The Christian Athlete

By TheKingsWriter

2.2K 205 64

Rachel Summers is a Christian athlete. Rachel plays soccer, and someone has been stealing items that they nee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

228 21 11
By TheKingsWriter

After I read my Bible, I put it back in my desk where nothing could bother it. Then I went downstairs to dad.

"Hey dad?"

"Yes honey?" He was lying on the couch, he looked unhealthy, and sick.

"Dad, why are you lying down on the couch like that? Do you feel alright?"

"I'm good honey, do you need anything?"

"Dad, you don't look so good, why don't you go take a nap?" I insisted.

"No, Rachel. Did you want something?" He stood up, but couldn't keep his balance.

"Yes, but never mind. Dad, you need some rest!"
Dad would never let me take care of him.

"Maybe you're right. If you need anything, just say," he said.


The next day, I had to get a ride from Bridget and her mom, since dad didn't seem well.

"Thanks for giving me a ride to soccer practice Mrs. Haynes." I thanked her.

"Anytime sweetheart, now go on girls," Bridget's mom smiled.

"Your mom's really nice," I said.

Bridget smiled, "Let's join the others."

Today was our last day of practice, tomorrow, we got to see who made the team, and who didn't.

"I'm sure I made it," Dianna said.

"The team? We won't know until tomorrow," I said.
Dianna doesn't like me too well, but she's my friend, we have a weird friendship.
Dianna rolled her eyes at me for no reason.
Did I do something?


We were in the field, practicing.

Afterwards, Bridget and her mom gave me a ride back home.

"Rachel! Where is daddy?" Lila asked.

"Daddy's sleeping, you don't want to wake him up, so why don't me and you get something to eat? Are you hungry?" I asked, talking to her like a baby.

"Yes!" she giggled.


I made some spaghetti, which was the easiest thing I could make.

I sat it on the table in front of Lila.
"Icky!" Lila said, pointing to the spaghetti.

"You haven't even tried it!"


"Here," I got some spaghetti on her fork, "Open your mouth, you won't know if you like it until you try it!"
That's what mom use to say when I wouldn't try something, man, I miss her.

She spit the food out in my face.

I wiped my face with a napkin, "Okay, maybe I'll just order some pizza instead."

She laughed, and I was frustrated, so I ordered some pizza, because she wouldn't eat the spaghetti.

After we ate, dad washed the dishes, I offered to, but he wouldn't let me.

"Dad, can I do that for you? Please, you're not well!"

"No, you cannot. Stop it Rachel, I can help myself," he said.

I walked away, hurt, because he was not well, and wouldn't let me help.


I was hanging out with Bridget and the others.

"Hey." I walked over to them.

"Oh, its you," Dianna said.

"Who did you expect?" I asked, knowing she had a problem with me.

"Angela, but, since you came, you can take that seat beside of Bridget," replied Dianna.

Dianna always sat with Georgie and Angela.

"Hello, girls!" Angela came.

Angela was the 'popular' girl that everyone wants to be friends with.
I honestly, I don't care that much, but she is my friend, she's pretty nice actually.

"Rachel? I haven't seen you around lately!" She said, and Dianna shook her head at me, not wanting me to talk to Angela.

"You should've noticed me, I come to soccer practice," I said.

"Sorry." She looked down.

"Well, Angela, did you get the new iPhone 5?" Dianna asked.

While Dianna, Georgie, Angela, and Bridget, got lost in their conversation that did not interest me whatsoever, I snuck away, we were supposed to hang out, but I left.
I was more concerned about my sick dad at home, very, concerned.


When the day was over, I went to bed, hoping for a better day tomorrow.
I couldn't get soccer practice of my mind, it was really important to me, it's something I really enjoy doing, and I hope I never have to give it up, I really love soccer.
I've also been trying my best, to stay strong for my dad, and make him proud.
Before I fell asleep, I prayed to Jesus.

"Dear Jesus,
Please let everything turn out okay wth my dad.
I really love him.
I am trusting You with All my Heart, Jesus.
I know You won't fail me, Jesus.
I have put my problems in Your Hands.
You have moved Mountains for me, Thank You!
In Jesus' Powerful Name, I pray, Amen."

And that's when I was confident that my dad was going to be alright, until the next day, that is...

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