Growing Up Blind (A Gravity F...

By KeithenHeathen

81.4K 2.4K 1.2K

Dipper is, quite simply, not a normal child. He was raised by a demon with the help of other demons. He has n... More

-1- Different From Them
-2- Mabel Pines
-3- The Meeting
-4- Isolation
-5- Denial
Protect The Humans
Side With Family
Protect The Humans (Ending)
Side With Family (Ending)
Little Author's Note
Another Author Note Pfft

-6- A Choice

5.8K 182 175
By KeithenHeathen

Dipper and Mabel eventually lay in the grass, giggling to themselves about the silly song they'd made up as a theme song, and Mabel claiming how she'd design their "superhero costumes". Dipper froze as he felt the presence of glowing yellow eyes burning into him. Oh no. Not now. Rose... He sat up, thinking hard. What could he do?! If Bill was mad... Mabel was in trouble. And that was very, very likely. So his first priority became his friend. His...first only human friend. As well as his last. He squeezed his eyes shut and teared up slightly at the decisions he had to make. What would Mabel think of him if she saw his family? Even she couldn't forgive him. Not for lying like this. Mabel had stopped laughing, sitting up and staring at Dipper. "Is...everything okay, Dipping Sauce?..." She smiled nervously. "Stomachache?" Dipper jumped, hesitating for a few seconds.



"... ...Do you trust me?" Dipper looked up, just one tear rolling down his cheek.

"Of course. Dipper? What's going on? Why are you crying?" Mabel's expression was growing more worried by the second, and Dipper said nothing, just placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Then...please. You have to I'm sorry. I-I didn't want this to happen--" Dipper's eyes went wide and he was cut short, falling forward into Mabel, who caught him and screamed when she noticed the burned spot of his shirt and the smoking mark in his back.

"UNCLE?!" She looked past Dipper, panicked tears falling from her eyes. It was indeed Stanford Pines, the one standing on the porch of the Shack, holding a smoking, abnormal-looking gun with a fierce glare. Mabel just couldn't comprehend this. "Wh...what....why..." Stanford threw the gun to one side and ran over to Mabel, separating her from the unmoving Dipper. She struggled away from his grip on her shoulders and stood in front of Dipper, her arms out wide. "A-are you-- are you insane?!" She was sobbing, terrified.

"Mabel. You have to listen to me right now, alright?" Stanford went down on one knee so that he was at eye level with Mabel. "That thing... It wasn't human. It was trying to trick you into who knows what." Mabel glared, shaking.

"You're lying! Dipper is nice. He's my friend! Why-- why did you hurt him?!"

"Mabel... Do you remember when I let you borrow some of my old journals? That wasn't just for fun and games. Those creatures are real. What befriended you was a demon. I can't tell which one it could be..." Stanford trailed off and Mabel's eyes went wide suddenly, falling to her knees in complete and utter shock. Cipher. Dipper....Cipher. Her thoughts spun. He was... Was he really....related to..that monster? The thing that should never be summoned, should never be trusted... Bill?

"Oh! Haha, would you hear that thought? The kid was spot on!" A synchronized, demonic voice sounded from behind Stanford. "Hey Sixer! How long's it been, 30 years?" It was none other than Bill Cipher, who had been watching the scene from the woods with Will and Rose (who were still back there under Bill's order). He was smiling his usual mischievous, unsettling smile, eyes glowing as yellow as his hair. "...Oh, and that happens to be my brother you just shot, buster. Bad idea." With just a few simple hand movements, Stanford had been lifted off of the ground and slammed through one of the supporting poles of the shack porch. Mabel screamed again, covering her mouth with her hands and backing away toward Dipper. Bill turned his glaring eyes at Mabel, only to find her trying to rouse the other young Cipher in sobs. Hating this feeling of pity, he turned his attention back to the man lying in a crumpled heap on the opposite side of the Shack, hovering over. "Wow, you got old! Haha, go glad I'm not human. I won't ever have to sport an ugly mug like this!" Bill laughed and kicked Stanford over onto his back, who wasn't in the best shape. His nose was bleeding and probably had a few ribs broken from the earlier impact. "Is that really all ya got, old man? Cmon, you were so much more...eager how many years ago!" The demon teased, Stanford twitching with a groan and shooting a glare up at Bill.

"Too eager, I think, for my own liking now. I'll never open my mind to you again!" Stanford sat up slightly and pointed accusingly at Bill. Bill, of course, just smirked.

"You don't have to agree for me to be able to get into your mind, Fordsy." He stopped hovering, walking over and placing one foot on Stanford's chest, who hissed in pain. He started to pull the man into the his own mindscape with him to forcefully possess his mind, only to be blocked by something. He tried again, with no success and pressed his foot harder into Stanford's chest in frustration. This time Stanford was the one smirking. He weakly lifted a hand to knock on the side of his head, a bit of a metal clang sounding.

"Who knew metal plates were the only key to keeping demons out of your head?... Oh, I should add that to a journal." He remarked smugly, probably not the best idea as Bill sent him hurtling into a tree. The yellow demon suddenly had an idea. Oh, and how evil it was!

"Oh, so boo hoo. I can't get into your head. ...I bet that girl of yours doesn't have any plates blocking me from her poor, innocent mind..." Bill was teasing again, a crazy smile spreading on his face. That somehow gave Stanford newfound strength to shakily stand, wiping blood from his face and using the tree to lean on.

"D-don't.... Don' dare...touch her." He glared defiantly, though his stature was pitiful.

"Oooh, I'm so scared! Look--" Bill suddenly teleported, to Mabel with both hands gripping her shoulders. Mabel's breath caught in her throat and she froze in utter terror. "I'm touching her." He laughed, ready to drag the young girl into the mindscape, when Dipper suddenly twitched, causing him to hesitate.

**Now, the decision is up to you, dear reader. Do you want Dipper to...

Side with his family?


Protect the humans?

Based on your choice, there are two paths in which you may take....

Coming Soon...**

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