Her own way

By KittiCat

2.1K 175 36

War. One act of violence tore families apart and sent royalty into hiding. Fleeing from the burning ruins of... More

Prologue {Re-Edited}
Chapter 1 {Re-Edited}
Chapter 2 {Re-Edited}
Chapter 3 {Re-Edited}
Chapter 4 {Edited}
Chapter 5 {Edited}
Chapter 6 {Edited}
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 part 1
Chapter 34 part 2

Chapter 14

45 3 1
By KittiCat

A pounding pain pierced Kate's head as she began to wake. Where this pain came from she didn't know, but it was hurting her head so much. Come to think of it, the pain was not just in her head, it radiated all over her body. Kate opened her eyes slightly, using as much energy as she could muster through the pain. All she could see was darkness so she let her eyes close and attempted to concentrate on the next thing: getting rid of this agonising pain. She tried to roll over and curl up in an attempt to ease it but several things stopped her. First was the pain itself, it grew with each movement making her groan out loud. Second was the fact her body was not moving like she wanted.

Kate wiggled her fingers and flexed her feet. She could feel them moving so she knew they were still there, so why couldn't she move them... Opening her eyes again she moved her head slightly to see her feet first. A small frown worked its way onto her face as she puzzled over why her feet were tied together and were attached to something she could not see, she certainly had not gone to sleep like that. It was not until she noticed that her hands were bound in a similar fashion that she started to panic. She began to twist and turn, hoping it would free her in some way but all she managed to do increase the pain she was feeling. Sighing loudly, Kate gave in to the fact she was going nowhere and started to examine her surroundings.

Though the room was dark, there was enough light for Kate to try and make out that the room she was in was bare, there was no furniture or any other items to identify the place. There was a window but it was too high for her to see anything beyond the faint light from the moon. Faint noises began to filter into the room, confusing Kate even more. She was having a hard time understanding exactly what was as happening to her and hearing unfamiliar voices only increased the confusion - just what exactly was going on here?!

As if on cue, two men staggered into the room. Kate instantly shut her eyes, feigning sleep. The footsteps got louder as the men approached Kate.

"Grab 'er feet. Ah'll get 'er hands." a gruff voice ordered before Kate felt rough hands lift her off the ground.

"Why'd we have to get the brat anyways?" the other man grumbled. Kate's curiosity incensed as she waited to hear more about what was happening to her. They started to move out of the room, but Kate didn't open her eyes, determined to keep the pretense that she was still asleep. 

"I dunno, just do as I'm told don't I."

"Me too, but that don't mean we know nothing." Both men seemed to halt in their tracks, making Kate open one eye to see what was happening. The men looked similar, they both had short hair and seemed to be quite tall although she couldn't really tell while being carried as she was. Keeping as still as possible in order to avoid detection, Kate glanced around. She was being carried through a series of unlit corridors, making it hard for her to know where she was or where she was going. 

"Look, let's just get the girl in the wagon and I'll tell you what I know." The first man said with a sigh.

Kate watched out of half open eyes as a door was opened by the man holding her feet, and they moved ever so slowly out of the building towards a horse drawn cart. She snapped her eyes shut tightly as they got closer to the cart and moments later she felt her body being dumped onto a hard surface. She could feel the ropes that kept her captive being tied elsewhere to prevent her escape should she wake. The men resumed their conversation as they walked to the front of the cart.


"The King wants 'er, that's why we had to grab 'er. Don't ask me why, he just does. Does that answer yer questions?" The first voice demanded, his voice still rough as if he did not use it often.

"Yes brother, I guess it does. But I still don't understand why everyone left us with the brat." The sound of flesh meeting flesh rang out in the night along with a short cry of pain. Kate fought not to chuckle at that. "Wotcha do that for?!" 

"Stupid boy," the first grumbled, before continuing in a louder voice. "You ask stupid questions that's why. They went to get supplies and clear the way fer us to get over the border. Now are you done with yer complaining?" Kate heard nothing so she assumed that the man nodded.

All of a sudden the cart began moving, giving Kate a bit of a fright. It was still hard for her to understand just why she had been taken from her home and family. What happened to her family? They were all together last night so something must have happened to them. Terror struck her and she began to struggle with her bonds, yanking at them trying to pull them away from whatever they were fixed to. 

"You here that?" One of the men asked. Kate froze, she hadn't realised her struggles were becoming louder and her breathing coming in loud pants.

"Girl must be awake," the other spoke quietly. "You climb over the back and check on 'er."

"What if she is awake?" The man sounded slightly worried. The first man gave a low growl of annoyance.

"Then knock 'er out, you idiot!"

Fear overtook Kate and she quickly lay down, in an attempt to appear asleep. She tried to calm her breathing as much as possible before the man reached her and pretend that she was still asleep. There was a thump as the man landed in the back of the wagon, the noise made Kate tense up. As he came closer, Kate’s panic became more apparent. She could sense the man reaching out to touch her, felt his hand in her hair. A small sound escaped from her lips, a whimper of fear.

The man grasped her hair tightly and yanked her face to his. He looked at her for what felt like forever until Kate couldn’t take it anymore and opened her eyes. The man let out a short barking laugh and ran his free hand over the side of her face.

“Nice of you to join us love,” he kept his voice low in a vague attempt to seem non-threatening. He couldn’t help the smirk that crossed his lips.

“W-w-w-w-what d-d-d-do you w-w-ant with me?” Kate’s voice trembled. Gone was the fearless girl, who was passionate about exploring the forests and all its dangers. Gone was the strong girl, who was able to face down her brothers when the need arose. In her place was a terrified teenager, cornered with no way out, and the most frightening thing of all was that she knew it.

“W-w-w-what do we want?” The man was taunting her. “I’ll tell you what we want lovie, we want you to be a good little girl and go to sleep.”

Kate looked at him, her eyes wide with fear. Sleep? What did he mean by that? There’s no way I can sleep! I want my mamma. She let out another whimper before she could stop it and begged to be released.

“P-p-p-please. I want to g-g-go home.” With that tears began to spill down her cheeks.

“Aww poor little lamb,” his voice still taunting her. “Well your home is now wherever we say it is, so shut yer face.” The man snarled and viciously backhanded her across the face, smashing her head onto the floor of the cart knocking her unconscious. The man smirked once more, his task complete for the moment. He gave a slight chuckle as he clambered back onto the front of the cart and sat next to his brother.

“Is it done?” his brother demanded. The man grinned at him.

“Out like a light.”

“Hahaha well done little brother, well done.” The man swelled with pride at his brothers praising words.

“What a way to welcome her to hell eh?”

“Certainly is brother. We meet the others at the edge of Earendel’s market, from there it’s a short journey over the border and we can drop the brat and take out cut of the bounty.” The two men laughed at the thought of the riches awaiting them for the delivery of this child. “Lets get it done now. Hey-ah!”

With that, the horses reared slightly and sped up along the forest trail winding through the darkness of the night. The cart jolted and bounced along the way, but Kate lay unknowing in the back tied and unconscious on the way to an unknown future.


A/N - sometimes it suprises me what I write, I wasn't expecting to come out with this thats for sure! Please feel free to comment etc, it would be appreciated!

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