take care of me. I searched through the crowd, slurring my words as I asked random people if they had seen him. Eventually I spotted Rick, standing by the spiked punch; his parents had made him serve.

“Ricky, Ricky.” I whimpered.

“What. Huh!” he scarfed, before setting his sights on me—making the image clear to him.

“Where’s Gavin?” I asked, before covering my mouths with my hands.

Please don’t barf—please don’t barf I prayed.

“He’s in there.” Rick pointed to the laundry room. What he would be doing there, I wondered. I started making my way to the curtain that covered the opening, fives step ahead of me. “Wait, don’t open that…”

I had begun opening it before the warning. Oh I wish I had waited and listened to the rest of his sentence. Before my eyes was Gavin standing in front of the washing machine, female legs wrapped around him, as Teah sat on the matching her lips locked with his. That’s when I barfed. The horrid scent filled the room, which was what separated the two of them. As Gavin looked at my I dropped my eyes to the ground. A disgusting feeling filled me, like a lump of coal in my stomach, and it wasn’t from the puking. I brushed my fingers lightly underneath my eye’s don’t know why I wanted to cry.

A hand was placed on my shoulder, it generated a heat the pushed through my body, but I was still frozen. I shook my head slightly in wonder.

“Miranda,” Gavin’s voice rang into my ears it was so close, but felt so far away.

“Yeah,” I mumbled. My voice was muffled because I was looking down; my eyes were tracing a blood red stain on the carpet. It was from last year’s party when the guy I had gone with had been caught cheating on me in this very same spot Gavin had punch him square in the face breaking his nose.

“You okay?” He asked.

“Just peachy,” I said managing a smile as I looked up at him. My fingers brushed through my hair as I said it indeed telling him in my body language that it was a total lie, and I was not okay in the slightest.

“Okay—well let’s get you home, because by far, I cannot be next to you for much longer you smell like barf.” He laughed all concern gone. What just happened—Gavin just took my answer straight forward, even when I had implied with my hair brushing that it wasn’t the truth. He hasn’t missed a hint since grade three, when I told him I wasn’t made at him for destroying the painting I had spent all day on. I frowned at the memory—I was still mad at him for that.

My best friend began to make his way through the party towards the front door--- he hadn’t been drinking anything alcoholic like the responsible boy I made him be. I stood there shocked staring after him, tears forming in the stormy depths of my eyes.

“You’re not okay are you?” Rick asked parking his butt beside me, arm around my shoulders trying to comfort me but I just slouch it off.

“Nope,” I groan before following Gave into the rocky world of the dance floor; the pit in my stomach becoming an avalanche.  

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